Chapter 1039 Spring Bamboo Shoots (29)

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 Jiujiang, known as Chaisang, Jiangzhou, and Xunyang in ancient times, is known as "the mouth of three rivers and the thoroughfare of seven provinces" and "the most popular place in the world." A sentence in Bai Juyi's "Pipa Line" "Jiangzhou Sima's green shirt is wet" made this city famous all over the world.


The Ming Dynasty once divided the entire province of Jiujiang into five roads and thirteen prefectures. Jiujiang Road governed the three prefectures of Jiujiang, Nankang, and Raozhou; Jiujiang Prefecture governed the five counties of Dehua, De'an, Ruichang, Hukou, and Pengze.

Later, Emperor Guangwu streamlined the army and streamlined administration, and he abolished administrative agencies at the road level and only established roads in special areas such as salt affairs, river affairs, and water transportation. All five roads in Jiangxi were abolished, and only one patrol Jiangxi shipping channel was retained.

The less an official is, the more valuable he is. The prefect of Jiujiang is considered a "high official" in this province.

Yue Weiping, the current prefect of Jiujiang, is a famous scholar and one of the nine sons of Yitang. He is the most elegant person. Apart from poetry and poetry, his favorite thing in life is tea. As soon as he arrived in Jiujiang, he became obsessed with Lushan Yunwu Tea.
This Lushan Yunwu tea was originally just a kind of wild tea. Later, the famous monk Huiyuan transformed it into a domestic tea. It started in the Han Dynasty and was listed as a "tribute tea" in the Song Dynasty. It was named after it was produced in Lushan Mountain in Jiujiang. Tea Bud Fertilizer

It is green and moist, with compact and beautiful strands, fresh and long-lasting aroma, mellow and sweet taste, clear and bright soup color, and evenly green leaves at the bottom.

Yue Weiping skillfully weighed the tea leaves and then burned them with charcoal. He was a fastidious person and did not use charcoal that was not fully woody and still had residual smoke. Instead, he chose hard charcoal to boil water. The charcoal was red, so he put the kettle on the fire and hurriedly

Fan it without stopping. The water for making tea should be simmered over a high fire without stopping. If the soup has been boiled, it is better to discard it and cook it again.

When the water boiled, he quickly put tea leaves into the pot, using a pure white small porcelain pot produced in Ding kiln. As a master of tea ceremony, he advocated using small pots, "Small ones make the aroma more dense, while larger ones make it easier to diffuse."

About half a liter is appropriate. You should consider it yourself, the smaller the better.

Then he poured water into the pot, first adding a small amount of water to warm the tea leaves, and then filling it up. The pot and cups were washed with boiling water every day and wiped dry with jute towels to prevent the paint on the table from causing food poisoning and spoiling the tea. He took the tea

Cup, pour tea soup to cover and settle, and then put it back into the pot to stir up the fragrance and flavor, and prevent the color from sinking. If you repeat it three times, the milk will be tender and smooth, and the nose will be fragrant.

"Good tea! Everyone here is talking about it. The clouds and mist in Lushan Mountain have six unique characteristics: thick ropes, many green hairs, bright tea color, tender and even leaves, long-lasting fragrance, mellow and sweet taste, you can't be fooled by it!" Yue Weiping sipped it!

Take a bite, hold it in your mouth, and mutter to yourself.

He really loved this Yunwu tea. He had many opportunities to be promoted to officials in other provinces, but he refused, just to get the first Yunwu tea every year.

Because he used a small pot, he finished the tea quickly. Still not satisfied, he began to fill the water for the second time. He carried the kettle high and used high pressure to increase the impact of the water. Delicate green tea usually only needs to be filled with water.

After brewing three times, the second pot boiled quickly. Unlike other celebrities, this tea-making process was completed by himself, and there was not even a tea boy. According to his words, "Making tea is something that if

If you pretend to be someone else, the tea will not be fragrant!"

Pour the second pot of tea into the cup, wash it repeatedly and taste it again. The taste is slightly different from the first pot. Although it is lighter, it is more mellow.

"How wonderful! Under the long pine trees, at the head of the creek, spotted deer wear white cloth and fur, medicinal gardens and tea gardens are industries, and wild elk and storks are friends." When people are happy, they start to recite poems.

"Dong~dong~dong~" Outside the government office, someone was beating drums to complain.

"Who dares to break the rules and play drums without authorization?" Yue Weiping was disturbed and became furious.

