Chapter 549: Killing Ao (5)

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 "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Seventeen thousand cavalry rushed towards the collapsed front line of the Qing army.

Wu Yingqi, the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty, wore a battle robe and charged at the front. This shirt was made with fine workmanship and the totems were much more delicate than other shirts. It was a gift from Emperor Guangwu himself as a reward for his contribution in the Battle of Boye.
Although I had long heard that Emperor Guangwu had the habit of giving military commanders jerseys, after receiving this jersey, the young and energetic Wu Yingqi was still very excited and determined to make military exploits in the Qizhou Campaign and bring glory to the old Wu family.
Seeing Wu Zongzhen charging at the front, Zhang Guozhu, Gao Qilong, Ba Yangyuan, Zheng Wang, Li Jiye and other generals hurried forward on horseback, intentionally or unintentionally protecting Wu Yingqi in the center. They were all Wu Sangui's old troops, and they were very interested in the Wu family.

Father and son are loyal.

Yisang'a, a former bodyguard of the Qing Dynasty, hurriedly led five thousand infantry to fend off the Ming army's cavalry.

Zhang Guozhu, the deputy general of the Ming army, came to fight Yisang'a with a gun. He was from the Liao Dynasty and was originally a deputy general of the Ming Dynasty. After surrendering to the Qing Dynasty, he first returned to the command of Xushun Gong Shen Yongzhong. He was then transferred to Shang Kexi's account and later became Wu Sangui's subordinate.

General Wu Sangui was very skillful in controlling people and won him over into obedience. Later, he returned to the Ming Dynasty with Wu and his son.

He was a deputy general more than ten years ago and is still a deputy general now. Zhang Guozhu is very dissatisfied with his official position. He wants to make military achievements and be promoted to a higher level. He has set his sights on the Qing general Yisang'a.

Compared with the forty-year-old Zhang Guozhu, the twenty-year-old Yisang'a is younger and stronger. He can serve as a bodyguard of Emperor Shunzhi, and his martial arts skills are naturally excellent. He only lacks a little battlefield fighting experience.

This will cost you your life.

Yisang'a waved his sword and used the flag to win: the sword slashed fiercely, turned in a circle, and then changed to a horizontal slash. This sword move was exquisite and very beautiful. He demonstrated this move to Emperor Shunzhi in the palace that day, and Emperor Shunzhi praised it.

He never stopped talking. He has always regarded this sword move as his unique skill.

Seeing Yi Sang'a's sword dancing like a fairy, Zhang Guozhu snorted coldly and held his gun to block the blow from the broadsword. Yisang'a's broadsword circled and slashed horizontally. Before the blade could turn, Zhang Guozhu spun his hand around and exerted all his strength.

The spear stabbed directly. "Pfft", it pierced Yisang'a's throat, killing the first-class sword-carrying guard in front of the imperial court.

As soon as Yisang'a died, his tribe collapsed.

Generals Sun Guangwei, Ma Ning, and Wu Yingqi launched a massive killing spree in the Qing formation, smashing the Qing army into a ball of paste. The Ming army infantrymen behind them were Li Dingguo, Ma Bao, Bai Wenxuan, Li Laiheng, Wang Guoxi, and Zhang Chengwu.

Everyone moved forward bravely, killing the Qing army until it was completely defeated.

"Commander, things are not harmonious, retreat." The imperial guard Wo He advised Ao Bai to retreat.

Oboi shouted: "I am a minister of the country, and I just want to die today!"

Instead of retreating, he raised his banner and formed a formation to resist. He also ordered the Qing troops on both wings to return and move closer to him. If the cavalry on both wings could rush to the rescue in time, the battle might not be so miserable.


On the left wing, Zhenmulima and Bahana of Qinggu Mountain were attacking Fan Youxian's troops of the Ming army. Suddenly they saw an order from the Chinese army asking them to return to support the Chinese army, so they hurriedly ordered a retreat.

At this time, the Ming and Qing Dynasties were strangled together. How could it be so easy to withdraw?

Fan Youxian calmed down, moved the flag forward, and went to the front line in person. Peng Mingyang, Chen Bao, Yang Bingyin, Hu Guozhu, and Wu Guogui all fought bravely, but the general's troops rushed too far forward into the sea and died in the middle of the attack.

Seeing that the Qing army's center was in danger, and its left wing was overwhelmed by the Ming army, the instability of the Qing army began to take effect. Half of the 25,000 cavalry on the left wing were the coalition forces of the Monan Mongolian tribes, and one thousand of them had already been

The cavalry of the Horqin tribe who took refuge in the Ming Dynasty.

Because these thousand Horqin cavalry were at both ends of the battle, they did not suffer much losses.

Baoteta, the second son of Wu Keshan, the prince of Horqin Zhuoli Ketu, came to Wu Keshan's eldest son Bier Tahar and said, "Brother, the Qing army is about to be defeated. Since we have secretly surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, why do we need to be buried with the Manchus? Hurry and retreat.


