Chapter 474: Asking for Excuse

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 The emperor opened his mouth, and the general ran away and broke his legs.

Emperor Guangwu ordered Yan Zungao to capture Kaifeng as soon as possible and join him in Shandong. Yan Zungao did not dare to neglect, so he had to grimace and use human lives to fill the city of Kaifeng.

Originally, he made up his mind to besiege Kaifeng for a long time and wait for the enemy to run out of food. But the emperor refused to tell him this and issued an order to capture Kaifeng quickly. There was no other way but to fight!

"Lieutenant General Gui, you will attack Daliang Gate (West Gate); Lieutenant General Yu, you will attack Anyuan Gate (North Gate). As soon as the sound of artillery stops, attack the city immediately," General Yan issued a military order.

Kaifeng, a majestic city in the world, consists of outer city, inner city, and imperial city, all built on top of each other, with an extremely complete defense system. After careful observation, Yan Zungao found that the west gate was wide and could accommodate the siege army, while the number of defenders at the north gate was small, so he

The focus of the attack was on these two places, and other generals were ordered to attack other city gates as suspects.

"The last general will take the order." Generals Gui Chan and Yu Gongliang agreed loudly.

"Remember, attack the city as soon as the cannon fire stops," Yan Zuggao ordered.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Twenty kilograms of iron bullets, stone bullets, mixed with explosive bullets were fired towards the city.

"Go to the city quickly and guard against artillery!"

In addition to leaving surveillance posts, the veterans of the Qing army on the top of the city went down to hide in the city one after another. Those who stayed on the city also hid behind the low wall.

There were only a few civilians left running around at the top of the city. Most of them were people who had just been sent to the city. The first few batches of people who went to the city had already gained experience after more than a month of defending the city, so they crouched low.

, hidden behind a low wall and a stack of arrows.

"Boom", a blooming artillery shell exploded among the civilians. This kind of artillery shell did little damage to the city wall, but it could kill and injure a large number of defenders. It immediately killed and injured more than ten people, all of whom were ordinary people who had just entered the city.

In addition to the more than 20,000 Qing troops in Kaifeng City, Luo Tuo and Li Yinzu also recruited more than 20,000 civilians to help defend the city. The casualties of these civilians were far greater than those of the defenders.

"Don't mess around, you bastards, squat down if you want to survive," the general manager of this team of civilian workers yelled.

"Order Li Duxian to go to Anyuanmen, I will go to Daliangmen myself." Luo Tuo was different from Doni. He joined the army to fight against the Ming Dynasty when he was a teenager. He had actually fought many battles and had rich combat experience. When he heard the density of the cannon fire, he

Then the main attack direction of the Ming army was determined.

As soon as the cannons stopped and the smoke had not dispersed, thousands of carriages silently attacked the city wall.


On the ladders, soldiers of the Ming army who have experienced hundreds of battles are climbing up with swords and cards.


The huge wolf-fang beater pricked a Ming Army veteran on the ladder into countless blood blisters. Gui Chan was furious and took advantage of the gap between the wolf-fang beater to recover and jumped onto the city.

As a former fierce general in the Xinhuang Forty-Eight Village Rebel Army, Lieutenant General Gui was really capable of killing one person in ten steps with his ruthless swords.

"Kill the captives! Kill the captives! Kill the captives!"

Seeing the general's power, the morale of Gui Chan's men was greatly boosted. They shouted "Kill the captives" and rushed towards the city.

Luotuo's expression darkened, and he summoned Jia La Zhang Jing Huijin, "You will take the enemy general's head for me!"


Hunjin was a fierce general in the Qing army. He had eight hundred soldiers under his command, all wearing three layers of armor and holding heavy weapons such as bones, maces, iron rods, and axes. He was very brave. Luo Tuo made his troops the leader of the Qing army.

The killer weapon will be sent wherever there is a crisis.


A huge bone hit Gui Chan's sword. His arms were sore and his heart was awe-inspiring, "This general is so strong!"

Guduo, whose real name is guan gizzard, incorrectly known as Guduo, commonly known as pumpkin, is similar to a long-handled hammer, with a heavy iron weapon in the shape of a garlic or bean sprout on the top. Because it is very heavy, it cannot be used by those who are not extremely strong. The Ming Dynasty generally used this weapon as a ceremonial guard.

