Chapter 1070 The condition is not optimistic

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 When the Chinese New Year comes, Liu Maqiao becomes a busy man as usual, which seems to be a curse.

Liu Muqiao drove to Dexin Hospital without saying a word.

The neurology department of Dexin Hospital is very small, with only 50 beds and a dozen patients, most of whom are stroke patients.

It was Chinese New Year, so there were only a dozen patients. Normally, their beds are basically full.

Although Antai Hospital is very famous for stroke treatment, it does not mean that other hospitals cannot receive stroke patients. First, not all patient information is symmetrical, and second, Antai Hospital often has difficulty finding a bed.<


Therefore, it is not surprising that there are dozens of patients in the neurology department of Dexin Hospital.

There are a total of 700 patients in the neurology department of Antai Hospital. This is the difference.

Liu Muqiao carried the box and entered the operating room.

Their operating rooms are different from those in China. It is said that many things built by Liu Hanmo were based on those from abroad. He was willing to invest in instruments. Some of the equipment inside are voice-controlled and some are intelligent robots.

It would be quite creative to put some intelligent robots in the operating room. In the operating room, there are many procedural things. Robots are just in use.

The patient had been pushed into the operating room. Liu Muqiao took a look at the patient. He was in a deep coma, had high intracranial pressure, and was in a state of near-death. His breathing and heartbeat could stop every minute.

Following him were two deputy chief physicians from Dexin Hospital, who also switched jobs from Professor Hao.

Now, Professor Hao is so miserable that he is almost alone.

Two years ago, the Department of Neurology of the First Affiliated Hospital was hacked once by Antai Hospital, and this time it was hacked again by Dexin Hospital. There are almost no good doctors left in the Department of Neurology of the First Affiliated Hospital.

The two deputy chief doctors were leftovers from Antai Hospital and Dexin Hospital was short of staff, so they finally came out.

Going to Dexin Hospital is no worse than going to Antai Hospital. Private hospitals have the advantages of private hospitals. They offer a higher bargaining chip, a base salary of 200,000 plus commission. What they are looking forward to is the commission, which they estimate will be higher than the fixed salary.


The deputy chief doctor can only be regarded as a doctor close to the bottom in large hospitals. His regular income can be about 200,000 yuan a year, which is very good. In affiliated hospitals, it is actually less than 300,000 yuan, not more.

In other ordinary tertiary hospitals, 200,000 is a high salary.

Of course, having a part-time job or other ways to make money is another matter.

One of the two deputy chief doctors was waiting for Liu Miqiao, and the other was preparing to help drill holes, just waiting for Liu Muchiao's order.

They are all curious. Can brainstem bleeding be saved?

This is something that subverts our understanding. I want to see it with my own eyes.

Except for Antai Hospital, for brainstem hemorrhage, if the bleeding volume exceeds 5 ml, treatment is basically given up. If it is less than 5 ml, life or death is left to fate.

Liu Muqiao stared at the CT film for a long time.

About 10 minutes later, he turned around and said: "The amount of medullary bleeding is almost 10 milliliters. There is a 50-50 chance of survival. Have you made peace with the patient's family?"

They must have discussed it, but the 50-50 policy was not discussed. They told the patient’s family that they had invited the best doctors and had great hopes.

"We haven't discussed it yet, have we? Just keep one of you here, go out alone, and then talk clearly with the family. The risk of this patient is too high, and the hope of success is only half."

One of the two deputy chief doctors is out.

"Let's start. Drill holes in this place." Liu Miqiao used a needle to position it.

The doctors in our hospital drilled the holes very skillfully.

Liu Miqiao once again stared at the CT film for a while, and then began to insert the needle.

Suddenly, the monitor alarmed, "Beep-Beep-Beep!" The sound was particularly harsh.

"Defibrillator!" The deputy chief doctor gave the verbal order before Liu Maqiao could speak.

Liu Miqiao ignored it and continued to draw blood.

He didn't panic.

Now that you have started the operation, you can only continue to finish it.

The deputy chief doctor held the defibrillator in his hand and waited for Liu Maqiao to complete the operation.

It didn’t take long, the first tube of blood only took 20 seconds.

He did not pull out the needle core, but stopped the operation and said: "Defibrillation."




Three times in a row, the patient's heartbeat recovered.

Liu Muqiao frowned. He had a hunch that it would be very difficult to save this patient.

He continued to draw out the remaining blood, rinsed it for a while, and then pulled out the needle core.

The operation is completed.

The patient's symptoms of intracranial hypertension have not been relieved.

"Check the patient." Liu Maqiao was about to take off his gloves.

"Needle-like pupils, Cheyne-Stokes breathing, blood pressure 160/110mmHg, heart rate 125 beats/min, a large number of premature ventricular contractions, partial pressure of oxygen 92..."

Listening to a series of harsh data, Liu Miqiao frowned more and more. This was not a good sign.

It stands to reason that when the pressure is relieved, these data should change to a certain extent. Now, there is no sign at all, which is not a good thing.

"Rapid infusion of 100 ml of mannitol." Liu Maqiao gave the oral doctor's order.

He did not leave the operating room. He took off his gloves and sat on the anesthetist's round stool, waiting for news.

The deputy chief physician of the conversation came in.

"How long have we been talking about?" Liu Muqiao asked.

"The patient's family members are very emotional and it is difficult to talk about it," said the deputy chief physician.

"Yeah, I understand, it's usually hard to accept." Liu Maqiao said lightly.

"The family strongly urges us to do our best."


When rescuing patients, doctors will do their best according to their professional habits and no one will reserve their strength.

Of course, the patient's psychology is also worth understanding.

Mannitol has been infused quickly, and Liu Miqiao turned his head.

Another deputy chief doctor understood what Liu Miqiao meant and quickly checked the patient.

The results of the report are not satisfactory.

Vital signs are still unstable.

Liu Muqiao couldn't waste any more time here. He stood up, took off his surgical gown, then took off his hand-washing gown, and left the operating room.

The doctor has another channel where the patient's relatives are not allowed to meet, so none of the relatives waiting outside were met.

Liu Miqiao was surprised when he met another person instead of any relatives.

Liu Hanmo.

"The patient's condition is not optimistic." Liu Miqiao concluded his first sentence directly.

"I don't understand medicine. I've worked hard for you today, New Year's Eve, and I want to treat you to a cup of coffee. I have a very exquisite coffee shop in the building." Liu Hanmo said.

"Forget it. Mr. Liu, your family has a big business and is busy enough. Besides, the Chinese New Year is a time for family reunion. Don't we waste time drinking coffee?" Liu Muqiao pushed up his glasses.

Liu Hanmo's expression changed slightly, then he said with a smile: "It's still early, let's sit down for a while, half an hour."

Liu Muqiao pondered for a moment and said, "Okay, since Mr. Liu is so kind."

The two came to the coffee shop and were greeted by two very beautiful waitresses who bowed.

A pear wood coffee table, with a set of freshly brewed coffee utensils on it, very exquisite.

The two of them sat down.

The waiter quickly started making freshly ground coffee.

This chapter has been completed!
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