Chapter 122 Wang Di

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 Prince Hauge of Heshuosu was preparing to return to Beijing in triumph from Sichuan. He ordered the Ming Dynasty surrender generals Wang Zuntan, Li Guoying and others to stay in Baoning.

His subordinates loaded boxes of gold, silver and jewelry into trucks and prepared to transport them back to Beijing. During this expedition to Sichuan, Aixinjuero Hauge made a lot of money again.

The Eight Banners in Beijing all spread the word: "The walls of Prince Li's Mansion, the rooms of Prince Yu's Mansion, and the silver of Prince Su's Mansion are measured in measures."

Bah! These gossips are so inconsiderate of Prince Su.

Prince Su's family is very prosperous. There are thirteen recorded wives and concubines, and they have seven sons. How can it be enough if you don't make more money?

"Your Highness, are you going back to Beijing? God bless you!"

When they heard that Hauge was leaving, Sichuan Jesuit missionaries Li Leisi and An Wensi came to see him off.

Hauge had a strong interest in Western science and technology, especially their cannons. When he was in Beijing, he had a passionate relationship with the famous missionary Tang Ruowang. Tang Ruowang asked him to protect the Lord's servants when he went to Sichuan, and Hauge immediately agreed.

Li Leisi and An Wensi were captured by the Qing soldiers on their way to escape in Sichuan and sent to Hauge's camp. When Hauge saw this appearance, he was blond, blue-eyed, iron-clad, and a friend of Lao Tang.

He was always happy with his friends, "he pampered them very much, gave them meat and rice every day, and took good care of them".

As a result, he found a treasure. These two men were both missionaries and scientists. Haug asked them for knowledge about the machine. After chatting with them, he was "very surprised, thinking that he had never heard of it, and that he had never seen it before, and he praised it endlessly."

So Hauge instructed them to translate books on science and technology and astronomy into Manchu with detailed explanations, and prepare to take them back to Beijing and hand them over to Emperor Shunzhi.

Hauge thought that Qing Dynasty firearms should be improved with Western methods.

"Take care of the two of you. There is a saying among the Han people that all the feasts in the world must come to an end. I believe that there will be a day when I can meet you two again."

After saying that, Hauge laughed loudly, got on his horse, and set foot on the plank road back to Beijing.

This is a road of no return.


The fully loaded Hauge army traveled through Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Hebei for more than five months before reaching Beijing.

As soon as he arrived in Beijing, Hauge felt that something was not right. Why didn't Jierhalang come out to greet him? What about Sony? Where are the people in his own camp?

He didn't know that within two years of his expedition to Sichuan, Dorgon had almost completely purged his power in Beijing.

Hauge pinched his little ears. This is his habit. He likes to pinch his ears whenever he hesitates.

It's a pity that the ears are too small and cannot be pinched no matter how big they are.

Hauge, in Manchu, means small earlobes. The Manchu people have the habit of naming children based on physical characteristics. For example, Dorgon, badger; Azige, small; Duoduo, fetus??

Dorgon did not send anyone to greet him, nor did any officials come out to greet him. When he was hesitating, Emperor Shunzhi sent someone to greet him.

The ten-year-old emperor held a banquet in the Hall of Supreme Harmony to honor Hauge.

The young emperor personally hosted a banquet, which gave Hauge great comfort. Although there were not many officials to greet him, he was the king of a country after all and represented the attitude of the court.

After dinner, Hauge asked the Eight Banners soldiers to return to their respective banners. Each went back to his home and looked for his mother. After two years away from home, the Eight Banners men also miss their wives and children.

Prince Su is a good man and considerate of his subordinates.

Of course, I have to go home and see my family.

Hauge returned to Prince Heshuosu's Mansion on the east bank of Yudai Bridge in Beijing with a few guards and the stolen gold and silver.

What a beautiful night with flowers and full moon, and people and the moon reunited.

Suddenly, the palace was surrounded by soldiers with two white flags.

Hauge was caught off guard and was shocked.

Is there any mistake? The emperor just gave me a banquet and praised me for my great contribution to the country, and you arrest me? I have never seen anything done like this!

