Chapter 711: Return to the DPRK (2)

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 In Nanjing Guanyuan, rows of winter plum blossoms bloomed alone in Linghan. The first assistant Guan Shouzhen came to Yaxing and asked Zhan Shifu, Zhan Shitang Zhen, to enjoy the plum blossoms together.

Tang Zhen was originally Guan Shouzhen's think tank. After being appointed as the master of the crown prince by Zhu Hengjia, Tang Zhen's official career was prosperous. He was promoted from the fourth-rank Zhanshifu Shao Zhanshi to the third-rank Zhanshifu Zhanshi. As his status improved, his relationship with Guan Shouzhen improved.

Subtle changes have taken place, from a political vassal to a political ally. However, no matter what, the brand of being related to the party cannot be removed no matter how hard it is.

"There are several plum blossoms in the corner, and Ling Han is blooming alone. I know it is not snow, because there is a faint fragrance." Guan Shouzhen recited Wang Anshi's poem and praised him repeatedly, "Wang Jinggong's poem is so well done! It expresses the character of plum blossoms.


Tang Zhen smiled and said, "The lower official also thought of a poem called "Ode to the Plum Blossoms" to make Guan Gong smile." Instead of using pen and ink, he took a branch and scratched it on the snow, and it was written in a moment.

"Yong Mei"

Why is it too late for heavy snowfall in Jinling?

The cold and warm fish in the cauldron know themselves.

Looking back and staring into the wall,

A few plum blossoms are rising in the morning sun.

The man has the blood of a gentleman,

You must cultivate the five virtues to protect yourself.

Children who are afraid of cold rub their hands,

The heart is stronger than gold and the energy will die.

When he first read this poem, Guan Shouzhen thought it was ordinary. But when he read it carefully, he found that it was actually a poem with Tibetan characters. When the first word of each line is read together, it is the eight words "Jin Ding returns to the court, you must be careful", and he can't help but feel solemn.


Seeing that Guan Shoufu understood what he meant, Tang Zhen smiled slightly and used a branch to scratch out the writing on the snow. Years of ups and downs had made him thoughtful and unwilling to leave traces when doing things.

Guan Shouzhen pondered for a long time, "Zhu Wan, if Old Thief Sun returns to the capital, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to us. Do you have any clever ideas to prevent him from returning to the capital?"

Such a good Tang Zhen, who used tree branches as pens and strokes like a knife, with two big Chinese characters of flying dragons and phoenixes appearing in the snow.

When Guan Shouzhen took a look, it read: "Border Provocation".

"What Zhuwan means is that as long as there is a provocation over Nuerqian, Old Thief Sun will not be able to come back?"

Tang Zhen nodded, "The Holy Father has long wanted to recall Mr. Sun Ge, but it has never been possible because of the North Korean border provocations. Now that the North Korean border provocations have ceased, it is logical for Mr. Sun Ge to return to Beijing. If you don't want him to return to Beijing,

Unless another side conflict breaks out."

Guan Shouzhen stared at the plum blossoms, nodded repeatedly, and suddenly sighed: "Now that the world is at peace, where can the border quarrels come from?"

Tang Zhen smiled, "Have you forgotten the Rakshasa people in the north? I heard that the governor of Heilongjiang, Gu Chaojian, has a close friendship with you."

Guan Shouzhen also laughed, "You are right, I and Duan Jing can be considered old friends, hahaha!"


Hailanpao, Heilongjiang, is a small border town with a permanent population of no more than 10,000, but it is very prosperous, with a lot of business travelers coming and going. The head of the Customs Department is too weak to collect taxes, but a mere sixth-grade official has become a famous figure in northern Xinjiang.

If you have a fat job, you won’t even change it if you give it to the prefect.

This place has a good geographical location. It is located on the border between the Ming Dynasty and the Rakshasa Kingdom, and on the side of the Heilongjiang River, with convenient transportation. Going up the Heilongjiang River is the city of Huma (called Kamarsk Fort in Russia) controlled by the Rakshasa people;

Going down along the Heilongjiang River is the Bahuluwei of the Ming Dynasty. With this golden waterway, you don’t have to worry about the lack of business travelers or making money.

Today is another good harvest! Zhang Qi, the head of the Hailan Pao Lu Customs Department, looked at the boxes of gold, silver and copper coins that had been collected and beamed with joy. The Lu Guan Department was originally called the Tea Horse Department, but it is said that today’s emperors consider the goods traded on land to be extremely important.

