Chapter 436 Is this the Geluo Lu people or the Army of the Later Jin Dynasty?

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The Geluolu people were originally a branch of the Tiele people.

Like the Uighurs, Bashmi people, and Oghuz people, they are all nomadic peoples who speak the ancient Turkic language.

However, perhaps it is not accurate to say that the Geluolu people are nomadic people. It can only be said that most of them are in a nomadic state, but there are still a small number of people who have learned farming.

Of course, the biggest reason for this is that the global climate and temperature were relatively suitable during the Tang Dynasty, and small-scale farming could be carried out north of the Altai Mountains.

When the Little Ice Age came at the end of the Tang Dynasty, the Geluolu people were forced to migrate southward by the bitter cold weather.

Everyone went south, with more people and less land, there would inevitably be unrest, and then they, together with the Uighurs and Bashmi people, attacked and destroyed the Western Turkic Khanate.

In fact, it was not only the Central Plains dynasties that were vulnerable to attacks by the grassland peoples during the Little Ice Age. In fact, before that, the grassland peoples had already carried out a round of survival of the fittest.

However, the destruction of the Western Turks did not allow the Geluolu people to come to power. They were leaderless. Instead, after Pang Teqin moved westward, they surrendered to the Uighurs and became an important part of the Kara Khanate.

And because the area where the Geluolu people live has always been north of the Altai Mountains and east of Lake Balkhash, the climate here is cold and dry, and the living conditions are difficult.

Therefore, in addition to giving the Geluolu people the two characteristics of hospitality and bravery, they also endowed them with the cruelest characteristics of a grassland nation.

To put it simply, their favorite operation is to hug their thighs.

In the eyes of the grassland people, this is nothing more than the wisdom of survival. But in the eyes of others, especially Han Chinese like Zhang Zhao, the biggest characteristic of the Geluolu people is that they are repeatedly untrustworthy.

They backstabbed Gao Xianzhi, the former military governor of the Four Towns of Anxi, and also backstabbed the Western Turkic Khanate that had taken over them.

Therefore, when preparing to kill Saktu and the fifteen thousand Geluolu cavalry in Tingzhou City, Zhang Zhao did not make a plan because he did not want to conquer many Geluolu people at all.


Xianquan Town is about forty miles away from Tingzhou. This distance is not too far for the cavalry. If you don't spare the horsepower, you can reach it within an hour.

Therefore, Zhang Zhao did not appear to be in a hurry, but after having all the soldiers fed at the beginning of Yinshi, he began to dispatch the entire army at the end of Yinshi and approach Tingzhou City.

Of course, there is another reason why Zhang Zhao is not impatient, that is, his main purpose in this battle is to swallow up the entire Gaochang Uighur Khanate.

As for the Geluolu people who are far away in the land of Seven Rivers, Zhang Zhao is not currently prepared to include them under his rule.

These guys have a total of hundreds of thousands of tents in the Land of Seven Rivers. In Anxi at this moment, they are a considerable force.

If Zhang Zhao included them in his rule, it would be difficult to effectively block and restrict them.

Once these people have a way to obtain iron tools through Anxi, they may become a huge threat to Tingzhou, so Zhang Zhao is not prepared to recruit them at all.

In this way, a blockade network can be established against the Geluolu people in Tingzhou and Luntai, that is, near Urumqi.

Do not allow even a small piece of iron products to flow into their tribe, in order to achieve the purpose of weakening and controlling the Geluolu people.


As a grassland ethnic group, the Geluolu people's favorite color is black, and many grassland ethnic groups share this preference.

Because on the grassland, the best and most conspicuous color to obtain is black, and red is still too luxurious for them.

So when Bai Congxin and Murong Nobunaga each led two thousand elites to Tingzhou, the first thing they saw was not the low walls of Tingzhou City, but the black-roofed tents lined up along the white amniotic fluid outside the city.

As a grassland nation that is quite proficient in fighting, the Geluolu people did not all shrink inside Tingzhou City.

Because they are all cavalry, if they are trapped in the city, how can they maneuver.

Therefore, there were only two thousand of Saktu's closest confidants in the city, and the rest were camped outside the city.

According to the arrangement when setting off, Bai Congxin led his troops and first lurked about five miles away from the Geluolu camp.

