Chapter 1003 Conference 2

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Liu Muqiao noticed from their conversation that these people were all bigwigs in the medical field and were in the same category as Professor Wu.

Professor Wu is the number one person in the field of hospital infections, so naturally everyone else is the oldest and second-best person in the industry.

Time's up.

A group of people appeared at the door.

Oh, Liu Muqiao noticed it. This person is very important. He is the second highest ranking person in the Ministry of Health and the leader in charge of medical affairs.

He personally organized the consultation, which is almost unimaginable.

The patient is just an ordinary farmer's daughter. To have a director-level person organize the consultation is already beyond the conventional consultation.

The girl is a hero, a hero of the times who sacrifices herself for herself. Yes, she should have high-standard diagnosis and treatment and organize elite consultations in the national medical field. No problem, she should.

But almost no one here would have thought that it would be Deputy Director Zhang Wenke who would organize the consultation. Zhang Wenke is the number two person in the department and the most professional leader in the department.

As soon as he stepped into the academic hall, the entire hall suddenly became awe-inspiring, so quiet that the only sound was his own breathing.

"Hello, experts!"

He waved his hand and nodded to a few people, as if he knew them.

He is going to sit down.

"Hey, Old Wu, Professor Wu, why are you sitting in the back? You are a famous expert, sit over here, I want to listen to your opinion!" He recognized Professor Wu.

Professor Wu had no choice but to stand up quickly, walk to the front rows, and sit next to a professor named Zhou.

Deputy Director Zhang Wenke sat down.

Next to him was Director Zhao from the Sichuan Provincial Department. After asking for his opinions, he started hosting.

"You all already know the heroic deeds of little girl Song Xiaohua, so I won't say more. Today, the elites of our medical system, personally called by Director Zhang Wenke, gathered at the Affiliated Hospital of Sichuan University in Sichuan Province.

We are going to give the little hero Song Xiaohua the best medical diagnosis and treatment. Please speak actively and provide your most valuable opinions. Now, I will introduce the names of the experts."

Then, Director Zhao introduced the experts.

Name, field of expertise, achievements and academic position, or administrative position.

Liu Muqiao has a very good memory. He basically remembers everything once introduced.

They are all big shots.

Chairman, deputy chairman, executive director, vice president, director...

There are many titles, and the minimum number is 7 or 8 positions.

A long list of achievements, not to mention incredible ones. The only thing missing is the Nobel Prize.

Two years ago, Liu Muqiao would have been so surprised that his jaw dropped, and he would have been proud to know so many important people.

Now, he is very plain.

Finally, Liu Muqiao was introduced.

When everyone heard that he was already a professor, they still gave him a lot of strange looks, with some surprise and admiration.

Such a young professor is very strange.

However, many people still have some doubts: does it contain more water?

Some people are even wondering about Liu Miqiao’s life background.

When the host introduced his titles, they had to be surprised. With the titles of several honorary doctorates and visiting professors, everyone began to look at him with admiration.

However, in people's minds, Liu Miqiao and the words "great expert" still cannot be linked.

At least, Liu Muqiao has not won any major awards.

The most important things in the minds of experts are, first, the grand prize, and second, academic and administrative positions.

Exactly, Liu Miqiao has neither of these two aspects.

Even if the host said that Liu Miqiao had made great achievements in the fields of stroke, neurology, hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, cervical spine surgery, plastic surgery, etc., everyone just nodded and expressed approval.

Liu Muqiao did not receive a treasure box reward.

Everyone’s understanding of Liu Muqiao is very limited.

The key is that his achievements are fictitious, and if he doesn’t win awards, they are not very real.

Let’s start the discussion.

The speeches were very enthusiastic.

In such an occasion, no one will deliberately conceal their strength, and no one will be overly modest. They all understand that they not only represent themselves, but also represent their own units.

What's more important is to show off your skills in front of deputy director Zhang Wenke.

Everyone competes to speak, fearing that others will take away the credit.

"The little hero Song Xiaohua is a role model for us to learn from. We must go all out to provide her with the most correct diagnosis and the most reasonable treatment. I have carefully read the information and myself. My suggestion is to carry out high-level treatment as soon as possible.

Amputation, otherwise, it may cause renal failure due to the absorption of toxins, thus affecting life safety. I have made some achievements in nephrology, so I proposed that I be the surgeon and do a renal puncture to find out the condition of her kidneys...


This is Professor Li’s speech.

His perspective mainly considers the condition from the kidney perspective.

"I also agree to carry out high amputation as soon as possible. It is our duty to save the life of little hero Song Xiaohua. From a cardiovascular perspective, the toxins formed by necrotic tissue will affect the heart function, so we must strictly prevent the occurrence of myocarditis...

Professor Wang's speech was relatively concise. It only took him 5 minutes to finish.

"The condition of little hero Song Xiaohua is still quite dangerous. Firstly, her physical trauma is quite serious, and secondly, the psychological impact is also great. We need to consider her condition from many aspects. I suggest that we provide psychological counseling and also consider giving

Certain drug intervention can reduce her worries..."

Neurology expert Professor Tang also spent a few minutes speaking.

"I think amputation is necessary. There is no other way..."


All experts are unanimous in favor of amputation, and high amputation. In this case, there is no problem in saving life.

As for facial plastic surgery, no one has mentioned it yet.

Director Zhao seemed to have noticed this problem and asked: "The treatment plans for the legs are becoming the same. Please talk about the face. I hope that the little hero can have a beautiful face."

Next, several experts in the field of burns spoke.

Today, there is no shortage of experts. There are experts in almost all fields of medicine, and even experts in prosthetics are invited.

"Because it is in the acute stage, it is not suitable to undergo plastic surgery on facial wounds. We will wait until scars form in the future before treating the deformed face."

Professor Zhang's speech was approved by doctors in the burn field. Burns are generally treated in this way.

It seems that this treatment method will also become the mainstream opinion.

Liu Muqiao was a little anxious. He disagreed with all the previous speeches.

He raised his hand.

Raise your hands high.

However, the host ignored him.

Professor Wu is still not ready to speak.

He turned back and shook his head at Liu Miqiao, as if to say, don't mention your different opinions, no one will adopt them.

Professor Wu has rich experience in such large-scale consultations, and he does not want Liu Miqiao to suffer setbacks when he first comes out for consultation.

This will be very bad for him to participate in such activities in the future.

Liu Muqiao didn't listen to him. He simply stood up and raised his hands high!

This chapter has been completed!
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