Chapter 1918: Flower Honey Rat

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 There are too many impurities in the body of the honey rat, causing blood vessels to become congested during the transformation process.

If it goes on for a long time, the honey rat will explode and die due to the congestion of blood vessels.

The flower squirrel is not that fat. The current flower squirrel looks like a light yellow pom-pom because the body is bulging.

I want to accurately see the state of the spiritual object and diagnose what kind of spiritual materials are needed to purify the blood in the spirit object.

Even a four-star peak builder would find it difficult to achieve.

Continuous experiments are required before the spiritual material can be determined.

But Lin Yuan was able to see the situation clearly through the real data of Mobius' skills.

This is Lin Yuan’s advantage compared with traditional builders.

In fact, even if the Shenmu Federation really has an architect who can diagnose the problem of the honeysuckle.

There is no way to purify the blood of the honey squirrel.

Because there is only one kind of nectar in the world that Lin Yuan knows that can wash away impurities in the body.

That is my master Yuehou’s unique Yin Rui Jin Ze Honey.

It is not easy for the top forces in the Brilliant Federation to obtain Yinrui Jinze Honey from their master.

It is impossible for the Shenmu Federation to possess Silver Core Gold Zemi.

The long-haired woman who ran into the tree fort had been worried about the state of her spiritual being.

My attention has always been on my own spiritual creature.

Now I suddenly looked up and wanted to say hello to the owner of the tree fort.

But his eyes suddenly met with Lin Yuan's.

The woman's anxious mood was suddenly soothed by the lake-like eyes.

I almost want to indulge in this clear and gentle gaze.

The woman soon came back to her senses, and after realizing that she had lost her composure, she smiled sheepishly at Lin Yuan.

Then he said without any stage fright.

"We paid 300,000 deep Sanskrit coins to come in. The plaque in your tree fort says that we will undertake the work of cultivating any spiritual creature."

"I wonder if you can help me see how the little guy in my arms is doing!"

After saying that, the woman did not hand the honeysuckle in her arms to Lin Yuan.

Instead, we first appease the honey squirrel.

Then he handed the flower honey rat, which was no different from a ball, to Lin Yuan.

Under normal circumstances, bring spiritual objects to the creator for treatment.

The owner must inform the creator of the problems with his or her spiritual object.

This will make it easier for designers to make judgments.

The woman didn't say anything at the moment, not even the name of the flower squirrel.

Obviously I want to take a look inside this tree fort to see if anyone can figure out the problem with the Honey Rat.

If you can't even identify the problem of the flower honey rat, then naturally there is no way to treat the flower honey rat.

There are no fools here.

Lin Yuan, Liu Jie, and Ding Chengshuo all heard the woman's thoughts from her words.

As a four-star architect, Ding Chengshuo subconsciously wanted to make a diagnosis.

Although Lin Yuan has huge builder resources in his hands, these builder resources have obviously reached a five-star level.

But this does not mean that Lin Yuan has the ability to create a master.

Besides himself, there were Lin Yuan and Liu Jie in the tree fort.

Liu Jie is Lin Yuan's bodyguard, given his age, and he doesn't look like a high-star builder no matter how you look at it.

Ding Chengshuo recognized this hundred-flowered honey rat, or in other words, Ding Chengshuo recognized the woman's identity through this hundred-flowered honey rat.

In the entire Holy Wood City, the second young lady of the Yi family is probably the only one who can wear such luxurious clothes and contract with the Flower Honey Mouse.

The Yi family is not just an established noble in Shengmu City.

Among the seats in the Shenmu Royal Court, the Yi family occupies almost one-sixth.

It has a pivotal position in the Shenmu Federation.

The old head of the Yi family died in the war with the Hammer Federation.

The contemporary head of the Yi family, the young man, took office and preserved the glory of the Yi family.

The head of the Yi family loves his two daughters most, but he ignores his sons and allows them to develop on their own.

The second young lady of the Yi family, Yi Lingxi, appeared here. It seems that the eyes of the Yi family have also been fixed on this tree fort.

Obviously, Lin Yuan's game has just begun and he has gained something.

As long as the condition of the flower honey rat can be seen and the flower honey rat can be cured.

Then Lin Yuan can directly negotiate with the Yi family through Yi Lingxi.

Even if he is the city lord of Oak City, he can find many connections for Lin Yuan in Holy Wood City.

But such a long-established noble family as the Yi family is not someone he can get involved in.

As soon as he stepped forward to investigate, Ding Chengshuo's brows furrowed.

Ding Chengshuo was not sure why the flower squirrel was in this state.

Ding Chengshuo had several speculations in his mind.

Just to determine which guess is true, Ding Chengshuo must start injecting spiritual power into the body of the Baihua Honey Mouse.

Only then can we make the next judgment.

The Yi family has a four-star peak builder.

If the Yi family's four-star peak builder can cure the problem of the flower honey rat.

Why did Yi Lingxi come out and take Baihuamihu around to seek medical treatment?

Just when Ding Chengshuo felt it was a bit difficult to handle, he heard Lin Yuan speak.

"Your flower honey rat must have sucked the pollen of some rare plant-like spiritual creature recently and fell into this situation."

"Put the flower squirrel here with me and come and pick it up tomorrow. Maybe you will get an unexpected surprise."

When Yi Lingxi heard Lin Yuan's words, she showed a surprised expression on her face.

Half a month ago, the honey squirrel accidentally ate the pollen of a plant-like creature.

After that, he started to feel sick and his body kept swelling.

The young man in front of him suddenly saw the cause of the flower honey rat, and Yi Lingxi could not help but believe that Sky Creation was indeed capable of curing the flower honey rat.

It's just that Yi Lingxi didn't understand how Lin Yuan, at such a young age, could see the cause of the flower honey rat at a glance.

Even his second uncle, as a four-star peak builder, was not as quick as Lin Yuan to see clearly what was wrong with the Flower Honey Rat.

The two guards behind Yi Lingxi heard Lin Yuan's advice and suggested that the Baihua Honey Rat be left here.

One of the guards couldn't help but said.

"If our lady's honey rat is left here, one of the two of us needs to stay in the tree fort and watch you heal it!"


Before the guard could finish speaking, he was directly interrupted by Yi Lingxi.

"Ah Si, you don't need to say anything."

"I am willing to believe in the creation of the sky and leave the honey squirrel here tonight."

Speaking of this, Yi Lingxi raised her eyes again and looked at Lin Yuan.

This time when Yi Lingxi looked at Lin Yuan, he was no longer as embarrassed as before.

At this time, Yi Lingxi's eyes were full of decent elegance.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Yi Lingxi."

"I wonder what I call you, young master?"

Lin Yuan said directly.

"My surname is Chu."

This chapter has been completed!
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