Murong Nobunaga handed over a thousand cavalrymen from Zuoyu Linwei to Bai Congxin, and he himself led a thousand fine cavalry around to the other side.

Then both sides attacked from the southwest and northwest at the agreed time.

The hooves of all the war horses among Murong Nobunaga's thousand men were wrapped in thick animal skins or white cotton cloth. This was a great test of the training level of the war horses.

Because if you wrap the hooves of a normal horse, its first reaction will be fear and fear, or at least it will want to shake off the thing on the hoof, and it will not be able to obey the command at all.

But Murong Nobunaga's two thousand war horses had long been accustomed to this, and none of them was restless.

At the same time, a thousand cavalrymen each had a wooden stick with their name engraved on it in their mouths. After arriving at the designated place, the first thing the officer checked was whether the stick in the soldier's mouth was still there.

Anyone who is not there will be deprived of the first-level rank. Those who have no rank will be put into the death squad. If they can survive, their guilt will be offset, but it is generally difficult to survive.

At the same time, when a person holds a stick in his mouth, the horse's mouth will be entangled to prevent them from making too loud a sound.


Bai Congxin's three thousand men all dismounted, and in a tacit understanding, they took out soybeans fried with salt and began to feed the horses. Bai Congxin himself took out a very well-made hourglass.

This is a timer that Zhang Zhao began to promote among senior officers after arriving in Liangzhou.

Compared with the current popular drain-type engraved glasses, the hourglass, a timepiece that did not appear until about a hundred years ago, has one of the biggest advantages, that is, it is rarely affected by the weather.

The main reason is that it will not evaporate and freeze, thus affecting the accuracy of timing.

The batch of hourglasses that Zhang Zhao asked the Ministry of Industry to make are more accurate than ordinary ones. Even the weight and particle size of the sand inside were screened and weighed by the craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry, so the error is extremely small.

Bai Congxin looked at this small hourglass. It was a two-quarter-hour hourglass. When it finished, whether Murong Xin was in place or not, Bai Congxin would immediately launch an attack.

If Murong Nobunaga arrives early, special fire thunder will be detonated as a reminder.

It was already the end of Mao hour, that is, seven o'clock in the morning, and the Geluolu people by the Aries River began to get up and move around.

The first thing the officers did when they got up in the morning was to check whether the small group of cavalry who were on guard outside had returned.

Geluolu people generally have three major surnames - Mouluo, Tashiqi, and Chiqi.

After Saktu arrived at the Land of Seven Rivers, he promoted the weakest Mulu tribe among them to his confidants.

From then on, Mouluo tribe became a staunch supporter of Saktu, so most of the people who lived with Saktu in Tingzhou were members of Mouluo tribe.

Genalo was waking up from a sweet dream. He was a short stature but a "strong man" with muscles all over his body.

People with this kind of body shape are often the best riders. They are powerful but light in weight. They are simply born for horseback riding.

As the little prince of the Moulu tribe, he was also one of the first people to seek refuge with Saktu. Therefore, after Saktu became the de facto guardian of the Geluolu people, Genalo received extremely generous rewards.

The herdsmen under his command soon expanded from two thousand tents to seven thousand tents.

There was a low sob next to him, but Genalo didn't take it at all, and instead laughed with a grin.

This was the eldest daughter of the governor of Uighur Ting Prefecture in Gaochang. After Saktu entered the city, regardless of the fact that the woman was already married, he rewarded her to Genalo.

"You Uighurs have lived too many good lives, and women can no longer bear this grievance. I hope your sister is not so tender and tender that she can't help but take care of her."

Hearing Genaro's words, the woman who was crying while hugging a cotton quilt suddenly widened her eyes.

This is a small, white-skinned beauty, which forms a sharp contrast with the dark, ugly Panzi-like Genalo.

"No!" The little Uighur beauty suddenly screamed, "Yina is only thirteen years old, you promised me you wouldn't bully her!"

Genalo turned around and smiled, "I promised, but now I have changed my mind.

Our 13-year-old girl from Geluolu is already married, but your 13-year-old Uighur girl still needs the protection of her sister. She is really too fragile."

"You promised me, you promised me!"

The little Uighur beauty on the bed was still in the stage where her sense of security was completely shattered, and she was shouting in panic.

