Chapter 184 Macau (1)

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 Macau, the port is called "Ao" and the strait is like a "gate". It is a beautiful seaside town.

At this moment, the handover ceremony is being held at the Governor's Residence in the Macau Fortress. The former Governor of Macau, Wahilud, is about to leave office, and the current Governor of Macau, Fessusa, has begun to take over the defense of Macau.

At this time, the Governor of Macau only had certain military powers. The religious power of the Portuguese settlement in Macau was in the hands of the Macau Jesuits; the administrative power, judicial power and financial power were in the hands of the Macau Assembly (called the Loyal Assembly in Portuguese).

These powers are only limited autonomy for the Portuguese residence in Macau. The Portuguese in Macau still have to abide by the laws of the Ming Dynasty.

During the Ming Dynasty, Macau officials were set up to coordinate the management of Macau, such as Tie Tiao, Bei Japanese, and patrol officers. Tie Tiao, also known as Tie Tiao, was responsible for the daily management of Macau; Bei Wa, also known as Bei Japanese commander, was responsible for Macau's maritime security;

, is responsible for land security in Macau.

The main administrative, judicial and other functions of Macao are in charge of the Xiangshan County Magistrate. He has extensive jurisdiction over Chinese and foreign residents living in Macao, such as compiling and checking the Baojia household registration of Chinese and foreign residents, approving the construction and demolition of houses in Macao, and collecting land taxes from villagers in Macao.

and Portuguese land rent, hear civil and criminal cases between Chinese and foreign residents, issue various administrative orders, apprehend fugitives from the mainland, inspect ships entering and leaving the port, etc.

The Ming Dynasty built a border gate at Lotus Stem, the place guarding the throat of Macau and Xiangshan County, and stationed troops to guard it. It opened trade at specified times and collected taxes. It was both a border gate and a customs house.

After the handover, Fessusa highly praised his predecessor’s outstanding performance.

"Dear Lord Wahilud, the Kingdom will never forget your contribution in Macau. During the Kingdom's difficult moments, you promoted trade between the East and the West and allowed the Kingdom's flag to always fly over Macau."

Vahirud said seriously: "Dear Lord Faisusa, do you know why Macau is called the 'City of the Holy Name of God'?"

Fessusa's face was serious: "When the motherland was ruled by the damn Spanish, Macau never surrendered to the Spanish, and the Portuguese flag always stood in Macau. Therefore, after the restoration of the country, it was awarded the title of 'City of the Holy Name of God'."

The great restorer João lives long (long live the king!), we Portuguese are restored to our country again!"

"Joao, the great restorer of the country, has a long life! Your Excellency Fezusa, please remember that this is a heroic city! As the Governor of Macau, you have the responsibility to ensure that the blue cross on a white background above the Governor's Palace never falls."<


Fezusa's blood boiled: "Please rest assured, Your Excellency Vasili, I will defend the honor of Portugal to the death! However, I have a little question and want to ask you for advice. The Ming Dynasty you are facing is so powerful and vast.

With an endless population, how do you maintain the kingdom’s rule in Macau in the face of such a behemoth?”

Washilu smiled: "My friend, when dealing with the people of the Ming Dynasty, you must pay attention to two points: first, their officials are very greedy, as long as they part with gold and silver, nothing can't be done; second, they are very concerned about face, and for the sake of the king

If necessary, you can kneel down to them if necessary to protect the interests of the country."

"Kneel down to the people of the Ming Dynasty? Where is the dignity of the kingdom?"

Vashilu said seriously: "For the benefit of the kingdom, personal honor and disgrace are nothing. My friend, please remember that our ancestors did not capture the city of Macau with swords, but with their knees.



The city of Macau was really obtained by the Portuguese through gold, silver and kneeling.

At the beginning of the 16th century, Portugal's national power was strong. In 1511, it occupied the Strait of Malacca. From then on, it traveled eastward and arrived in Guangdong in 1513. It began its dream of colonizing the Ming Dynasty using Guangdong as a stronghold.

First they invaded Tuen Mun, then Zhangzhou in Fujian and the Pearl River Estuary in Guangdong.

However, they did not expect that the combat effectiveness of the Ming Dynasty army was no weaker than theirs. The battles of Tuen Mun, Xincaowan, Xinhui and Shuangyu Port were so killing that the Portuguese abandoned their armor.

If the hard one doesn't work, use the soft one.

In the 32nd year of Jiajing (1553), the Portuguese bribed officials of the Ming Dynasty and requested to go ashore to dry the goods on the grounds that the ship was in a storm and the goods were soaked in water. The Ming Dynasty officials accepted the money and agreed, and they finally selected the place to dry the goods.

Right in Macau.

In the thirty-sixth year of Jiajing (1557), the Portuguese bribed Wang Bai, deputy envoy of the Ming Dynasty, with a large sum of money, and Guangdong officials allowed the Portuguese to trade in places such as Guangzhou and Macau. The Portuguese officially settled in Macau.