Dorgon just eludes him. Although Dorgon is three years younger than Hauge, his political skills are ruthless and fierce. He specializes in taking action when his political opponents don't expect him.

Jierhalang, who was thirteen years older than Dorgon, was no match, let alone Hauge, who was only three years older. Caught off guard, Hauge was caught without a fight and was thrown into prison.

There has to be a reason to arrest someone, right? Hauge had just won a battle and had made such great contributions. He was also the eldest son of Emperor Taizong, and the emperor had just given him a banquet. What was the reason for arresting him?

Don't worry about this, Prince Regent Dorgon has already prepared it for him. Two items: one is to falsely claim military merit; the other is to protect his subordinates and promote sinners and promote good deeds to his younger brother Gisai.

Pretending to claim military merit is too common. Killing 5,000 enemies and claiming 10,000 is normal. After the Eight Banners entered the customs, they gradually degenerated and pretended to claim military merit. Every banner has it, so there is nothing strange about it.

Promoting the brother of a sinner is indeed a thing.

Guarjia Yangshan was the younger brother of Fei Yingdong, the fifth minister of the Qing Dynasty, and a confidant of Hauge. A few years ago, the Heluo Society who originally supported Hauge turned against him. Under the instruction of Dorgon, the Heluo Society Yang Shan and his son Luo Shuo were falsely accused of flattering Haoge and causing trouble. Both father and son were executed in the city, and Haoge was also deprived of his royal title.

Gualja Yangshan died to support himself, and of course he wanted to protect his family. Hauge hid Yangshan's younger brother, Gualja Gisay, in his own army. This time he conquered Sichuan and made great achievements. Hauge promoted him again.

This becomes a heinous crime.


"Emperor Eni (Manchu: mother)", the little emperor Fulin came to find his mother in a panic, the Queen Mother Borzigit Bumbutai.

"Your Majesty, you are the king of a country. You should not panic when dealing with things. What do you want from Eni?"

Emperor Shunzhi composed himself: "Emperor Eni, my eldest brother has been arrested, you have to save him!"

"Alas! Your Majesty! We orphans and widowers have no power to take care of this matter. You must not interfere in this matter, lest you anger the regent and get yourself burned!"

Bumbutai sighed deeply, but his eyes shone with a cold light.

He wants Hauge to die more than Dorgon.

Hauge is the eldest son of Taizong. His existence itself is a major threat to Fulin's throne. If he is not killed, the veterans of Lianghuang Banner will not truly return home.

The Queen Mother of the Holy Mother understands this clearly.

However, we cannot do it on our side to kill Hauge. We will never let the emperor bear the infamy of killing his brother.

Dorgon must bear this responsibility.

"But, Huang Enie, the eldest brother was wronged!"

"Your Majesty, you must remember that when you have no strength, you must be patient and slowly accumulate strength. Hauge was wronged. When the emperor grows up and takes charge, you can give him justice."

The Queen Mother of the Holy Mother comforted Fulin while feeling secretly happy in her heart.

Hauge has small ears and is not blessed. He will suffer a lot from women in his life.

First, the mother, the second great blessing of Huang Taiji, the Ulanala clan, was too crazy. He violated Nurhaci’s order not to sit in a sedan chair in the palace and was deposed. The dethronement of his mother not only caused Hauge to lose his status as the eldest son, but also made Hauge lose his status as the eldest son.

He was isolated and helpless in the harem, which allowed Bumbutai to make trouble as the Queen Mother.

Then his mother-in-law, Mang Guji, ignored Huang Taiji's order and made trouble at the wedding of Hauge's wife Lin Danhan's wife, Fujin. Huang Taiji was so angry that he forced Hauge to kill his direct descendant Fujin Hadanara.

An infamy for "killing his wife".

In the end, he suffered the loss of the Holy Mother Queen Mother and lost his life directly.

Beauty is a disaster, women cannot afford to offend!


Dorgon asked people to discuss Hauge's crime.

At the last moment of his life, Hauge was worthy of his status as Taizong's eldest son. He told the interrogating officials: I am the eldest son of the late emperor, and I cannot bear such humiliation. Kill me quickly. If you let me go, I will kill him when I go back.