Genalo had already put on his clothes. He turned around and smiled evilly.

"Tonight, I need to see a beautifully dressed Yina, otherwise no one can save your father's life."

"Inale, the five ten-man teams on the northwest and northeast sides have not returned today. Ahad Subash wants to take 500 cavalry for reconnaissance."

At this moment, the guard's shout came from outside the door.

Yinale means prince, which is used by the Ogus and Geluolu people to refer to the leaders of their own tribes, while Subash is a name for the generals who command the army.

Genaro walked out of the tent quickly and frowned. The two hundred-man teams that went out for patrol the day before yesterday did not come back. At this time, five more ten-man teams who were on guard outside lost contact.

Then this cannot be explained by going out to rob, it must be that the enemy appeared somewhere.

"Go and report to Ye Hu quickly and ask Subash to take a thousand people. Five hundred people are not..."

Before Genalo could finish speaking, he heard a loud roar.

He rushed out of the tent in surprise and raised his head to look up at the sky. There were a few white clouds floating in the early morning sky, with no intention of raining at all. Where did this thunder come from?

However, he no longer had any doubts immediately, because the sound of neat horse hooves had already sounded, and even the earth seemed to be trembling slightly.

Genalo's tent was pitched on a low hill, because it would be easier for him to command. He grabbed the guard's horse, and Genalo flew out of the main tent.

He saw two cavalrymen a mile or two away in a neat arrow formation, rushing towards both sides like thunder, leaving only a passage to the west of his main tent.

Murong Nobunaga sneaked until he was less than two miles away from the Ligaluolu camp before sending out a signal and rushing over with his troops.

At this time, the Geluolu people's tents were arranged in a ¤ shape, with the main tent in the higher-lying area in the middle.

Outside the main tent, some scattered tents extend out in each direction, which serve as a barrier to the main tent and can be used as a block when the enemy attacks.

Murong Nobunaga and Bai Cong made an extremely bold choice. They chose to pass through the gaps in the scattered barrier tents and go directly to the main tent.

The advantage of this is that most of the people in the main account in the chaos can be quickly squeezed out from this geographically advantageous place.

But the disadvantage is that it is equivalent to plunging into the enemy's belly.

Although it is possible to gut the enemy, it is also possible to be eaten by the enemy.

The first to approach were Murong Nobunaga and his thousand men, because Bai Congxin was waiting for his signal at a position about five miles away, but Murong Nobunaga launched the attack at a position less than two miles away.

So he rushed into the Geluolu camp before Bai Congxin.

The Geluolu people also reacted quickly. After the initial panic, the scattered tents that had not been directly impacted quickly responded.

Of course, there is another reason for this quick response, and that is that the soldiers in their scattered tents outside basically have no armor.

Their weapons are nothing more than a bow, a pot of arrows and axes and hammers made of various materials, so their reaction speed can be very fast.

As soon as you open your eyes, you get on your horse and pick up your bow. This is when you are ready.

Of course, this is convenient, but the lethality is still very pitiful.

They watched Murong Nobunaga's thousand men slip through the gap, and immediately screamed and attacked from both sides.

A hail of arrows flew across the sky, but the five hundred people in front of Murong Nobunaga were all half-dressed, that is, the cavalry were wearing cotton armor, and the horses were protected by a length of armor hanging down from their abdomens.

The weight of the overall human vest is no more than fifty kilograms, so that it has a certain degree of defense without sacrificing speed to the greatest extent.

As for the Geluolu people, many of them didn't even have a sufficient supply of iron arrows. They looked like a rain of arrows flying across the sky like locusts, but apart from causing a little psychological tension, they didn't even shoot a single knight off their horse.


The five hundred cavalry behind Murong Nobunaga were commanded by his trusted general Zhang Xibao.

These five hundred cavalry were light-armored cavalry wearing three layers of composite cowhide armor and chainmail coats.

Although these chainmails were captured from Samampos, they were improved to a certain extent after arriving in Hexi, and the gaps between each iron chain became smaller.

This makes the Persian-style chain mail, which originally liked being hung by arrows, become more dense. Even ordinary armor-piercing arrows cannot easily penetrate the small holes of the chain mail.

The composite cowhide armor inside reduces the impact force of arrows to a great extent.

