Chapter 36 Civil War

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 Zhu Hengjia was hugging Princess Annan and talking about life, when suddenly a secret report came from Jin Yiwei.

When he opened it, Zhu Hengjia was shocked. This Cen Zhaozhen was so cruel that he actually killed more than a thousand people in Sicheng Prefecture in one breath!

Originally, Zhu Hengjia wanted to support Cen Zhaozhen and deal with Cen Zhaowu. Now it seems that Cen Zhaozhen is his strong enemy!

"This person cannot be kept! He must be killed!"

Zhu Hengjia felt that Cen Zhaozhen was sinister and vicious, and he was a "talent". A "talent" cannot be used by an orphan, so he must be killed.

"Your Highness, who do you want to kill?"

"Kill that bad guy Mo Jingyu! How dare you not establish Baolian's son and become king yourself."

"Really?" Princess Zhao smiled sweetly.

"Really, Gu swears that Gu Baolian will return to Annan and become the princess."


In Fengshan County, Qingyuan Prefecture, Guangxi, 60-year-old Sicheng veteran Huang Ma is in a good mood.

With his sword still young, he was ordered to attack Qingyuan Weishi. He fought successively and conquered Tian'e and Fengshan, two important towns in Qingyuan Weishi, and approached Yishan County, Qingyuan Prefecture. He was praised by the young leader Cen Zhaowu.<


Huang Ma is an old man from Sicheng. When he was young, he followed the chief Cen Leihan in the north and south. When Cen Leihan launched a mutiny to seize power from his brother, the patriarch Cen Yunhan, Huang Ma was the first to fight.

Entered the Tusi Mansion.

Now that the big leader Cen Leihan has passed away from illness, he must learn from Zhuge Kongming, dedicate himself to death, assist the young leader, and revitalize the Cen family in Sicheng! Huang Ma thought.

With so many thoughts on his mind and the past like smoke, Huang Ma was thinking about it when he suddenly reported that two people had arrived in Sicheng, an old man and a young man.

Huang Ma met the visitor at the Zhongjun tent: "Huh? Aren't you Uncle Xu, the steward of the third son's family? This young man looks so familiar."

"Grandpa Huang, I am Cen Jizu!" The young man burst into tears.

The old housekeeper also knelt down with a plop, "Old General, it's a pity that the great leader only has this little flesh and blood left in his military life! Old General, please avenge my master!"

Huang Ma burst into tears after listening to what the two said. He was originally Cen Leihan's personal guard. Because of his bravery in battle, he was promoted to high positions step by step. Naturally, he was loyal to Cen Leihan's line.

"Don't worry, little leader, I will immediately mobilize all the troops to fight back to Sicheng to avenge the old master!"


The cold wind was biting, and groups of prisoners were repairing the plank roads of Taiping Mansion. If they were a little lazy, Jing Jun, who was in charge of the group, would whip them.

"It's time to eat!"

A Jingjun artillery soldier came over carrying several drawers of steamed buns.

The captives took food one after another as if they heard the fairy music.

"Stand in line, each person has a bowl of water and two steamed buns," Jing Jun, the guard, shouted loudly.

Since ancient times, when you are a prisoner, you will not have enough to eat. If you want to eat, you have to work.

While the prisoners were eating, an envoy from the capital of Jingjun came over with a group of soldiers.

"My lord, what are you doing here?" Jing Jun, who was responsible for guarding the prisoners, asked the general manager.

"The king of Jingjiang issued an order to organize these prisoners into an army and prepare for the war."

"Sir, are we going to attack Sicheng?" Mr. Ba was a little excited.

"Good boy, are you exhausted from not having a fight these days?"

The governor laughed and said, "But you guessed wrong, this time it's going south."


After Huang Ma settled Cen Jizu, he immediately sent people to discuss peace with Qingyuan Wei and returned Tian'e and Fengshan to Qingyuan Wei. He also sent people to Shanglin Division, Anlong Division and the leaders of the Eighteen Villages in Guizhou.

letter, asking them to support Cen Jizu.

After doing this, Huang Ma led Cen Jizu and his 20,000 troops back to Sicheng.

Huang Ma is still very confident in the 20,000 men under his command. These are veterans who have been fighting for many years. They have formed a military formation and have a killing spirit.

Hearing that Cen Jizu and Huang Ma had led their troops to fight back, Cen Zhaozhen was not willing to be outdone and led Cen Zhaoxi, Cen Jilu, Wang Huer, Hu Liu and 20,000 troops to fight.