Bier Tahar let out a long breath, "I didn't expect the Ming Dynasty's artillery to be so powerful. Fortunately, I surrendered early! Tell your sons to turn around and follow me back to Horqin."


One thousand Horqin cavalry turned around and ran away.

His escape seriously shook the morale of the Qing army, especially the military morale of the Monan Mongolian tribes. The tribal cavalry such as Wengniute, Abaga, Abahanar, Maoming'an, etc. all followed him, and even some Eight Banners soldiers

He also ran away.

Mulima was commanding the army to fight a fierce battle with the Ming army. Suddenly she saw thousands of cavalry in her rear formation escaping. She was frightened and tried her best to restrain her subordinates.

Chen Bao, the brave general of the Ming army, saw the advantage and led three thousand elite soldiers to attack him. They rushed towards his flag. Soldiers kept falling. Chen Bao seemed not to notice it, and he was in front of him in a moment.

Mulima took off his Huli Bow, fully pulled the string, and "whoosh", the arrow was knocked away by Chen Bao's mace.


There was a very clear sound of skull cracking, and the mace smashed Murima's head.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhenbahana at the head of Qinggu Mountain led his remaining army to flee north.

"The Qing army was defeated!"

"The Qing army was defeated!"

"The Qing army was defeated!"

The left-wing Ming army cheered and rushed towards the Qing army from the flank.


On the right wing, at Ezhenba Mountain in Qinggu Mountain, Angbang Zhangjing and Ye Keshu led an army to attack Yuan Zongdi's troops of the Ming army. They had a slight upper hand, but when the left wing was defeated and they received an order from Ao Bai to move closer to the central army, they suddenly lost.

Fighting spirit, lead the army to retreat to the Chinese army.

When the retreat order was given, the morale was suddenly depressed, and the ferocious momentum from the previous attack was gone.

Yuan Zongdi is a veteran general in the Ming army. He has experienced many battles, large and small, and has rich battlefield experience. He took advantage of his illness to kill him.

Immediately ordered: "Order all ministries to join the Qing army and give me a severe beating."

After the military order was given, the Ming army's Hao Shangjiu, Li Yuanyin, Dong Fangce, and Luo Chengyao took advantage of the situation and followed the Qing army, beating and killing them fiercely.

The right-wing Qing army retreated and fought, but before it could retreat to the central army, the entire army collapsed.


Angbang Zhangjing Ye Keshu clamped his legs on the horse's belly and tried his best to ride the horse away. He was a veteran of the Nurhaci era and had some skills to save his life on the battlefield. While escaping, he lowered his body low on the horse to protect himself.

With Ming army bows and arrows.

Li Yuanyin, the Bo of Guangchang in the Ming Dynasty, was famous for his good shooting in the army. He took out his large recurved bow and shot down Ye Keshu's horse with just one arrow, and captured Ye Keshu alive.

Ezhenba Shan of Qinggu Mountain is a talented general. His unit of seven thousand Manchu and Mongolian Eight Banners was transferred from the vicinity of the capital. He is naturally an elite soldier who can shoulder the important task of guarding the capital.

At this time, half of this elite army was lost, with only more than 3,000 cavalry left, surrounded by densely packed Ming troops.

Dong Fangce, the uncle of Xuanping in the Ming Dynasty, watched the fighter plane and led his troops to slowly approach.

"Whoever surrenders will be spared death!" the Ming army kept shouting to persuade them to surrender.

"Dismount, eat dry food, and drink water." Bashan suddenly gave a strange order.

The hungry and thirsty subordinates, regardless of the approaching Ming army, dismounted to eat and drink, and some even fed their horses a handful of beans.

"Huh? What are the Tatars doing? Instead of forming a formation to resist, they are feasting and drinking. Do they want the entire army to surrender to this general?"

Dong Fangce was a little distracted for a moment and did not immediately order an attack. Instead, he looked at them stupidly.

The Qing army ate and drank very quickly, finishing in half an hour.


Bashan shouted: "Kill with me!"

More than three thousand cavalry suddenly mounted their horses and rushed towards Dong Fangce's headquarters.

Dong Fangce was shocked, and just as he drew his sword to block it, Bashan shouted, and the lance in his hand hit him in the forehead like a poisonous snake, killing him instantly.

Hearing that Dong Fangce died in battle, Ming Dynasty Guangchang Bo Li Yuanyin and Baofeng Bo Luo Chengyao were furious. They and Dong Fangce were both Li Chengdong's former subordinates and had deep feelings.

Urgently lead troops to attack Bashan.

The Guarjia family produces strong generals, but the strong generals will inevitably die before the battle.

Blood dyed the sunset red. Bashan suffered more than ten wounds and died in the heavy siege.

This chapter has been completed!
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