Chapter 1928 The Secret of the Holy Wood Realm

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 After Lin Yuan took the basket containing Titan air moss to the spirit lock space, he first cultivated the flower honey rat.

I didn't pay attention to these Titan air moss seeds in the basket.

As a result, these titan air moss seeds came into contact with the pure spiritual energy in the spirit lock space, and all evolved.

Judging from the ratio of red and white titanium moss in the basket, it is basically a 50-50 ratio.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but sigh secretly.

It would be great if the ratio of Shouyuan rats and chipmunks could reach 50:50 when breeding squirrels yourself.

Lin Yuan has already reached an agreement with the middle-aged man from the Shu family.

It uses 30 square meters of ordinary Titan air moss and 10 square meters of red, white and green Titan air moss.

Replace half of the seed moss in the basket.

Later, Lin Yuan added 20 square meters of ordinary Titan air moss and 30 square meters of red, white, and green Titan air moss.

I hope to be able to replace all the Titan air moss in the basket to grow moss.

But the middle-aged man of the Shu family did not agree, saying that he would wait for the third master of the Shu family to make up his mind.

So half of the moss in this basket now belongs to the Shu family.

However, all the Titan air mosses in the basket have evolved.

It is impossible for Lin Yuan to return the Titan air moss in the basket to the Shu family.

Therefore, when the third master of the Shu family came to talk, Lin Yuan had to trade all these Titan air moss seeds from the third master of the Shu family.

At this moment, Lin Yuan saw the message Liu Jie just sent appeared on the paper he was thinking about.

After seeing the message from Liu Jie, Lin Yuan left the Soul Locking Space directly.

Now that the middle-aged man from the Shu family and the third master of the Shu family are already here.

Then I should come forward and have a good talk with the third master of the Shu family.

The Shu family needs Titan air moss in such a large amount, which shows that the Shu family wants to expand war preparation supplies.

In this case, if you extend an olive branch, the third master of the Shu family will be eager to take it.

I can’t say what my situation is in the Shenmu Federation, or that it’s the beginning of tearing open the gap in the Hailin Continent.

This conversation with the third master of the Shu family will begin.

Lin Yuan, who reappeared in the tree fort, left his room.

Head downstairs.

The third master of the Shu family has corrected his attitude since he guessed that Sky Creation has a five-star builder.

Let your attitude sink to the dust.

A family of four-star builders simply does not have the capital to act arrogantly in front of a five-star builder.

The glory of the Shu family not only relies on nearly a hundred years of operation, but also because the Shu family has two four-star peak architects.

As one of the leaders of the Shu family, Shu Han knows very well how much strength his family has.

Sky Creation has a five-star architect standing behind it.

Even if he is just a new five-star builder, his strength is bound to be stronger than that of the Shu family.

Therefore, even when he arrived at the Shenmu Royal Court, facing the relatives and nobles of the Yang family, he could put on a proud posture.

But in the tree fort created by the sky, it will definitely not be like this.

Just in case your attitude offends the five-star architect of Sky Creation.

Then Sky Creation will no longer cooperate with Shujia.

Wouldn’t he have become a sinner of the Shu family?

Before coming, Shu Han made extensive preparations.

But at this time, Shu Han's expression was unusually embarrassed.

Because Shu Han just recognized the wrong person.

Shu Han has seen too many young talents.

However, the temperament of the young talents he saw was undoubtedly much inferior to the young man in silver armor in front of him.

From the perspective of Shu Han, who was born into an established aristocracy, temperament is something more difficult to cultivate than strength.

The young man in silver armor in front of me has such a temperament. He must have been created by the sky. It will matter if he is pushed to the front by the five-star builder.

But unexpectedly, he just took the initiative to greet him and called "Mr. Chu".

Just listen to the young man in silver armor frown and say.

"My young master is still up there. I have already received the news of your arrival, my young master."

"You can wait here quietly for a while."

Shu Han never thought that a young man with such magnanimity would actually be a servant.

How outstanding is this young man who was pushed to the forefront by the five-star architect!

Not only Shu Han felt embarrassed, Shu Wenliang, who came with Shu Han, was also very embarrassed.

After Shu Wenliang met Liu Jie, he wanted to remind Shu Han.

As a result, Shu Han immediately stepped forward and called someone.

I want to remind myself but I don’t have the right opportunity.

Without giving Shu Han and Shu Wenliang much awkward time, Lin Yuan had already walked downstairs.

When Shu Han saw the young man walking down the stairs, he was immediately sure that this young man must be Mr. Chu.

Because even a five-star builder cannot easily find a young man with such magnanimity.

Before Shu Han could take the initiative to say hello, he heard the young man's cheerful voice ringing in his ears.

"You must be the third master of the Shu family!"

"I'm waiting for you to come and discuss the deal with me about growing Titan air moss!"

After hearing Lin Yuan's words, Shu Han's expression froze.

It was clear that the person standing in front of him speaking was a young man.

But every word this young man said had a meaning.

The young man said that he was waiting for him, which meant that this young man was determined to get the Titan air moss in the basket.

The emphasis on growing moss from Titan air moss shows that growing moss from Titan air moss is quite important to this young man.

Even if I don’t want to trade a whole basket of Titan air moss to grow moss.

The young man's words were like sealing his own mouth.

However, Shu Han has already determined that Sky Creation has a five-star architect.

Therefore, Shu Han could only be weak and not strong in front of Lin Yuan.

Shu Han is a person who knows current affairs very well and has already thought about what he should do.

Only then can we gain the favor created by the sky.

Otherwise, there would be no need for Shu Han to make preparations before coming.

Shu Han took out a pair of storage walnuts. When the two pairs of storage walnuts collided, a rattan basket appeared at Shu Han's feet.

Shu Han said to Lin Yuan in a very serious tone.

"Mr. Chu, in this frame are the remaining four-fifths of the Titan air moss."

"You said before that one-fifth of the Titan air moss planted can be exchanged for fifty square meters of ordinary Titan air moss and forty square meters of three-color Titan air moss."

"If you don't mind it, I can give you the remaining Titan air moss."

"I hope you can provide our Shu family with another 150 square meters of Titan air moss seed moss and 100 square meters of three-color Titan air moss."

"According to the proportion of exchange, the remaining Titan air moss planting is our Shu family's intention to create the sky."

Lin Yuan has long known that the major forces in Holy Wood City are eager for the resources of five-star builders.

Unexpectedly, Shu Han, the third master of the Shu family, guessed that Sky Creation had a five-star builder.

He is actually willing to hand over all the plant-like spiritual objects with the blood of the sacred tree to himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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