Chapter 320 Imperial Capital

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 Zhu Hengjia entered Nanjing and sighed sincerely: "Nanjing is so big!"

It is indeed huge, with eighteen outer city gates, thirteen gates in the capital (also known as the inner city), seven gates in the imperial city, and four gates in the palace city (also known as the Forbidden City, the inner city). "Matteo Ricci China"

"Notes" records: "Two people rode towards each other from opposite directions of the city, and it took them a whole day to meet each other."

There is a kind of person called an "old naughty boy". Prince Jing of the country is one. He is fifty-six years old this year, but sometimes he acts like a child. The outer walls and the capital city have just been built, but the palace inside (the imperial city and the palace city are collectively called the palace) has not yet been built.

After conquering it, I wanted to visit the imperial capital built by Emperor Taizu Gao.

He summoned General Xu Dengdi and ordered him to take him on a tour of the capital.

Xu Dengdi was originally a guerrilla in Chuzhou. He had been transferred to Jiangning by Lang Tingzuo for more than half a year. He knew this city very well. As a surrendered general, he had the opportunity to curry favor with King Jing, who was in charge of the country. This was a great blessing. He worked very hard.

Before and after running.

"Supervise the country, the people of Nanjing compiled four sentences about the thirteen gates of the capital. Will you be punished?"

"Since Xu Youyi has surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, his previous sins will be absolved. There is no need to call himself a sinner anymore." Zhu Hengjia was in a good mood, and he absolved Xu Dengdi of his sins.

Xu Dengdi was overjoyed, and King Jing of the State Supervisor Jinguo said that he would be exempted from the crime, and his life would be saved.

He said diligently: "Jian Guo, these four sentences are 'Three mountains gather treasures to connect Tongji, Zhengyang Chaoyang establishes peace, Shence Jinchuan is close to Zhongfu, Yi Feng determines Huai Qingshi City'. How about we follow the order of the words,

Start patrolling from Sanshan Gate?"

"Very good, you lead the way."

Xu Dengdi led the way, and Zhu Hengjia, protected by hundreds of personal guards, strolled around the capital leisurely.

"Jianguo, this is the gate to gather treasures",

"Jianguo, this is Tongjimen",

"Jianguo, this is Zhengyang Gate"??

We walked to the Taiping Gate in the North City. Wow! This Taiping Gate is pitiful. As the main direction of the Ming army's attack on the city, it was riddled with holes and broken tiles by artillery.

Zhu Hengjia was lamenting the cruelty of war when he suddenly saw another city wall with a gate a few miles away from Taiping Gate. It was majestic and tall, exuding a sense of majesty.

Asked: "Where is this?"

Xu Dengdi suddenly burst into tears, "Over there is the imperial city in the prison of the country. The imperial city is where my great Ming ancestral temple, altar, five ministries and six offices are located; the palace city inside is where my Taizu, Emperor Gao, lived and governed.

. But they were stolen by the Tartars and took over the whole city. As a Han, the last general couldn’t help but feel heartbroken every time he saw the Tartars showing off and horse racing in the residence of my great ancestor, Emperor Long.”

Upon hearing this, Zhu Hengjia couldn't help but his eyes turned red with anger, "Let's go over there and have a look."

Xu Dengdi was shocked, "No, we are in charge of the country. The imperial city is still in the hands of the Manchus. It may be dangerous to go there!"

"Huh! All the leaders of the Manchu people have been wiped out by Gu, and there are just old, weak, women and children inside. If it weren't for fear of damaging the palace, Gu would have ordered an siege. Let's go over there."

Prince Jing, who was in charge of the country, insisted on going, so he had no choice but to accompany him.

Arriving not far from the imperial city, Zhu Hengjia picked up his telescope and looked at the city wall. He didn't see many young people, but mostly old people and children. They were dressed in round collars with large left breasts, slits on all sides, and waisted horseshoe sleeves.

.Looking at them, I suddenly felt horrified. War has turned the elderly and children into killing machines!

"Huh? Manchu woman?"

A young Manchu woman appeared in the telescope lens, with a fair and chubby face, neither ugly nor handsome.

Prince Jing killed many Manchu men; this was the first time I saw a Manchu woman. I couldn’t help but look at her a few more times.

Very disappointed!

In TV dramas of later generations, Manchu beauties all had their heads crossed, their hair in flag buns, and they were dressed in beautiful flag dresses, with big rolled sleeves, flowerpot-bottomed embroidered shoes, and fine lace on their skirts, cuffs, collars, and hems. That aura,

Appearance is called "beautiful"! The woman in the camera is not, but she is wearing a bun, but she is wearing a short jacket and trousers. She is not at all as elegant and graceful as in the TV series.

In fact, he had misunderstood. In this era, only the ladies among the bannermen wore flag clothes, while ordinary bannermen women only wore short jackets and trousers.

