Chapter 248: Southern Expedition (1)

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 On the bank of Poyang Lake in Hukou County, Jiujiang Prefecture, Jiangxi Province, Aixinjueluo Nikan, dressed in military uniform, was observing the Ming army camp on the other side of the lake.

Unlike most Manchus, Nikan was born white, with good, supple skin. He looked like a Han doll, so he was named Nikan (Han) by his grandfather Nurhachi.

He is forty-two years old and has been fighting for twenty-seven years. He cannot do without fighting. When he was five years old, his father Guanglue Beile Chuying was executed by his grandfather Nurhachi. Without the protection of his biological father, he wanted to survive among the Eight Banners nobles.

He could make more military exploits. Therefore, he went off to war when he was fifteen or six years old. In order to make meritorious service and to prove that he was not a Nikan, he killed countless Nikans.

Now, his status is extremely valuable, and he is listed as the three political kings along with Prince Mandahai of Xun and Prince Bolo of Duanzhong.

After Dorgon's death, Emperor Shunzhi originally wanted Prince Zheng Jierhalang to take charge of the government, but Jierhalang was so cunning that when he saw Emperor Shunzhi digging Dorgon's body out of the grave, he

Knowing that the young emperor was a ruthless man, he did not dare to be greedy for power anymore, so he told Emperor Shunzhi that he was too old and weak to govern, so he was given the title of "Uncle Heshuo Prince Zheng" to support him in his old age. It was very wise.

In another time and space, after the death of the three political kings, Emperor Shunzhi settled old scores and said that the Three Kings Party had attached themselves to Dorgon. Mandahai and Bolo were deprived of their royal titles and posthumous titles; Nikan, because he died in battle, barely retained them

Received a title.

"General Dingyuan, Tunqibele, and Zakana Beizi arrived with 20,000 reinforcements."

"Invite them to my tent quickly!"


Dorobeletunqi (i.e. Tunqi) and Beizi Zakana are also surnamed Aixinjueluo, but they are the grandsons of Nurhaci's younger brother Shuerhaqi. They belong to the branch of the Aixinjueluo family, and their status is completely different from that of Nikan.


"Greetings to Prince Jingjin!"

"Oh, Tunqibele, Zakarabeizi came from afar to work hard, thank you for your hard work!"

Tunqi suddenly took out a painting and gave it to Nikan, "The emperor asked me to bring this to Prince Jingjin."

Nikan opened the painting and took a look. It showed a mighty general who looked vaguely similar to himself. He led the Eight Banners force and chased the Ming army to flee in all directions.

I couldn't help but smile to myself, the emperor is still a teenager at heart! He likes to play this original tune. He is twenty-eight years older than Emperor Shunzhi, so naturally he is somewhat disapproving of the little emperor's "nonsense".

When I looked again, I saw a poem was inscribed on the painting.

"Wish General Dingyuan a Triumphant Return"

General Dingyuan is a man,

Millions of brave soldiers swallowed up Wu.

The Eight Banners fought so hard that the river was full of blood,

Wanli Nanguo entered the territory.

Looking at these few lines of poem, Nikan's mood suddenly became heavy. The emperor couldn't wait any longer. But you really shouldn't rush into things like war. It's easy to make mistakes when you are in a hurry!

"What else did the emperor say?"

"The emperor said that he hopes that Prince Jingjin will accomplish great feats soon. When the time comes, he will hold a banquet for you in the Hall of Supreme Harmony to celebrate your victory!"

"I know this, so the whole army will rest for a few days and attack Ming Dynasty immediately."


Jiujiang Prefecture is governed by Dehua, Deputy General Zhenshuo, and Marquis of Ying State Gao Bi are thinking about something.

The official position of deputy general of Zhenshuo originally belonged to Li Chixin, Duke of Xingguo. Unfortunately, Li Chixin died of illness a year ago. Zhu Hengjia ordered Li Chixin's adopted son Li Laiheng to ascend the title of Marquis of Xingguo, and also made himself the post of Zhenshuo. The position of deputy general is stationed in the strategic location of Jiujiang.

According to intelligence, the Qing army on the east bank of Poyang Lake continues to increase its troops, and has now increased to 160,000. Although the Ming army on the west bank of Poyang Lake also has 110,000 troops, they are scattered in Jiujiang Prefecture, Nankang Prefecture, In various places in Nanchang Prefecture, he has 50,000 troops to guard Jiujiang and Nankang, and Zhenshuo General Li Mingzhong has 60,000 troops to guard Nanchang.

He repeatedly requested Li Mingzhong to gather all the garrison troops from other prefectures in Jiangxi near Poyang Lake to increase the garrison strength, but was rejected. Marshal Li felt that the garrison troops from various prefectures were not regular soldiers and had low combat effectiveness, so it would be of little use to mobilize them. , and with the natural barrier of Poyang Lake as a barrier, although there are tens of thousands fewer people than the Qing army, there is still no problem in defending Jiujiang.

