Chapter 2454 Exclusive Characteristics: [Truthful Learning]

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 Chapter 2459: Wrongfully Accused!?

Lian Shen's words were filled with anger and full of domineering flavor.

The sharp-edged Lian Shen at this moment is very familiar to all the ministers of the Free Federation. This is the true appearance of Lian Shen!

Completely different from the cowering Mercy God before.

At this time, Lian Shen's reaction made even the Mirror God and Yu Shen, who had doubts about Lian Shen, couldn't help but re-examine Lian Shen.

Could it be that Lian Shen’s previous lack of response was really because he made concessions for the sake of the Free Federation at a critical moment?

If this is the case, then the two of them have wrongly blamed Lian Shen before.

What Lian Shen did at this time was because he had a backer, and he vented unscrupulously.

But I didn't expect that my actions would make the Mirror God and the Fool God no longer doubt me.

In this case, Lian Shen decided to stay here for a while longer.

With the personalities of the Foolish God and the Mirror God, they will definitely communicate with themselves.

When the God of Fools and the God of Mirrors come to communicate with him, the more aggrieved and angry the God of Pity becomes, the more benefits he can get from the God of Fools and the God of Mirrors.

The Free Federation now has a formidable enemy in the swamp world. The Foolish God and the Mirror God need to rely on their own strength, and they will continue to accommodate themselves to a certain extent.

In addition to gathering a set of information about the Foolish God and the Mirror God, Lian Shen also wanted to take this opportunity to explore the bottom of the Tower Code.

Ta Dian has been acting too mysterious recently, and Ba Ye is the master of the upper levels of Ta Dian.

But now the eight pages are changed frequently, as if there is a pair of invisible hands behind the back controlling the pagoda.

I even felt that something was wrong with the situation in the Tower Code, and I think the Mirror God and the Foolish God must have noticed it as well.

Based on the thoughts of the Mirror God and the Foolish God, this matter must have become a thorn in their hearts.

In this case, I might as well use the conflict with Tadian to help the Mirror God and the Foolish God pull out the thorns in their hearts.

Lian Shen is not afraid of touching the bottom line of Tadian and making Tadian jump over the wall and stop helping the Free Federation.

Anyway, after I left with the two divine fire experts from the Glory Federation, everything in the Free Federation would no longer have anything to do with me.

Thinking of this pitiful gaze looking directly at Li Ciliu, who has the least sense of existence.

"Why do you change the six pages of your pagoda so frequently?"

"The Six Pages of Flagellation and the Second Page of Fuxing went to the Federation of Glory, hoping to take advantage of the Glory Hundred Sons sequence assessment to open the Cup of the Black Mass."

"You also specifically contacted Li Xuan for this purpose, hoping that Li Xuan could lead people to the assessment venue of the Huiyao Baizi Sequence."

"Learn more about the glorious star network."

"As a result, not only did the second page of revival not appear, but the six pages of lashing were directly replaced by the six pages of reverse life."

"How come Nisheng Liuye was changed not long ago, and became Li Ci Liuye again?"

"Do you know who selected the candidates for the eight pages of your pagoda?"

"There is a cooperative relationship between the Free Federation and Tadian. In order to ensure better cooperation between everyone, I think you should give the Free Federation an explanation!"

When Lishen spoke, he observed the face of the Mirror God, Yushen, and the faces of other members of the Tadian.

Mirror God and Yu God had a look of inquiry on their faces as they looked at Li Ci Liuye.

It means that the Mirror God and the Foolish God also want to know the answer.

If the Mirror God and the Foolish God don't want to ask this matter themselves, they are afraid of affecting their relationship with the Tower Code.

You will reject yourself as early as you ask.

Except for Li Qi Liuye, the expressions on the faces of the other members who came were very unnatural.

This shows that the other members of the Tower Code do not know what is going on.

If this is the case, then things will be interesting.

In fact, what Lian Shen wants to ask is what is the meaning of the plan to resurrect the Tadian Sleeper.

If I directly ask someone who doesn't use the pagoda to reject me, the Mirror God and the Foolish God will stop me.

After all, the resurrection of the sleeper is the centenary plan of Padian and the core issue of Padian in the past hundred years.

So before that, Lian Shen planned to ask some appetizers and gradually lead the topic to the resurrection of the sleeper.

As a result, a side dish led to internal problems in the pagoda.

Lian Shen is going to pause and speak first.

I erected the bridge to the people of Tadian. If I really have doubts in my heart, then the other four members of Tadian can take this opportunity to ask them their doubts.

What Lian Shen didn't know was that conflicts within the tower had already arisen on the way to the Free Federation.

It’s just that the topic could not be continued at that time.

Now that the war was brought up again, Qiye could no longer suppress the doubts in his heart, and pointed the finger at Li Ci Liuye.

On the seventh page of the war, I clearly remember how Li Ci changed the topic before the sixth page.

Li Ci Liuye said, "It was Crimson Page who chose me. I have officially taken over the sixth tower. Why do I need to introduce myself?"

"As time goes by, everyone gets to know each other better and naturally knows how to get along with each other."

"If you have any doubts about my identity, just ask Crimson Page!"

The way to solve the problem is to use Crimson Page to suppress everyone.

The strength shown by Crimson Page is indeed powerful, and he is the person who is targeted the most by Crimson Page.

But the power of Crimson Page cannot prove the origin of Crimson Page.

Destiny Page is considered a veteran figure in the Tower Code, and is in charge of affairs inside and outside the Tower Code.

Whenever there is a conflict between myself and Fuxing Eryou, Destiny Yipei will always smooth things over.

The pagoda at that time made Zhan Qiye feel that he was the real master.

The Destiny One Page was killed by Zi Qing, the grand master of the Tianjuan Villa. Before everyone could hold an Eight Page meeting on the matter, the Crimson One Page suddenly appeared.

No one except Fuxing 2 Pages seemed to know Crimson Page at that time. This situation is not normal no matter how you think about it.

Since then, the pagoda has changed.

No one has figured out the origin of the Crimson Page. At that time, Li Qiu was able to use the Crimson Page to stop the topic because everyone was going to the Free Federation, and the focus was on how to get more benefits from the Free Federation.

Now that a contract has been signed with the Free Federation, the matter has been brought up again.

Even if the Crimson Page is mentioned again, there is no way to suppress the topic.

"Six pages from the assassination, the four of us want to know the answer. Now you only have two choices."

"Either tell us how Crimson Page chose you, or we'll leave you here."

"You will bring Crimson Page here. If we have anything to say, we have to ask Crimson Page face to face."

"Crimson One Page has not attended the recent eight-page meetings. It's really strange that he can still elect you in without even attending the eight-page meetings!"

War Seven Pages never likes to be passive when doing things, and likes to be clear about everything.

After hearing the words of seven pages of war, three pages of eternal sin, four pages of annihilation, and eight pages of apoptosis, they all frowned at the same time.

The question asked by the Seven Pages of War was exactly what I and others wanted to ask, but the artillery fire on the Seven Pages of War was too fierce.

This chapter has been completed!
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