More, not just tea and horses, with a stroke of a pen, it was changed to Lu Guansi.

It was getting late, and just as he was about to order the sergeant to close the door, another caravan came, a group of about fifty big-nosed Cossacks riding Don horses to the pass.

"Let's wait until this caravan has passed before closing the door." Zhang Qi expressed his kindness, mainly because he saw that the other party had many horses. There were more than a hundred horses for fifty people. It seemed that there was money to be made."

After listening to Zhang Qi's words, the sergeant left the door open and waited for another payment.


The Cossacks did not stop and went straight into the city.

A sergeant tried to stop him with a gun, but was cut into two pieces by a bearded man with a saber.

"No, enemy attack!"

Zhang Qi bravely howled a few words, then he heard a "bang" sound, white smoke rose from his chest, and a Cossack raised a blunderbuss.

"Quick, load your belongings on the horse and take them away," the bearded leader shouted.

Robbery was as normal as eating for the Cossacks. After a while, they loaded their horses with gold and silver and drove away. By the time the garrison in the city drove out, the Rakshasa people had fled without a trace, leaving only a few dozen people.

There are several corpses, including Zhang Qi, the head of the Hailanpao Customs Department of the Ming Dynasty.

There are many horse bandits near the Ming-Russia border. This is a group of horse bandits in Russia. The leader of the bandits is Bayev.

"Baev, if we robbed the Ming Dynasty's tax money, we won't be retaliated by the Ming army, right?" A Cossack asked Bayev with some worry.

"No, we have our people over there in the Ming Dynasty. When the time comes, we will blame the Russian army for this matter." Bayev smiled proudly.

"There are our people in the Ming Dynasty? Are you saying that there are officials from the Ming Dynasty doing business with us?"

"Of course, otherwise, how would I know that at this moment, there are the least number of sergeants guarding Hailanpao Luguan Division? Hahaha", Bayev laughed.


Happy time is always short-lived. Bayev had just enjoyed himself for a short while when he was blasted into the sky by artillery shells. A Ming army that had already ambushed them surrounded them. In the time of two sticks of incense, this five-member army was destroyed.

The ten Rakshasa horse bandits killed them all.

"General, it's over, no one is left alive," Zhang Qian said to the guerrilla general Chen Biao.

Chen Biao nodded, "Divide all the money that the horse bandits robbed, burn the bandits' nest, and burn all the letters if they are found."



In the governor's office in Yilan City (now Harbin), the capital of Heilongjiang, Gu Chaojian, the governor of Heilongjiang in his sixties, was writing furiously.

He is addressing His Majesty Emperor Guangwu of the Ming Dynasty.

"Gu Chaojian, the governor of Heilongjiang, submitted the memorial in tears and blood; he provoked the Oros army without authorization and attacked Hailan to cause trouble:

The barbarians from the north, Oros, have blond hair, blue eyes, and green faces with fangs. They are often called Rakshasa among the people. They are a former barbarian tribe. They are barbaric in nature and do not accept kingship. Your Majesty governs the world with benevolence and righteousness, benefits overseas, and controls all nations. In pity for their lack of products, allow them to

Trade. However, the barbarians have no kindness. Yelang is arrogant and thinks that his army is strong. He repeatedly offends the emperor and starts provocations on the border.

Recently, Bayev, a barbarian general from Huma City, led 500 barbarians to attack Hailanpao Luguansi. The leader Zhang Qiyi was not afraid and fought with the thieves. In the end, he was outnumbered. Qi and his more than 30 men and two others

Thirteen business travelers all died in the hands of thieves.

Woohoo! Although God has the virtue of good life, ghosts and animals must be killed if they commit crimes; there are articles by Confucius and Mencius in the Celestial Dynasty, and Sun Wu Tao's strategies in Wu Yi.

The sky sends murderous intentions, moving stars and changing places; the earth sends murderous intentions, dragons and snakes move on the land; humans send murderous intentions, heaven and earth repeat themselves. Please raise an army to punish the guilty, destroy the dead, conquer the Rakshasa in the north, suppress the barbarians outside, and appease the people inside. Weeping blood

I express my love and await the Holy Judgment."

Governor Gu's article was well written, but he ignored two things: those who attacked Hailanpao were horse bandits, not the Russian army; the number of horse bandits who attacked Hailanpao was only fifty, not five hundred.

This chapter has been completed!
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