Chapter 302

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On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, the second day of the Lantern Festival, the joyful drinking by the Macheng River was still not over.

Because the village drinking ceremony was used by Zhang Zhao to get rid of the old Tibetan customs, adopt the ancient customs of the Han and Tang Dynasties, and win over the elders of various townships.

These people represent the political power and the people's hearts, which is the cultural aspect. As for the military aspect, we cannot use the country drinking ceremony. Instead, we need to use the shooting ceremony to attract military people.

There are four types of archery rituals: Dashe, Binshe, Yanshe, and Xiangshe.

Before the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Great Shooting Ceremony was used by the emperor and the princes.

After the Eastern Han Dynasty, or to be precise since the Seven Kingdoms Rebellion in the Western Han Dynasty, the princes gradually lost the legal basis for their rule on the land of China, and could only be executed by the emperor.

This is also a very important sacrificial activity. Emperors of the Tang Dynasty liked to hold big shooting ceremonies.

Binshe is a shooting ceremony that is only held when princes meet the emperor or when they meet each other. It is also rare after the enfeoffment system basically ended.

The etiquette of Yanshe is lower than that of Dashe and Binshe, and even lower than that of Xiangshe. It is usually held when large-scale banquets are held among officials.

Zhang Zhao is neither the emperor nor a prince, and the current situation is not suitable for holding Yanshe ceremony, so Xiangshe became Zhang Zhao's only choice.

Originally, this rural shooting ceremony was usually held together with the rural drinking ceremony, and like the original rural drinking ceremony, it was an activity for local officials to entertain local talents to promote talents for the country.

However, when it came to Zhang Zhao, the rural drinking ceremony became a tool for him to control the place, and the rural shooting ceremony became a tool for him to win over the brave warriors among the Six Tribes, the Han people in Liangzhou, and the Sogdians.

Similarly, the native archery ceremony is a very cultural ceremony with strict etiquette requirements.

There are rules for how to perform the first, second and third rounds of shooting in a group of several people.

But Zhang Zhao chose to basically ignore it. He knew nothing about shooting rituals. At the same time, a large number of people in Longyou and Hexi had fallen to Tubo for more than a hundred years. The identities of many of them could not withstand further investigation, and they were completely untrue.


The only people who knew a little bit, except for the extremely busy Pei Yuan, were the civil servants of Shazhou headed by his uncle Song Shantong who still knew some rules.

However, after Song Shantong explained it to Zhang Zhao, Zhang Zhao immediately realized that the traditional local shooting ceremony was not suitable for him to use now.

Because this set of etiquette was used to regulate the behavior of scholars and promote understanding when the country was stable.

But now, he not only needs to urgently bring back the large number of descendants of Tang'er who have become degenerated in Longyou, Hexi Province, but also needs to show force and attract more people to join him with his fists. A more formal local shooting ceremony is not appropriate.

So Zhang Zhao immediately started to make changes, changing the local shooting ceremony to the four aspects of shooting, fighting, fighting and art.

Archery is divided into mounted archery and infantry archery.

The imperial test was a test of riding skills, while the infantry test was a test of endurance and load-bearing after putting on armor.

Fighters wore leather armor and used wooden spears and wooden swords to duel. Zhang Zhao also adopted the point counting method commonly used in later generations, covering the wooden spear head and blade with lime, and arranged for a referee to determine the outcome based on points.

Of course, art is not art, but the skills of raising horses, training horses and treating livestock.

In an army dominated by cavalry and mounted infantry, those who can raise and train horses, especially those who can treat horses and become veterinarians, are definitely high-end talents.

Excellent cavalry are generally excellent veterinarians, and the war horses under your legs are your companions. If you don't even know how to treat war horses, it is generally difficult to become a rider with excellent riding skills.

In order to enhance competition, Zhang Zhao prepared generous rewards and two titles for this event, which was said to be a local shooting ceremony but more like an army competition.

