Chapter 1122 Dozing off during surgery

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 After dealing with Dean Pi's illness and returning to Antai Hospital, Liu Maqiao thanked the guests behind closed doors and worked hard to complete the design drawings.

This is no joke.

To turn Haotian, a dignified man, into a well-known female star, the similarity must be able to deceive all instruments and human eyes. This job is not something that can be accomplished.

First of all, he must design well and create a highly similar person based on several photos. Design is a big problem.

And, it is also the key.

During the operation itself, Liu Muqiao has perfect surgical skills and he is not worried about making mistakes.

Originally, it would take at least two days to design such a set of drawings. Now, Liu Miqiao only has 8 hours left.

Liu Muqiao had to sprint with all his strength, concentrate his thoughts, and make a rough design. Then, before he had time to digest it, he had to bring the drawing to the operating table.

But the problem is, Yi Luxi will be suspicious.

What would Yi Luxi think about a grown man turning into a famous female movie star?

We can't let him come on stage.

So, who will go?

There are very few people Liu Muqiao can trust. The first is Jiang Wei, and the second is Su Yajuan.

Jiang Wei has no surgical experience, so it will be more difficult for her to come in temporarily.

What about Su Yajuan? She has a foundation in surgery. He once took her with her for a period of time in Sichuan Province, and her surgical understanding is pretty good.

How about training her to be your assistant?

I found Su Yajuan.

"Have you had many surgeries recently?" Liu Maqiao asked.

"It happens every day. After I finish the outpatient clinic, I will go to the special wound department for surgery. Although the surgery is not big, I think the progress is good." Su Yajuan replied.

"I would like to ask you to be my assistant." Liu Maqiao said.

"What surgery?"

"Plastic surgery."

"Ah! Plastic surgery? In other disciplines, you said there are fewer people. I understand, but plastic surgery has so many talents. Why do you want me to be your assistant? Besides, at my level, can I be your assistant?"<


"Well, I don't need to answer these questions, because I need someone who can keep secrets for me."

Su Yajuan understood, "Okay, the question is, can I be your assistant? Plastic surgery is not ordinary difficult."

Liu Muqiao nodded and said: "Being an assistant is not a big problem. You just need to help me with odd jobs. However, it will take a long time and you need to stop the clinic for more than two days. You also have to find a reason. Do the surgery with me and don't let others know.

"So mysterious?"

"Well, special mission."

"Okay, from now on, I won't ask anything or guess anything. When will it start?"

"Start at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning."

Su Yajuan issued a temporary notice: "I am out for a meeting, and the clinic will be suspended for two days!"

The next day, in the operating room, the walls were covered with design drawings, all of them anatomical drawings, not a single rendering.

Ordinary people can't see why. Nurses, anesthesiologists, and Su Yajuan can't see the final effect at all.

However, it is easy for a plastic surgeon to imagine the renderings, especially towards the end, when they can see the renderings.

The operation begins.

I received regular anesthesia.

Liu Muqiao stayed up all night last night, and Jiang Wei didn't sleep either. He worked an all-night shift and then went on stage.

He didn't have time to digest his design in his mind, so he had to move it to the operating room and work on it while looking at the drawings.

Su Yajuan really couldn't help, she could only do odd jobs to help clean up the surgery field.

Not bad.

Su Yajuan has a talent for surgery. She usually performs some minor operations and treats wounds. Now she is officially on the operating table, and she actually looks good.

She cleans the surgical field very carefully, not much worse than Yi Luxi and other plastic surgeons.

Liu Muqiao worked very seriously. For several hours, except for occasionally making requests to Su Yajuan, he basically said nothing.

Anesthesiologists and nurses are accustomed to Liu Miqiao's style, and he can go without saying a word for dozens of hours.

It would be different for other doctors. The atmosphere in the operating room is much more lively. They tell jokes, talk about daily life, and talk about the news. The atmosphere is very relaxed.

But Liu Muqiao is different. He usually doesn't like to chat. Although he has many jokes in his stomach, he has only told 3 in total.

First, because of his nature, Liu Miqiao has not been a talkative person since he was a child.

Second, he doesn't like to joke around in a serious environment like surgery. It's better to be cautious. Sometimes the patient is still awake despite spinal anesthesia. Joking at this time will make the patient uncomfortable.

Third, and more importantly, he was worried about making a mistake. If the joke contained too much gold and he burst out laughing, his hand shook and his blood vessels or organs were severed, it would be a big accident.

There is also a fourth reason. He hopes that others will watch the operation carefully. Every time, he is teaching. Others have a rare opportunity to perform an operation with him, so you still have the opportunity to waste it?

In fact, even the doctors who follow Liu Muxiao in surgery, even those who are usually more active, will be assimilated by Liu Muxiao involuntarily.

However, today's surgery was really boring. The anesthesiologist was idle and sleepy.

Circulating nurses do not have the opportunity to make rounds. They sit on a round stool for half an hour and do not find opportunities to move around, which will cause back pain.

The most difficult thing is for the instrument technician. It takes a long time to change an instrument. In many cases, Liu Maqiao only needs half an hour to make a pair of tweezers and a knife.

This is the first time Su Yajuan has undergone such an operation.

At first, I was a little curious.

Plastic surgery is different from general surgery. The purpose of general surgery is to remove diseased tissue, and the person who is operated on is called the patient.

Plastic surgery is not called a patient, but a customer. The goal of the surgery is to adjust the tissue structure. In the eyes of surgeons, this is a high-end surgery.

Gradually lost interest.

Su Yajuan did odd jobs and had nothing to do most of the time. In addition, she could not see the reason for the operation. As time went by, she began to feel numb, confused, and even a little sleepy.

Look at the time, 10 hours have passed.

Nurses and anesthesiologists begin to change shifts.

Su Yajuan cannot be replaced, she has no one to replace her.

"Are you tired?"

It’s so easy, Liu Miqiao said something.

"I'm not very tired. It's just that I dozed off a little." Su Yajuan said truthfully.

"Well, then you go and sleep for half an hour." It's not a big problem if Liu Miqiao doesn't have anyone to help him. Let Su Yajuan sleep for a while and it won't delay the important matter.

"If you don't sleep, since you're on the operating table, sleeping is unreasonable. If word spreads, you can't afford to lose face." Su Yajuan said with a smile.

"It's okay. Zhu Yaguang often takes a short nap, 5 minutes or 10 minutes, to regain his energy." Liu Miqiao said.

"No, it's only 10 hours. You didn't sleep all night last night. How come you're still in such good spirits?",

"Me, you can't compare with me."

In terms of not sleeping, no one can compare with Liu Muqiao. He already has dozens of kilograms of Huiqi pills in his pocket, which can last for several months if he cooks them.

After saying a few words, he fell silent again.

The new anesthetist, nurse, and instrument technician are in high spirits.

They are used to Liu Muqiao's long surgeries.

"Hey, Liu Muqiao, you are too serious about doing surgery. Can you relax a little? Can I tell you a story?" Su Yajuan said suddenly.

If this continues, she will really doze off.

This chapter has been completed!
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