Chapter 153 Blue blood dyes yellow sand (three-in-one, eight thousand-character chapter)

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The sun was tilted, and the wild boar opened his mouth and swallowed a large piece of stewed donkey meat that was rich in oil and salt. Or it was inaccurate to say it was donkey meat, because the meat had been almost completely stewed, and it tasted like minced meat when it was eaten in his mouth.

Similarly, puffs of green smoke floated from the Karakhanite camp opposite, and they were also cooking.

Before the formation was formed, many herdsmen sent by Karakhan were dragging away the corpses of men and horses, clearing the way forward for the following troops.

Some light cavalry who still had strength were still galloping back and forth in front of the formation, provoking and harassing the Fengtian army's rest. From time to time, the sound of bowstrings vibrating could be heard, which was the marksmen of both sides firing at each other with strong bows.

Saktu drank a large bowl of horse meat soup with a serious expression. He looked at the general who had just returned from sentry duty and was barely breathing.

"With this loss of power, how far is the Khotan army from here?"

After losing his strength, he quickly knelt down on one knee and took two more breaths before replying: "Back to the Great Khan, the Khotan army, horse and infantry, totaling 20,000, left Shule City after noon yesterday.

They have a strict formation, alternately covering the front and rear, and using light cavalry to cover the surrounding areas. Therefore, although the marching speed is not fast, it is almost impossible for us to find a chance to make a surprise attack. According to the speed, we will arrive at about the end of the next day tomorrow (7 p.m.)."

At the end of the day tomorrow, Saktu waved his hand and let his strength go away, and began to make plans in his mind.

The Khotanese army was obviously afraid of being attacked by him, so they chose a safer way of marching. However, this also gave him time. If he could kill the group of people on the opposite side today, he would be able to calmly do so tomorrow morning.


Looking at the loess soaked in blood around him, Saktu took a deep breath and started walking towards the commander's tent. He had no choice now and had to kill all the enemy troops on the opposite side.

Under the current circumstances, revenge and the secret of destroying Shule City were no longer important to him.

The important thing is that if he can't defeat him despite being outnumbered even though he has already suffered thousands of horse casualties, no one will follow him in the future.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a male camel or a lion, if you cannot defeat the enemy, you are nothing among the grassland peoples!

But Saktu didn't know that Li Shengtian was convening everyone to discuss the matter at this time. The Khotan Ying Lord was almost unable to restrain himself.

"Uncle, the Emperor, after you leave the city, you pretend to be fighting steadily, but in the early morning of the next day, you must let the Shenwei Right Army and the Amazhi Cavalry leave the army and come day and night. My nephew will definitely be able to hold Saktu back. As long as there is someone

If the two thousand cavalry arrive on time, the Kara Khanate will be finished."

Zhang Zhao's expression when he said this seemed to be still in front of his eyes. Li Shengtian squeezed the riding crop in his hand. It can be said that his nephew really took Khotan's affairs as his own.

"Send the order to the whole army and the infantry to set up camp on the spot!" Li Shengtian stood tall and made a decision.

"Prince Pei, the solitary king will also give you his four hundred palace guard flying cavalry, and then draw two thousand fine cavalry from the Shenwei right army. You can go to the Amozhi knights and select the six hundred nobles with the best riding skills."

, set off now and head north day and night.

If you can arrive at Xia Atush on time, the lonely king will allow you to restore the ancestral temple of King Pei of Shule, so that your Pei family ancestors can continue to enjoy the incense and blood food that a king should have!"

The bearded Governor Pei raised his head and glanced at Li Shengtian, his whole body trembling with excitement. Restoring the ancestral temple of King Pei of Shule was the long-cherished wish of his Pei family for generations!

"Your Majesty! Thank you, Emperor!" After saying this, Governor Pei immediately got on his horse.

"Ask Pei Shengyuan to come to see me, and within a quarter of an hour, disperse the Karakhan Rangers around me!"


‘Bang!’ This was the eleventh box full of gold and silver that Zhang Zhao kicked down. However, he did not kick it down in front of the soldiers, but in front of the logistics workers.

Now these civilians who have been drafted to provide logistics all have some wooden guns and their own hunting bows.

"You know even if I don't tell you, if we lose today, someone with a BMW can save your life, but you will be dead! So this is not fighting for me, it is fighting for yourselves.

I won't treat you badly. I'll give you one handful for those who go to the battlefield, five more for killing someone, two for those who are injured, and three for those who die in battle. Whether you can make a fortune depends on whether you have the courage.