Zhang Xibao and the others were also holding relatively light horse bows.

This type of bow used for horseback combat generally only has six or seven bows. The advantage is that it can greatly increase the number and rate of arrows fired by the rider, but the disadvantage is that the power is too small.

However, it is enough to shoot these Geluolu people who have no armor.

Moreover, the power of an arrow depends not only on the strength of the bow, but also on the quality of the arrow shaft.

Generally speaking, the straighter the arrow shaft, the greater the power it can carry.

The arrow shaft is crooked and crooked, which often consumes most of the kinetic energy provided by the bowstring during flight.

The quality of the flight posture is also one of the decisive factors that determine the power of the arrow.

So this is the reason why with a bow of the same strength, sometimes an arrow can break through the armor, but sometimes an arrow cannot even hang on the armor.

Similarly, to make the arrow shaft straight, in ancient times when there were no lathes and other industrial machinery, it was entirely dependent on the personal experience and skills of the craftsmen. This is also a reflection of a country's comprehensive national strength.

The arrow shafts in the hands of Zhang Xibao and others are much straighter than those of the Geluolu people, and the arrows are also made of fine steel.

Therefore, although the arrows were also shot from horse bows, the lethality of Zhang Xibao's group was one order of magnitude greater than that of the Geluolu people.

The Geluolu people were shooting at the five hundred cavalry led by Murong Nobunaga, while Zhang Xibao was shooting at the Geluolu people on both sides.

The former is almost harmless, while the damage of the latter can only be described as terrifying.

The Geluolu people who had gathered in a mess were constantly shot to the ground. Then, after losing more than a hundred people and unable to bear the casualties, they collapsed with a bang and asked them to risk their lives to stop them. This is not Geluolu at all.

The habit of wealthy people.

Genalo, who was in charge of Shanbao's tent, saw that the more than 2,000 people below were scattered by 500 horsemen, and he immediately knew that the person coming was definitely not a good person.

He had two choices, one was to hold the camp and wait for the two thousand cavalry from Saktu in Tingzhou City to come for support, the other was to attack now and defeat the enemy in front of him.

However, at this time, Murong Nobunaga and the others arrived too quickly. In such a hurry, Genaro could not form a team, so it was not very realistic to attack.

Thinking of this, Gunara immediately ordered Subhash Ahad to lead a thousand guards to delay the enemy at the door, while he went back to gather the men and the entire team.

After Genaro finished speaking, he hurriedly ran back. Ahad, who had clamored earlier to take five hundred elf cavalry for reconnaissance, was a little timid.

Just looking at the people on the opposite side, the arrows shot by more than 2,000 people passed through, and there were not even a few arrows on the armor. I immediately knew that these people were all wearing precious armor.

What can Ahad's cavalry wearing cowhide armor do to resist such iron cavalry?

However, he didn't dare to disobey Genalo's order, so he quickly thought of a 'little trick!'

Ahad ordered all the cavalry under his command to dismount and form an infantry formation.

Because if everyone mounts their horses to intercept, at the opponent's speed, they will be close very quickly.

With the equipment they were wearing, if the armored cavalry got close and slashed them, Ahad himself might die here.

But it would be different if they dismounted. These cavalrymen were obviously rushing towards the Chinese army's tent and did not care about their slow-footed infantrymen.

At that time, if Genaro has organized a defense, he will mount his horse and follow them to attack the enemy.

Genaro didn't gather many soldiers and horses, so if his organization was complete and his horses were still there, there would be no problem in escaping.

Just as he said, Ahad quickly asked two teams of ten to guard the horses, while he himself led the assembled seven to eight hundred people to form an infantry square.

Murong Nobunaga rushed in, thinking that he would encounter enemy cavalry. After all, there were at least 7,000 people in the main tent of these Geluolu people. How could they organize hundreds or even thousands of cavalry first?

Delay your own attack.

As a result, when he bumped in, he was shocked.

In addition to the frightened guys running around everywhere, he actually encountered an infantry phalanx of hundreds of people.

A few of them were holding long wooden spears, and most of them were holding rifles and were looking at themselves nervously.

For a moment, Murong Nobunaga had some doubts. He did not rush into the Geluolu camp, but rushed into the camp of the Later Jin army.

