Chapter 151 Military Training Three

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 After hearing what Luo Beichen said, the students didn't take it seriously. It was just running a circle. It's not like they had never run before.

But what Luo Beichen said next made their faces turn green.

"Then simply do ten laps first. As for those who are late, just do fifteen laps. If you came later than most of the classmates, you should have eaten more, so you should run a few more laps.

, this way the digestion will be more thorough."

After hearing Luo Beichen's words, the students below suddenly burst into mourning.

"Instructor, running like this will kill someone."

"That's right, instructor, I can only run one lap if I run to death."

One lap of Southeast University's playground is 800 meters, and ten laps is 8,000 meters. For them, this number is simply astronomical.

Luo Beichen didn't pay attention to the students' wails.

"Your instructor has made it clear to you about the requirements for military training before, and I don't want to mention it any more. Now I'll give you two choices, either run or quit. You choose."

After hearing Luo Beichen's words, classmates, you looked at me and I looked at you, and there was no sound for a while.

It is definitely impossible to quit. If you really quit, you will not only lose the credits but may also be asked to quit. But if you run, it will be even harder. If you run according to Luo Beichen's request, half of your life will probably be lost.

Just when the students were in a dilemma, a boy in the crowd stood up.

"Run, do you want to quit? I finally got into Southeast University and I don't want to leave in such a dejected state."

As he said this, the boy started running.

Seeing someone taking the lead, the rest of the students didn't want to run but they all had a herd mentality. As students followed one by one, soon the whole class was on the track.

Seeing this, Luo Beichen smiled and followed.

A distance of eight thousand meters is nothing to those who train regularly, but for these students it is a very difficult task to complete.

After only two laps, most students have slowed down a bit, especially some girls, who have begun to fall behind.

But because Luo Beichen was following behind, these students did not stop even if they were laggards.

At this time, Luo Beichen was also constantly running around in the team, either leading or teaching some breathing techniques.

With Luo Beichen's help, the situation of falling behind has improved a little.

But this is only temporary, after all, everyone’s physical strength is different.

By the time they reached the fifth lap, most of the female students could no longer run.

Despite this, Luo Beichen did not let them stop.

At this point, some of those with poor physical strength were close to their physical limits. At this time, every extra minute of persistence was a minute of improvement. Therefore, even if they couldn't run, Luo Beichen kept following behind and forcing them to move forward.
Faced with Luo Beichen's coercion, some girls with fragile psychology even burst into tears, but Luo Beichen didn't even look at it, but just urged her from behind.

At this time, these students finally realized how outrageous their evaluation of Luo Beichen was in the morning, and this was still a low standard.

You see, no one in other classes trains like this right from the start.

Faced with Luo Beichen's unkind persecution, some students also inspired their potential.

Especially the boy who took the lead at the beginning.

I also paid some attention to this boy Luo Beichen. He was at the front at the beginning, and now after five laps he is still at the front.

And it looks like he hasn’t reached his limit yet.

Seeing this, Luo Beichen sped up and ran to the boy's side.

"Not bad, have you practiced before?" Hearing Luo Beichen's voice, the boy turned his head and glanced at Luo Beichen.

"I haven't practiced yet. I just like running. I used to run every day." The boy panted heavily, but his steps were steady.

"That's good. I like people like you. Follow me. The distance should not exceed five meters. After five meters, you will add one circle for every additional meter. If you can close the distance to less than five meters, you can

There’s no need to run.” Then the boy couldn’t speak, so Luo Beichen ran in front of him.

At this time, the boy's face suddenly turned bitter.

He wanted to give himself a slap in the face. What did you say you were doing? It’s fine now. You’re being targeted.

However, he did not dare to refute what Luo Beichen said, so he had no choice but to follow him desperately.

Looking at the boy following him, Luo Beichen smiled and then sped up.

Luo Beichen kept changing his rhythm, going fast sometimes slowly, and occasionally accelerating suddenly, which tormented the boys behind him.

In long-distance running, especially when you are close to your physical limit, rhythm is very important, but because you have to keep up with Luo Beichen, boys can't find their own rhythm at all and can only be forced to follow Luo Beichen.

In this case, his physical strength was quickly exhausted to the limit.

Feeling the boy behind him gradually breathing heavily, Luo Beichen slowed down, and then taught the stragglers who were trapped. When he felt that the boy behind him had recovered a little strength, he repeated the previous actions, Luo Beichen always

The distance between the two sides was kept at five meters, and the boy tried to speed up several times but failed.

As time goes by, most of the students still start to run for a while, walk for a while, and then stop for a while. Now the only one who can continue running is the boy at the beginning.

However, at this time, his physical strength has reached its limit, and his steps are getting slower and slower.

But even though he had no energy left, he still followed Luo Beichen closely.

To be honest, Luo Beichen didn't expect this kid to be so tenacious. The way he played just now might be too much for an ordinary soldier, let alone a student.

At this time, Luo Beichen also became interested in this boy.

Soon, under the leadership of Luo Beichen, ten laps were completed.

When he reached the finish line, the boy couldn't control himself and fell to the ground.

In fact, during the last lap, the boy's eyes began to blur. Being able to persist was entirely dependent on his own will, but fortunately he persisted.

Luo Beichen stepped forward and lifted the boy up. We couldn't just let him lie on the ground at this time.

"Good boy, what's your name?" Luo Beichen asked as he supported the boy and walked slowly.

"My name is Leng, Leng Feng." The boy answered with difficulty.

"Leng Feng, okay, I remember this name." Luo Beichen smiled and patted Leng Feng on the shoulder.

After Leng Feng's physical strength recovered, Luo Beichen put him down and returned to the track to take care of the students who had not finished running.

Whether it is out of fear of being persuaded to quit or out of their own arrogance, these students are still persisting even if they reach their limit at this time, even those girls who are not favored by Luo Beichen.

Looking at this scene, Luo Beichen recognized the decision of his superiors for the first time. Maybe the physical fitness of these students is not very good, but their plasticity is still no problem.

This chapter has been completed!
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