There is a saying on the battlefield that "a hammer or a stick is invincible".

Huijin took the lead with one move, and Gu Duo roared in with all his moves. The killing made Gui Chan secretly cry out in pain. After more than ten moves, he was accidentally hit on the head and died.

Yu Gongliang's attack on Anyuanmen went well at first, with hundreds of his troops boarding the city.

Li Yinzu came and shouted: "Shoot for me!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The gun went off, and dozens of Ming soldiers fell into a pool of blood.

Yu Gongliang was furious and advanced instead of retreating. He rushed into the Qing army's formation and killed more than ten gunmen in a row.

Qing guerrilla Zhao Shitai led his army to stop him, but Yu Gongliang chopped him off the city wall with a single blow.

"Chirp", a cold arrow, with a whistling sound, hit Yu Gongliang's face. It is easy to dodge an open gun, but difficult to guard against a hidden arrow. Many heroes in ancient times have died from hidden arrows.

The carefully prepared attack was repelled again. Both sides were licking their wounds, waiting for the next bloody battle.


"Report! The enemy cavalry raided our army's front stronghold in the north city, causing more than 300 casualties." In the big tent, Yan Zungao was annoyed that he could not capture Kaifeng, when another disturbing news came.

"Didn't I give orders to dig deep trenches and build high barriers? How did the enemy cavalry get here?"

"Reporting to the general, the enemy cavalry dismounted, crossed the trench with wooden platoons, climbed over the barrier, and attacked the front village of Beicheng."

"You bastard! I have issued many orders and sent many sentries, but you dare to neglect your duties! Someone came and beheaded Zhou Kun, the commander of Qianzhai Village in Beicheng, in public to police the three armies." Yan Zungao was furious.

A bloody head was chopped off, and there was silence in the big tent, everyone was afraid of getting into trouble.

Finally, Deputy General Liu Wenxiu spoke, "General, now that the Yellow River has thawed and Kaifeng has become an isolated city, the space for enemy cavalry to move has been greatly reduced. It is a good time to encircle and annihilate the enemy cavalry!"

Yan Zungao thought carefully and found that indeed, when the Yellow River froze, the enemy's cavalry could get supplies from Weihui Mansion and Daming Mansion in the north. They were elusive and difficult to deal with. But now that the Yellow River has thawed, the water of the thousands-mile Yellow River is surging, and the Qing army on the north bank of the Yellow River is no longer there.

It is also unable to reinforce Kaifeng City on the south bank, and the enemy's cavalry can only move on the south bank. This is a good opportunity to eliminate them.

"Send my military orders to all prefectures, prefectures, counties, all types of soldiers and civilians, etc. If anyone discovers the whereabouts of the captives and informs them, he will be rewarded with a hundred taels of silver; if he kills a captive, he will be rewarded with five taels of silver."

Following the issuance of this military order, wherever the Qing army's cavalry went, they were reported on, and they were constantly surrounded and suppressed. Those who were left alone were often attacked by people from all over the country, and their heads were cut off to receive rewards.

Aixinjueluo Langqiu's life was getting worse and worse. There were only more than 3,000 cavalry left out of the 7,000, and they were short of food and clothing. In fact, before the Yellow River froze, some of his subordinates persuaded him to withdraw across the Yellow River. He

He refused and evacuated to the north of the Yellow River. He would be safe, but Kaifeng had completely become an isolated city. How would he face the more than 20,000 Paoze brothers trapped in the city in the future?

Lang Qiu was a loyal man, and his surname was Aixinjueluo. In order to live up to his surname, he refused to withdraw across the Yellow River.

So, he was surrounded.

In Taojiadian in the north of Kaifeng City, more than 10,000 Ming troops surrounded more than 3,000 Qing cavalry.

"My sons, for the sake of the Qing Dynasty, come with me and rush out," Lang Qiu shouted, and his horse rushed left and right until it was exhausted.

"Your Majesty, I have tried my best." Lang Qiu did not want to be captured and humiliated, so he drew his knife and wiped his neck.

"Come here, bring the head of this captive general to the city and persuade them to surrender." Yan Zungao wanted to persuade Kaifeng to surrender, but what he got was a letter of war: "Stop talking and talking. I will wait for you to come."


I’m angry, I’m really angry this time!