Scattered arrows were fired at them. Just as Ahad had expected, Murong Nobunaga's target was the Chinese army's tent. He wanted to capture the thieves first and capture the king first. Against such a strange infantry phalanx, that was not a problem.

No interest at all.

These five hundred and a half armored cavalry didn't even have the interest to return a wave of bows and arrows, and just rushed past them.

Ahad just breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to chase the whole army to see the situation. As a result, Zhang Xibao's 500 cavalry just happened to rush over.

Zhang Xibao's mission is to create chaos, and the seven to eight hundred people gathered together in an organized manner are the biggest enemy of chaos. Of course, he will not be lenient.

The iron cavalry galloped past like a whirlwind, and a shower of arrows flew past. The Ahad tribe who was about to mount their horses suddenly suffered a disaster.

The armor was in tatters, there were no shields, no crossbows, and no obstacles, and the formation was about to move.

The infantry had all the elements needed to be passively beaten by the cavalry in one fell swoop.

Zhang Xibao originally just wanted to scare this group of people away, but the behavior displayed on the opposite side was simply the perfect target.

This made Zhang Xibao feel that if he didn't fight, he would be sorry for the right time and place.

Five hundred light-armored cavalry circled around Ahad's infantry square, constantly rotating and shooting from all directions.

The Geluolu people were huddled together in a mess, being knocked to the ground by flying arrows, and screams kept coming and going.

Zhang Xibao and others threw five rounds of arrows at an extremely fast time, and these unlucky Geluolu people could not hold back any longer.

Someone screamed and took the lead in trying to run out of the small gap left by Zhang Xibao and the others. The formation that could barely be maintained collapsed suddenly, and there were figures running around everywhere.

Seeing this, Zhang Xibao immediately changed his team from riding and shooting in a circle into a dispersed formation for impact. Then the first two rows were equipped with horses and the rest with sabers, and they suddenly collided.

The fleeing Geluolu people were beaten by Ma Shan's hammers on the left and right, and soon fell into even more chaos.

This allowed the Liang Kingdom's rear cavalry to mobilize their horses, and with just a flick of the hand, they could easily hack to death the Geluolu people who exposed their backs to them, while their own side suffered almost zero casualties.

As Murong Nobunaga advanced, he encountered some obstacles in the maze-like main tent of the Geluolu people.

However, the unarmored cavalry was completely unable to stop them. Often, with just one sprint, these Geluolu people would retreat with heavy casualties.

However, when he arrived at the main tent where the banner symbolizing the Yehu of the Geluolu people was erected, Genalo had already gathered four thousand cavalry in the chaos, and they ran in a relatively orderly formation -

Or a special infantry phalanx.

Huh huh! Genalo sneered twice, you never expected that I won’t play horse riding and shooting with you.

You war horses carrying dozens of kilograms of iron armor have traveled more than five miles and are still galloping. Can you still shoot through my three thousand bows?

Genaro did not dismount everyone, but left a thousand men as cavalry on both sides, so that he could mobilize his troops at any time.

Murong Nobunaga grinned, this is the classic Tang Dynasty war method or also called the Central Plains war method!

The main force of the Chinese army consisted of infantry forming a large crossbow formation, with elite cavalry on both wings.

Seeing this, not only Murong Nobunaga laughed, but Wu Guoer, Yue Saonu and others around him also laughed.

Zuoyu Linwei fought on foot, which is not an exaggeration, because they were separated from Hanshandu.

"Zhang Xiaobiao, Wen Buchao, you two will pay attention to the cavalry harassment on the left and right flanks.

The rest of the people are waiting, setting up a large array of bows and crossbows, with the divine arm archers in front, Yue Sao Nu leading the flying fire generals and preparing the pear blossom spear!"

Murong Xin loudly issued orders. Zhang Xiaobiao from Baima Village was also in Murong Nobunaga's army. He wanted greater military success.

If he can be promoted to the forty-fourth level and be called the eighth-grade Xiu Wu Lang as the ambassador, his son can enter the Imperial Academy under his protection and study with the future prince and princess.

At that time, when he went to the Zhang family in Baima Village, he would touch the edge of the martial arts family from the martial arts family.

Wen Buchao thought the same thing. He was one of the twelve elite riders who followed Zhe Deyuan into Yunzhou City.