Anyone who can get a mid-to-high rating in two of the archery, riding, fighting and horse-breeding skills can get the title of Zhongjie Xiaowei.

Those who obtain the title of Zhongjie School Captain can receive double land grants in the subsequent grant of official land. At the same time, they can also receive a sword and a Tianzhu broken-eared horse.

It can also be used on seven festivals including Zhengri, Shangyuan, Hanshi, Shangsi, Dragon Boat Festival, Double Ninth Festival and one’s birthday.

As a reward, Zhang Zhaojing received ten kilograms of white flour, ten kilograms of meat, one kilogram each of Hexi white sugar and rock sugar, two bricks of tea, and a piece of fine white cotton cloth.

Correspondingly, during large-scale battles, all loyal lieutenants who join the army will immediately become officers and have the responsibility to lead their neighbors to be brave. On weekdays, they must also assist the village chiefs in catching thieves, detecting traitors, and maintaining social order. .

The second title is Gui Yilang. Just hearing this name, you know how rare it is.

Only those who rank in the top 30 in one of the four categories of archery, archery, chariotry, fighting, and art, and who are not lower than the top 100 in two of the remaining three categories can get this title.

Those who received the title of Gui Yilang were first given land in proportion to four people, and the rewards for the seven festivals were doubled according to the Zhongjie captain. In addition to swords and BMWs, there were also treasure armors.

When he is not on duty and is not serving in the army, he will be given one extra month of silver. When he is in the military, he will be given three extra months of silver.

At the same time, Gui Yilang still had the opportunity to join Zhang Zhao's side. From then on, Zhang Zhao's bodyguards, Han Shandu, were all selected from Gui Yilang.

Moreover, Gui Yilang can also compete for the number one pick, the second pick, and the top three picks.

In addition to ordinary rewards, these three powerful men will also grant residences in Liangzhou and beauties selected from Saman Persia, Tianzhu, Zhenyuan and Anyuan.

The most important thing is that Zhang Zhao personally promised that Gui Yilang would not kill Gui Yilang, just like the iron kite in Xixia did not kill the iron kite in history.

In the army, Gui Yilang committed a capital crime and could not be beheaded immediately. He had to report it to Zhang Zhao for review. Gui Yilang was given an iron plate to carry with him and had the right to meet the Lord.

Well, Zhang Zhao really understood the whole thing about the imperial examination and the gold medal for immunity from death.

Gui Yilang is not an officer, but is better than an officer. After the organizational chaos on the battlefield, ordinary soldiers obey the command of Colonel Zhongjie, and Colonel Zhongjie obeys the command of Gui Yilang.

Zhang Zhao plans to hold such a local shooting ceremony every two years, stirring things up directly from below, attracting all outstanding young men and brave men from various tribes, and using some benefits.

At the local shooting ceremony, thunderous cheers were heard as the shot was fired. A hundred steps away, ten shots out of ten hit the target. Nine out of ten shots hit the red heart, which was the highest on the spot.

On the other side, the cavalry and archery competition became a competition between Murong Nobunaga, Li Cunhui, and Zhebu Jiashi's disciples.

The three of them flew around on their horses and competed in several competitions, including fixed targets, moving targets, sideways shooting, and turning around shooting.

In the end, Murong Nobunaga won the final victory by turning around and shooting three times.

As for the foot fight, the test of armor endurance and negative gravity, the bear finally won.

In spear fighting, Er Zhujing, who was born as a palace guard in Khotan, was ranked first. The number one in short weapons was unexpectedly Cui Huxin, who had just been punished for fighting.

In the art competition, several sick horses were even brought to the field. Zhang Zhao personally went to inspect the horses. Although it was not as fierce as shooting and fighting, the competition was also very fierce because of Zhang Sikong's attention.

For a time, people were coming and going, and the gongs and drums were noisy. It was countless times more lively than yesterday's country drinking ceremony.

And behind the excitement, what was revealed was the extremely powerful force of Zhang Zhao's newly built Liangzhou Military Group.

