Chapter 2340: Do you want such good luck for you?

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 Instead of looking for the seedlings of the Great Source Fruit, you instead invade another world!?

Putting aside immediate benefits to pursue long-term benefits is not in line with Xie Yuan's pursuit.

And can we really get enough benefits by turning around and invading another world?

There are also powerful people in other worlds who are comparable to myself and others, and the number is not yet certain.

Under such circumstances, invading another world is inherently accompanied by certain dangers.

Now I have lost the bet with Wanyuan and am already sitting in the last position.

Let's go to another world to conquer together, and when we divide the benefits, we will definitely be the last ones.

Xie Yuan has already set his short-term goals.

First, Xie Yuan must deepen the relationship with Wan Yuan in exchange for enough source power.

Then use these source powers to increase your strength as quickly as possible, and strengthen yourself by launching a war against the people from the source.

Under this circumstance, Xie Yuan is not willing to join this cooperation.

Xie Yuan looked around and felt that there must be more than one person who had the same idea as him.

After all, everyone has been fighting openly and secretly for so many years, and they all have their own little ideas, so it is impossible to truly unite the front.

I'm not sure about the source of other evil, but in the current state of Luyuan, I'm sure he's not willing to join this cooperation.

Because as long as Luyuan joins this cooperation, most likely, Luyuan will be the pawn!

Xie Yuan said in a meaningful tone.

"Hengyuan, although I sit at the bottom, my strength is not much weaker than yours even without the book!"

"And it is definitely much stronger than Luyuan and Lingyuan!"

"I propose that they send their men to conquer the other world first and find out about the situation in the other world!"

As soon as Xie Yuan said these words, Lu Yuan and Ling Yuan's expressions suddenly darkened.

Hengyuan was keenly aware of this and was about to open his mouth to mediate when he heard Chi Yuan continue what Xie Yuan said.

"I agree with this proposal. Lingyuan and Luyuan will send people to explore the other world first."

"Then after passing the first-hand information back, we will decide what to do!"

"After all, we don't know anything about the creatures in other worlds now."

"If there are really no useful resources for us in the other world, or the strength is too strong."

"We might as well turn our offense into defense and resist!"

After hearing Chi Yuan's words, Xie Yuan showed an expression of satisfaction on his face, then stopped talking and prepared to wait and see what would happen.

Xie Yuan knew that Chi Yuan was the most stubborn among the seven others, and the least willing to take risks.

So I proposed to let the weakest Lingyuan and Luyuan be the pawns, and Chiyuan would definitely agree!

Xie Yuan's words had already made Lu Yuan and Ling Yuan feel very uncomfortable, but now they heard Chi Yuan's words and immediately expressed their stance.

"If Lingyuan and I are asked to send people to explore another world first, wouldn't it mean that our two men are treated as cannon fodder? Can you bear our losses?"

"That's right! If this is what you call a cooperative attitude, I will immediately withdraw from this cooperation and go look for Dayuanguo seedlings!"

Luyuan and Lingyuan have formed an alliance when they both faced the loss of their interests, and decided to advance and retreat together.

The words of Lingyuan and Luyuan made the expression on Chiyuan's face look more calculating.

Chi Yuan is indeed very stubborn, but if he just sends a few subordinates without risking his own life, Chi Yuan doesn't really care.

For the reincarnation realm master, the apostles can recruit as many levels as they want.

Just fill it in after it dies!

Chiyuan would agree to let Luyuan and Lingyuan send people as the vanguard to explore the other world, and even thought of inducing Lingyuan and Luyuan to lead the team to go together step by step.

It's because Chiyuan himself, Lingyuan, and Luyuan all joined the alliance with Wanyuan.

If the two of them leave, as the only remaining giant in the alliance, I can take the opportunity to deepen my relationship with Wan Yuan.

Even exchange for some more supplies.

However, his plan ran aground before it was implemented, which made Chi Yuan very unhappy.

Fujiyuan, who was sitting on the second seat, looked at the tense situation that the few people were getting into at the beginning, and a scowl appeared on his face.

Then he looked at Hengyuan with dissatisfaction.

Fujiyuan had long known that if everyone acted together, they would collapse from within due to the uneven division of interests.

There were already so many conflicts before the alliance was formed, and after the alliance was formed, the contradictions will only be much more than they are now!

If there is no way to solve it, it is better for everyone to deal with their own problems.

The news about Dayuanguo seedlings is not only known to the seven of them.

What if some lucky person gets the better of you when you and others gather here, will you, Hengyuan, be responsible for the loss?

In Teng Yuan's eyes, Hengyuan is strong but has always been a good guy without courage.

If Xie Yuan dared to contradict him all the time, he would have taken action against Xie Yuan long ago!

Hengyuan has not expressed its stance since Chiyuan spoke out.

Now seeing that the situation has turned into this, Hengyuan suddenly burst out with a powerful aura.

This momentum made Teng Yuan, who was sitting in the second seat, secretly surprised.

After carefully feeling the aura on Hengyuan's body, Teng Yuan asked in disbelief.

"Your strength has actually taken a step further!"

The expressions on the other five people's faces were similar to that of Teng Yuan, except that in addition to shock, there was also obvious fear on Xie Yuan's face.

It's like they are afraid that Hengyuan will cause trouble for him after his strength improves.

Hengyuan turned his head and looked directly at Teng Yuan, and said in a calm tone.

"My strength has improved, but it's not a step forward."

"I still haven't been able to step out of the shackles of reincarnation. If you need it later, you can come to me."

"Although I can't give you source power, I can share with you my breakthrough experience!"

"I think these insights should be useful to you!"

Hengyuan’s words made Teng Yuan’s heart skip a beat.

Although the experience is not as practical as the source power, the experience may be more useful to you than the pure source power!

After Hengyuan finished speaking to Teng Yuan, he turned to the others with a majestic look and said.

"Since I have chosen to preside over matters here, I hope you can listen to my opinions!"

"I can guarantee you that the spoils of war will be distributed according to work!"

"I won't let you suffer any loss!"

"Before we explore the other world in reverse, we must first clear away all the relics of the other world in our world!"

"Look at how those guys from another world entered our world!"

Because Hengyuan's strength has taken a step further, even Xie Yuan, who has always been the most dissatisfied with Hengyuan, did not choose to speak out against it.

This chapter has been completed!
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