And his ambition is even greater, he is quite the brother-in-law of King Zhang Tian.

This was the highest reward given by Zhang Zhao when he set out. He wanted to select five warriors with the highest merit from the army, regardless of their origin, and marry their five sisters to them.

Although he is a Tang, everyone knows that Ding Zixiao, a direct member of the Tianwang family, has no biological sister at all.

These cousins ​​were taken by King Zhang to live in Yongxun Palace in Liangzhou. They will be married according to the specifications of the sisters of the King of Heaven. Each of them will have the title of princess and the corresponding dowry, which is similar to that of their biological sisters.

At first, Genaro didn't know what the enemy on the opposite side meant when he laughed randomly, but once the fight started, he knew.

The five hundred people on the opposite side are not soldiers at all, they are simply killing machines.

When the crossbows were fired at each other, the three thousand archers in his army were shot by the three hundred archers on the opposite side, and they soon became unable to withstand the attack.

Especially the hundreds of people facing him head-on were quickly sunk in by the shots.

The reason is very simple. The opponent not only has thick armor, but also a very fast and strange crossbow. It looks like a bow, but its power is about the same as a crossbow.

The two sides are shooting in pairs. On your side, if you fire ten arrows, you can't hurt anyone on the other side. If the other side fires ten arrows, you can't wait to kill the ten people on your side. No one can bear this kind of terrifying damage ratio.

Genaro had no choice but to wave his flag and order the cavalry on the left and right wings to attack.

However, the two generals that Murong Nobunaga placed on the left and right wings were almost all top killing machines selected from all over the Liang Kingdom.

Zhang Xiaobiao, who shot and killed more than a hundred soldiers of the Dingnan Army, and Wen Buchao, who dared to pass through the Khitan army formation with only twelve riders, are typical examples.

It would not be easy for such a ruthless man to defeat the Geluolu cavalry.

The two wings of cavalry came diagonally, and Zhang Xiaobiao and his men were not afraid at all. The arrows fired from the divine arm bow were still more than a hundred steps away, and they stopped the Geluolu people from attacking.

When all the cavalrymen rushed forward twenty or thirty steps, they did not panic. They only heard loud noises and the flames ejected from the pear blossom guns lit up the not very bright morning.

The charging Geluolu cavalry and horses were frightened by this and immediately became confused.

Some war horses who are stressed can easily think that the violent noises and shiny things are coming from large predators such as tigers.

Yes, there are tigers on the territory of the Geluolu people. Near rivers, lakes and some mountains, and on the grasslands east and south of Yibohai (Lake Balkhash), there are a large number of tigers that will be called Persian tigers in later generations.


A war horse that is poorly trained or has never seen the Pear Blossom Spear will collapse much faster than humans can estimate.

Think about it, even if the dog or even the cow at home is frightened, what kind of state will it be in?

The presence of animals like war horses that live in large groups will only become more intense.

Screaming miserably, they ran around, throwing down the cavalry on their backs, then turned around and trampled on their own troops.

Even Murong Nobunaga didn't expect that two rounds of pear blossom guns could actually cause such a terrifying effect.

Surprised, Murong Nobunaga pulled out a pair of iron whips he carried with him, roared, and was the first to rush towards the Geluolu infantry phalanx.

He took advantage of the opportunity when the Geluolu people were attacked by his own horses to completely defeat them.

The pear blossom gunmen under Yue Saonu also immediately fired their pear blossom guns. The damage was not great, but the atmosphere of terror increased sharply. Even Genalo could hardly control the situation. Four thousand people were attacked by five hundred people from the opposite side.


Just as he was about to stabilize the front, Zhang Xibao and others arrived just in time after killing hundreds of Ahad's men. They even changed their horses specially, and the impact was strong at this moment.

As soon as they arrived, Genalo knew it was over. Yinalal from Geluolu did nothing. He took off his conspicuous armor, asked the guards to throw away the military flag, and ran away without leaving the army.


As soon as he ran away, the Geluolu army formation, which was still pouring in soldiers, completely collapsed.

On the other side, Bai Congxin's 3,000 men also cleared out the thousands of Geluolu people on the other side, and attacked the main tent in a flanking attack.

The total collapse of the Garrolu people has arrived.


Seven thousand six hundred words two in one.

This chapter has been completed!
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