Chapter 80 Fighting

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Hu Tao rushed back to the dormitory and saw several other roommates there.

They were a little uncomfortable with her sudden appearance.

Although Hutao has been back to the dormitory for a long time, she usually doesn't come back until eleven or twelve o'clock. At that time, they are all lying on the bed, and they rarely meet head-on.

As soon as Hutao walked in, Qin Zhen said in a strange tone: "Hey, I'm back. Just in time, I lost my money and I was about to look for you."

Yang Xiaoyan and Zhang Yunli also looked at her. Although they didn't say anything, Hu Tao clearly felt contempt and ridicule in their eyes.

Qin Zhen lost her money. If you want to find her, even a fool knows what that means. Doesn't it mean that she stole the money?

"What do you mean?" Hutao looked at Qin Zhen and asked.

Qin Zhen sat on her table, looked at her and said, "What else can you mean? You don't understand, you idiot."

At this time, Zhang Yunli also said: "Hutao, did you take Qin Zhen's money? Please return it as soon as possible. That is her living expenses for this month."

Yang Xiaoyan didn't say anything, but the look in her eyes suggested that she was suspicious of her.

Hu Tao is very angry, but has not lost his mind.

"Do you have evidence that I took the money?"

Qin Zhen said: "What other evidence do I need? I never lost it before when you were not in the dormitory. I lost my money when you came to live in a while."

After hearing what she said, Hu Tao continued to hold back her emotions. She had worked very hard to control them. If it had been the same time in junior high school, Hu Tao would have beaten Qin Zhen now, but now that she is in college, she knows how to control her emotions, otherwise

If you act first like a shrew, you will suffer even if you are justified.

She asked again: "How much was lost?"

Qin Zhen didn't expect that Hu Tao could ask so calmly how much money was too much, and she was a little surprised.

She usually sees Hu Tao as weak and weak, and dare not talk to others. She looks easy to bully.

Yang Xiaoyan, who had been silent until now, finally said: "Qin Zhen lost two thousand yuan. She put it in a drawer without a lock."

Hutao glanced at the drawer that came with the desk, but did not respond. She quickly thought about how to solve the problem.

Even if you explain to them, it will definitely not make sense. She didn't steal the money, but Qin Zhen insisted that she did, and the other two people in the dormitory also sided with Qin Zhen. Now she can't explain clearly.

She thought about going to the teacher again, but she felt that it was unreliable and there was no evidence. How could the teacher handle it? It seemed like how to make a decision. As long as the three people in the dormitory insisted that she had stolen the money, she would not be able to clear herself of the crime of theft.<


So she simply picked up the phone and dialed 110.

When she picked up her mobile phone and made a call, Qin Zhen and the others didn't realize she was calling the police. They thought she was looking for help.

Until I heard Hu Tao say: "Hello, I want to call the police. The girls' dormitory 302, the 12th dormitory building of Qu University, has lost a huge sum of money and needs help from the police."

It wasn't until she hung up that Qin Zhen realized she wanted to grab her phone, but it was too late and the call had been hung up.

"What are you doing? Who told you to call the police?" Qin Zhen roared, stood up and rushed towards her.

Hu Tao had been paying attention to her, but when she saw her rushing towards her, she quickly turned sideways.

Qin Zhen didn't touch her.

"What, you want to hit me? Didn't you say that I stole your money? The police will be here later. If the police can find evidence that I stole the money, I will go to jail. If they don't find that I stole the money,

I just want to help you find out who is the real thief."

Qin Zhen was angry at Hu Tao's remarks, but actually she was more panicked.

She grabbed the book on the table and smashed it at the walnut, cursing at the same time. Zhang Yunli was afraid that she would run away, so she blocked the door directly. Yang Xiaoyan hadn't made a move yet, but she didn't intend to break up the fight, so she stood on the balcony watching the show.


Hutao was not so lucky this time. Although he hid, he was still hit. Although being hit by a book didn't hurt much, he had just been wronged by Ling Yechen, and now he was wronged by Qin Zhen and was beaten again.

Smash, a burst of anger came up from the soles of my feet.

When she looked at Qin Zhen's aura, her eyes felt like they were going to kill her.

And Zhang Yunli was guarding the door again. She couldn't hide out even if she wanted to.

Hu Tao looked at the three of them and said, "I've called the police. Do you want to wait for the police to come, or do you want to fight?"

Qin Zhen didn't care, she thought, fuck the police, beat him first, why is Hu Tao so annoying?

Once again, he rushed over and struggled with Hu Tao.

Hutao is already prepared. She is going all out to fight this fight. One on three, if she doesn't fight hard, she will only get beaten.

Fortunately, Hu Tao has been accustomed to doing rough work since she was a child. Compared to Qin Zhen, she is still stronger, and Qin Zhen does not take much advantage.

Qin Zhen knew that she could not defeat Hu Tao, so she quickly called Yang Xiaoyan and Zhang Yunli next to her for help.

Zhang Yunli thought about it and stepped forward and started grabbing walnuts randomly.

With Zhang Yunli's help, Qin Zhen will beat Hu Tao until her parents don't even recognize her.

The three girls got into a mess and soon alerted the dormitory next to them. Mainly because they made so much noise that they even smashed the kettle in the dormitory.

Fortunately, there was no hot water in the kettle, otherwise all of them would have been injured.

Yang Xiaoyan didn't go to help Qin Zhen. After watching the show for a while, she felt that the matter was getting serious, and she saw two people fighting each other, so she came over to break up the fight.

"Stop it, stop fighting, you guys."

Yang Xiaoyan’s voice was loud, but no one listened to her.

The three of them were still fighting together. Even though they were two against one, Hu Tao didn't lose. She suppressed the two of them to death. They didn't gain much advantage, but Hu Tao was definitely the one who suffered the most because there were so few people.


The hot water kettle was smashed, and the inner pot inside was shattered on the ground. Qin Zhen was also cruel, picking up the pieces and trying to scratch Hu Tao's face.

She wanted Hu Tao to be disfigured, and she shouted: "Bitch, I want you to seduce Ling Yeshen, let's see how you seduce her in the future."

Hutao didn't expect to hear the name Ling Yeshen here, and finally figured out where her hatred for her came from.

When Yang Xiaoyan saw Qin Zhen trying to scratch Hu Tao's face, she kicked Qin Zhen without thinking, and the fragments in Qin Zhen's hand fell to the ground.

Several people were confused by Yang Xiaoyan's kick. Hu Tao was thinking that it was not a one-on-three, why should she help her?

Qin Zhen and Zhang Yunli were angry. How could she help Hu Tao but not the two of them? Didn't they agree to bully Hu Tao together?

Zhang Yunli reacted first and yelled at Yang Xiaoyan: "Why are you beating Qin Zhen and Hu Tao?"

Yang Xiaoyan glanced at Hu Tao and then said to Zhang Yunli: "Three against one is too unfair, let's go two against two."

Several people started fighting again. This time with the help of Yang Xiaoyan, Qin Zhen did not take advantage.

But he would definitely not spare Hu Tao. He kept scolding him with unpleasant words, and his voice was so loud that maybe even the people in the building opposite heard him.

This chapter has been completed!
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