Chapter 51 The Lin Family and Qiao Sanshi

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Now, when Sun Changqing heard that this monk who had just appeared not only helped the Sixth Crime Group to solve the suspect, but also helped the injured Han Xiangzhong with his treatment, Sun Changqing was very happy.

He sincerely hopes that there will be more monks who are kind to the government and willing to help under certain circumstances.

As for the origin of Gao Xingyu, Sun Changqing knew after hearing what Meng Fei said that there was a high probability that he could not find out. There are too many monks like Gao Xingyu who have been practicing and living in seclusion. If people have been unwilling to join the world, the government will not do it either.

any solution.

However, various procedures still had to be completed. Sun Changqing decided that when he went to pick up Han Xiangzhong a few days later, he would personally lead a team to contact the monk named Gao Xingyu.

At this time, Sun Changqing didn't know that Gao Xingyu had already planned to join the world. He also thought that he should have a good relationship with Gao Xingyu now and try to ask Gao Xingyu for help when something happens in the future.

Most of the time, monks still have to rely on monks to resolve matters.

"Dad, do you think Xiang Zhong met a real master or a liar? Why am I always worried!"

In a courtyard with three entrances by Houhai, Lin Wenjuan helped her father, Mr. Lin, to walk around in the back garden, and the conversation unconsciously turned to her husband, Han Xiangzhong.

She and her husband, childhood sweethearts, grew up together and had a very good relationship. In the past, any major issues at home would be decided after discussion between the two.

During this business trip, despite being injured, Han Xiangzhong suddenly decided to stay in the deep mountains and old forests and accept the help of a strange monk. This made Lin Wenjuan feel somewhat uncomfortable and worried about Han Xiangzhong.

Liu Jinxin didn't say anything about Han Xiangzhong's injury on the phone, but Mr. Lin was very energetic, and he would naturally get the news on many matters without his intervention.

The Lin family received the news late yesterday that Han Xiangzhong was seriously injured and was rescued by a monk. While everyone was worried about Han Xiangzhong, they were also secretly thankful that the lucky man had his own destiny.

However, after treatment returned to treatment, Han Xiangzhong suddenly decided to stay for a few days and let the expert help him recuperate his body, which made Lin Wenjuan a little worried.

As a middle-aged person trained by the modern higher education system, Lin Wenjuan is not interested in phenomena that cannot be explained by science.

Even if there are such people and things around her, it can't change her opinion.

"You've always been like this! Think of your uncle Sanshi. There are many things in this world that cannot be explained by current scientific knowledge.

It is a good thing that you are rigorous in your work and pay attention to evidence. But you must also open your mind and have the courage to try and accept things outside the framework.

You are only forty years old this year, so you can't be more conservative in your thinking than an old man like me."

Mr. Lin is a revolutionary veteran who has held important positions in the Military Commission for many years. His disciples are all over the world. Now he has retired and is retiring at home.

Mr. Lin has a son and two daughters. In order to avoid suspicion, none of the children entered the military.

His son Lin Wenjie is involved in politics. He is a peer of the Republic of China and is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee of Shanxi Province and a senior municipal official in Longcheng, the provincial capital.

The second daughter, Lin Wenyue, is the chairman and general manager of Fengyuan Mining. This is a large mining group with a state-owned background and its main business direction is the mining, processing, and import and export of non-metallic minerals.

Lin Wenjuan is the youngest daughter of Mr. Lin, with an age difference of nearly 40 years. She once studied in the United States and chose to return to China after receiving a doctorate in biology. She is now a professor of biology at Capital University.

Lin Wenjuan is the person with the highest academic qualifications in the family. Lin Wenjie graduated with a bachelor's degree and studied for a master's and doctorate after working, so he is not as good as his sister.

Mr. Lin often teased Lin Wenjie, saying that she had made a fool of herself. Especially her experience of studying abroad made her believe too much in so-called modern science and turned a deaf ear to the things passed down by her ancestors.

"Uncle Sanshi is a martial arts master. He has developed internal strength, so he has some performances that are beyond ordinary people. These things can be checked through some equipment, and the theoretical basis can be found.

And those so-called monks who draw talismans to catch ghosts and practice Feng Shui are too imaginary. They are actually taking advantage of people's psychological reactions, adding some small tricks and deceptions, and they are actually deceptive.

Have you forgotten the qigong craze that was popular more than ten years ago? Didn’t that qigong master who claimed to be able to cast rain and put out fires thousands of kilometers away was also proven to be a liar and fled to North America in disgrace?”

"You, didn't your Uncle Sanshi say that what he practices is not internal strength at all, but you just don't believe it. Forget it, they won't argue with you, so I won't say anything.

However, Xiang Zhong’s matter should be more secure, and you should not make any decisions on your own. In a few days, I will send someone with you to pick up Xiang Zhong, and by the way, I will get to know the details of that monk."

After saying that, Mr. Lin sighed, "Your Uncle Sanshi is unwilling to leave his land. If he lives in the capital, you can ask him to accompany you to see that monk. There is no clue about this matter now, no

So I can trouble him, and if there is really a problem, I can invite him again."

The three stones Mr. Lin mentioned were Qiao Sanshi.

During the war, Qiao Sanshi worked as an orderly for Mr. Lin for many years, and later led troops on his own as Mr. Lin's subordinate.

After liberation, he gave up continuing his career in the army or officialdom, and instead chose to return to his hometown. He contracted Hongye Ridge, the mountain range where the Qingxuan secret realm is located, and built a Qingxuan winery based on the Qingxuan sect's traditional livelihood.

Although the winery is called Qingxuan Winery, the wine produced is not the famous spiritual wine of Qingxuan School.

Brewing spiritual wine requires the use of spiritual grain as the main material and clear springs containing vitality. Qiao Sanshi himself can't enter the secret realm, so how can there be spiritual grain and spring water containing vitality available?

Therefore, Qingxuan Winery is an ordinary small village-level winery.

Because the winery uses ancient methods to make wine, and the raw materials used are also carefully selected high-quality grains, the quality of the wine is acceptable and the sales are good.

However, due to the long time-consuming and high cost of making wine using the ancient method, the production of wine cannot be effectively expanded, and Qingxuan Winery is unwilling to lower the quality and blend. Therefore, the winery's income is very stable, but it cannot make a lot of money.

Qiao Sanshi is not interested in making money, he only wants to return to the secret realm and carry forward the Qingxuan Sect.

Unfortunately, he was injured many times during the war and did not receive effective recovery and conditioning, so his body was in great depletion and his foundation was damaged.

After decades of hard training, Qiao Sanshi has only reached the seventh level of Qi cultivation, and is far away from the Qi refining stage.

When Taoist Degui passed on the Qingxuan Sect's Taoism and introductory skills to Qiao Sanshi, he also gave him several Qingxuan Sect books recording fists, kicks and weapon moves. This was to help him gain more skills in troubled times.

Some self-preservation.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Sanshi's path to Taoism was not smooth, but these martial arts in the secular world made him famous.

This chapter has been completed!
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