Chapter 224 Split up

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 Li Jing looked at the middle-aged fisherman in front of him with suspicion.

Originally, he saw that this middle-aged man was extremely stable and had a beard on his mouth, so he seemed much more reliable than Lingzhuzi's hairless boy.

But why does he feel... a little hasty at this moment?

The fisherman touched his head and laughed: "Haha, I'm getting older, and I can't remember it as time goes by... That's very logical, isn't it?"

Can’t remember clearly? Why does it feel like it was made up right now... Li Jing murmured suspiciously in his heart and prepared to look in the direction pointed by the uncle.

"Ah?" Li Jing suddenly exclaimed and felt as if an arm was wrapped around his neck, and his whole body was suspended in the air.

It was the fisherman who stretched out his hand and lifted him up through his neck.

"Young man, be broad-minded and don't care about these details, you know?" the fisherman said with a smile.

Li Jing was hugged, but he felt that his body was full of resistance. He frowned and said hurriedly: "I know, I know, that... senior, can you let me go first?"

"Put you down? Okay!"

The fisherman smiled and let go of his arms, and Li Jing fell to the ground again. Before he could react, he landed. With a "click", Li Jing was shocked to find that the stone slab that was connected with his legs was torn apart.


But Li Jing still kept his kneeling posture with his legs bent.

"Uncle, this..." Li Jing looked at the fisherman in disbelief.

"A man has gold at his knees, and he only kneels down to the Lord of Heaven and Earth, and to his master, why don't you get up quickly?" The fisherman said with a smile.

Li Jing nodded quickly and tried hard to get up. After several attempts, his face turned pale and he looked at the fisherman in horror: "Senior, I...I can't stand up anymore."

Could it be that the blood vessels have been blocked from kneeling for too long and the muscles have atrophied... The fisherman raised his eyebrows and quickly squatted down to take a look.

Yuquan Mountain is rich in spiritual energy. Even an old man who is about to live for five years can prolong his life by kneeling here for five years. Although Li Jing has poor qualifications, his five years of spiritual energy are enough to wash hair, cut marrow, strengthen muscles and strengthen bones.

Although the root bones at this time are still poor, they are still on a higher level than they were five years ago.

At this time, the fisherman had squatted down, pinched Li Jing's legs, inspected them, and finally nodded gently.

"Senior, am... are my legs... useless?" Li Jing said nervously.

The fisherman glanced at him, then suddenly stared at Li Jing and took out a golden hairpin that was half exposed, and said with a smile: "That hairpin is pretty good, does it belong to the girl you like?"

Li Jing coughed dryly and nodded sheepishly: "Senior, to be fair, is it... eh?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw the middle-aged fisherman taking out the hairpin from his arms in a very ungrateful manner, then ran away with a big smile while carrying the fishing rod and basket.

"Hmm... My Chai, what are you doing, senior?" Li Jing was shocked.

The fisherman smiled and said: "There is no such thing as a pie in the sky, so just take this hairpin as a reward. If you want to take it away, you are poor... well, why not give it back to you?"

He said and walked slowly towards the distance.

"Senior, senior..." Li Jing said urgently. After realizing that he couldn't stop shouting, he gritted his teeth and stood up a little bit, stumbling forward. When he could walk, he staggered and ran forward.

But all he saw was the hairpin.

Seeing Li Jing running, the fisherman smiled softly, suddenly stopped and threw the hairpin in his hand towards Li Jing.

Li Jing continued and was suddenly stunned.

"Don't ask too much. Since you can leave, just stride forward and walk your way."

The fisherman turned around and waved away coolly: "If we are destined to meet each other in the future, we will meet each other. If we are not destined to meet, it is better not to see each other."

As he spoke, he walked more than ten miles in one step, and disappeared in front of Li Jing in a few steps.

"Senior..." Li Jing looked at that figure and murmured, his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

At this moment, he still didn’t know that he had met an expert again, but he didn’t know who this expert was...

Thinking of the other party's words, Li Jing clenched his hairpin tightly, turned around and strode towards the Feiyu Mountain Floating Light Cave that the other party mentioned. As he walked, he looked at the lush vegetation around him and felt relieved.

Gradually, he started to run, and he ran faster and faster...


At this time, there is a mountain behind, inside a cave.


With the sound of metal chains ringing, Jade Cauldron nailed two divine iron chains into the wall, and then looked at them.

As the one being looked at, Bi Fang was obedient, his body was trembling slightly, and his expression was as if he was not an ancient demon god, but a parrot.

This is definitely not something he is pretending, but he is really scared by this jade tripod.

No matter whether he was sealed at this moment, he just asked Yuding to finish it quickly and disappear from this cave.

"Fellow Taoist Yuding, is there anything else?"

Bi Fang was stared at so hard that he could only ask cautiously.

There is a kind of sadness in this world, even you feel sad yourself, and when he said this, Bifang felt such sadness in his heart.

As one of the majestic demon gods of ancient heaven, the god of disaster and war, how could he not frighten all living beings?

But I didn't expect that today he would be in this situation. It was really...

Yuding held his chin and looked at Bi Fang, then suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Bi Fang was startled, but before he could ask anything, Yuding suddenly raised his hand, and suddenly, the cave was filled with snow-white sword light.

The next moment, Bi Fang felt like he was flying up, and then he saw his body resting on the ground and his arms flying in the air.


Then with a few bangs and a few soft sounds, Bi Fang's arms fell to the ground, and his head fell into the hands of the jade tripod.

Bi Fang Yuanshen was so frightened that he lost his mind: "Fellow Taoist Yuding, as promised...does God have the virtue of a good life?"

"I'm sorry, Pindao suddenly changed his mind."

Yuding smiled softly and said: "But don't worry, Pindao will do what he says...and he will do it."

He originally thought about sealing Bifang here and leaving it to a certain Xiao Beibi, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was inappropriate.

After all, this Bifang is extraordinary. He is a Golden Immortal-level demon god. Once it is unsealed, its power will be too dangerous.

Without the prehistoric version of the Six Meridians Divine Sword, even he would have some trouble to deal with...

Therefore, the best way is to divide his spirit and body, his mana and spirit into six parts.

In addition, don’t look at the dismemberment, but a golden immortal-level existence will not die so easily.


Then, the Jade Cauldron summoned the Mountains and Rivers Map to put away the five parts of Bi Fang's body, and sealed only one part here...

At this time, after half a month, Li Jing ran three thousand miles and finally saw a mountain.

I saw a faint mist filling the mountain. The mountains are beautiful and the forest foothills are deep. Taking a breath is refreshing.

At that moment, he suppressed his excitement and searched for a long time in the mountains. He found a mountain road and walked for more than ten miles. Sure enough, he found a cave.

The stone door of the cave is tightly closed, the pines and cypresses at the entrance of the cave are evergreen, and the spiritual vines are entangled, showing that it is extraordinary and different from the world.

Li Jing looked around and saw a stone plaque on the cliff in front of the cave, about one foot high, with a line of six characters on it, which read "Feiyu Mountain Fuguang Cave!"

At that moment, Li Jing knew that he was not wrong, so he knelt down and said loudly: "Master Taixu, my disciple Li Jing has come to learn Taoism!"

This chapter has been completed!
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