He was angry for a reason. The big drum placed at the yamen door was not played for the common people, but for the yamen's officials. First, it was played when there was an emergency and it was necessary to gather people. Through the sound of the drum, all the officials in the yamen were summoned.

; The second is to knock when the master returns to the Yamen to remind everyone that the Master has returned to the Yamen. As for people going to the Yamen to file complaints, there is a certain process. As long as the petition is written well, there is no need to beat the drum.

There was no urgent matter today and I didn't go out. The drum outside suddenly rang. It must be that some unruly people were complaining. Magistrate Yue felt angry. After serving as an official for many years, he was most annoyed by these unruly people who didn't follow the procedures and complained. In the past, he met these unruly people.

When you are here waiting for people, don’t worry about the intricacies, let’s make a decision first and then talk about it.


The yamen servants shouted loudly, the master of the palace was raised to the throne, and the "Avoid" and "Quiet" signs were erected at the yamen gate.


Yue Weiping slapped the gavel tree hard and asked coldly: "Who is playing the drum? What is the reason?" As a famous scholar, he is accustomed to reciting poems and poems. Although he is angry, his voice is quite pleasant.

Liu Ying knelt on the ground and said, "My lord, the daughter of the common people is named Liu Ying, and she is a slave born to the family of Shen Fuxiang, a wealthy businessman in Jiujiang. The imperial court has decreed the abolition of slavery, and all slaves born to the family are released as civilians. But Mr. Shen refuses to implement it.

According to the imperial court's decree, Shen Zhong, a slave who gave birth to a son in the Shen family, asked Master Shen to be released, but he was severely beaten, forced to sign a deed of prostitution, and imprisoned in a woodshed. His life is in danger. Please make the decision for Shen Zhong!"

Xu was thinking of Shen Zhong's tragic situation. When she said this, she couldn't help but burst into tears. I felt pity for her.

Yue Weiping was shocked: This woman actually came to sue my brother Shen Xian!

To be fair, Magistrate Yue is definitely an upright official! He has a noble character and never accepts bribes. He also has a very bottom line in handling government affairs and abides by the rules. Although as long as the eggs are not cracked, flies will not bite; but as time goes by, how can there be no such thing in this world?

Sewn eggs? Magistrate Yue’s weakness lies in this Yunwu Tea.

At that time, Shen Fuxiang was introduced to Yue Weiping, and he tried every means to flatter him, but to no avail. He got angry when he gave him banknotes, claiming that his innocence had been tainted; when he gave him jewelry and land deeds, he was angry, saying that he regarded these things as dirt; when he gave him antiques, calligraphy and paintings,

, still refused to accept it, Yun himself was a mortal and didn’t know how to do it. He only gave away two kilograms of the best cloud mist, and the master accepted it. From then on, things got out of control. The two of them often talked together about choosing tea, boiling water, selecting utensils, and brewing.

Many tea ceremony matters, lead as a confidant.

With Magistrate Yue as his backer, Shen Fuxiang's business has gotten better and better, occupying the best tea mountain in Lushan, and the scale of production has also grown.

Since Yue Weiping had an acquaintance with Shen Fuxiang, he was somewhat partial to the Shen family. Moreover, the Yue family was also an aristocratic family, with more children and servants than the Shen family, more than a hundred people. However, as an official of the imperial court, he could not Those who dared to blatantly disobey the imperial decree have been released, and those who did not want to leave have all re-signed their contracts of sale.

Even so, he did not think that the emperor had done the right thing in "abolition of slaves". On the contrary, he felt that by doing so, masters and slaves were not distinguished, which violated the ethical code. Of course, he is the master now and has ruthless tactics. Although he does not accept it, he only dares to do so. I muttered in my heart, but I didn’t dare to show it on my face.

"If you come to complain, can you write a written complaint?" He snorted coldly and asked.

"The woman is illiterate and has not written on paper." Liu Ying's voice was as thin as a gnat.

"Have you ever gone to Dehua County to file a complaint?"



Yue Weiping was extremely angry, "You are such a cunning woman. You didn't write a pleading when you complained. You didn't go to the county government office first and then came directly to the government office. If there is no military incident or a very serious grievance, you just beat the drum and complain. You don't follow the procedures and cause disturbance. Court. Come on! Drag us down and beat us~"

He glanced at the hall and saw that Liu Ying was handsome and dressed like a jade from a small family. Suddenly, he felt a sense of celebrity and had a pity for the beauty. He paused and said, "Let's play ten big boards."

This chapter has been completed!
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