Chapter 593: Officialdom (15)

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 Tao Cheng left, and Ma Jixiang got his wish and became the palm print of the Jinyiwei. To show his closeness, Zhu Hengjia put the word "du" in front of his official title just like he did with Tao Cheng.

Tao Cheng once held the position of Commander of the Imperial Guard, and gave it to you as a favor and as a reminder. If you dare to deceive me like Tao Cheng did, you must carefully consider how many heads you have.

After thinking about it, Ma Jixiang is a ruthless person, so some sand must be mixed in to prevent him from turning Jinyiwei into his own independent kingdom.

Well, the guerrilla general Zhao Daxi was a lieutenant of the Jingjiang Prince's Palace, and he was very loyal. He was also honest and friendly, and he dared to send Tao Cheng as a gift! And since he was on good terms with Tao Cheng, he would definitely not be able to deal with Ma Jixiang, so he could be commanded by the Jinyi Guards.

Tongzhi, no, Jinyiwei commanded Tongzhi to check and balance Ma Jixiang; although Guo Lin was Ma Jixiang's confidant, she was loyal and had great merit, so she could be commanded by Tongzhi; Jinyiwei Shaanxi Qianhu Zhang Bin was Tao Cheng

A confidant who has made many meritorious deeds can be promoted to the position of Jinyiwei Zhenfu Envoy.



Zhan Shi Tang Zhen, the young master of Zhanshi Mansion in the Ming Dynasty, held a white chess piece in his hand and dropped a piece on the chessboard fiercely. The momentum was very strong, and there was a "bang bang" sound. When playing chess, the momentum must be fierce, and the wrists should be used hard to shake the chessboard.

If you keep shaking, you are a master. If I can't beat you, I will scare you to death!

Seeing his competitive look, Guan Shouzhen was secretly happy. Although this young man was talented, he couldn't hold his breath and wanted to overwhelm me with his momentum. Haha!


Guan Shouzhen took a calm look at it calmly.


Tang Zhen ferociously pressed on, forced, cut off, suppressed, and struck hard, intending to kill the opponent's dragon.

Guan Shou Zhen was not in a hurry. Whenever Tang Zhen wanted to suppress him, he would use his troops to make a surprise move and take the lead. You block, and I reinforce;


"Haha, Chief Assistant, look at this kid." Tang Zhen chuckled and nodded at Guan Shouzhen.

"Don't be in a hurry, please take a look at this child." Guan Shouzhen dropped the child in a gentle breeze. The falling ball was very soft and made no sound at all.


Tang Zhen couldn't help but exclaimed. Even though he was a genius, he was a chess fan. He couldn't control his emotions when encountering a chess game.

What Guan Shouzhen did just now seemed ordinary, but it cut off a large part of his connection with the surroundings and attacked and killed his dragon alive.

"The first assistant is a talented person, so I can't do anything better than this," he said sincerely.

"Zhu Wan, you are still young. When you are your age, you will understand that some things cannot be rushed. Life is like a chess game. If you make a wrong move, you will make a wrong move, but you cannot regret it." Guan Shouzhen reminded Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen was stunned, "Guan Gong, do you mean that now is not a good opportunity to take action? But even an old minister like Tao Cheng has been exiled. It is obvious that the situation is over for Mr. Sun Ge. Wouldn't it be a pity not to take advantage of the situation to attack him?"

"Sun Thief has been following the Holy Master for many years. It is like a piece of clothing that is used to wearing. How can it be so easy to throw away? Let's wait a little longer."

"Chief Assistant, the opportunity cannot be lost, and it will never come back. I think there are dates but there are no dates. Let's hit the pole first. You might as well send some copies of Samson Jinding to test the attitude of the Holy Emperor. You can ask Xia Rubi, the left minister of the Ministry of punishment, and Xia Rubi, the right minister of the Ministry of official affairs.

The minister Guo Fengqian impeached Mr. Sun Ge to create some momentum."

After listening to Tang Zhen's words, Guan Shouzhen was a little tempted. He thought for a long time and said: "Xia Rubi and Guo Fengqian have a close relationship with me. It is not appropriate for them to be sent to the throne. Let's let Guan Siqiu, Li Guoxiang and Bao Shimei be sent to the throne.


Guan Siqiu was the Imperial Supervisor, while Li Guoxiang and Bao Shimei were both supervisory censors. Although they were both members of Guan Shou Zhen, their ranks were not high, and their interactions with Guan Shou Zhen were far less than those of Xia and Guo. They were both Qingliu.

