Chapter 289 Huizhou (4)

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 An old man in the army is like a treasure.

When Aixinjueluo Wu Dahai was fifteen years old, he followed his father Mulhaqi and followed Taizu Nurhaci in the north and south. He is fifty years old this year and eats more salt than many generals eat.

He smelled danger, very dangerous!

He withdrew before Wuyuan City fell. He was very cunning and withdrew at night. When the Ming army woke up the next morning, the camp was empty.

A cooked duck still wants to fly? Zhu Hengjia ordered the pursuit. Don't worry, a dragnet has been laid. The army is advancing steadily. Sun Guangwei leads 10,000 cavalry first.

After Wu Dahai withdrew to Yantian Town, he took a short rest and immediately abandoned Yantian Town and retreated to Shuishan.

"Hurry, speed up, it will be safe after crossing Shuishan", Wu Dahai encouraged his subordinates.

"Da da da da da da!"

Smoke and dust billowed, and Sun Guangwei's 10,000 cavalry caught up.

Cavalry? The Ming army actually had so many cavalry! There were ten thousand in total! Wu Zhenghai looked solemn. It seemed that the enemy had deliberately hidden his strength before! Fortunately, he retreated quickly, otherwise he would have been completely annihilated in Wuyuan City at this moment.<


Zhu Hengjia and Gushi Khan traded tea and horses, and set up horse farms in Guizhou. The number of cavalry naturally increased. Sun Guangwei's subordinates numbered ten thousand.

"Commander, the last general is requesting an attack." Gadahun asked for a fight.

"No, these cavalry are just small units of the Ming army. Once we are entangled by them and the Ming army arrives, our army will be in danger!"

Wu Dahai called General Zhang Pengcheng, "General Zhang, you will lead your army to block the Ming army for three hours and cover the retreat of the entire army!"


Zhang Pengcheng felt bitter in his heart, but it was difficult to disobey the military order, so he had to lead five thousand of his men to form a spear formation to block the Ming cavalry.

"Da da da da da da", thousands of horses galloping.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom", the Ming army's three-eyed blunderbuss began to fire.

The effective range of this kind of gun is fifty steps, and it is not very lethal beyond a hundred steps. During the Wanli period, during the Battle of Bijiguan in Korea, the Japanese were deeply impressed by this kind of gun and considered it a weapon for close combat. "

Tokugawa Ieyasu "Qiankun Dream" describes the three-eyed gun like this: "The Ming army used a musket called the Zimu gun with amazing power in close combat??"

After firing the muskets, spears versus cavalry swords, a head-on confrontation.

The riding skills of the Ming army were not as good as those of the Qing army. Many people could not turn their horses in front of the formation and sharpen the spear points. Instead, they directly rammed into the spear, being pierced and breaking the spear. The Qing army was small and the formation was thin.

, was quickly broken through by the swarming Ming army.

Wu Dahai asked Zhang Pengcheng to hold on for three hours, but he only lasted for a little more than an hour before everything collapsed.

Although all his subordinates were infantry, Zhang Pengcheng himself had horses. Not only did he have horses, but also fifty of his own soldiers all had horses.

Unable to stand it any longer, he took fifty of his own soldiers and fled. Of his five thousand subordinates, only a few dozen escaped.

However, his sacrifice was valuable. Wu Dahai's main force, more than 15,000 people, fled into Shuishan.

After entering the mountains, the cavalry also turned into infantry, and the Eight Banners of Manchu and Mongolia led their horses and walked.

"Don't worry, General Zhang. I will immediately replenish your troops as soon as you get out of the mountain," Wu Dahai comforted Zhang Pengcheng.

After coming out of the mountain, the Qing army was dumbfounded.

There are three trenches, and behind them are high barrier camps. The fifteen thousand soldiers and horses of Bo Ma Jinzhong in Wuchang of the Ming Dynasty have been waiting for a long time.


How come the Ming army appears behind me?

Wu Dahai screamed in pain in his heart, but there was no fear on his face. The general is the courage of the soldiers. If he is timid, the morale of the army will be lost.

He summoned Ga Dahun, who was thousands of miles high, and Zhang Pengcheng and other generals, "Our army has reached the point of death, so we will fight at the point of death!"

"I am willing to fight to the death with Mr. Bei Zi!"

The 10,000 Manchu and Mongolian Eight Banners and more than 5,000 Green Battalion soldiers were forced into a desperate situation and had no time to fill in the trenches. They carried bamboo boards tied with bamboo and rushed towards the Ming army with shouts.

The Ming army had just built their camp, and they were pressed for time. The trench was not wide, less than a foot. The moso bamboo in southern Anhui was long, thick, and tough, and the bamboo boards made into them were very strong. Hundreds of bamboo boards were used as cushions.

The trench was like hundreds of pontoon bridges. The Qing troops stepped on bamboo boards and quickly jumped across the trench.


Ma Jinzhong's expression condensed, "Fire!"

Heavy artillery in mountainous areas is difficult to transport, but he brought a lot of Crouching Tiger Artillery.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Artillery shells exploded like raindrops in the Qing army.

The more than 20,000 Manchu and Mongolian Eight Banners who came to South Zhili this time were almost all composed of Manchu and Mongolian nobles. Among them, there were nine Jia La Manchu Aha and five Jia La Mongol Aha. It is said that they are Aha

, in fact, they are also the personal soldiers of the Manchu and Mongolian masters, and their combat effectiveness is higher than the ordinary Manchu and Mongolian Eight Banners.

