Chapter 178 Who is riding with equipment and armor

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"Wazir, run! Run!" When the guard officer Amira shouted anxiously, telling Ali Duraf to run, although Duraf clamped the horse's belly and ran wildly, his head was still full of confusion.



Why are there armored cavalry?

Why are there armored cavalry under the city of Balashagon?

Although there were only about 150 cavalry, it fully proved one thing, that is, what he was facing was definitely not some local tribe chief or a religious leader from Balashagon, but an army with multiple military services.

Big country.

"Ah!" A scream came from far and near, and it was so clear in Ali Duraf's ears.

Because the one who screamed was his most loyal bodyguard, Amira, who had been with him for more than ten years, and was just gone.

"Quick! Adjust the formation, change horses, everyone changes horses, and charge again!"

Li Ruotai stabbed the Persian who desperately tried to stop him to death with one stab, and immediately began to loudly instruct the knights to change their horses.

In fact, there are not many good horses in Khotan, let alone sweat-blooded horses. They are second-generation and third-generation horses with sweat-blooded horse blood. They are strategic materials that are prohibited from leaving the borders of Samantha, Persia and the Kara Khanate.

So much so that the not-so-strong sweat horse captured by Zhang Zhao outside Shule City was regarded as a treasure by Li Shengtian.

Not only were they immediately sent to the royal ranch of Khotan to be raised, there were probably at least dozens of strong young mares arranged for them.

Therefore, Khotan's heavy cavalry can only fight in a reduced allocation method, that is, the men wear armor and horses without armor. Generally, one heavy cavalry is equipped with three good horses and one mounted servant, using quantity to make up for the lack of quality.

At this moment, under Li Ruotai's order, the servants hurriedly helped the knights down, then brought the horses to be transferred, and helped them up again.

And just when they started to change horses, Bai Congxin and a hundred horsemen had already captured Ali Duraf.

Most of these more than a hundred cavalry were light cavalry, but Bai Congxin and his Yue cavalry gave up the tactic of shooting with horse bows from a distance.

Because everyone saw it, the officer in the dark silver armor must be a big shot. If you want to quickly defeat the protecting cavalry, you can't rely on mounted fire, you must engage in close combat.

Armed with spears and swords, they kept attacking the two hundred fleeing Persian cavalry.

Ali Duraf did not dare to look back at all. He could only judge from the dwindling number of guards and screams that the enemy was still pursuing them.


The drums finally sounded, and the Saman Persian army, which was still besieging the city, finally found that their leader was being hunted.

Amidst the sound of drums, a Persian heavy armored infantry group of about 500 people began to move towards Ali Duraf. At the same time, hundreds of warriors on horseback came to respond, shouting and shouting.

Bai Congxin quickly restrained the team. They were light cavalry wearing only a simple piece of leather armor. The God Warrior cavalry opposite was obviously horse archers. There was no need for them to go up and increase their casualties.

At this moment, Li Ruotai arrived with one hundred and fifty armored cavalry.

The war horses of armored cavalry and the war horses of light cavalry are completely two extremes.

The most important thing for light cavalry horses is endurance, because they often need to run long distances and gallop back and forth on the battlefield to achieve the purpose of continuous harassment and roundabout combat.

What the armored horses need most is short-term negative gravity and explosive power, so that they can make the final decision at the critical moment.

Therefore, in a short period of time, the explosive power of armored war horses is far superior to that of light cavalry.

As for why the light cavalry is not equipped with highly explosive horses? That is because this kind of horse is basically a rare breed, and the cost of raising it is extremely high, so no one is willing to equip the light cavalry with it.

The oncoming four to five hundred warriors on horseback were originally intended to drive away Bai Congxin and the others to rescue their leader.

But suddenly, the opponent's light cavalry who were entangled with the coach on both sides dispersed. What appeared in front of them was a group of black armored cavalry. The armored cavalry laid their long horses horizontally and were slowly heading towards them.

Came at a trot.

Immediately, these divine warriors collapsed.


Support your mother!

They are the light cavalry who don't even have rotten leather armor and have a thick blanket tied in front of their body as a breastplate. What can they do to the armored cavalry?

But it was too late! When they were about to turn their horses' heads, the armored cavalry on the opposite side had already begun to take the horses' spears into their hands. This was a sign that they were about to start charging.

The armored cavalry charge at this time was not the wall-mounted charge of the cuirassiers later in the 18th to 19th centuries, because the quality of the current cavalry and the quality of the horses were far from meeting the requirements.

Therefore, the standard shocks of armored cavalry in this era were scattered types that were separated from each other by more than half a horse's length.

This is also the reason why the horses should be placed horizontally at the beginning of the charge. This can control the distance between each other during the charge and ensure that they are basically in a straight line with the comrades on the left and right when charging.

Moreover, the goals of these two charging methods are different. The purpose of charging on the wall is to break the opponent's formation as quickly as possible, and then turn the horse's head and charge back and forth until the opponent completely collapses.

Moreover, cuirassiers in the 18th and 19th centuries would be equipped with muskets. After driving the enemies to both sides, it was easier to bombard them with muskets.

The dispersed charge method of this era was to squeeze the enemy cavalry into the gap in the middle.

Horses are highly intelligent animals. They are not machines. It is their instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Therefore, when an armored knight charges, the horse on the opposite side will definitely not choose to hit the horse's head hard.