Huh? The woman actually took out a bow, put an arrow on it, and squinted her eyes to take aim. Who did she want to shoot? No! It seems to be heading in the direction of Gu!

Zhu Hengjia was shocked and was about to dodge. The battle-hardened guards had already raised their long shields.

With a "swish" sound, the arrow shot by the woman landed a few feet away from Zhu Hengjia. She was not strong enough to shoot such a far distance.

Zhu Hengjia changed his personal bodyguards from the emperor's twenty-six guards into a camp system. They were organized into Tengxiang left camp, Tengxiang right camp, Wuxiang left camp, Wuxiang right camp, and Yu

Lin's left camp, Yulin's right camp, Jinwu's front camp, Jinwu's rear camp, a total of eight battalions, with 24,000 bodyguards and soldiers. This time they were escorted by several hundred soldiers from Tengxiang's left camp.

Zhang Jin, a guerrilla from Tengxiang Zuoying, said urgently: "Please ask the prisoner to move to a safe place."

Zhu Hengjia nodded and quickly evacuated.

As soon as they evacuated to a safe area, their trusted general Zhao Yong came with his troops to protect him. "I am late to escort you, so please forgive me for my sins,"

"Zhao Qing came just in time. Let's go back to camp."

When Zhao Yong saw Xu Dengdi, he couldn't help but feel angry, "How dare you put the prison country in danger!"

The whip of the whip drew a bloody mark on Xu Dengdi's face.

Xu Dengdi did not dare to contradict him and knelt down to apologize.

Zhu Hengjia hurriedly persuaded him: "I don't blame Xu Qing for this. I just want to inspect the imperial city. Let's go back to the camp."

I don’t know what happened, but the old people, children, fat Manchu girls on the walls of the imperial city, and the arrow that landed a few feet away touched the soft heart of Prince Jing.

If you want to kill, then kill the warriors of Manchuria. Killing old, weak, women and children is not a hero!

Zhu Hengjia decided: send people to persuade the Manchus in the city to surrender. As long as the Manchus in the city are willing to surrender, they will be given a way to live.

There is another reason why he is not in a hurry to attack the city but to persuade him to surrender: both the imperial city and the palace are in the hands of the Manchus. After he ascends the throne and becomes emperor, he cannot live without the palace. If the Manchus are forced to panic, they can burn the palace.

, the money spent on reconstruction was spent in the sea.

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Who should he send to persuade him to surrender? Zhu Hengjia thought of surrendering general Xu Dengdi.


After the Manchus entered the customs, they faced a large country with a small ethnic group. Facing the population advantage of the Han people, in order to avoid being assimilated by the Han people, they began to establish Mancheng. In history, more than 20 cities were established, but at this time there were only five: Beijing Mancheng

, Taiyuan Mancheng, Jiangning Mancheng, Xi'an Mancheng, Hangzhou Mancheng.

It is both a city and a military camp. Each city is equipped with military depots, artillery factories, archery rooms, martial arts halls, sentry houses, horse pens and other facilities. It is under martial law at night and it is prohibited to walk around at will.

In order to allow the children of the Eight Banners to maintain their combat effectiveness, the Qing government stipulated that the children of the Eight Banners should receive double pay, and could only serve as officials and soldiers, and were not allowed to engage in other professions. In order to allow them to practice martial arts easily, the Qing government also stipulated that the bannermen were not allowed to sing operas, and the establishment of theaters was prohibited throughout the city.

Therefore, the scenes in later TV series of Manchu men holding cages and humming Peking opera did not exist in this era.

Jiangning Mancheng was built in the sixth year of Shunzhi (1649), but as early as the second year of Shunzhi (1645), after the Qing army occupied Nanjing City, they immediately occupied the imperial city in the east of the city and occupied 22 walls

, accounting for about one-fifth of Nanjing city.

In order to encourage Manchu descendants to come and live in Manchu City, the Qing government not only gave them money and food, but also gave them many privileges. Administrative affairs in Manchu City were managed by each banner. If a bannerman commits a crime, local officials have no right to handle it alone and must work with the banner.

When tried together with officials, serious crimes are often punished with light punishments, or even nothing happens.

Therefore, the bannermen all over Jiangning are very crazy. They often ride horses around Nanjing, bump into people, and eat people's crops. They rarely pay compensation. As for soaking horse excrement in front of people's homes, etc.

, it’s even more common. Hum hum, my horse poops in front of your house, that’s your blessing. Why, do you still dare to disobey?

Sometimes, the men of the Eight Banners lost their interest and galloped to the Qinhuai River in one breath. The piles of horse dung under the willow trees by the river were particularly vivid! They turned the "Qinhuai River Paradise" into the "Qinhuai River Horse"

Shit heaven”!

