Chapter 198: Pingfan (10)

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 Zhiping Wucheng in Long'an Prefecture, Sichuan, is a fortified border city! It faces the Fujiang River in the east, south and west, and is close to Cuiping Mountain in the north. With mountains on its back and water on its back, it is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The Ming Dynasty clan, Qin King Zhu Cunyang used this as a foundation to capture Songpan in the west, Chengdu in the south, Baoning in the east, and Jiezhou in the north. There is great potential to revive Ming Zuo!

What a pity! In the battle of Jiezhou, King Qin was defeated by the Qing general Li Guohan. Unwilling to be captured and humiliated, he jumped into the Zishui River.

When King Qin died, his tribe was leaderless.

Generals Zhu Hualong and Zhan Tianyan, adhering to the legacy of King Qin, insisted on resisting the Qing Dynasty in Long'an Mansion and Songpanwei area.

Where there is loyalty, there will be treachery. Other old subordinates of the King of Qin, such as Li Tingming of Jianzi, Tang Yunhui, and Yan Xici of Jiangyou, were lured to the Qing Dynasty by Li Guoying, the governor of Sichuan in the Qing Dynasty.

Although these three generals do not have many troops, their geographical location is very important.

Especially Jiangyou County in Long'an Prefecture is stuck between Long'an and Chengdu. If the Qing army gets Jiangyou, they can attack Long'an to the north and Chengdu to the south. It's like a fishbone piercing a vital place.

Loyal ministers are rare! As a time traveler, Zhu Hengjia knows the loyalty of Zhan Tianyan and Zhu Hualong best.

In history, Zhan Tianyan was captured by Wu Sangui and scolded Wu Sangui: "The wolf is the most vicious and will not bite its own kind. If you bite your own kind, you are not as good as a wolf." He scolded and stood upright to receive the sword. Zhu Hualong also has a legend that he was killed by his adopted son. Chen Jiasheng betrayed and died heroically. After his death, he became a god and took Chen Jiasheng's life. Although it is a folk legend, it shows the support of the people.

Zhu Hengjia wrote an emotional letter to the two of them.

"Since the beginning of Jiashen, there have been ministers who have died, and there have also been those who are willing to serve the captives. The two Dukes Ruo Zhu and Zhan fought with the Qing captives with their broken armies, spilled green blood on the pines and dragons, and were repeatedly beaten but they were infatuated. Those who change should not forget the Ming Dynasty! I respect him very much! I will give him ten thousand taels of silver, one thousand pieces of armor, and five thousand dan of grain. If the two princes feel that they are alone and can be assisted, they will assist them. If they cannot be assisted, they will be given the right to comfort them by their loyalty?? ”

After reading this letter, Zhu Hualong and Zhan Tianyan were silent for a long time.

"Cough", Zhan Tianyan coughed and looked at Zhu Hualong.

"Brother Zhu, you can give me some advice on where to go!"

Zhu Hualong smiled bitterly: "Normally, King Jing is not the direct descendant of Taizu, and King Lu is the orthodox one! I hate Yan Xici!"

Zhan Tianyan understood that once Jiangyou guard Yan Xici surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, the situation on his side would become worse. He couldn't do it without finding a big tree!

Prince Jing is such an honest man! He did not surrender with nothing, but he also brought thousands of taels of silver, thousands of armors, and five thousand shi of food!

On October 19, the 23rd year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Hengjia appointed Zhu Hualong as the commander-in-chief of Long'an and Zhan Tianyan as the commander-in-chief of Songpan.


"Vice General Lu, our army has reached Qingshen. Instead of taking advantage of the situation to attack fiercely, we will instead conduct a feint attack. Wouldn't it hurt morale?"

"Yes, the soldiers and horses on the other side are about the same as ours. We may not be able to win in a real fight. You give the order! I will show you how we fight!"