They will choose the way that is most beneficial to them. If there is such a wide gap, they will definitely get through it without hesitation. Only fools will fight head-on!

So at this time, for the armored knights, this battle is simple.

They didn't even need to use the somewhat dangerous stabbing, they only needed to use the horse's whip to hit them left and right, just like the battle taking place now.

When Li Ruotai and the others were still twenty steps away, the God Warrior Qingqi on the opposite side had gone from four to five hundred to only about three hundred.

Then the three hundred horsemen were in a chaotic mess amidst howls of despair. Some of them were reining in their horses and running to both sides, some were so frightened that they were stunned, and some howled and launched a hedging attack.

Ten steps! When the armored cavalry's charging speed reached its fastest, under the violent bumps, Li Ruotai could only feel the whistling wind in his ears.

With the help of a large amount of adrenaline, the faces of the enemies on the opposite side seemed to be blurred.

But in this blur, there was also a particularly precise feeling. Every blow he made was just right.

Miserable cries rang out, and the three hundred horse-riding warriors were instantly defeated!

One hundred and fifty armored knights passed through their formation at lightning speed, and a large number of divine warriors were knocked to the ground, both men and horses.

With the sophistication of the horse and its fast charge, it can break a person's ribs when hit, and it can hit a horse until the horse cannot bear it.

He burst out of the formation in an instant, but Li Ruotai did not order his men to slow down. The flag-bearing generals on his left and right still held high the red flags symbolizing continued charge.

Because at this time, the 500 Saman Persian heavy infantry supporting Ali Duraf were already in place.

But before they had time to form a defensive formation, the forest of spears against the cavalry was not erected.

Hussein bin Hassan was a short and stocky warrior. He was born into a noble family of Saman Persia. His ancestors could be traced back to the Sassanid Dynasty. He was a senior officer of the Sasanian Undead Army at that time.

Of course, he is just a tributary, otherwise he would not have become the flag commander of an Ersalia heavy infantry army.

Because the Sasanian Undead Army mainly consisted of cavalry, and the armored cavalry were mixed into infantry, their status was of course reduced.

The flag is a military unit of the Persian army, with a size of about a thousand people. The officer is sometimes called the flag leader, and sometimes he is called the thousand household leader.

"Hold on! Everyone gathers together, they can't defeat us!"

Hussein roared, and there was no time to form a spear phalanx, so it would be a good choice for everyone to gather together.

There are 500 of them, but there are only 150 cavalry on the opposite side, so they may not dare to charge forward.

Hearing the officer's greeting, the infantrymen began to assemble, although not very quickly. However, the cavalry of Ali Duraf's personal guards, who had already approached them at this time, were circling around them in embarrassment.

One party was in a hurry to escape, and the other was hesitating whether to really go there to assemble, so there was a small collision between the two parties.

A horse panicked and ran through the crowd. Several infantrymen blocking the road were knocked to the ground. There were more and more people and horses, and there was chaos all around.

Hussein was extremely nervous, and the charge against the masked and armored cavalry was so shocking that the whole earth seemed to tremble.

The tall horse and the armored rider with only a pair of eyes exposed on the horse looked like devils coming out of hell.

As it got closer and closer, Hussein felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, and a strong urge to urinate that made him want to urinate.

He also wanted to go to the back. Ordinarily, as an officer, he could choose this way, but at the moment, he couldn't move. If he moved, the guaranteed formation would collapse.

"Bang!" A huge impact sound came, and Hussein was almost the first one to be knocked away. However, at the moment when he was knocked away, Hussein felt somewhat comforted.

Because although he was knocked away, the formation did not collapse before contact.

As long as they don't collapse, one hundred and fifty armored cavalry cannot break through five hundred heavy infantry. But if the speed of the armored cavalry slows down, the heavy infantry will have a chance.

But...! He was dumbfounded in the next scene. These armored cavalry were like a very hard stone, hitting the egg of the heavy infantry phalanx. The egg's shell immediately broke and the egg liquid was scattered.

Almost at the moment he was knocked away, the heavy infantry in the back row dispersed. The soldiers who had gathered together were so frightened that they ran around in a panic and pierced him with one strike!

Li Ruotai still wanted to charge, because another phalanx of infantry appeared between them and the fleeing Persian general, but the war horses had obviously reached their limit.

Unwilling to give up, Li Ruotai summoned the knights around him to conduct a test, but the Samantha-Persian phalanx in front of him was obviously ready, with sharp spears shining brightly, and the archers behind the formation had already bent their bows and nocked arrows.


"Back off, let's keep an eye on them. If we delay a little longer, their food will burn one more stone!"

The heavy infantry phalanx remained motionless, and even the armored cavalry had no reason to charge directly.

Li Ruotai made the right choice in an instant - delaying time, because the Persian granary was on fire and they were the ones who were anxious.

"Masudi! Gather your troops and retake the granary. Don't be afraid. There are few heavy cavalry on the opposite side. Let Mustafa's archers form a formation to deal with it!"

Ali Duraf, who was still in shock, cheered up and began to order Masudi to organize people to rescue the granary. Masudi, who was about to prepare to attack the city again, nodded, and this was all he could do now.

At the top of Balashagon City, Guo Xuanli's excited old face began to shine.

"Give all the elites in the city to Madu Yuhou, and ask General Ashinasili of the Bashmi tribe to assist you. I want the Persians to focus on one thing and not the other!"

This chapter has been completed!
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