On the left side of the venue, under the recommendation of Master Dinghui of the Majestic Temple, the Jincheng Wang family and the Su Lun family of Tubo, the leaders of the Ammo tribe in Lanzhou, finally sent people.

In fact, the composition of Lanzhou Fumo is simpler than that of Liangzhou Fumo. This place is close to Guanzhong. Although it was also captured after the Tubo captured Hexi, there are still many Han powerful forces remaining.

Moreover, the Tibetanization of the local Qiang people in Lanzhou and the Aries Dangxiang and other ethnic groups left here is not serious.

In the past, when the Tibetans enslaved this place, the Han people, the Qiang people, and the Dangxiang people stayed together to keep warm.

After the defeat of Tubo, the Tang Dynasty also regained Lanzhou. Rather than saying that they belonged to the Mo Mo, it was better to say that they belonged to the local tycoon forces that extended after the Central Plains court was unable to govern.

However, in history, the reason why Lanzhou Amo was not as famous as Liangzhou Amo Liubu was that it was eventually annexed.

The main reason is that Lanzhou's combat effectiveness is still far behind Liangzhou's.

During the Tubo period, Liangzhou Fumo could be said to be the most important servant army of Tubo to a large extent.

At that time, most of the craftsmen under the control of the Jiedu Yamen in Longyou and Hexi were in Liangzhou. They were able to make swords and armor themselves, and their combat effectiveness was much stronger than that of Lanzhou Aimo, which could only produce some inferior swords.

Faced with Zhang Zhao's forced order, the Lanzhou Wang family and the Su Lun family certainly did not dare to openly resist.

So they sent Su Lunyan from the Su Lun family to Liangzhou to investigate. As a result, Su Lunyan was almost frightened to death.

Different from the previous impression that Liangzhou people can carry more than a thousand armors and can send out more than ten thousand troops, this time Su Lunyan saw at least thousands of bear and tiger warriors who could wear heavy armor, shoot their bows from left to right, and fight for most of the day.

, has superb riding skills and can be called a marksman, at least hundreds of them.

The people of Liangzhou also possess a kind of strange-looking tall war horses. Their sprint speed, explosive power and endurance, as well as the ability to bear gravity are the only things Su Lunyan has ever seen in his life.

He sighed, the thousands of warriors in the local shooting ceremony alone were no match for their clansmen who wore leather robes and used inferior iron swords.

Just as he sighed, Zhang Zhao came over, and the person holding his arm was Su Lunyan's younger brother Su Luxin.

"Su Tui's official family is indeed a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. My brother has defeated many brave men and won the title of loyal school captain in one fell swoop."

Zhang Zhao was smiling, but the two brothers Su Runyan and Su Runluxin were looking sad.

Su Lun Luxin is already one of the most valiant warriors of the Su Lun family, but he can only get one loyalty school captain, and can't even get into the top thirty.

The toughness shown by the Liangzhou people in the local shooting ceremony made it even more difficult for them to relax.

"Although you are only a loyal captain, you are not from Liangzhou. It is already very good to be able to do this. It is not appropriate to reward you with anything else. Let this horse be your reward!"

With that said, Zhang Zhao ordered his men to bring a tall folded-eared horse to Su Lun Luxin. It was a muscular horse with a shoulder height of more than three feet.

Su Lun Luxin was originally said to be a bit disgraced by Zhang Zhao. Among the many warriors of the Su Lun family, he could only get one loyal captain. However, the war horse given by Zhang Zhao immediately made him overjoyed.

"Su Lu's heart is full of gratitude, thank you Sikong for your generous gift!"

Su Lunyan looked at his disciples who knelt down and bowed in obeisance. He didn't know what it was like. The strongest among them was the Liangzhou Liugu tribe.

After Zhang Zhao conquered the Liugu tribe in Liangzhou, the rest of the Momo forces were no longer able to compete.

This chapter has been completed!
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