Zhenxiong Tushe Longgui, Wumeng Tushe Lu Yongning, and Wusa Tushe Anqi all asked Dongchuan Vice-General Lu Wanzhao for orders.

"No, no," Lu Wanzhao shook his head like a rattle, "The commander repeatedly told us to feign an attack when he left. As long as we can keep the main force of the bandits in Qingshen, it will be a great achievement."

After Li Dingguo left, Lu Wanzhao kept his instructions in mind and led 15,000 local soldiers to confront Wu Dading's 16,000 troops, fighting with each other to hold Wu Dading back.

At the Baimatai bandits' tent, Wu Dading asked his counselor Ouyang Zhi, what the hell is this Ming army doing? It refused to attack but refused to retreat, and it was making little fuss every day. It's disgusting.

Ouyang Zhi thought for a while and said: "Commander, you might as well send some noisy soldiers tomorrow to scold the formation in front of the formation to stimulate the Ming army to fight!"

The next day, the two armies fought, and the Ming army retreated to the camp after a brief fight as before.

Suddenly, there was a shouting and cursing in front of the bandit formation. There were two hundred people in the group. Someone was directing them, and the scolding was very neat.

"If you don't have the guts, you just know how to run away!"

"Things without eggs will disgrace our ancestors!"

"You're so innocent, are you born to a concubine?"

The last scolding made Usa Tusi Anqi so angry that he was born to Usa Tusi's concubine.

Hearing this, he was so angry that he was so angry that he ignored Lu Wanzhao's military orders and led his troops to kill the bandits.

"You guys, don't leave, I'll chop you up!"

Zhenxiong Tushe Longgui, Wumeng Tushe Lu Yongningsu had a good relationship with An Qi, and when he saw him taking the lead in the charge, he also followed closely behind.

When Lu Wanzhao saw that the generals did not obey military orders, he had no choice but to change the military orders and order the entire army to attack.

There is no way, his subordinates are all local soldiers, and their military discipline is not as good as that of the main force of the Ming army. It is a bit difficult to enforce orders and prohibitions!

A little butterfly flaps its wings.

"This looks like a war," Wu Dading muttered on the white horse platform and shouted: "Fire!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The cannons of the bandits on the mountain shot out flowers of death.

There were not many cannons, and no explosive shells were used, so their lethality was limited. The soldiers braved the artillery fire and rushed towards the bandit formation at the foot of the mountain.

There are 15,000 native soldiers and 16,000 bandit troops. The numbers of the two sides are almost the same. However, the equipment of the native soldiers is much worse than that of the bandit army, and their combat power is not as good as that of the bandit army. Especially Wu Dading's 8,000 Chinese army, both

He is a veteran bandit who has experienced hundreds of battles and has rich combat experience.

At first, the local soldiers were able to hold off the bandits with their bravery. Gradually, they began to be unable to resist.

Seeing that the Ming army was frustrated, Wu Dading led the five hundred soldiers around him and charged in person.

These five hundred people were all ruthless bandits who killed many people, and they disrupted the Ming army's formation with just one charge.


Wu Dading slashed An Qi in half with one strike of his sword.

An Qi's tragic death exhausted the vigor of the soldiers. They retreated one after another!

"The Ming army was defeated!"



The bandits shouted wildly, shaking the enemy's morale.

The sound of defeat spread like a snowball, and the Turkish army was defeated. Five thousand soldiers were lost, and Qingshen had to be withdrawn.

After winning the battle, Ouyang Zhi couldn't be happy.

"Commander, something is wrong. There are only more than ten thousand Ming troops on the opposite side. Where is the main force of the Ming army?"

Wu Dading also wondered: "Yes! What kind of medicine does Li Dingguo sell in his gourd?"

The two of them spread out the map, thought about it carefully, and suddenly screamed together: "No, Meizhou!"

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The tall Meizhou City is clearly visible.

"Alas! The homeland of thousands of years of culture has turned into a battlefield! How sad!"