Regarding the bannermen's behavior of disturbing the people, local officials reported it to the Qing court, and the emperor issued an edict to reprimand it. It was useless! The Aixinjueluo family's empire was built with our lives by the soldiers of the Eight Banners. Is it possible that the emperor could really do it for a few piles of horse dung?

Is it going to kill our man? Just go his own way and do whatever you want.

The Qing government had no choice but to think of a bad way to reduce the contact between Manchus and Han. They closed other gates in the city and only opened three gates: Xihua Gate and Xiaomen on the west side, and Bei'an Gate on the north side.<



Melezhangjing Marsai led more than 2,000 remnant soldiers to flee into Mancheng. Zhao Butai was killed in the battle, and he became the highest official in Mancheng.

When escaping into the city, the first thing to do is to gather people to defend the city. If there are no men, women can do it.

"There is an order from Marseille Zhangjing that all men over the age of twelve and under sixty, and women over fourteen and under fifty in each family must be recruited. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed." Several Niulu Zhangjing led several

People, convey Marseille’s general order to every household.

Mancheng was under militarized management, and the gathering speed was very fast. In a short time, Mancheng, with a population of only 30,000, actually gathered more than 3,000 women's soldiers, plus more than a thousand young and old men. Piece it together, Mal

Sai finally has 7,000 men and horses.

Don't underestimate these women's troops. Historically, the Taiping Army attacked Nanjing amphibiously. The outer and inner cities were easily defeated, but when they attacked the entire city, they encountered fierce resistance. Not only Eight Banners soldiers but also Manchu women came to the city to fight with Taiping.

The army fought, and the Manchu women were skilled in bows and arrows, causing many Taiping soldiers to die. In a rage, they massacred the city, and more than 60,000 Jiangning bannermen were killed, but only 400 remained.

"Zhang Jing, the Ming army has sent an envoy," his subordinates reported to Marseille.

"Bring it up." Marsai straightened his clothes, trying to maintain the majesty of a Manchu general.

Xu Dengdi walked to Marsai and said, "The overall situation has been decided, so why should Zhang Jing be persistent? It's better to open the city gate and surrender. King Jing of the Supervisor of the Kingdom has given an order, and those who surrender will be spared death."

Marseille looked at Xu Dendi and said, "I think you look familiar to me."

"The noble people in Zhang Jing often forget things. I was originally a guerrilla in Chuzhou of the Qing Dynasty. When you arrived in Jiangning, Lang Duxian hosted a banquet, and Zhang Jing and I drank together."

"Okay! How dare you rebel against our Qing Dynasty when you are an official of our Qing Dynasty!"

Marseille drew his sword and wanted to kill him.

Xu Dendi was not afraid, "It would be extremely easy for Zhang Jing to kill me. But you don't care about the lives of the 30,000 bannermen in the city?"

Marseille stopped his sword and asked: "What are the conditions of the Ming army?"

"You surrender, I will spare your life."

"How to place the bannermen after surrender?"

"After the surrender, the bannermen are no longer allowed to live in the imperial city. Wasteland will be distributed to each household, and they will be scattered and placed in villages. From now on, there will no longer be a full city."

"What! Are you trying to turn the children of the Eight Banners into farmers? They can only practice martial arts, so how can they farm?"

Xu Dengdi sneered and said: "It is better to be a farmer than to lose your life. Where to go, please Zhang Jing to make his own decision."

Marsai looked at the eyes of his subordinates who were full of hope for survival, and sighed: "How does Zhang Jing know whether the Ming army will break their word and surrender and then kill them?"

"How could the edict given by Prince Jing of the Supervisor of the State be dishonest even if he spoke so eloquently? Not to mention you, even the officials who were bigger than you were not killed, but were entrusted with important tasks. For example, Tong Yangjia, the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi,

After surrendering, he was named Governor of Liaodong.

When Xu Dengdi mentioned Tong Yangjia, Marseille nodded. Tong Yangjia came from the famous "Tong Banchao" family and was the dignified governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. Marseille naturally knew about his situation.

He sighed: "Prince Jing, the pseudo-supervisor of the country, can be considered a hero if he can fight from Guangxi to Nanjing. Since he is a hero, he must not be a despicable villain who breaks his word."

Marsai said to his subordinate Jiala Zhangjing Mulkui: "Murkui, please lead your people to line up to surrender. No matter what, we must save the lives of 30,000 bannermen."

"Zhang Jing, what about you?"

"I have received so much favor from the emperor, how can I be punished! Today is the day when I will die for my country." After saying this, Marsai drew his sword and killed himself, with blood splattering three feet.

With tears in his eyes, Mulkui lined up to surrender under the guidance of Xu Dengdi.

True to his word, Zhu Hengjia dispersed the old, young, women and children of the Eight Banners into various villages.

After finishing his busy work, his mind was focused on one thing: paying homage to Xiaoling Mausoleum.

This chapter has been completed!
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