Chapter 90 Mission Completed

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 Looking at Luo Beichen leaving, Xiaozhuang scratched his head in confusion, and then stopped thinking about it.

After fooling Xiaozhuang, Luo Beichen came to Lao Pao's side.

"How is it?" Luo Beichen looked at the bomb tied to the girl's body and asked.

"It's a bit complicated. The bomb is tied to the girl and cannot be removed. Because of the device, it explodes as soon as it is removed, so it can only be removed. But there are too many wires in it, and I am not sure which one is the one." Lao Pao said.

Open your mouth and say.

Looking at the dozen or so threads in front of him, Luo Beichen was a little confused. Although he had a lot of fused genes, he was not very good at defusing bombs. Just when Luo Beichen was about to use the remaining energy points, an idea suddenly came to him.

Come up.

"Will the bomb stop if only one of these wires is cut? If the wrong wire is cut, will it explode?" Luo Beichen asked quickly.

"That's right." Although Luo Beichen didn't know why he asked this, Lao Pao still gave the answer.

"That'll be easy." Luo Beichen suddenly became happy.

"Do you have any idea?" Looking at the excited Luo Beichen, Lao Pao asked.

"You forgot, I am very sensitive to danger. If cutting a certain wire will explode, I should be able to sense it." Luo Beichen said.

After hearing Luo Beichen's words, Lao Pao's eyes lit up, but he was still a little worried. After all, there were so many people inside, and he was not sure whether Luo Beichen's perception was accurate.

"Are you sure you can do it?" Lao Pao asked uncertainly.

"Try it first. I'll find the non-dangerous one first, and then you can investigate. This will save you the trouble and won't take too long. I'll be quick." Luo Beichen snatched it from the old gunner's hand.

pliers, and then place it on one of the wires.

Then Luo Beichen's hand was ready to cut off, but at this moment, the spider sense started to warn. Seeing this, Luo Beichen's eyes suddenly lit up, there is a way!

Luo Beichen then quickly moved to the next line and continued to warn.

Soon Luo Beichen tried more than a dozen threads one by one, and in the end there was only one blue thread. When Luo Beichen was about to cut it, the spider sensor did not warn him.

"That's it." Luo Beichen handed the pliers to Lao Pao, then pointed at the blue thread and said.

Looking at the blue thread, the old cannon hesitated.

"Don't worry, you can check again. There is still time, but it should be no problem to cut this blue thread."

Luo Beichen looked at the time on the bomb, and there was still a little more than a minute.

After listening to Luo Beichen's words, Lao Pao nodded and continued to study.

Seeing that he had nothing to do, Luo Beichen simply sat aside and watched Xiaozhuang's performance. As for why he didn't join in, he was joking. How could Luo Beichen participate in such a childish performance? It's funny.

A few seconds later.

Luo Beichen: "On the other side of the mountain, on the other side of the sea, there are a group of rookies, ready to sing!"

"On the other side of the mountain, on the other side of the sea, there are a group of little rookies. They..."

Time passed by minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye, the countdown was already less than thirty seconds.

At this time, Lao Pao's face was covered with sweat.

After his investigation, he also found a line that he felt was safe, a red line.

Now he is debating whether to cut the blue one or the red one.

With only ten seconds left, Lao Pao chose to believe in himself and put the scissors on the red line.

But just when he was about to cut it, he suddenly looked up and glanced at his comrades who were making the little girl happy. At the last second, the old cannon moved the scissors to the blue line and cut it. He finally chose to believe in his captain.<


After finishing the cutting, Lao Pao closed his eyes. Now life or death depends entirely on God's will.

After a long time, the imagined explosion did not happen. Lao Pao slowly opened his eyes and looked at the time bomb that stayed in front of him at the last second. Lao Pao was relieved and a little scared at the same time. Fortunately, he finally chose to believe Luo Pao.

Beichen, otherwise they would have been reimbursed here today.

Then Lao Pao laughed happily, which is the smile of the rest of his life after the festival.

Everyone who heard Lao Pao's laughter while performing stopped and turned their heads to look over. When they saw the smile on Lao Pao's face, everyone cheered loudly, "Counter-strike win!!!"

Nothing can compare with the joy of surviving a disaster. Although they came in with the determination to die, no one wants to die if they can survive.

Soon, the cheers here spread outside, and the gray wolf waved his fist happily, indicating that the children had finally passed this level.

The high school team was also very happy, but he was used to being serious, so he just raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then quickly put it down as if he was afraid of being discovered, and replaced it with his serious face.

Soon Shi Dafan walked out with the girl in his arms, while the remaining members of Group B followed behind.

Xiaozhuang originally wanted to hug the girl, but Luo Beichen pulled him aside and refused to hug him. Xiaozhuang was still a little aggrieved by this. He felt that Luo Beichen was targeting him, especially Luo Beichen's reason for not letting him hug the girl.

He couldn't bear it, Luo Beichen actually called him ugly because he was afraid that he would scare the girl.

It's a joke that you're ugly, just like you are so good-looking. Of course, Xiaozhuang only dared to say this in his heart. If he really said it out loud, he would have no doubt that Luo Beichen would let him spiral into the sky.

After returning the girl to her mother, she glanced at the mother and daughter hugging each other and left quietly. The girl was still telling her mother about everything she encountered at the Langya Playground, and did not notice the uncles at all.

We have already left, and we will never see each other again after this farewell. Perhaps everything that happened today was just a dream in her young mind.

On the other side, members of Group B have already boarded the police car that arrived.

Sitting in the car, Lao Pao was still a little frightened.

"Fortunately, I chose to believe you in the end. If the thread I chose was really cut off, then today..." Lao Pao came to Luo Beichen and touched Luo Beichen's arm.

Hearing Lao Pao's words, Luo Beichen's eyes widened immediately, "No, squad leader, I thought you didn't cut the wire because you wanted to study the bomb. Is it because you were worried and found a wire yourself? From the recruit

Don’t you even have this little bit of trust after such a long time? It’s faded away, the relationship has faded, just bury it later.”

At this time, Luo Beichen seemed to have been greatly insulted, with a look of despair.

"No, please listen to my explanation." Seeing Luo Beichen's appearance, Lao Pao became a little anxious.

"I won't listen!" Luo Beichen turned his head to the side.

At this time, everyone in Group B turned their attention here, watching the excitement.

Seeing Luo Beichen's appearance, Lao Pao became even more anxious. He usually talked little and didn't know how to deal with this situation.

Fortunately, Luo Beichen was just joking with him. Seeing Lao Pao's blushing face, Luo Beichen quickly turned around.

"Okay, monitor, I'm kidding you, don't worry, haha."

Looking at the smiling Luo Beichen, Lao Pao breathed a sigh of relief, then punched Luo Beichen and said with a smile, "You stinky boy."

In comparison, everyone who returned was undoubtedly in a much better mood, and successfully completing the first mission was a good start.

Although today was their first time to kill a drug dealer, they did not feel any discomfort. After all, they had trained too many times for today, and all their actions had become subconscious reactions.

This chapter has been completed!
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