My own child, commit suicide again and go see the late emperor."

The interrogating official reported to Dorgon: Hauge's crime is greater than the sky and he must be killed!

Dorgon pretended: "He is the eldest son of the late emperor, how could I bear to do this?"

He couldn't bear to do it, but two months later, Hauge died in prison.

How did he die? A historical mystery.

Dorgon continued to purge other political opponents and remove obstacles for himself to become emperor.

Take care of Prince Zheng Jierharang first.

He found a good dog, Jierhalang's nephew, Aixinjueluo Tunqi.

Why did the nephew sue his uncle?

It’s a long story.

At that time, Nurhaci killed his younger brother Shuerhaqi and raised Shuerhaqi's youngest son Jierhalang by his side. When Jierhalang grew up, he was very close to Nurhaci and Huang Taiji. But Shuerhaqi's other children

Several adult sons, Amin and Tulun, could not forget this blood feud and regarded Jierharang as a traitor.

Tunqi is the son of Tulun.

Tunqi first told Hauge about the false claims, saying that He Luohui could prove it. After a dog betrays its owner, it will naturally bite him to death. He Luohui said that this is definitely true, and he will prove it again. Dorgon

Then he sat down to seize the title of King Hauge and ended up with the You family.

Then, Tunqi contacted two other relatives of Jierhalang: Shangshan and Tunqika, and together they falsely accused Jierhalang, saying that when Taizong first died, Jierhalang did not report the two yellow flag ministers for plotting to establish Prince Su Hao.

and when the retinue entered the pass, he ordered the two blue flags to set up camp and advance out of order without authorization. The crime should be punished by death.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Jierhalang quickly appealed to Emperor Shunzhi. In March, he was deposed as a prince and demoted to the prince of Duoluo County.

Honorable ministers Fu Yidu, Fei Yingdong, and Yang Guli's nephews were all implicated, and were later given a lighter sentence.

Finally, Tunqi attacked the last two veterans of the Lianghuang Banners who were loyal to Taizong's bloodline: Sony and Aobai.

He reported on Sony. After Huang Taiji's death, he, Tu Lai and others planned to make Hauge the emperor. Dorgon made a big fuss about this matter, seizing Sony's official position and ransacking his home, and asked Sony to guard the late emperor's mausoleum.

Later, he reported that Ao Bai and others had tried to plot to assassinate Hao Ge. As a result, Ao Bai was sentenced to death and was ordered to "pay a penalty and redeem himself." In April, Ao Bai was also reported to have "sent soldiers to guard the gate without authorization" when Huang Taiji died.

Talking about death again, post-reform duty is for the people.

At this point, the eight ministers of the Two Yellow Banners who vowed to protect Taizong's bloodline, Baiyin Tu, He Luohui, Tan Tai and Leng Sengji defected to Dorgon; Tu Lai, Turge was dead; Sony, Ao Bai went home to drink millet


After destroying Hauge, Dorgon began to divide Hauge's inheritance, including women.

Dorgon married Borzigit Dulema, the great blessing of Hauge, and a side blessing; Duduo married a side blessing.

There is nothing strange about this. Mongolian women have always been like this. The men are fighting for life outside, while the women are chatting at home.

Hauge's Dafujin, the Queen Mother, and Dorgon's Dafujin are all cousins, both named Borzigit, and they have a very good relationship. With their intercession, it is normal for them to remarry.

What's more, Borzigit Dulema gave birth to Haug's legitimate son Fu Shou.

If they don’t remarry Dorgon, Fu Shou, and Hauge’s other six sons, none of them will survive.

The Dafujins and Sidefujins remarried, and there were also those who were unwilling to remarry and were buried as martyrs.

There were three wives and concubines who were buried for Hauge. One was Shuhuli, a concubine of Jin Dynasty; the other had an unknown surname; the most famous one was the concubine Huang of Fujin, the daughter of Huang Yeqin of Korea.

The Huang family gave birth to two sons for Hauge, the second son Gutai, and the third son Naohena. Normally, she did not need to be buried. But she was a Korean and was influenced by Neo-Confucianism. She was unwilling to marry a second husband, so she hanged herself and died as a martyrdom.


