Chapter 89 Deepest Thoughts

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 Just after hanging up the video, Hutao received a message from Ling Yeshen.

She thought for a while and replied: "I forgot to tell you. Didn't I learn to get a driver's license? Then I bought a car. I will drive here by myself next time."

When Ling Yechen saw the message, she really couldn't believe that she dared to drive so far alone, hundreds of kilometers away.

"You really don't know what to say about you. You just learned it and are not familiar with it at all. You actually do such a dangerous thing. Should I scold you?" Ling Yechen replied.

Hutao gave him a snickering expression, and then replied: "I've driven such a long way, and I'm already familiar with it. My skills have improved by leaps and bounds in the past few days."

Ling Yeshen: "Are you quite proud?"

Hutao made a laughing emoticon and attached the text: "Yes, yes, I'm so proud."


The two chatted all night, and Ling Yechen returned to the dormitory from the dinner party.

Li Xuekai also said that he had gone crazy.

Hu Tao might be too tired from driving, so she leaned on the bed and chatted with Ling Yeshen all night without even washing her face.

It was almost eleven o'clock when the two reluctantly said good night to each other.

Hutao hung up the phone and originally wanted to take a shower and go to bed early.

Unexpectedly, I received a call from Chen Wenxuan.

Hutao didn't want to answer the call, so she didn't answer the first one, but then she called the second one, and had no choice but to get through.

As soon as the call was connected, Chen Wenxuan's voice came. This time he was more polite and asked first: "Hutao, are you asleep?"

Hutao: "I'm getting ready to sleep, what's the matter?"

Hu Tao really couldn't think of why he called her.

Chen Wenxuan did not waste time and asked directly: "I want to ask you about Yanyan. You must know it. I didn't see her when I went back to school, and she ignored me. I just want to know where she went?

I've been looking for it for a long time but haven't found it."

When Hutao heard that she was looking for Jessica, she frowned and said without thinking, "I know where she is, but why should I tell you?"

Chen Wenxuan knew that he must have offended her too harshly before, so he quickly lowered his posture and begged: "Please, tell me. I just want to know where she is now? What is she doing?"

Hutao was more straightforward this time: "I just don't want to tell you."

Then no matter what Chen Wenxuan said, Hu Tao refused to tell him.

Chen Wenxuan had no choice but to exchange conditions.

"Hutao, tell me where Yanyan is? Can I tell you a secret about my brother?"

Hutao heard that it was Ling Yechen's secret and was a little curious, but she still had to stick to her principle: "What secrets could your brother have? I don't want to hear it, so stop struggling. I'll hang up now and have to rest."

When Chen Wenxuan heard that Hutao was about to hang up the phone, he shouted: "Hutao Hutao, let me tell you, this secret is about my brother going to business school for training this holiday. I guarantee you will want to hear it. If you don't listen, you will regret it.

One day, my brother suddenly fell in love with someone else. Don’t blame me for not reminding you."

Hearing that Ling Yechen would fall in love with someone else, Hu Tao began to feel uncomfortable in her heart.

Then I heard Chen Wenxuan say: "Really, I have some information to exchange with you. If you don't listen, you will really lose my brother."

Hu Tao really couldn't sit still this time and asked: "Tell me, what is going on."

Chen Wenxuan felt that there was a chance, and quickly made his own conditions: "I believe in your character, you are a person who does what you say, I will tell you about my brother first, and then you tell me where Yanyan is and what she is doing.

Can it be done? And I promise that I will not object to you being with my brother in the future, and I will also help you."

In the past, Hu Tao would definitely not have wanted to know what was going on, because she was used to escaping, but recently, being alone on the road made her think about a lot of things.

So she agreed: "Okay, you tell me first."

Chen Wenxuan also believed her and said: "Let me tell you, my aunt and uncle arranged for my brother to go to the business school for training this time, and they also arranged for someone named Gao Yizhen to go with him. I heard that the two of them are from the same school.

Ban. My brother hasn’t come back yet.

I’m telling you, you must be optimistic about my brother. If my brother really gets married to Gao Yizhen, I guarantee you will regret it.

But don't worry, I promise you I will help you."

Hu Tao knows Gao Yizhen, the one who went on a blind date with Ling Yeshen. It seems that their parents are very happy for them to be together.

Hearing this, she suddenly felt so sad, and she also knew whose voice the girl heard when she started the video tonight belonged to her.

She was silent for a while and made no sound.

Then I heard Chen Wenxuan's voice again: "Hutao, are you okay? Don't worry, I will help you take care of my brother.

Can you tell me now where Yanyan is and what she is doing?"

When Hu Tao heard Chen Wenxuan's voice, she came back to her senses: "Well, I understand. That Yanyan is currently in the countryside doing medical work. She is very safe now. Don't worry."

Chen Wenxuan: "Doctor? Where is it?"

Hutao didn't hide anything either: "Yao County, Hutou Town Hospital."

In fact, Hu Tao and Jessica came from the same county, just different villages.

But the distance between the two is very far, almost more than 100 kilometers, and it takes almost three hours of driving.

Although Hutao told Chen Wenxuan where Jessica was now, she still warned him: "Don't go looking for her, and don't hurt her in the future. She finally got over the pain, and I hope she won't be hurt again."

Chen Wenxuan promised: "Don't worry, I really like her and I won't hurt her anymore."

Lying in bed at night, Hu Tao had some insomnia, and images of Ling Yeshen and Gao Yizhen together kept appearing in his mind.

The thought of the possibility that the two of them might get married and have children in the future made her heart aching.

All the real problems she once escaped were infinitely magnified late at night in a foreign country.

Even my feelings for Ling Yechen can no longer deceive myself. They run out naked from my heart and can no longer be shut down.

This is how people are, when they are in front of them and can be seen every day, they never pay attention to them.

Only when you can't see it, can't touch it, and feel like you're going to lose it can it be clearly imprinted in your heart and worry about gains and losses.

On this night, Hutao finally saw clearly the truest thoughts in her heart, and also made it clear what she wanted and what kind of life she wanted to live in the future.

She couldn't sleep, so she got up and sat by the window, looking at the shining stars in the distant starry sky. She wanted to ask Ling Yeshen for details, but she controlled herself.

She looked at the time and saw that it was already early in the morning. She thought he should rest and didn't want to disturb his sleep.

Ling Yeshen didn't know that because of his brother's words, Hutao thought about him for a whole night and figured out the future path for the two of them.

If he knew what Hu Tao was thinking now, he might really wake up laughing.

This chapter has been completed!
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