Gong Yingzhen was dressed in white, with tears in his eyes.

Meizhou is the hometown of Sansu, a holy place in the hearts of scholars. As one of the scholars, Gong Yingzhen was moved by the scene.

Li Dingguo smiled and scolded: "Okay, Brother Gong, don't be pretentious. I will rebuild the academy after Meizhou is captured."

Before he finished speaking, three cannon shots were fired.

Wu Guozhi in the city led his troops to rush out.

As the son of Wu Dading and the young leader of the bandit army, everyone gave way to him. Wu Guozhi, who was in his twenties and had never suffered a loss, did not know how powerful Li Dingguo was. He led five thousand people and attacked Li Dingguo's Chinese army.<


Li Dingguo sneered: "You dare to attack our Chinese army with just such a small number of people? You don't know whether to live or die."

The flag was waved, and he personally led the army to resist Wu Guoye. He also ordered Dou Mingwang and Chen Jian to attack from both sides, and the bandit army was defeated.

"Young Marshal, retreat quickly!"

The soldiers protected Wu Guozhi as he fled back to the city.

"Siege the city!"

Li Dingguo issued a military order.


The Ming army rushed towards Meizhou City like a tide. Yuan Tao and Wu Guozhi in the city fought tooth and nail to resist.

Just as they were about to capture Meizhou City, it was suddenly reported that bandit reinforcements had appeared in the direction of Qingshen.

Wu Dading left two thousand soldiers and horses to guard Qingshen and personally came to assist Meizhou.

War is ever-changing, and so far, both sides have failed in their strategic goals.

Wu Dading wanted to lure the Ming army into a decisive battle in Qingshen, but it failed; Li Dingguo wanted to sneak attack Meizhou and encircle and annihilate Wu Dading, but it also failed.

Suddenly, Meizhou became the main battlefield for the decisive battle between the two sides.


Wu Guozhi, Yuan Tao came out of the city to respond to Wu Dading.


When Dou became famous, Chen Jian led his army to greet him.

"Brothers, follow me and kill!"

The bandits in Wu Dading came up with great ferocity and rushed forward in person.

Li Dingguo said nothing, showed his commanding flag, and led two thousand "old thieves" (Li Dingguo's name for the elite Chinese army) towards Wu Dading.

The two sides fought from morning to afternoon, and it was difficult to determine the winner. Their respective military formations were completely in chaos. There was me among you, and you among me. The battle became hundreds of regiments.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Another unexpected force suddenly arrived, and Jin Tong's military department rushed to Meizhou.

Jin Tongwu is impatient, very impatient!

Following Li Dingguo's order, he led 10,000 troops to capture Pujiang City. He traveled day and night along the way. In order to save time, he did not even cook, but ate dry food every meal, thus compressing the five-day journey into three days.< /p>

There are advantages to being fast. Wu Guo, who was stationed in Pujiang City, sent 5,000 bandit troops. He did not expect that the Ming army would come so quickly, so he had to rush to fight.

There were a few quick flashes of cold light, and before Wu Guoyong could react, his head was chopped off by Jin Tongwu.

"Quick, throw away all the baggage, take only seven days of dry food, and rush to Meizhou with the whole army. If you go late, you won't be able to get the main force to fight," Jin Tongwu yelled.

In this way, after wiping out Wu Guoyong, he rushed to Meizhou without stopping and became the winner of the battle of Meizhou.

"Wow!" Jin Tongwu chopped down Wu Dading's flag with one sword, but could not find the bandit leader.

Big bandits like Yuan Tao and Wu Dading have an instinct for danger and can run as fast as lightning and as fast as a whirlwind.

The bandits fled to Pengshan, and the Ming army chased them to Pengshan; they fled to Qiongzhou, and chased them to Qiongzhou; they fled to Dayi, and they chased them to Dayi; and they fled all the way into Chengdu Prefecture.

"Alas! Let the two thieves Yuan and Wu escape again," Jin Tongwu said angrily.