After saying that, Zhang Zhao waved his hand and said, "Kill the horse and drink blood wine, one bowl for each person. After drinking it, you will fight with the bastard opposite!"

‘Woooooooo!’ The heavy sound of horns sounded, and the Karakhanids’ formation began to move. In front were the light cavalry of various tribes, and behind were the heavy armored cavalry of Iqta and Gulam.

The babbling chants sounded. It was the imam who was accompanying the army singing Tianfang religious scriptures, and some Karakhanites who had memorized the melody also sang along.

At the same time, passionate and majestic singing also sounded among the Fengtian Army.

"The royal winds of the four seas, the virtues and the clear water for thousands of years; I don't even have to wear my military uniforms. I have accomplished today. Looking back at the Qin fortress, it is as low as a horse. I gradually see that the Yellow River flows straight north. The power of the sky rolls directly into the Jade Gate fortress, and the barbarians from thousands of miles away are exterminated."


Shanzhu'er drank the horse blood wine in the bowl, and started to sing "The Music of King Qin Breaking the Formation" by slapping the armor on his chest like his colleagues around him. Everyone understood that this time, it would be the last.

decisive battle.

"The warriors of Karahe Khan! The eagles of Bragg Khan! Charge!" Qianhu Domi, a member of the Karakhan Kingdom's Ghulam Guards Archers, pulled out the long sword in his hand and roared.

Before the blood on the long blade dried, Qianhu, who was known as a marksman, was the first to leap out of the horse. He couldn't wait to avenge his family!

"Strong Archers, Team A, go to the left! Team B, go to the right!" As soon as the other side started to charge, Boarer howled immediately.

This time Karakhan's light cavalry were all dispatched, and they were spread out widely. They had to choose a denser direction to fire, leaving the sparse formation to the spearmen to withstand it.

"Ouch! Wow!" A sharp voice sounded, and a tall marksman shot a loud arrow. Immediately after the loud arrow flew out, it was the arrows shot by more than a hundred bows of the A-shaped team.

Accompanied by the sound of intensive firing of bows and arrows, there were screams and collisions one after another. A group of Karakhan light cavalry who were hit first suddenly fell to the ground.

Another loud arrow flew out, and the strong archers of Team B also shot in the same direction. The Karakhan light cavalry that rushed over fell in large pieces like falling rocks.

"Archers in the front row! Get ready to shoot!" After the strong archers in the front row fired two waves of arrows, the archers in the back began to take aim with their bows.

The so-called regular archers sound good, but in fact they are archers who can only use six or seven bows. They are not capable of following the sound of arrows in a volley, and their shooting skills are relatively poor, so they can only wait for the enemy to approach.

Will shoot.

The charge of the Karakhan Cavalry was not a charge in a formation with men and horses squeezing against each other. They could not use this high-end tactics, but a scattered honeycomb-like charge.

This way, you can avoid being hurt by arrows when you are far away from the enemy's infantry positions. After all, the range and strength of the horse bow cannot be compared with that of the infantry bow. The charging cavalry is destined to receive several rounds of bows and arrows first.

And when they get close to the target, they will start to gather together. Only in this way can the power of the horse bow be exerted. Covering an area with fire is much better than shooting randomly.

However, when they approached, the archers in the second row of the stacked formation also started shooting at them, so the two sides began to shoot at each other through the spearmen of the stacked formation.

The screams and roars suppressed the rumble of horse hooves. Although the main archer team began to fall down more and more, the Karakhan cavalry fell even more.

First, the armor coverage rate is completely incomparable. Second, humans are smaller than war horses, which can always form a concentrated shooting advantage. War horses are constantly moving. Many light cavalry did not throw arrows at all and were caught in the formation.

The archer was shot over.

Zhang Zhao was keenly aware of a sharpshooter among the dense group of Karakhan cavalry. Just now, this guy shot three arrows in a row, knocking the three strong archers behind him to the ground.

Drawing the bow and setting the arrow, Zhang Zhao fully drew the stone bow in his hand. From the Five Dynasties to the Northern Song Dynasty, the pulling force of a stone bow was approximately equivalent to about 125 to 130 pounds in later generations.

This is already an extremely strong standard. If you are hit by such a strong bow, even if it hits the arm, it may break your arm directly. If it hits the throat, it can directly pierce a bloody hole in the neck.