Once, the Portuguese brought five hundred taels of silver as a gift to Wang Bo. Because there were other officials nearby, Wang Bo pretended that it was land rent paid by the Portuguese in Macao to the court. From then on, the Portuguese paid rent of five hundred taels to the Ming Dynasty every year.


Although the Portuguese settled in Macau by default, the Ming Dynasty officials did not officially recognize it.

In 1581, the troops of King Philip II of Spain captured Lisbon and inherited the Portuguese throne by force. Under force, the Portuguese Council of Cardinals recognized Philip II's throne, but retained a considerable degree of autonomy.<


Philip II sent Father Sanchez and others to Macau to announce the merger of Spain and Portugal; he also sent Alfaro and seven other Franciscans to preach in the East.

Unexpectedly, the Portuguese Jesuit Bishops of Macao, such as Janilao and the soldier Brito, were indignant at the Spanish occupation of their motherland; on the other hand, they were afraid of the Santo Dominicans, the Franciscans and the San Ospreys.

Ding Hui and other Christian church forces invaded Macau; they were even more afraid that Spanish businessmen would seize the commercial interests of Portuguese businessmen, so they came up with a plan to kill people with a borrowed knife.

The Portuguese soldier Buritu secretly reported to Chen Rui, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi in the Ming Dynasty, saying that these Spaniards were agents sent by Luzon, and that a Spanish fleet would soon come to occupy a certain city in the Ming Dynasty.

When Chen Rui heard the report, he was furious. These barbarians had rebelled! He ordered the Spanish priest Sanchez to be arrested. After interrogation, he found that they seemed to just come to preach and had no intention of attacking the Ming Dynasty. So he summoned the Portuguese to Guangzhou to confront them.

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Chen Rui felt that none of these Francois, regardless of whether they were Spanish or Portuguese, were good. He might as well just expel them all, so he threatened the summoned Portuguese representatives with a grand military appearance.

The two Portuguese representatives who came unexpectedly, Luo Mingjian and Benela, had lived in the Ming Dynasty for many years and were very knowledgeable about the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty.

As soon as they arrived, they gave Chen Rui a generous gift. It was so generous! Chen Rui, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, immediately changed his attitude when he saw the gift list and announced that the Portuguese in Macau could continue to stay. Since this move was related to China

For the first time, officials represented the imperial court and allowed Portuguese people to reside in Macao, which is of great significance to the autonomy of Portuguese people in Macao.

There are different opinions on this matter.

The Jesuit Matteo Ricci recalled: "The two representatives received a very grand military salute, the purpose was to scare them rather than welcome them. However, when he (Chen Rui, Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi) saw the gifts, he

His solemn attitude immediately changed to friendly, and he told them with a smile that everything in the colony could remain as usual, but it would be under the jurisdiction of Chinese officials??"

Portuguese representative Luo Mingjian spoke boldly: "Seeing that we were very calm and unafraid, and explained to him how we treated the Chinese as brothers in that port and never committed any crimes. So the governor's attitude softened and began to treat

We are very kind and generous??”

Another party involved, the Spaniard Sanchez, exposed the Portuguese. He said that it was the Portuguese representatives who knelt and kowtowed to Ming officials in exchange for the right to reside in Macau.

Sanchez recalled: “After the two men kowtowed, they told Tutang that the Portuguese had always been subjects and loyal servants of the King of China, and regarded Lord Tutang as their master and patron. After hearing this, Tutang’s attitude softened.

When he came down, his anger disappeared, and he also said that he wanted to take the Portuguese as his subjects. He was very kind to the two of them and gave them a few silver medals. I saw him giving Father Luo Mingjian two or three such medals??"

The Portuguese in Macau were very smart. They used the Ming Dynasty to drive away the Spanish. On the one hand, they expressed their compliance with the inheritance rights of King Philip II of Spain to the Portuguese throne, and praised the Spaniards and the Portuguese for "having become brothers all over the world";

He also particularly emphasized the rights of the Portuguese in Macau, established the Macau Council to fight against the Spanish, and demanded that the Spanish respect the Portuguese's right to manage Macau. Macau still flies the Portuguese flag.

In this way, Macau continued to fly the Portuguese flag until Portugal returned to the country, and was awarded the title of "City of the Holy Name of God" by King Joao IV of Portugal.

During the Tianqi period, the Ming Dynasty fought against the Hou Jin Dynasty and needed Portuguese cannons and muskets, so its attitude towards the Portuguese in Macau turned friendly.

In the third year of the Apocalypse (1623), the Ming Dynasty signed a lease treaty with Portugal, and Portugal sent a governor to manage Macau, referred to as "Macao Governor".


"What's the 'City of the Holy Name of God'? Damn it, that's Macau, Xiangshan County, Guangzhou Prefecture of the Ming Dynasty!"

