Chapter 216 Entering Yuanshan Town

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 What's even worse is that one of the armed men is heading towards his location.

If this continues, even if Deng Zhenhua disguises himself well and the other party cannot detect him, there is no guarantee that the armed man will not step on him during the search.

At this time, Deng Zhenhua had quietly taken out the dagger and held it in his hand. He had decided that he had no choice but to kill the person.

Deng Zhenhua stared closely at the armed men who were slowly approaching, and his hand holding the knife tightened unconsciously.

As the distance between the two parties continued to get closer, Deng Zhenhua's muscles began to tighten.

But just before Deng Zhenhua was about to take action, there was a sudden sound in the grass in the distance.

The moment the sound came, the militants who were walking towards Deng Zhenhua immediately turned around and ran quickly towards the location where the sound came from.

When the militant went away, Deng Zhenhua breathed a sigh of relief, put away the dagger and quietly retreated.

On the other side, when the militant came to the position where the voice came from, the situation in front of him made him sigh in relief and cursed at the same time.

"Damn it, just wait and see for a while with me."

He saw a hare lying on the ground next to a tree in front of him, twitching and looking like it might not survive.

The armed men stepped forward, picked up the hare, and observed it. After finding no problems, they took out the walkie-talkie.

"It was a rabbit. It was probably frightened by the wild boar. It panicked and hit the tree and died."

After hearing the report, the other two people also stopped searching and returned to their positions. For them, as long as no one was intruding, it would be fine.

On the other side, after going round and round, Deng Zhenhua finally reunited with Shi Dafan.

At this time, the two of them were leaning behind a small slope, gasping for air.

"Damn ostrich, I'll save you again!" Shi Dafan hit Deng Zhenhua with his arm.

The rabbit that was killed was Shi Dafan's masterpiece, and it was also luck. After he ran out of the encirclement, he found a bush to hide, and there happened to be a hare in the bush, so he caught it smoothly.

When he saw that Deng Zhenhua was about to be exposed, Shi Dafan quickly threw the hare out. His original intention was to use the rabbit to make some noise. Who would have thought that the rabbit might have fallen confused when it landed and ran away?

When I was walking, I actually bumped into a tree, which led to the scene just now.

"Thank you, hygienist." Deng Zhenhua didn't speak harshly this time. It was his mistake first, and secondly, Shi Dafan did save him.

If he had really taken action at that time, the operation would have probably failed because of him. Let alone any punishment at that time, he would not have the face to face Luo Beichen anyway.

Shi Dafan was somewhat surprised by Deng Zhenhua's thank you. After all, the word "thank you" is rarely heard from Deng Zhenhua's mouth.

"Let's go quickly. After such a long delay, I guess the captain and the others will have to arrive at the meeting point." Deng Zhenhua said.

Then the two set off again.

Compared with Deng Zhenhua and others, Luo Beichen and Xiaozhuang did not have any problems.

Needless to say, Luo Beichen knew that the whistles hidden around cheating players were completely invisible to him.

Although Xiaozhuang doesn't have much experience, he has a very keen sense of danger. Coupled with the presence of Lao Pao, an eight-year veteran scout, there were no dangers along the way.

Three groups lurked into Yuanshan Town one after another.

Yuanshan Town is said to be a town, but it was actually a small village at the beginning. However, because it is located in a border area with a large flow of people, more and more people gathered here and gradually formed a large scale.

Moreover, since the Ma family started to get involved in the drug business, they have begun to assimilate the aboriginal people here. They must choose to join them or move away. If they neither join them nor want to move away, the Ma family will send people to bury them in the mountains outside for free.


In addition, Yuanshan Town is also a gathering place for people from various religions and professions.

Because the Ma family built Yuanshan Town like an iron barrel, it was difficult for the police to reach in. Therefore, some desperate criminals, including overseas smugglers and even criminals from neighboring countries, fled here.

Ma Shichang did not choose to expel these people, but was very happy to take them in.

He took all these people under his control, and then asked them to go outside to abduct or kidnap some tourists and students to help him transport drugs.

These people are inherently vicious people who often use unscrupulous means to do things and have caused many bad incidents, but they have always escaped justice because of the Ma family.

As the saying goes, if God wants to destroy him, he must first make him crazy. Ma Shichang's various actions have completely cut off his own way of survival.

After coming out of the forest, he once again avoided several patrol officers, Luo Beichen and Geng Jihui, and entered Yuanshan Town.

The streets were quiet at this time, with no other people except for the occasional patrol.

Luo Beichen looked at the map and slowly approached the location of the Ma family ancestral hall.

The reason why the gathering place is set at the Ma Family Ancestral Hall is because the Ma Family Ancestral Hall is very close to the Ma Family Manor, and the Ma Family Ancestral Hall is also one of the few commanding heights close to the Ma Family Ancestral Hall.

Luo Beichen and Geng Jihui alternately covered the streets and quickly walked through the streets.

After walking through several streets, just as the two were about to approach the Ma family ancestral hall, Luo Beichen suddenly pulled Geng Jihui back at an intersection.

"How come?" Geng Jihui looked around cautiously and then asked.

Luo Beichen did not speak, but pointed to the roof on one side of the intersection.

Geng Jihui quietly poked his head out and took a quick glance, then quickly pulled his head back.

He discovered that there was a camera hanging at the corner of this intersection.

This is not the era when the Sky Eye system of later generations covers the whole country. At this time, surveillance cameras can be said to be very scarce.

Although it has begun to become popular, except for official installations, individuals rarely install this stuff.

It's not like in later generations, there are cameras all over the street, even at the door of your home and in your bedroom. If allowed, they may be installed in the toilet for you. Of course, there are also cameras installed secretly, ahem.

And such a rare thing nowadays actually appeared here. If Luo Beichen hadn't discovered it in advance, they would have been exposed.

"What should I do?" Geng Jihui pressed his body tightly against the wall behind him, for fear of being photographed.

Because patrol officers appear from time to time, they cannot stay here forever.

"Leave it to me." Luo Beichen smiled, then picked up a stone from the ground, bumped it in his hand to estimate the weight, then stretched out his hand and shot the stone out.


With a slight impact sound, the camera was rotated at a certain angle by the force of the impact.

Luo Beichen stuck out his head and took a look, then called Geng Jihui, "Let's go!"

This chapter has been completed!
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