Zhang Zhao kept silent while searching, and finally he found a guy wearing iron-lined leather armor and an iron helmet. He looked like a senior officer of the Karakhanids.

In the dark, strong men always cherish each other. As soon as Zhang Zhao locked his eyes on this guy, Domi Shi also locked his eyes on Zhang Zhao. Their eyes lit up at the same time and they loosened their bowstrings almost at the same time.

‘Ding!’ There was a crisp sound, and Zhang Zhao felt as if someone had punched him in the chest. He suddenly took a few steps back and almost fell down. A suffocating pain in his chest made his vision go dark.

In a daze, he looked towards his chest. An arrow with its tail feathers still trembling slightly hit the entire plate armor on his chest. The arrow had already penetrated two or three millimeters. It seemed that the arrow used on the opposite side was also at eight.

A strong bow that is more than a match.


Zhang Zhao almost blacked out, but it was different if he lost his temper. He only had time to cover his neck, and then he fell straight from his horse.

The Gulam guard Qingqi Qianhu was hit in the neck by the powerful bow in Zhang Zhao's hand. The arrows fired by this terrifying powerful bow had huge destructive power. The arrows not only penetrated the neck, but also caused damage to the neck.

After taking away a lot of flesh and blood, Domish went directly to see his God.

As soon as the Qianhu's body fell to the ground, more than a dozen soldiers rushed over from various places. They snatched the body of Domi Shi and retreated wailing.

As they retreated, the over a thousand Qingqi who charged fiercely exchanged fire with the Fengtian Army in front of the formation for more than ten minutes, and then quickly withdrew.

‘Boom!’ An unusually loud drum beat sounded, and a Saktu personal guard wearing golden armor leaped out from the rear.

He held a long Tang Dynasty sword in his hand and rushed into the retreating team without any hesitation to kill them. Immediately afterwards, the sharpshooters around Saktu also drew out their arrows and fired warning shots.

"Those who retreat will die!" the personal guard holding a horizontal sword roared in the midst of the screaming and groaning retreating team, and then took the lead and rushed towards the Fengtian Army.

"Those who retreat die! Those who advance live!" Under the roar of the Khan's personal guards supervising the battle everywhere, the retreating light cavalry turned back and charged forward.

Yin Yaozi looked back at the horned crossbowman who was barely moving. His heart was beating violently, which made him want to make the two hundred crossbowmen at the back start shooting too, but his reason told him that this would not work. The armored cavalry on the opposite side had not yet

Start charging.

The situation in front of the stacked formation became more and more tragic, and more and more light cavalry chose to retreat after being unable to endure the huge casualties.

But they did not go far, but retreated beyond the range of the hard archers and began to gather. They were waiting, waiting for the second wave of armored cavalry to break through and follow up.

Blood was sprinkled all over the land in front of the formation. The dry soil, which was originally grey-yellow, was dyed into a weird yellow-black color. Then, under the constant trampling of the horses' hooves, it turned into a black silt area about half a meter wide.

, except that the silt is not caused by rain or river water, but human blood.

And around the formation, what was most abundant was not blood, but countless arrow shafts, densely packed like dead branches growing on the ground. In just one hour, both sides had shot at least fifty thousand arrows.

Various arrows.

Finally, the chaos of horse legs in front of Zhang Zhao became less and less, and the fourth wave of cavalry retreated. However, except for the sound of heavy breathing and vomiting caused by excessive exertion, there was no cheer around Zhang Zhao.

Because this kind of retreat has occurred four times, it does not mean that the Karakhan cavalry will not come again.

"My Lord! The Karakhanites can't hold it anymore! These light cavalry are not capable of long-term hand-to-hand combat, but they did not retreat as far as they did last time. I guess next time, the armored cavalry from the opposite side will attack!"

Shanzhuer walked up to Zhang Zhao holding a Mo Dao and said angrily.

Zhang Zhao nodded and had a rough estimate of the combat effectiveness of Karakhan's army. Judging from these four charges, Karakhan's cavalry was not very strong.

The time for a charge alone to fight usually does not exceed fifteen minutes. If a thousand-household cavalry loses dozens to a hundred cavalry, it will retreat because it cannot withstand the casualties.

With this kind of combat power, let alone the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, they could not even defeat the Western Army in the mid-to-late Northern Song Dynasty and the army in the mid-to-late Xixia Dynasty. No wonder the fringe tribes of the Khitan people could beat them up a few decades later.