Marshal Yan continued his offensive for another month, leaving corpses all over the ground again and finding nothing.

"General, our army has lost more than 10,000 troops under Kaifeng City. If we continue to fight like this, we will lose all our troops. Even if we go to Shandong, we will not be able to reinforce your Majesty."

"Yes, General, Kaifeng is already an isolated city. It is better to besiege it for a long time and wait until the enemy's food is exhausted."??

Generals Liu Wenxiu, Yang Fuchen, Chen Youlong, Geng Jimao, and Shen Shouyue did not want to attack by force and suggested a siege instead.

Yan Zungao sighed, "Your Majesty ordered me to quickly take Kaifeng to Shandong to rendezvous. Now it seems that Kaifeng will not be captured for a while, and I will not be able to fulfill the military orders. I have no choice but to apologize to His Majesty!"


"I obey the imperial edict: The Emperor and Heaven have commanded you to rule all directions. Your Majesty's holy virtues and vast fortunes are holy and divine, and martial and civilized. He has conquered all corners of the world and is the king of the world. Since the Northern Expedition, he has been victorious in all battles and conquered all attacks.

After clearing away the fishy smell and restoring the clothes, all the Han people will cheer and celebrate in celebration. I am a mediocre person, and your Majesty raised his ministers to the captives, summoned them to the right platform, and entrusted them with military affairs. It is hard to repay the kindness of knowing and encountering, so I am willing to attach my tail to serve.

Since crossing the river, there have been dozens of battles, big and small. We are equipped with strong weapons and strong swords. We rush to the front, not for fame, but just to repay the grace of God in case of emergency. However, the soldiers are treacherous and the changes are unpredictable. Your Majesty ordered his ministers to capture Kaifeng quickly.

, Kaifeng is the most fortified city in the world, with a complete system and indestructible with artillery and stone. The officers and soldiers of the three armies, who risked their lives and braved arrows and stones to climb up, have fulfilled their mission as warriors and are loyal to Your Majesty. Today we are attacking day and night for three months.

, three hundred soldiers were lost every day, and more than ten thousand loyal souls were buried under the fortified city. If things go on like this, even if Kaifeng is conquered, they will not be able to go north. I am bold and change the attack to a siege, so that our troops can save a little strength for your Majesty's next year.

.The military law is like a mountain, but the ministers violate it. Xi Gao is waiting to be executed, and he is waiting for the ax and ax of our emperor. Fu Wei, my emperor, worked hard to fight, and became more wise. He inherited the saints, revitalized China, and enlightened the civil and military methods of Yao, Shun, Yu, and Tang, and prospered.

During the three dynasties of Tang and Yu, the ministers were extremely loyal and righteous, and their emotions were extremely passionate. However, they were still foolish and loyal, so I sincerely paid homage to them."

Seeing Yan Zungao's apology form, Zhu Heng's heart couldn't calm down for a long time, especially when he read "More than ten thousand loyal souls were buried under the fortified city", he became even more sad. Yan Zungao's troops are my direct descendants, and every time they die,

I feel bad for just one, not to mention the loss of more than ten thousand in one fell swoop! Kaifeng City has simply become a slaughterhouse of flesh and blood. It’s not cost-effective to just waste it with Qinglu!

Yan Zungao is benevolent and righteous! In order to save the lives of his subordinates, he did not hesitate to disobey my military orders. Yan Zungao is loyal! I apologize and am willing to die. This is to save my face.

How can I be a foolish and ignorant king? I will never do anything that kills loyal ministers!

The reply to Yan Zungao said: "It is useless to attack the fortified city of Kaifeng. You will be besieged for a long time. You will not cross the Yellow River for the time being and join me."

Yan Zungao's troops are unable to come, and the navy suffered heavy losses a while ago. Now there are only more than 100,000 troops and horses left in the Shandong battlefield led by the emperor himself.

Can these hundreds of thousands of people reach Beijing in one go? The ministers had differences on whether to continue the Northern Expedition or to stick to Shandong.

Listening to the bickering and arguing among the ministers, Emperor Guangwu lost his temper and roared angrily. He made the final decision: "There is nothing to discuss. Our army is in difficulty, and clearing out the captives is even more difficult. According to my will, the three armies will continue to march north and cannot conquer Beijing.

I swear not to return my master!"

This chapter has been completed!
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