After Dorgon killed Hauge, he raised Hauge's sons by his side, treated them well and regarded them as his own.

He Luo would be very scared. Once a dog betrays its master, it wants to bite the whole family to death. Otherwise, what will the little master do when he grows up and take revenge?

He advised Dorgon to eliminate the root cause.

Dorgon summoned the Hauge disciples to the mansion to teach shooting, and He Luo met with him and said, "I feel palpitations when I see this ghost!"

Dorgon didn't agree. After all, I was really embarrassed to sleep with his mother and then kill his son, the dignified regent. Besides, Hauge's sons were all young, and whoever raised them would marry them.

Back then, Nurhaci killed Jierhalang's father and raised Jierhalang by his side. When Jierhalang grew up, he and Nurhaci were very close to each other.

Haug's seven sons survived.


Hauge died, Jierharang collapsed, Daishan was seriously ill, Sony and Aobai drank millet porridge at home, and Dorgon's power was overwhelming.

The Queen Mother, the Queen Mother, felt that this was not possible and that there had to be checks and balances, otherwise her son's throne would not be guaranteed.

She began to fight back.

First, Jierhalang was restored to the title of Prince Zheng. In March, Jierhalang was demoted to Prince Duoluo, and in April, he was restored to the title of Prince Zheng.

Re-divide and disintegrate the Dorgon camp.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

There are three kings here in Dorgon: Prince Rui Dorgon, Prince Yu Duduo, and Prince Ying Azige. If these three kings unite to support Dorgon as emperor, Fulin's throne will be in danger.

The Queen Mother, the Queen Mother, wooed Duduo, but Duduo had a neutral attitude. Fulin became the emperor, so he could be the regent, but when Dorgon came to the throne, he could not be the regent. However, Dorgon had no son, and if he adopted his son, he would be the regent.

He, you can consider supporting him in proclaiming himself emperor.

Just be neutral. The breakthrough point for the Queen Mother is Dorgon’s brother Azig.

Although Azig and Duduo drew their swords to support Dorgon's proclaimed emperor, he thought that everyone was born from the same mother's womb. When Dorgon became emperor, he would naturally rise.

Unexpectedly, Dorgon became the regent, and Azig became very angry.

Originally, he and Dorgon shared the flag with a white flag (the original yellow flag of Nurhaci), and Azig was the flag owner. Dorgon became the regent, and in order to improve his status, he switched the colors of the two white flags, and the flag with a white flag became the flag owner.

It was the Zhengbai Banner. Dorgon took sole charge of the Zhengbai Banner, and transferred the original flag owner Azige to the Xiangbai Banner, under the control of Duduo. In this way, Azige lost his identity as the flag owner.

Not only that, Dorgon often reprimanded and punished Azig. Once Azig was demoted to a county king because he went out to ask for bribes, and he was later promoted to a prince.

This made Azig angry and said that his younger brother controlled him more strictly than his father.

If you have resentment, it’s easy to provoke.

The Queen Mother of the Holy Mother is inspiring Azig: Your military exploits are so great, it makes no sense that your two brothers are both regents, but you are not. You should also be the regent.

When Azig thought about it, this was the truth. They and I were born from the same mother. I am older than both of them, more senior than both of them, and have made many military exploits. Why should they be the regents?

No? I also want to be the regent.

So Azige took over from his younger brother Dorgon and fought for the title of Uncle King.

Dorgon did not agree.

It’s okay if you don’t agree, but you get furious: You want to seize power from me? You can be the regent if you want?

Dorgon refused to give face to his brother and ordered hundreds of officials to discuss Azig's crimes. In order to discuss his arrogance and other crimes, he ordered not to intervene in ministry affairs and banned the handover of Han officials.

Azig was scared and had no choice but to apologize and admit his mistake.

After this incident, there was a estrangement between Azig and Dorgon, and he no longer actively supported Dorgon's proclaimed emperor as before.

Thanks to the superb political skills of the Queen Mother, the throne of the young emperor Fulin was temporarily safe.

This chapter has been completed!
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