This is the Song Dynasty! It’s really hard to put it into words. It’s not in vain that the God of Chariots on the Sorghum River will be laughed at by future generations for thousands of years.

With the tyrannical professional soldiers of the Five Dynasties, they could not defeat the Khitans, one of the weakest grassland peoples.

When the descendants of Li Shengtian couldn't hold on, if two or three thousand Western troops really came over to cooperate with the armored cavalry of Khotan and the light cavalry of the Gaochang Uighurs, how could it be possible to green the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains with Karakhan's fighting power?

"Sign a signal and ask the Hanshandu soldiers on both wings to retreat to the front. There are only more than a thousand armored cavalry on the opposite side. Except for the front, our horses and horses are basically intact. They dare not attack from all sides, so they must attack the front by force.

Defeat their last wave and this battle will be over!"

Sure enough, Zhang Zhao's prediction was correct. Just as the soldiers of Xianshandu retracted from the wings to the front, another horn sounded from the opposite side.

Under the skewed sunset, thousands of armored knights, surrounded by thousands of light cavalry, began to charge slowly. In the middle, a guy wearing golden armor stood out, it was Buglahan Saktu.

‘Buzz! Buzz!’ A terrifying cry sounded like an incoming wasp, and the Karakhan Armor Cavalry, which began to trot forward, fired the first and last wave of arrows.

Screams one after another rang out in front of Zhang Zhao. The ones who screamed the most were not the heavy-armored spearmen of the Three Religions, let alone the soldiers of Hanshan City, but a group of civilians who had taken Zhang Zhao's silver coins.

They were encouraged by Zhang Zhao to come up, thinking they were just here to assist, but in fact, Zhang Zhao wanted them to withstand this wave of hard bow shots from Karakhan's armored cavalry.

After only three to five seconds, the screams turned into panicked wails. One or two hundred of the six to seven hundred civilians who had been tricked into becoming cannon fodder fell. This horrific casualty rate, let alone them, was

It was impossible for the soldiers in Shandu to bear it, and they immediately dispersed.

Saktu was excited. After fighting for a whole day and night, he finally saw the dawn of victory. Bragg Khan, who was almost in despair, suddenly pulled out the sword from his waist.

"Eagles! The Khotan Tang Dogs on the opposite side have collapsed, kill them all!"

"The horned crossbowmen are ready! The whole team moves forward, only shoot the iron horse, and prepare three shots!"

At the same time, Zhang Zhao also shouted. The collapse of the civilians took away a large number of spearmen from the Three Teachings who had fled, and also took away a certain number of archers. However, the soldiers around him, Han Shandu and Liu Zaisheng, personally controlled

The crossbowmen of the Khotan Palace Guards did not know how to do it.

Fifty steps! Karakhan's armored cavalry ran faster and faster.

Thirty steps! Thunderous roars were heard, and Karakhan's armored cavalry began to charge at maximum speed.

Especially the approximately 300 armored cavalry in the middle. Some of them are wearing Persian-style overall armor, and some are wearing Tang-made full-body armor and vests. They are as if they were packed in an iron can, with only the exposed

He had a pair of fierce eyes and various spears and hammers in his hands.

"Let go!" Yin Yaozi in the formation waved the red flag in his hand! Two hundred horned crossbows shot out!

At a distance of thirty steps, one can imagine the power of a horned crossbow with a bow power of two to seven to three stones.

With a 'ding' sound, the armored knight at the front fell down. The strong armor was as if it were made of paper. A blood arrow shot out from his chest. The armored knight shook and fell straight to the ground.


And his fall pushed the already running war horse aside. With the weight of several hundred kilograms and the speed of the impact, the war horse could no longer bear it any longer, and it fell to the ground with a neighing sound.

Immediately afterwards, the fallen war horse became an obstacle for the charging armor-riding war horses behind. The two war horses that had no time to get around screamed twice, then fell to the ground, and then began to struggle desperately. It was too heavy.

, even if a horse falls down, it cannot easily get up.

At a distance of thirty steps, it is said that the war horses arrived almost instantly. If there were no obstacles from falling people and horses, they would directly run into the formation of the soldiers, and then break through the stacked formation without any doubt.

Not to mention that the war horses were afraid of the shining spear points. They were indeed afraid, but the distance of thirty steps was too close. By the time the horses reacted, they had already charged over.

