Chapter 484 Shandong (7)

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 After Zhu Hengjia ascended Mount Tai to enshrine Zen, he felt that he was truly destined by destiny, so he led an army of more than 100,000 men to Jinan.

Yue Le was a veteran general. He knew that it would be difficult to hold an isolated city for a long time, so he ordered Shi Tingzhu and Cheng Fuliang to lead 10,000 troops to garrison at Lishan in the south of Jinan, while he himself led 35,000 troops to guard Jinan.

The Han army in the Qing Dynasty established a red flag in Mount Ezhen, and Zhenhai General Shi Tingzhu was a veteran of the Nurhachi era and had rich combat experience. As soon as he arrived in Lishan, he set up camp near the mountain spring, built three forts, dug ten ditches, and prepared many stones and rolling logs.

, "Ten thousand enemies", waiting for the Ming army.

"Order Li Mingzhong, Wang Deren, Hao Shangjiu, Hao Yongzhong, and Li Laiheng to surround Jinan."

"Order Yuan Zongdi, Ma Bao, and Li Yuanyin to attack Lishan."

"The rest of the generals will follow me to cut off the connection between Jinan and Lishan."

Military orders were issued one after another, and Emperor Guangwu formulated a battle plan to attack Lishan first and then conquer Jinan.

Because "Shun cultivated Mount Li", there were 21 mountains named Mount Li in the Ming Dynasty.

Li Mountain in the south of Jinan is also called Thousand Buddha Mountain. During the Sui Dynasty, Buddhism was prevalent in Shandong, and devout believers got its name from the Thousand Buddha Temple engraved on the walls of the mountain. It is not big, only more than 80 feet (258 meters) high, with horizontal lines from east to west.

Screen, beautiful scenery.

Yue Guo Gong Yuan Zongdi came to the foot of Mount Li and saw that it was just a hill. He stroked his beard and said with a smile: "With this, can we stop our army of 30,000 tigers and wolves?"

"The last general asks for a fight." Ma Bao and Li Yuanyin both ask for a fight.

"Well, Puchengbo attacked Thousand Buddha Cliff; Guangchangbo attacked Xingguo Temple; I will hold the battle for you two."

"The last general takes orders."



Ma Bao beat the war drum himself, and General Lan Yan pulled out his sharp sword.

"Soldiers, move forward for the sake of Ming Dynasty!"

Three thousand Ming troops, in groups of five, climbed towards Thousand Buddha Cliff. The red color was like red fire, and the silence concealed the thunder. Only the elites who have fought in hundreds of battles can achieve silence during the attack.

Qianfo Cliff Longquan Cave, where the Qing army's central force was located. Shi Tingzhu put down his telescope and ordered the artillery fire.

The Chinese army waved their command flags and deployed hundreds of cannons at the artillery camp in Kek Lok Cave. Although they were all small cannons, they were fired from a high position on the top of the mountain, and the range was much longer.

"Boom~boom~boom~", the shells fell like raindrops.

"Each group disperses! Disperse~", a Ming army commander just shouted, and was shot out of the stomach by a shotgun.

Lan Yan was furious, protected his body with a shield, and climbed up quickly. Most of the Ming army were veterans who had experienced battles, and they knew that as long as they rushed into the blind spot of the artillery, the artillery would be useless.

This round of artillery sounded earth-shattering, but it only shot down more than a hundred Ming troops.

Melezhangjing Shilin was squatting in the trench. Seeing the Ming army approaching, he ordered to release "thousands of enemies", large iron balls weighing dozens of kilograms and filled with poisonous smoke, and mixed with many wrapped in gunpowder, kerosene, and hay.

The quilts fell from a high position. The poisonous smoke balls kept rolling down, but not many people were hurt; on the other hand, those quilts caught fire as long as the soldiers were wrapped in them, and it was useless to beat them.

"Shoot for me," Shi Lin shouted, bullets and arrows raining down like a rainstorm.

The Ming army were all veterans of hundreds of battles. In groups of five, two gunmen or archers fired back spontaneously to suppress the Qing army, while three swordsmen fought forward bravely.

The Qing army hid in Haogou, and the Ming army was exposed all over. They suffered from shooting losses, and people fell to the ground from time to time.

"Javelin," Lan Yan ordered. Three hundred well-trained harpooners took out short spears and short spears from their backs and threw them upward at a special angle.


Dozens of people were shot through in one shot, leaving the trench in a mess.

Taking advantage of the panic of the enemy, Lan Yan suddenly jumped into the trench. He swung his sword and a head flew out; the rattan swept across and knocked out another person. The general was brave enough, and the Ming army rushed into the trench one after another, cutting down the Qing soldiers inside.


The first trench was broken, then the second, the third... Even if there were thousands of trenches, they couldn't stop the Ming Dynasty tigers and wolves.