The two sides fought near the ancient cave in Yunxiao Mountain, Sicheng Prefecture. The ancient cave was the place where Cen Numuhan, the founder of Sicheng, lived. Now his descendants are killing each other in the ancestral land. There are spirits under the spring of the ancestors, so it is estimated that they will also.

Angrily scolding: We are born from the same roots, so why rush each other!

The tranquility before the war was terrifying. Huang Ma rode his war horse in front of his own army, shouting loudly to mobilize his own morale.

The soldiers' swords were unsheathed and their arrows were cocked, waiting for the military order to attack.

Suddenly, there were bursts of crying in front of the Huang Army, and a dark crowd appeared in front of the Huang Army's formation. These people were old and young, men and women, and they were all tied up with ropes. Sergeant Cen held these people with knives.

on the neck.

"Let them shout to their relatives. Those who don't shout will be killed!" Cen Zhaozhen said coldly.

"Listen, soldiers across the way, the patriarch has kidnapped your family members. They are all descendants of the Cen family. As long as you put down your weapons and submit to the patriarch, the patriarch will let the past go. If you don't surrender, he will wait to collect the bodies of your family.

"Let's go", Cen Zhaozhen picked two hundred loud-voiced sergeants to shout vigorously in front of the formation.

"Li Ergou, I am your father! Baby! Put down your weapons and stop fighting! If you don't surrender, the patriarch will kill me!"

"Mr. Lang, I am Ayu! Surrender! If you don't surrender, our children's lives will not be saved!"

"Dad, I am Xiaolan, and I am scared!"??

As bursts of cries reached Huang Ma's military formation, all the officers and soldiers of the Huang Army had earth-colored faces. Most of them were from Sicheng, and their families were all in Sicheng. Seeing their family members tied up in front of the formation, their military morale was immediately shaken, and their positions were shaken.


"Cen Zhaozhen, you are a despicable villain!" Huang Ma was so angry that he yelled on his horse.

Seeing that the Huang army generals had no fighting spirit and the soldiers had no fighting spirit, Cen Zhaozhen was overjoyed and ordered his troops to go to war.

The horn of the charge sounded, and under the command of the order flag, Cen Jun formed a fish scale formation and launched a charge against Huang Jun. At this time, the officers and soldiers of Huang Jun had no intention of fighting and could no longer form a neat military formation. They were defeated and were defeated, so they knelt down and surrendered.


Huang Ma protected Cen Jizu and fled to the vicinity of Baise. After counting his subordinates, there were only 6,000 left.

Now, the Huang Army has Cen Army in the north, Nanpanjiang River in the south, and Jing Army in the east. It is surrounded by Shi Qiwen Department. It is surrounded by enemies on all sides and is in a desperate situation.

"Huang Gong, what should we do now?" Cen Jizu was only eleven years old after all, and he was a little scared.

"Alas! Now we can only surrender to King Jingjiang," Huang Ma sighed. But after surrendering to King Jingjiang, can Sicheng still be named Cen? Veteran Han Han burst into tears.

Huang Ma and Cen Jizu led 6,000 remnants of the army to defect to the Jingjun Shi Qiwen Department.

Shi Qiwen did not dare to neglect, so he placed the surrendering troops in Tianzhou, and sent people to escort Huang Ma and Cen Jizu to Zhu Hengjia in Taiping Prefecture to ask for surrender.


"I didn't come over until midnight because I had an appointment. I just knocked the chess pieces and let the lights fall."

When he heard the news that Huang Ma and Cen Jizu came to ask for surrender, Zhu Hengjia was playing Go with Zheng Feng. The two were talking fiercely, black and white, and they were having fun!

"In the supervision of the country, these barbarian chiefs have always been unruly and unruly. They only surrendered when they were in a state of poverty. They are afraid of power and have no morals. I suggest that when you receive them, you should place swordsmen and axes in front of the tent to make them fear my great Ming Dynasty.

With the advantage of armor and soldiers, one should not dare to rebel."

Unexpectedly, Zhu Hengjia, who had always followed Zheng Fengyan's advice, had different opinions this time: "Zheng Qing, you know that Gu is a person who has always been righteous and likes to provide help in times of need. People who are alone come to Gu, Gu must let them

Feel the warmth like the spring of our Ming Dynasty. Come on! Open the gate and I will personally welcome General Huang."

When the cannon sounded three times, Zhu Hengjia personally went to the camp gate to greet Huang Ma.

Huang Ma and others were secretly grateful to see Zhu Hengjia being such a courteous corporal.

This chapter has been completed!
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