Historically, the armored cavalry could successfully break into the heavy infantry formation, except that the heavy infantry had been beaten before and only the last courage was left. The only reason was to suddenly accelerate within thirty steps, leaving the war horses with no time to react and rush in directly.

This is more effective than any blind eye, of course, those non-elite infantry that can be directly frightened are easier to defeat.

However, this kind of tactics requires a lot of training, tacit understanding between the people and the horse, and even a deep relationship between the two parties.

Therefore, the biggest criterion for judging whether an armored cavalry is powerful is to see whether it can suddenly accelerate within thirty steps and then rush into a heavy spear formation.

Zhang Zhao broke out in a cold sweat. This Saktu was able to defeat the Persian Samanid Dynasty several times with less and more. He was indeed quite capable. He relied on the elites among the more than a thousand armored cavalry. How could that be true?

There are more than 300 Ghulam Guards armored cavalry.

These armored cavalry can actually crash into a phalanx of spears within thirty steps!

But fortunately, when they were within thirty steps, they received a wave of horn crossbows and directly shot down more than thirty armored cavalry with this ability. In addition, coupled with the obstacles of the human and horse bodies, they really rushed in.

Yes, no more than fifty riders.

A familiar scream came out, and the wild boar next to Zhang Zhao was knocked away by a war horse wearing fine armor.

'Kaba' The Mo Dao in Shanzhu'er's hand was inserted into the war horse's neck almost at the same time. There was no armor here, so he directly cut a blood groove in the war horse's neck.

The war horse was in severe pain and couldn't care about anything. It instinctively stopped and wanted to avoid it, but it also forgot that it was still rushing forward.

Two opposite instructions collided violently in the small horse's mind, just like it suddenly hit the blade of Mo Dao. The war horse let out a shrill scream, stood upright like an electric shock, and then roared.

Fell to the ground.

The war horse behind was blocked by the war horse on the ground, almost diagonally smashed in. Before the armored knight on the horse could wave his spear, he howled and flew out from the horse, and then was very unlucky and fell head-first.

He broke his neck with a snap.

The huge collision of the armored cavalry caused the spear array in front of the stacked formation to undulate like waves. Even the armored soldiers of Hanshandu could not withstand the ferocity of the armored cavalry charging into the formation.

Some people were constantly being knocked out, and some were suppressed by the horses that smashed in. Of course, more people gathered around Zhang Zhao, howling and fighting back desperately.

"All the troops move forward! The horned crossbowmen fire arrows!" After issuing this order, Yin Yaozi jumped down from the high command platform and rushed forward with a long spear in his hand.

Under his leadership, Monk Huitong and a group of strong archers who could not lift their arms rushed forward with all kinds of weapons and howling.


The cruelest two minutes passed. The impact of the forty or fifty armored cavalry that rushed in failed to penetrate the heavy infantry formation headed by Zhang Zhao.

This time, it was not penetrated, and trouble came immediately. The Karakhan armored cavalry behind them kept rushing in, and Yin Yaozi also rushed forward with his people. The two sides collided crazily in front of the stacked formation, and then

got into a brutal melee.

Zhang Zhao was covered in blood, his Vajra visor was knocked off, a section of his skirt was slashed, and even the steel plate of the parapet was dented.

There were people all around, and the brutal howls drowned out all the sounds. There was no use for blocking or parrying. All that was needed was the smashing and slashing with waving hands.

Zhang Zhao, Man Xiong, and Yan Jin were standing back to back. The weapon in his hand changed from a long sword to a mo knife and then to a big axe. What he is holding now is a pecking hammer that he grabbed from nowhere.


He is in a miserable state now. His golden armor has been smeared purple with blood. However, the Barbarian Bear is even worse than him. With a body like the Barbarian Bear, his battlefield appeal is not even weaker than his golden armor. The hard archers on the opposite side are almost

They all aimed at him.

So the wild bear had arrows hanging all over his body, and there was even a hatchet hanging on his breastplate, which seemed to have been hacked into it.

Yan Jin pursed his lips and said nothing, because he had just been pierced by an arrow in the cheek, and he was still bleeding. His entire chin was soaked in blood, and his gums and periodontal tissue could not be saved.

But no one had time to think about this now. The three of them kept adjusting their positions, like a rotating killing machine, constantly cutting out blood channels in the dense crowd.

Zhang Zhao even began to feel a little scared, because he felt waves of weakness in his legs, which was a sign of exhaustion. He didn't know how long he could hold on.

