Chapter 125 Not very familiar

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 Qin Meixiang enjoyed the joy of leading her apprentice. While he was doing it, he explained it to Liu Muqiao.

Half an hour later, the three patients were transferred to the traction room for traction.

"Go and call all the cervical spine patients."

"I have already sent them away."

"I don't understand. What did you say?"

"I've already done it for them."

"Have you finished it? Go and ask them to come back and I will help them do it again. You just learned it, and you will definitely not be able to relax it enough."

"I have almost cured them, and it seems that they are all ready to be discharged from the hospital."

The more Qin Meixiang listened, the more confused she became. In the end, he couldn't figure it out, so he had to go and take a look for himself.

Seven people are all preparing their luggage and preparing to leave the hospital.

"What are you..."


"What's better?"


"Sickness? Can your illness be cured?"

"Yes, your apprentice is very good. All seven of us have recovered."

"What? Don't believe his nonsense. He just learned it. How can he cure it well? Come on, I'm sorry, don't be angry. I gave massage to two patients in the orthopedics department and wasted your time. I'll review it.

I apologize."

"Doctor Qin, you are really healed. Although we are not medical students, we still know that our illnesses are healed. If you don't believe it, just watch us turn our necks."

Several people were twisting their necks together.

After a few twists, Qin Meixiang lost her composure. He is an expert!

Whether the cervical spondylosis is cured or not? All the problems will be explained by twisting the neck.

How is that possible?

"Tell me, what happened just now?" Qin Meixiang grabbed the patient's arm and asked urgently.

"Just now, your apprentice tried to massage us for a few minutes. It was painful, numb and refreshing. Finally, there was a 'click' sound, and then the neck was able to rotate." A patient said.

"Is this the case for you too?"


"You were all cured by Liu Muqiao?"


Qin Meixiang turned around suddenly. He still didn't believe it. I just taught him once. How could he have a master level?

"Liu Muqiao! Tell me, what's going on?" Back in the treatment room, Liu Muqiao was looking at his phone.

"That's it. Don't they have cervical spondylosis? I massaged them for a while, and they're almost healed. I'll give them a few more massages in a few days, and they should be cured."


"However, apart from this, I can't do anything else." Liu Miqiao added.

"Except for this? Do you know that with this, you will be holding a golden rice bowl! You will not have to worry about food or clothing for your whole life, for several lifetimes! Come, come, I will let you be a patient again. If you are a good patient,

Yes, I worship you as my teacher!"

Qin Meixiang dragged Liu Muqiao to a ward where a veteran cadre, who was over eighty years old, lived here for more than half a year.

He has many problems, among which cervical spondylosis is the one he suffers the most from.

"Old Chang, I helped you find someone to do cervical massage for you." Qin Meixiang said to the patient on the bed.



"Dr. Qin, are you kidding? What ability can he have?"

"Don't jump to conclusions first, try it."

When Liu Muqiao saw the veteran cadres, he gave a military salute.

"Haha, people are very well-behaved."

"Come on, uncle, let me give you a massage. It hurts a little, so bear with it."

"Should I bear it? Haha, little brother, you don't know this. I don't dare to brag about anything else, but if it hurts, no matter how painful it is, I will always be unambiguous in my life."

He is a man who has endured great hardships, such as smoke of gunpowder, flames of war, and a man who crawled out from among the dead. What kind of hardships has he not endured?


As soon as he finished speaking, his whole body trembled. The pain reached to the bone marrow.

However, after a moment, I felt the relief after the pain.

It feels so good, it’s so good that it reaches my bones.

Two lines of tears welled up.

"Chang Lao, are you okay?" Qin Meixiang asked warily.

Chang Lao waved his hands, closed his eyes, and let Liu Maqiao massage him.

He did not hum again, gritted his teeth and shed tears.

Qin Meixiang didn't understand how he felt now. Was he extremely miserable or extremely happy?

"Click! Click! Click!"

After more than ten minutes of massage, Liu Miqiao felt that his fascia was loosened, and with a push, the three misaligned cervical vertebrae returned to their original positions.


Liu Muqiao finished his last move.


Chang Lao took a long breath and calmed down.

"It's great!"

Qin Meixiang quickly asked: "Your cervical vertebra..."

Chang Lao turned his head left and right. Although it couldn't reach 90 degrees, 80 degrees was no problem.

"Eh? Eh? You're really smart, little brother. I've been here for more than ten years, and I can't turn my head. I get dizzy when I exert some force. If you do this, it'll be fine!"

Qin Meixiang turned around, pulled Liu Miqiao's shoulders, and asked urgently: "Honestly, are you just learning it or do you already know it?"

Liu Muqiao smiled slightly and said, "I have an adventure."

"An adventure? Tell me, what adventure?" Qin Meixiang asked eagerly.

"I met a Taoist priest." Liu Muqiao picked up the lie he told in front of Director Peng and smoothed over the matter.

"You only know how to massage the cervical spine? Do you really not know how to massage the lumbar spine?"

"Well, yes."


Director Peng is no longer calm.

When Qin Meixiang told Director Peng about this, he really couldn't calm down.

Didn’t you say you can only massage to reduce fever?

Didn’t you say you don’t know how to massage the cervical spine?

You used massage to reduce fever in exchange for my cervical spine massage. I taught you, but you said you couldn't learn it. Why, suddenly, you became a master?

Everyone who specializes in massage knows that one must be a master to restore the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. It is impossible for ordinary doctors, even so-called experts and professors, to do this.

And Liu Muqiao made not just one, but eight.

These 8 patients that Director Peng has checked are all real patients with cervical spondylosis, some with central type, some with peripheral type, and some with vertebral dislocation.

They are all extraordinary patients, and surgery involves risks.

"Liu Muqiao, tell me, before today, how many patients with real cervical spondylosis have you treated?" Director Peng had to ask seriously. You must know that the biggest risk of cervical spine massage is high paraplegia.

"They are my first patients." Liu Maqiao said truthfully.

"You mean, you haven't had any treatment in the past?"


"Aren't you afraid of a medical accident, cervical dislocation, or spinal cord damage?"

Liu Muqiao thought for a moment and said: "With my current level, it probably won't happen."

"What's your current level? How high is your current level?"

"I don't know about this. I'm not very familiar with the acupuncture and massage industry."

"You, you are not very familiar with us, so we should be very strange, right?" Director Peng's tears rolled down.

This chapter has been completed!
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