Lu Liuliang, the 21-year-old magistrate of Xiangshan County in the Ming Dynasty, roared angrily.

He was inspecting Macau and saw a flag next to the Franconian flag next to the Governor's Palace with a few words written on it. When he asked the general around him, he understood that it said "City of the Holy Name of God". He couldn't help but I was furious, this is my land of the Ming Dynasty, when did it become the city of you Francois? I have to tear down this flag and this fort!

This magistrate of Lu County was originally Zhu Hengjia's new Tanhua, named Zhuangsheng, from Chongde County, Zhejiang Province. The nineteen-year-old Tanhualang was a young talent. What's even more rare is that he was not only good at literature but also in martial arts. At the age of fifteen, Together with his nephew Lu Xuazhong (who was four years older than Lu Liuliang), he spent his family's wealth to recruit volunteers to fight against the Qing Dynasty in the Taihu Lake area. Later, Lu Xuanzhong died heroically for his country. In grief and anger, he suffered from hemoptysis.

After he was admitted to the top school in high school, Zhu Hengjia saw that he was in poor health and arranged a good job for him in Guilin to take care of him. Unexpectedly, he couldn't stay idle and took the initiative to ask Ying to do some practical work, even to be a seventh-grade county magistrate.

Zhu Heng Jiazhuang made the arrangements and ordered the officials to make arrangements. It happened that the magistrate of Xiangshan County was vacant, so he was appointed magistrate of Xiangshan County.

I have been in Xiangshan for more than a year. In addition to dealing with the daily government affairs of Xiangshan County, if I have anything to do, I will look for the bad luck of this Franconian.

Although Lu Liuliang was young, thin, and in poor health, he was a hero who had fought bloody battles with the Tatars. He could not tolerate barbarians running rampant in the Ming Dynasty.

Every time I inspect Macau, I see the forts built by the Francos on the mountains along the coast of Macau's Nan Bay, and I feel so angry that my liver hurts. The Portuguese built residential buildings, city walls, and sentries in Nan Bay, and they dominated the sea. It is known as Macau City.

How can this be true? How can it really be true?

After Lu Liuliang became the magistrate of Xiangshan County, he often petitioned his superiors, Governor Zheng Feng of Guangdong and Guangxi, Governor Tong Yangjia of Liaodong (Zhu Hengjia assigned him to assist in Macau trade affairs), Governor Jin Weixin of Guangdong, the magistrate of Guangzhou and others to demolish the Franconian temple in Macau. Fort.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Feng, Jin Weixin and others said that they are currently fighting against the Qing Dynasty, so you can just stay the same and don't cause trouble in Macau. Tong Yangjia even settled an economic account with him, saying that the imperial court would pay more in Macau's business tax every year. How much profit will be made, how many cannons, muskets, medicines, etc. will be obtained? Please do not ruin the overall trade situation between the two countries.

Lu Liuliang was so angry that he sent secret reports to Zhu Hengjia. After taking control of the country, Zhu Hengjia gave officials of the fourth rank and above the right to report secret reports in order to prevent villains from being deceived. Originally, low-ranking officials like Lu Liuliang of the seventh rank did not have the right to report secretly to Zhu Hengjia. , but Zhu Hengjia attaches great importance to the top pick, second place pick, and top scorer in the new department, and also gives the right to perform secretly.

When Zhu Hengjia saw Lu Liuliang's close communication, he first encouraged him for his patriotism, and then told him bluntly that he was fighting against Wuchang and was temporarily unable to take care of Macau's affairs. This matter should not be rushed. When the time comes, it will be settled naturally.

He also wrote a short poem to Lu Liuliang: "The hard work in this world is very difficult, so I have to work hard with the end of the rope. How can I get the fragrance of plum blossoms without going through a bone-chilling cold?"

Seeing this poem, Lu Liuliang sighed: "The prison country has asked me to wait, so I have to wait! I hope I can wait until the plum blossoms are fragrant as soon as possible!"

Although he could not dismantle the Franco's big fort immediately, Lu Liuliang did not intend to make it easy for the Franco. Whenever he had time, he would patrol Macau and declare the Ming Dynasty's sovereignty to the Franco. He also carefully compiled and investigated the Franco's machine in Macau. The residents' Baojia accounts were carefully collected from the land rent and commercial taxes of the Francois in Macao, and the ships entering and leaving the port were carefully inspected. However, a lot of tax money that the Francois had evaded was recovered.

The people in Franco thought that the magistrate wanted to take the opportunity to make some money, so they hurriedly "expressed their feelings" to Lu Liuliang.

Unexpectedly, the magistrate of Lu Daxian could not get water into the county, nor could a needle penetrate into it, so he refused to accept it.

Franji was very surprised: In the Ming Dynasty, were there any officials who didn't love money?

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