Li Dingguo smiled faintly: "Don't worry, they can't escape."


The panic is like a lost dog, and the hurry is like a fish slipping through the net.

Yuan Tao, Wu Dading and his son fled into Chengdu in a panic, leaving only a thousand men under their command.

When a person is unlucky, his teeth will be filled with cold water.

Counselor Ouyang Zhi fell ill.

"Commander, I can't do it anymore, please kill me and escape." Ouyang was so angry that he was as angry as a thread.

This is an old rule of gangsters. During the escape, if any important person is injured or falls ill and cannot be taken away, he must be killed to avoid leaking the gang's whereabouts and secrets.

Wu Dading couldn't bear it, after all, he was his confidant who had been following him for many years.

Ouyang Zhi laughed: "What difference does it make if you die a few days earlier or a few days later? Why should the commander be so kind as a woman?"

"Brother Ouyang, I'm offended." Wu Dading was cruel, the sword flashed past, and Ouyang Zhi's head fell to the ground.

"Hurry! Brothers, follow up quickly. When we get to Chengdu, eat big chunks of meat and drink from big bowls," Wu Dading and Yuan Tao urged the bandits.

"Father," Wu Guozhi was a little worried, "What if Lin Shitai, the commander-in-chief of Chengdu, turns his back and refuses to recognize anyone?"

Wu Dading was very confident: "Don't worry, I'm dying. Prince Jing wants to cut off the vassal, how can he, Lin Shitai, run away? Over the years, he has been doing business with us, exchanging horses and weapons for our food, and there are many secrets coming and going." The letter is all in my father's hands. If this kid dares to betray us, we will tell Prince Jing that he is our accomplice, and then we will all die together. I'm sorry this kid doesn't have the courage."

Seeing that his father was so confident, Wu Guozhi was relieved.

Hearing that Yuan Tao and Wu Dading had come to their territory, Lin Shitai, the commander-in-chief of Chengdu, went out of the city thirty miles to greet them.

"Oh, brothers, which fragrant wind brought you two here? Come on, come on, follow me into the city, the wine and food are all ready."

Yuan Tao and Wu Dading lamented: "Forget it, Lin Xiandi, our team has been broken up, and we have no way out. We plan to go north to surrender to the Qing Dynasty. Please kindly ask Xiandi to make way for the sake of our old friendship. The mountains are evergreen and green. Water lasts forever. If the two of us succeed in the Qing Dynasty in the future, we will definitely repay my virtuous brother greatly."

Lin Shitai's eyes rolled around, and his kind fat face turned into a flower.

"What are you talking about? Don't worry. In my territory, no one dares to touch you. Today, brothers, please follow me into the city to eat, drink and rest. Tomorrow morning, I will personally lead the troops and escort the brothers to Wei. After passing Weicheng, you will reach Baoning. The two brothers will become famous in the Qing Dynasty in the future, but don’t forget about me."

"Oh, my dear brother's life-saving grace is as high as the mountains and as deep as the sea. We will never forget it!"

"Ahem! My brothers, why are you so polite? Brothers, please!"

"Please, dear brother!"

"My dear, is this Chengdu? Sure enough, there are hibiscus flowers everywhere."

Once he was relaxed, he was in the mood to enjoy the flowers and scenery. Yuan Tao pointed at Wuhan University while walking and enjoying the scenery in the city.

This city has many flowers but few residences, especially the Shu Palace in the center of the city, which only has bricks and tiles left.

This is the masterpiece of the Eighth King Zhang Xianzhong. At that time, King Zhang captured Chengdu and changed the Shu Palace to the Xiwang Palace. Later, he was defeated and withdrew. With the dark mentality of "if you can't get it yourself, don't let others get it", he set fire to it. The fire spread and killed countless people in the city.