Hearing the sound of cannons, these veterans not only did not retreat, but accelerated their charge. They had fought many battles with their masters and had rich war experience. They knew that they would be safe as long as they rushed to the blind spot of the cannon fire.

The Ming army's muskets began to fire, and there were billowing white smoke and dull "pop" sounds like falling beans everywhere. From time to time, Qing troops fell down.

The Ahabs hunched their backs, protected their tight bodies with shields, and moved quickly towards the Ming army's camp. The shields could not stop the bullets, but the Qing army's hunched backs and tightened bodies did reduce the exposed area of ​​the body, which was effective

Reduced casualties.

The Aha people rushed towards the Ming army's camp. The wall was a hastily built earthen wall, less than a foot high. It could be climbed by leaping or using a ladder with weak jumping ability. Of course, most of the Qing troops used bamboo poles.

Tideng Village.

Knowing that they were in a desperate situation, the Qing army fought tooth and nail, and the Ming army's camp was crumbling.

"Well, you are worthy of being a good aha in the masters' family! You really make the masters look good!"

Wu Dahai praised. He thought in his mind that as long as he could break through the Ming army camp and rush through Shuishan within half a day, his army would be safe.

These Tatars are really vicious! Ma Jinzhong frowned, "Quick, blast them with thunder."

Opening piles of big boxes, the Ming army picked up big iron lumps one by one, lit match ropes, and threw them against the wall. These big guys were very bulky and were generally only used to defend the city. They looked big and made a lot of noise, but

As long as it doesn't hit the vital points, the explosion generally won't kill anyone, but it can injure people and make them lose their combat effectiveness. What's even more rare is that the explosion radius is large, and a large area is exploded.

"Boom", "Boom"??

Explosions sounded one after another, and the Qing troops under the wall fell down in large numbers, holding their feet and arms, rolling around, and wailing continuously.

This situation of being unable to survive or die was the most damaging to morale. The Qing army's offensive could not help but be frustrated.

"Dong dong dong!"

Wu Dahai beat the drum himself.

The uninjured Qing troops continued to attack the stronghold upon hearing the drums.

Time passed moment by moment, the sky gradually darkened, and the Qing army was still unable to break through the camp.

"Report, the Ming army's pursuers are only fifteen miles away from me."

Wu Dahai's expression darkened. He couldn't break out, so he could only wait for help.

"Go up the mountain!"

As a veteran, while attacking the stronghold, he had already sent people to check the nearby terrain and discovered an unnamed peak with spring water.

The Qing army slowly retreated up the mountain, leaving behind more than 3,000 corpses.

At the foot of the mountain, the Ming army's camps were densely surrounded and impenetrable.


Wu Dahai was in crisis, and Ji Du was very anxious. Wu Dahai was not only the deputy commander of the entire army, but also the uncle of himself and Emperor Shunzhi, so he must not make any mistakes.

He asked Hong Chengchou: "Hong Jinglue, Wu Dahai is in danger, who do you think is better to send to the rescue?"

Hong Chengchou replied without thinking: "It must be Zhang Yong."

Jidu also heard that Zhang Yong was good at fighting and nodded repeatedly.

While the two were discussing, they suddenly reported that the imperial court had sent Qi Chebai, the right minister of the Ministry of Rites, to announce the decree.

"Qi Dailang, what is the emperor's will for us?"

"This decree is for Zhang Yong, and the emperor named him the right governor."

Ji Du smiled at Hong Chengchou and said, "It seems that the emperor and Hong Jinglue wanted to go together."

Zhang Yong was greatly moved after receiving the order. Emperor Shunzhi not only made him the right governor, but also gave him a uniform, armor, a bow and arrows, and even gave him a sincere instruction: "In today's world, there are very few good generals like you Zhang Yong.

In military affairs, we should not make baseless speculations or estimates. We should observe the situation and deal with it flexibly. We should never be conceited about our talents or underestimate the enemy.

It’s hard to repay your kindness!

The Holy One first made me the commander-in-chief of Gansu Province; then he awarded me the third-class Adahaha title (third-class captain of light vehicles); and now he also made me the right commander. In the Ming Dynasty, I was only a general. It is better to be in the Qing Dynasty!

Emperor Shunzhi's repeated favors made Zhang Yong burst into tears with gratitude.

In fact, this is just the character trait of Emperor Shunzhi: if he likes someone, he would like to give his heart to him. Once he falls out, he would like to step on ten thousand feet, making him unable to turn over forever.

Jidu ordered Zhang Yong to lead 20,000 Gansu and Shaanxi Green Battalions to rescue Wu Dahai. Hong Cheng was afraid that Zhang Yong's troops were insufficient, so he sent his general Gao Di to lead 10,000 Henan Green Battalions to assist.

The remaining 50,000 soldiers and horses dare not draw out, and they must defend each place. This is the weakness of the defender relative to the attacker. The defender does not know where the attacker is attacking, so he must defend key areas separately; while the attacker can

Concentrate your forces and attack one point. Since Nikan died in the battle, the offensive and defensive postures of the Ming and Qing Dynasties began to change, from the Qing attacking the Ming defender to the Ming attacking the Qing defender. Therefore, although the Qing army still has 80,000 troops north of Shuishan

We have soldiers and horses, but we can only spare 30,000 to rescue Wu Dahai.

This chapter has been completed!
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