Officials, let them go to the top, they will have a great influence, but they will not be able to get rid of the chief assistant. It can be said that they are well-intentioned.

"First Assistant, the focus of impeachment should be based on eight words: 'forming a party for personal gain and intending to commit rebellion.'"

Tang Zhen said with a smile: "Tao Cheng is an old minister of the Holy Emperor, but once he conceals the truth and fails to report it, he will be exiled. It can be seen that the most taboo thing of the Holy Emperor is disloyalty and rebellion. Tao Cheng concealed the report because of Sun Ge, and Tao Cheng's disloyalty is because of Sun Ge.

You are disloyal, you should take action in this regard."

"Well, everything you say makes sense," Guan Shouzhen thought for a moment, then tugged on his beard and praised.


"In order to impeach Sun Jinding, the great scholar of Wenhua Palace, Tao Cheng, the commander of the Jinyi Guards, was plotted to impeach the Imperial College Secretary, Guan Si Qiu, with evil intentions:

I heard that a loyal minister sacrificed his life to repay the king; a treacherous and sycophant betrayed his master for glory. Therefore, when the Ming Dynasty is in peace, he is prepared for danger and appoints loyal ministers to rule the world. Your Majesty drives out the Tartars, restores Ming Zuo, and becomes a holy master. An extraordinary king should do extraordinary things and establish an extraordinary

How can we allow villains to run rampant and mislead society?

Guards in royal robes, personal soldiers of the emperor, and minions of His Majesty. Now they are hiding secret reports for Sun Jinding. How powerful is Jinding! He is in the position of a cabinet minister, connects hundreds of officials, inserts party members everywhere, expands his power, and excludes dissenters. What is his intention?

Great! In the past, the strong Han and the weak leader, Cao Cao was in charge. I dared to risk my life to remonstrate with you. Your Majesty is already old. If you don't take precautions early, I am afraid that Cao Mang's attack is not far away. I am sincere and frightened, and I am waiting for the blow of my emperor's axe."
Guan Siqiu was very cunning, and pointed out Zhu Hengjia's biggest worry. He is young and old, and he might die one day. The prince is still young, can he control these old ministers? He is not dead yet, Jin Yiwei

How dare you disobey me and listen to Sun Jinding. If he died, wouldn't he want to go to heaven?

Zhu Hengjia looked at this sentence, his brows were furrowed and he didn't say anything.

If someone had impeached Sun Jinding in the past, the Holy Spirit would definitely have excused Sun Jinding, but now he has kept silent. This is a strong political signal.

The peripheral forces of the related party, Supervisory Censor Li Guoxiang, Bao Shimei and others were overjoyed and followed up the impeachment.

"Li Guoxiang, the censor of the Southern Zhili Supervisory Committee, is here to report. In order to impeach Sun Jinding, he formed a party for personal gain and had evil intentions: I heard that Sun Jinding, the cabinet minister, was an autocratic power in the government, and his power and fortune were his own. He had a secret alliance with the Jiexiu Fan family, and he searched for money and leaked it.

Kill them and silence them. The laws of the country are regarded as child's play. The gluttony is unbridled, hurting and abusing the people; the greed is crazy, and the hearts of the world are chilling. Please pay a judge to examine his crimes in detail, and complain about the common people. I am a relative, and I would like to report to you."
"Bao Shimei, the imperial censor of Shandong Province, wept with blood and presented a memorial to impeach Sun Jinding for exceeding the regulations in his residence and plotting evil things: I heard that there are no rules and regulations. The higher the position, the more law-abiding. Emperor Gao has set the first and second grades of official halls.

Five rooms and nine bays. Sun Jinding violated the rules and exceeded the regulations. There are nine bays and thirteen bays in the Sun Garden hall. His disobedience is obvious. Please pursue Sun Jinding's crime of exceeding the regulations in his residence to comply with public opinion. A little bit of foolish loyalty,

Waiting for the Holy Judgment.

Although these people were only peripheral forces related to the party, they vaguely represented the attitude of the chief minister. The morale of the anti-Sun Jinding forces was greatly boosted, and they launched a fierce attack on Sun Jinding, the great scholar of Wenhua Palace.

In particular, the remnants of the He party such as Wang Jiezhi, the left deputy capital censor, attacked the most ferociously. The Sun He party fought, and the two sides fought to the death, so naturally they would not stop fighting.

This chapter has been completed!
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