Chapter 1172 He is dead

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Although the situation at Liu Miqiao's side is encouraging, one dose of Tian Lai Needle for seriously ill patients can basically stabilize their condition and make it develop in a positive direction. Patients with mild symptoms can also stop the progression of their disease and slowly recover by experiencing the Tian Lai Needle by their side.


But the problem is that Liu Muqiao still has a dozen seriously ill patients in front of him. He had already given up on them and put them in the two rooms behind to wait for death.

To cure so many patients, Liu Miqiao had to do Tianlai acupuncture more than ten times.

Although it only takes more than ten minutes to perform Tianlai Acupuncture from start to finish, it is very physically demanding, and there is another problem. Liu Miqiao cannot do it without restraint.

The Tianlai acupuncture stimulates the patient's cells, and it also stimulates Liu Miqiao's cells, and resonance will occur in his body. For him, every time it is administered, he will also benefit.

However, nothing can go the other way, not if it is too much.

For example, eating nutrients is definitely beneficial to the body. Without nutrients, you cannot survive, but what about too much?

There are too many diseases caused by overnutrition. Diabetes, hypertension, obesity, fatty liver, etc. are all caused by overnutrition.

Although there is no such thing as excessive use of Tianlai Acupuncture, just like physical exercise, if it is overdone, the body will not be able to bear it.

Liu Miqiao kept doing Tianlai Acupuncture like this, and the cells in his body kept vibrating. Obviously, this would make him tired and his cell secretion would be exhausted.

No, there must be a period of rest. When the well dries up, you have to wait for the spring water to flow in.

Looking at the dozen patients in front of him, Liu Miqiao had to say sorry.

He needs to rest for an hour.

These dozen patients were all brought here yesterday. They were all brought to die. Their condition is very serious.

Since this morning, no more patients have been sent here, and Liu Miqiao was happy for a while.

However, he was only happy for less than two hours when Medical Officer Fuoqi told him that it was not that there were fewer patients, but that there were too many and they simply could not be taken in.

In the evening, Fuoqi got relatively complete statistics. There were more than 100 severe patients, nearly 1,000 ordinary cases, and 300 crew members fell ill.

There is a ship rushing here. There is an epidemic prevention team on the ship, which has brought disinfectant and a medical team.

Medicines, there is no specific medicine.

After hundreds of years of hard work, humans have yet to find an effective antiviral drug.

Therefore, once a plague is caused by a virus, the only thing humans can do is to create vaccines. Vaccines can effectively prevent viral diseases.

There is also good news, the medical team brought immunoglobulin.

Immunoglobulin is an effective blood preparation that kills viruses.

The premise is that the infectious disease on board must have been prevalent among the population for many years and is a very popular disease, such as influenza, measles, etc.

At present, the virus on board has not been identified, and it is difficult to say whether immunoglobulin will be effective.

Although Liu Miqiao is not an infectious disease doctor, as a doctor who is a multidisciplinary expert, he keenly noticed that the infectious disease on the ship was definitely not an ordinary virus. It is impossible for ordinary viral infections to spread so fast and infect so many people.
It must be a highly contagious new virus.

And it is certain that the immunoglobulin shipped by land will not be effective. What he needs now is a batch of Chinese medicinal materials.

Maybe this is the only hope.

But, where can we find Chinese medicinal materials?

Liu Muqiao took advantage of his rest time and said to Fuoqi: "The only way to save these people on the ship is to quickly purchase 30 tons of Chinese medicinal materials."

"Chinese medicine?"

"Now is not the time to argue with you about traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine!" Liu Miqiao was very angry.


"It's nothing to worry about. If you can live well, is it your Western medicine that works, or my Chinese medicine?"

This is the most convincing fact.

Fuoqi suddenly woke up.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I will apply immediately."

Fuoqi started calling the headquarters.

Here comes the problem.

First, the arrogant foreigners just don’t believe in traditional Chinese medicine. They say, at this time, why are traditional Chinese medicine causing trouble?

Second, even if we take a step back and purchase traditional Chinese medicine, where can we purchase them?

"Look to the great Eastern countries for help!"

Fuoqi suddenly became a die-hard fan of traditional Chinese medicine.

Just half a day ago, he gave up. He thought his life had come to an end. Just when he was desperate, he suddenly met Liu Miqiao.

Liu Muqiao saved him with a silver needle, just a silver needle.

Maybe it's a coincidence, but Liu Muqiao saved 20 people who were about to die and more than 30 medical staff. Mr. Chunpu, the famous modern 007 was also saved by Liu Muqiao.

He is so convinced of Chinese medicine!

His boss is hard to convince.

Fuoqi collapsed and shouted into the microphone: "Stupid! Arrogant! You don't know the magic of Chinese medicine. Now, our only hope is Chinese medicine!"

In the past, he would never dare to shout to his boss like this, but now he is really anxious, and he doesn't care whether his boss is the boss or not. Now the lives of a whole boat of people are at stake.

However, Fuoqi's offense did not bring him good news, and his boss unreasonably terminated the communication.

There was no traditional Chinese medicine. On the ship, there were only more than a hundred silver needles belonging to Liu Miqiao, and of course, two pills of Longhu Powder and Purple Snow Pill.

Longhu Powder and Purple Snow Pill cannot be used casually. With so many people on board, we can save this one but not that one.

Fuoqi has not given up, he will try to get Chinese medicine during the next call.

However, it is still 6,000 nautical miles away from the Eastern Continent.

"We must get all the 9 Chinese medicines I just mentioned. Only with these 9 Chinese medicines can we distribute them to everyone to drink. Otherwise, more than half of the people in this boat will die! Maybe, all of them!"

Liu Muqiao could save him, but with his own strength, even if he risked his life, he wouldn't be able to save much.

In one day, he can save up to 50 people, and during this time, it is estimated that more people will die because the disease is accelerating.

Liu Muqiao has to rest for 10 minutes when doing a job. He doesn't dare to work too hard because there is still a long way to go. If he goes all out now, he will be tired later and even get sick.

He thought of Ellen.

How is she?

Could you be sick too?

She came out alone, with no one to take care of her. If she got sick, no one would help.

Liu Muqiao didn't know which floor and room Ellen was in. Chunpu had also left. This guy might be the first to escape from the cruise ship. Before he left today, he told Liu Muqiao that the headquarters was thinking of a solution.

Liu Muqiao was worried about Ellen. Could she be sick?


At this time, in cabin No. 99 on the fourth floor, Ellen was crying.

She placed her hope in the waiter, but a full 12 hours passed with no news at all, and the person who came to deliver the food was also changed.

"Why isn't waiter No. 72 coming to deliver the food?" Ellen asked weakly.

"No. 72 is dead."

What I got was a thunderbolt.

This chapter has been completed!
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