He also appealed to the supervisory government and requested that the Yangtze River Navy be transferred to Poyang Lake for reinforcements, but was also rejected. Abatai, the commander-in-chief of the Qing army in Huangzhou Prefecture in Huguang, and Shang Kexi in Xiangyang Prefecture were also ready to make moves during this period. Cooperate with Nikan to capture Wuchang. The Yangtze River Navy cannot be transferred and must stay in Huguang to confront the Qing Yangtze River Navy.

However, in response to his request for help, Supervisor Guo still expressed his intention to let himself persist for three more months. After three months, His Highness will personally conquer Jiangxi.

After three months, Gao Bizheng felt that he could still hold on. After all, his subordinates were all elite soldiers. Many were veterans of the Dashun Army, and some were Li Chengdong's old troops, and they were still very capable of fighting.

"Commander, the Supervisor has sent you a letter from the Emperor."


Gao Bizheng opened it and took a look, wondering if Zhu Hengjia and Emperor Shunzhi had a tacit understanding. There was also a small poem in it, but there was no painting.

"Thinking of Yu Zhongsu Gong"

What about Lin'an's landscape?

Gracilaria chokes Hu Ge.

The famous generals of the ages are here,

Dare to teach Wanyan to be wasted.

On the surface, Zhu Hengjia wrote about the famous Southern Song Dynasty general Yu Yunwen's defeat of Wan Yanliang in Caishiji. In fact, he compared Gao Bizheng to Yu Yunwen, which moved Gao Bizheng very much.

There is nothing to say but fight to the death to repay His Highness for your kindness.


Born in a poor family, he became a general and prime minister.

The Zhengmanjian Festival returns to the stage.

Reminiscing about the past,

Sighing is heartbreaking.

This song "Songshan Ai" is a poem by Wu Weiye that satirizes the traitor Hong Chengchou.

At this moment, this great traitor was at the climax of his life. He was granted the title of Governor of the five provinces of Jiangnan (South Zhili), Zhejiang, Fujian, Huguang, and Jiangxi by Emperor Shunzhi. Huang Taiji only regarded him as an advisor, and Dorgon

Use him and guard against him. Only Emperor Shunzhi gave him the opportunity to display his talents. Although it was a bit late, he was already fifty-eight years old.

The old man was worried, and the official's heart was full of enthusiasm. For the sake of this high-ranking official's generous salary, Hong Jinglue came to Nikan's military camp.

When he saw Hong Jinglue coming, Nikan was extremely polite. The older generation of Manchu nobles all knew that this man was a wise man among the Han people. Emperor Taizong spent all his efforts to recruit him.

"What can Hong Jinglue teach me?"

Manchurians are straightforward and don't mince words, they just ask directly.

"I would like to ask General Dingyuan, where do you plan to cross Poyang Lake?"

"Of course we cross the lake from the mouth of Nanhu Lake."

Nanhuzui is located at the outlet from Poyang Lake to the Yangtze River. The water channel is extremely narrow and it is a strategic location. At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang and Chen Youliang fought here with 800,000 soldiers.

Hong Chengchou nodded, "General Dingyuan is worthy of being a Manchu general. He is familiar with military books. Although Nanhuzui Mountain is dangerous, it is not high. The waterway here is narrow and easy to cross. You can also control the water outlet. It is indeed the most suitable place."


Seeing that he couldn't say anything, Nikan hurriedly asked: "What?"

"But what you can think of, the Ming army also wanted to get. Nanhuzui is heavily garrisoned, so it may not be possible to capture it."

"Then where does Hong Jinglue think it is more appropriate to cross the lake?"

"Xingzi City, Nankang Prefecture. The water channel there is also narrow and can be crossed in a moment."

Nikan thought for a while and said: "According to Hong Jingluo, I led the army to cross the lake from Xingzi City."

"No," Hong Chengchou smiled, "we might as well 'build the plank road openly and cross Chencang secretly'. On the surface, we still storm the mouth of Nanhu, and secretly send an elite force to cross Xingzi City. In this way, crossing the lake is easy!"

"Oh, Hong Jinglue is such a talented person! No wonder the late emperor always praises you!"

Hong Chengchou came up with such a good idea, and Nikan was so happy that he insisted on letting him stay for dinner and could not refuse.

During the dinner, a plate of tofu was served.

Hong Chengchou was secretly annoyed because he never ate tofu and felt uncomfortable whenever he saw tofu.

There is a story in it. When he was a child, he also had lofty ideals. Once, Hong Qiyin, a teacher of the same ethnic group, made a pair: "White tofu, white tofu, be honest and erudite, learn from Li Bai." He blurted out: "Black

The inkstone is black, and the iron bones of an official are jingling and black." Hong Qiyin was overjoyed and praised him as "the family's horse is thousands of miles away, and the country's stone is tens of thousands of stones." Knowing that Hong Chengchou's family was poor, he went to Hong Chengchou's mother and persuaded her to send her children to school, and promised not to

Collect tuition.

Unexpectedly, Hong Chengchou later became a traitor instead of being regarded as a good man. He was afraid of eating tofu, so when he saw tofu, he thought of his teacher.

"Hong Jinglue, why don't you eat it? Come on, come on, come on, try this tender tofu, it's freshly ground and fresh."

Nikan smiled and gave Hong Chengchou a piece of tofu.

This chapter has been completed!
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