Although there are not many residences in the city, Lin Shitai's General Military Mansion is very large. It is a large house dedicated to a wealthy man in the city, with a total of nine square meters, and more than a hundred houses of various sizes. It is said to be "over the limit".

During the reign of Taizu, the head had to be moved countless times. But these days, the war is chaotic, and if there are soldiers, the grass-head king will control what is controlled or not.

Passed through the gate, came to the front yard, then passed through the flower gate, and walked into the inner yard. The banquet started in the inner yard, with more than a hundred tables set up for ordinary bandit soldiers to eat and drink. It was natural to invite the bandit leader to a meal.

Not in the yard.

Lin Shitai welcomed Yuan Tao, Wu Dading and Wu Guozhi into the large wing of the inner courtyard and ordered the dishes to be served.

That's rich! Twice-cooked pork, couple's lung slices, white meat with garlic paste, duck with camphor tea, fermented glutinous rice meat, stewed chicken with ginkgo, spicy rabbit head, watercress fish, blanched goose, roasted beef paw, dragon beard beef, mutton soup, white oil tofu, boiling water


"Gudong", Yuan Tao swallowed his saliva.

"Gulu, Gulu", Wu Dading and Wu Guoyong's stomach growled unsatisfactorily.

I had no choice but to be chased by the Ming army during this period. I didn't even have time to cook. When I was hungry, I drank some water and nibbled on some dry food. I hadn't smelled meat for a long time, so I couldn't help but get greedy.

"Brothers please!"

"Please, dear brother!"

Everyone had a great time eating and drinking as they drank and drank.

Wu Guozhi, the young commander of the bandit army, was very excited about eating. He was holding a chicken leg in his left hand and a wine bottle in his right hand. He was devouring it without any sign of eating.

Wu Dading glared at Wu Guozhi, "The dog is rude and makes my wise brother laugh!"

Lin Shitai was overjoyed: "Brother, what are you talking about? Your son has a true nature and is not hypocritical. I really like him! Come, come, come, drink this cup to the full."

After drinking for another ten days, Lin Shitai saw that although everyone was drunk, they were not drunk enough.

"Ba! Ba!"

With two high-fives, a group of beautiful dancers filed in and danced gracefully.

I can’t stand it anymore! I really can’t stand it anymore!

During these days, all the bandits were running around, and they had not been close to women for a long time. When they saw her, they all looked like hungry wolves, their eyes glowing green.

Lin Shitai sneered, and asked the dancer to sit beside the bandits and persuade them to drink.

How can you bear this? The gangsters were teasing the dancer, raising and lowering their hands, while the dancer was pouring wine. They were soon drunk and staggering.

The time is almost up!

Lin Shitai suddenly smiled and said: "Are you two brothers drinking well?"

"Beautiful, beautiful, thank you dear brother!"

"No need to thank you. Now that the wine is good, let's hit the road!"

Lin Shitai threw the wine glass and ambushed troops everywhere, restraining Yuan Tao, Wu Dading, Wu Guozhi and others. More than a thousand bandits in the inner courtyard were also captured by the soldiers who swarmed in, and no one escaped.<


Yuan Tao asked in surprise: "Brother Xian, why is this?"

"Brother, don't blame me. I want to capture my brother and offer him to Prince Jing for wealth and honor!"

Wu Dading was furious: "Traitor, the secret letters between you and us are still in my hands. You betrayed your friends for glory, and you don't even think about living!"

"Hahaha," Lin Shitai laughed ferociously, "Everyone is dead, so what's the use of the secret message? Kill me!"

As soon as the word "kill" was spoken, the subordinates swung their knives and struck. In a short time, Yuan Tao, Wu Dading, Wu Guozhi and more than a thousand bandits were all killed.


The sharp steel knife struck Wu Dading on the neck, causing Wu Dading to fall backwards.

Before he died, he suddenly remembered what Ouyang Zhi said when he killed Ouyang Zhi: "What difference does it make if you die a few days earlier or a few days later??"

This chapter has been completed!
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