Will he really be defeated? This question that he had never considered before began to swirl in his mind.

'Boom!' A huge force came from his shoulder, and Zhang Zhao couldn't help but scream out in agony. He looked up and saw an officer wearing Persian armor raising a sledgehammer.

The one with a fierce look wanted to hit him a second time.

With no other choice, Zhang Zhao could only break away from the trio and move forward. He almost used his last strength to use the pecking hammer in his hand to catch the opponent's sledgehammer before it hit him, and hit the opponent's horse on the forehead with the hammer.


This hammer was unleashed by Zhang Zhao at the critical moment of life and death. The power was so huge that even if the war horse's head was covered with a layer of iron armor, it still could not withstand such a fierce blow. The horse shook violently and neighed.

Without even making a sound, he started to sway left and right and lost his footing.

The knight on horseback was shaken and immediately lost his balance. He screamed and fell off his horse. Before he could get up, Zhang Zhao pounced on him.

He pressed the knight's head with his knees, then took out a sharp sword from his waist and stabbed him directly in the eyes, which was the only one without armor.

The knight screamed and grabbed it with his hands, but he could not withstand Zhang Zhao's thrust downwards with all his strength. With an earth-shattering scream, several fingers fell to the ground, and blood flew out of his eyes.

As the knight landed, the surrounding Karakhan armored knights shouted in panic. Several armored knights behind them wanted to come over and rob him, regardless of the danger of being targeted by horned bows and crossbows.

Suddenly, several short spears flew out, and Dunzhu was there to kill him. The Tibetan slave, whose entire body was knocked off, roared and rushed over, preparing to cover Zhang Zhao with his body.

Barbarian Xiong, Yan Jin, and even the wild boar who was knocked away by the war horse and ran back also rushed over, surrounding the generals of both sides, and a more brutal fight began.

"Bai Congxin! Attack!" Yin Yaozi did not rush over. Instead, he took a few steps back and lit a special firecracker with a fire sickle and threw it into the air.

At the end of the formation, Bai Congxin's tears had flowed to his chest, and he knelt on the ground in pain.

Right in front, his monarch, his colleagues, and his brothers were fighting to the death. People kept falling, but he couldn't go up because their moment had not yet come.

The bright flames of the firecrackers were extremely conspicuous in this dim afternoon. Suddenly, his tears turned into endless motivation, and Bai Congxin stood up from the ground in an instant.

"General Li! It's my turn!"

"Here!" Li Ruotai, who was already shocked, yelled. This was the most brutal fight he had ever seen, and it was also the fight he was most eager to participate in.

"Put on your armor! Mount your horse!" As he roared, the auxiliary soldiers around him quickly helped the knight on the ground to mount his horse. The peasants shouted slogans and lifted the heavy horse pole and handed it to Li Ruotai and others.

in hands.

"Athletes of the Fengtian Army! Bring these Karakhan sheep together and fight to the death!"

Hu Cile also raised the horizontal sword in his hand, and the Yueqi on the left and right sides moved out. They suddenly rushed out. Hundreds of people pretended that thousands of cavalry were coming, driving away and threatening the exhausted and panicked Kara.

Khan Qingqi ran towards the middle.

"Withstand it! You must withstand it! Baitash! You personally lead the bodyguards of this Khan. You must withstand it!"

As soon as he saw an armored cavalry suddenly emerging from the formation on the opposite side, Saktu knew something was going to be bad.

Now both sides are exhausted. Even if the armored cavalry on the opposite side only has more than a hundred cavalry, it will cause a huge blow to Karakhan's army.

Baitash is the eldest son of Saktu. Although he deposed the queen, the prince Baitash obediently converted to Tianfang religion, so his status was not affected much.

After hearing Father Khan's order, Baitash, who had already been brainwashed by the Tianfang Cult, immediately took the last few hundred cavalry around him to attack.

Suddenly! A flood of exclamations came, and the sky was filled with dust rising in the distance. Saktu took a closer look, and saw that the light cavalry he was on guard at the periphery was running back desperately. Further away, several swastika flags and three-color flags appeared.

Chenqi keeps getting closer.

"The Khotanese are coming! The Khotanese are coming!" Everyone shouted, including Zhang Zhao's Fengtian Army soldiers.

The Karakhan cavalry who had just been defeated by Bai Congxin and Li Ruotai threw away their battle flags and weapons, turned their horses and started running. The final collapse was coming!

This chapter has been completed!
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