"Ten thousand victories! Ten thousand victories! Ten thousand victories!"

Waves of warriors rushed up the mountain regardless of life and death.

Seeing Lan Yan's bravery, Ma Bao was overjoyed. He stretched his arms and drummed like thunder.

Vice-general Chen Kui led 3,000 soldiers and horses to rush upward following Lan Yan's troops.

Shi Lin withdrew from the trench and fled behind the earth and stone barrier.

Shi Tingzhu arrived with 2,000 Chinese troops. As soon as they met, he gave his son a riding crop, "All the trenches were lost in just one morning. How did you fight this battle?"

"Amma, there are so many soldiers in Ming Dynasty that I really can't resist them."

"Shut up," Shi Tingzhu shouted, "take my Chinese army and take back the trench. If you can't take it back, we will engage in military law!"

Shi Lin gritted her teeth and turned back to kill Lan Yan.

"Order the artillery battalion to shoot at the rear of the Ming army," Shi Tingzhu ordered.

"Well, now that the enemy and we are entangled together, it is easy to hurt our own people by firing artillery, and the major general is also in the formation." The Chinese army hesitated.

"Stop making noise! ​​Send the order quickly," Shi Tingzhu said with a ferocious face.

"Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!"

Shot shells exploded in the rear of the Ming army, and some also hit the front and squadrons. They shot down a large number of Ming troops and some Qing troops.

The Ming army did not expect that the two armies were already engaged in battle, and the Qing army would still fire artillery, and the offensive was halted.


Shi Lin led Shi Tingzhu's two thousand Chinese army and his own men to counterattack.

After fighting all morning, Lan Yan's tribe was hungry and tired. Just now, they were fighting fiercely with just one breath. Now their breath was interrupted by the cannon, and they were gradually exhausted.

"Go to hell", Lan Yan chopped down another Qing soldier, and "whoosh", a stray arrow shot through his forehead.

"Withdraw", Ma Bao finally issued the military order, and more than a thousand soldiers were buried at Qianfo Cliff, including General Lan Yan.

Li Yuanyin's attack on Xingguo Temple was also unsuccessful.

This Zen temple was built on the hillside of Lishan Mountain. The Ming army once attacked the Main Hall. Cheng Fuliang, the general of the Qing Dynasty, led his troops to fight back desperately and drove the Ming army back.


The first battle was unfavorable. Yuan Zongdi was very angry and called Ma Bao and Li Yuanyin: "We have an army of 30,000, and we are attacking a small mountain where 10,000 remaining soldiers are stationed. We have been unable to capture it for a long time. How can we see the emperor in front of us?"

"Commander, Shi Tingzhu and his son are personally defending Thousand Buddha Cliff, and they are in a hurry. Cheng Fuliang, the commander-in-chief of the Green Battalion stationed at Xingguo Temple, has fought with him in Shahe, and his combat power is far inferior to that of the Eight Banners Han Army. It is better to concentrate our forces and attack first

Attack Xingguo Temple, then go around to the back of Qianfo Cliff and attack it," Ma Baojian said.

Yuan Zongdi nodded, "I will follow Pu Chengbo's policy. Tomorrow the three armies will attack Xingguo Temple together, and those who are afraid of war will be killed."

The next day, Yuan Zongdi left three thousand soldiers and horses at Qianfo Cliff to confuse the stone pillars, and the main force came to Xingguo Temple overwhelmingly.


The loud and urgent horn echoed in the valley.

The Ming army is on the move, as if thousands of hectares of raging waves are crashing into the mountains, their shouts and roars will make the mountains and rivers tremble!

Veteran Yuan Zongdi personally charged into the mountain with his sword, while Ma Bao and Li Yuanyin ran at the front.

After fighting for an hour, the Qing army could no longer withstand it and was defeated in all directions. Cheng Fuliang wanted to escape, but Ma Bao's tanning whip gun arrived and hit his brain with a whip.

The Ming army captured Xingguo Temple and then went around from Xingguo Temple to the back of Longquan Cave on Qianfo Cliff.

Shi Tingzhu, Shi Lin and his son were surrounded by the Ming army. Shi Tingzhu suffered more than ten wounds and stood with his sword in hand.

"Amma, my son will escort you out," Shi Lin said.

"Ama can't make it, please leave quickly," Shi Tingzhu shouted.

"Whoosh", Li Yuanyin's arrow arrived, and shot the stone pillar holding the sword to death with one arrow.

"Ama! Ouch~ow~"

Shi Lin's eyes turned red, and she howled and rushed towards Li Yuanyin.

"Whoosh", another arrow hit Shi Lin's neck, but it was shot by Yuan Zongdi.

"Uncle Guangchang, how are my archery skills?" Yuan Zongdi jumped on his horse and galloped next to Li Yuanyin, laughing loudly.

This chapter has been completed!
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