Chapter 1,335 Escape

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 Chen Ping's words made Zhu Zhishan look so ugly, his entire face turned pale!

"Chen Ping, you don't have to pretend. Although the first blow didn't kill you, I don't believe you can withstand the second blow..."

Zhu Zhishan said, holding the magical weapon in his hand, preparing to give Chen Ping a thunderous blow!

But at this moment, Chen Ping's expression suddenly changed and he looked behind Zhu Zhishan with a solemn expression, "Mr. Shi, why are you back?"

Chen Ping's words stunned Zhu Zhishan and he couldn't help but look back.

But just when Zhu Zhishan turned around, Chen Ping had already taken out the Qiankun Circle and threw it in the air, and a black hole instantly appeared!

"Zhu Zhishan, your martial arts alliance wait for me, I will be back sooner or later..."

After Chen Ping finished speaking, his body instantly disappeared into the black hole.

Zhu Zhishan realized that he had been deceived, and suddenly became furious and said, "Damn, you shameless person, you actually lied to me..."

"Chase them all and find them for me. This space magic weapon won't travel too far. If you have any news about Chen Ping, report it immediately..."

Zhu Zhishan roared, and those from the martial arts alliance went out to look for him.

Zhu Zhishan then turned his attention to Long Jingguo. Just now, Long Jingguo had been standing, motionless, and had not made any move at all. Now it seems that he does not want to go looking for Chen Ping.

"Master Long, don't forget that your Long family is also a member of the Martial Arts Alliance, and your son Long Xiao was injured by Chen Ping. Don't you want to kill Chen Ping?"

Zhu Zhishan asked Long Jingguo with a dissatisfied look on his face.

"Zhu Alliance Leader, a little Chen Ping, if Alliance Leader Zhu takes action, he will definitely not be able to escape. Why should I take action? I have something to do at home, so I will leave first..."

After Long Jingguo finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Zhu Zhishan was furious when he saw Long Jingguo, but he seemed to vaguely feel that Long Jingguo seemed to be following Chen Ping.
It seems to have something to do with it.


After Chen Ping passed through the Qiankun Circle, he immediately fled out of Kyoto. He planned to go to the Red Lotus Palace to explore the secrets of the cave in the Red Lotus Palace and to improve his strength in retreat.

As the level got higher and higher, Chen Ping found that he needed more and more spiritual energy, and it began to become slow and difficult to improve his strength.

Fortunately, Su Yuqi's life is not in danger, and Chen Ping can still have time to improve his strength.

Chen Ping left Kyoto and headed south, while the Martial Arts Alliance searched extensively for Chen Ping but could not find any traces!

Zhu Zhishan knew that if he could not find Chen Ping and let Chen Ping escape, he would be in trouble next.

The senior officials and powerful officials in the martial arts alliance will not let him go.

"Trash, they are all fucking trash..."

Zhu Zhishanqi's face turned livid and he roared with all his strength.

After venting his anger, Zhu Zhishan knew that he was angry and had to find Chen Ping as soon as possible and kill him, otherwise his life would be at risk.

Taking out the token from his pocket, Zhu Zhishan took a look at it, then put it back, then walked out of the Martial Arts Alliance and went to a slum area on the outskirts of Kyoto!

These are places where workers live. They all have low-rise buildings and the environment is not good. There is an unpleasant smell everywhere.

On the streets here, many are small vendors. Seeing Zhu Zhishan's well-dressed appearance, they all greeted Zhu Zhishan.

But Zhu Zhishan had a cold face and walked straight to the end of an alley without even looking at it!

This is a dilapidated house. The house is so dilapidated that it is difficult to even protect it from wind and rain.

And inside the house, a dirty old man was smoking a cigarette and resting with his eyes slightly closed!

On a table in the room, there were several books and a few copper coins. Chen Ping's words made Zhu Zhishan's face look ugly, and his entire face turned pale!

"Chen Ping, you don't have to pretend. Although the first blow didn't kill you, I don't believe you can withstand the second blow..."

Zhu Zhishan said, holding the magical weapon in his hand, preparing to give Chen Ping a thunderous blow!

But at this moment, Chen Ping's expression suddenly changed and he looked behind Zhu Zhishan with a solemn expression, "Mr. Shi, why are you back?"

Chen Ping's words stunned Zhu Zhishan and he couldn't help but look back.

But just when Zhu Zhishan turned around, Chen Ping had already taken out the Qiankun Circle and threw it in the air, and a black hole instantly appeared!

"Zhu Zhishan, your martial arts alliance wait for me, I will be back sooner or later..."

After Chen Ping finished speaking, his body instantly disappeared into the black hole.

Zhu Zhishan realized that he had been deceived, and suddenly became furious and said, "Damn, you shameless person, you actually lied to me..."

"Chase them all and find them for me. This space magic weapon won't travel too far. If you have any news about Chen Ping, report it immediately..."

Zhu Zhishan roared, and those from the martial arts alliance went out to look for him.

Zhu Zhishan then turned his attention to Long Jingguo. Just now, Long Jingguo had been standing, motionless, and had not made any move at all. Now it seems that he does not want to go looking for Chen Ping.

"Master Long, don't forget that your Long family is also a member of the Martial Arts Alliance, and your son Long Xiao was injured by Chen Ping. Don't you want to kill Chen Ping?"

Zhu Zhishan asked Long Jingguo with a dissatisfied look on his face.

"Zhu Alliance Leader, a little Chen Ping, if Alliance Leader Zhu takes action, he will definitely not be able to escape. Why should I take action? I have something to do at home, so I will leave first..."

After Long Jingguo finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Zhu Zhishan was furious when he saw Long Jingguo, but he seemed to vaguely feel that Long Jingguo seemed to be following Chen Ping.
It seems to have something to do with it.


After Chen Ping passed through the Qiankun Circle, he immediately fled out of Kyoto. He planned to go to the Red Lotus Palace to explore the secrets of the cave in the Red Lotus Palace and to improve his strength in retreat.

As the level got higher and higher, Chen Ping found that he needed more and more spiritual energy, and it began to become slow and difficult to improve his strength.

Fortunately, Su Yuqi's life is not in danger, and Chen Ping can still have time to improve his strength.

Chen Ping left Kyoto and headed south, while the Martial Arts Alliance searched extensively for Chen Ping but could not find any traces!

Zhu Zhishan knew that if he could not find Chen Ping and let Chen Ping escape, he would be in trouble next.

The senior officials and powerful officials in the martial arts alliance will not let him go.

"Trash, they are all fucking trash..."

Zhu Zhishanqi's face turned livid and he roared with all his strength.

After venting his anger, Zhu Zhishan knew that he was angry and had to find Chen Ping as soon as possible and kill him, otherwise his life would be at risk.

Taking out the token from his pocket, Zhu Zhishan took a look at it, then put it back, then walked out of the Martial Arts Alliance and went to a slum area on the outskirts of Kyoto!

These are places where workers live. They all have low-rise buildings and the environment is not good. There is an unpleasant smell everywhere.

On the streets here, many are small vendors. Seeing Zhu Zhishan's well-dressed appearance, they all greeted Zhu Zhishan.

But Zhu Zhishan had a cold face and walked straight to the end of an alley without even looking at it!

This is a dilapidated house. The house is so dilapidated that it is difficult to even protect it from wind and rain.

And inside the house, a dirty old man was smoking a cigarette and resting with his eyes slightly closed!

On a table in the room, there were several books and a few coins.

This chapter has been completed!
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