Chapter 1289 Revenge

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 Liu Muqiao finally met his first official enemy.

Jiang Wei’s cousin Jiang Jianying.

Fortunately, the police officers were well prepared and separated glass and iron windows between the prisoner and Liu Maqiao.

Liu Muqiao was so angry for the first time in his life.

When he saw the bald Jiang Jianying, a tiger came down the mountain and pounced on him.

The glass is broken!

Two of the steel bars of the iron window were broken.

The policeman reacted quickly and pulled Jiang Jianying away. Otherwise, he would have been seriously injured and died.

Liu Muqiao didn't hit Jiang Jianying, and he suddenly calmed down.

"Okay, I'll let you live a few more days. You're dead."

Liu Muqiao sneered.

He was not speaking angrily or harshly, but he suddenly saw a scene from the past in his mind. This man did not live long, and his retribution was about to come.

"I report!"

"Report?" The police officer and the county leaders who came with him were confused.

What are you reporting?

"Seven years ago, the unknown female corpse in Cangshui River was the one who was killed." Liu Maqiao calmed down and said.


No one spoke.

Everyone is thinking, how can this work?

There must be evidence for murder. You Liu Miqiao just mention a murder case and say he is the murderer. This is not acceptable. Even if we have a good relationship, we cannot do this, brother!

Seven years ago, there was indeed a murder case in Cangshui River. It has always been an unsolved case.

No one would agree that Jiang Jianying would be involved in the murder case 7 years ago.

"Don't look at me like this. My report must be well-founded and I have the evidence. Okay, Jiang Jianying, go in and I'll show it to you. Please look at me carefully. My name is Liu Miqiao. Come to the King of Hell."

When you report there, you can tell me my name. I am the one who sent you to the King of Hell. Seven years ago, the woman you killed entrusted me with a dream. I know all about the process of your crime."

The police officer had no reaction, but Jiang Jianying was different. These few words were like thunder. He staggered, his feet went weak, and his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

For seven years, he has been worried that he killed that woman. Although he did it very skillfully, all the tools for committing the crime were buried in Zhushan, and it is impossible for anyone to find her there.

It was later proven that the police officers did not notice that place at all.

After three years of being on tenterhooks, he gradually became relieved and only occasionally had nightmares.

Jiang Jianying has a big psychological flaw, that is, he is easily impulsive and has a serious tendency to violence. Once he breaks out, he cannot control his emotions.

This has something to do with his mother, who suffered from mental illness. Later, she suffered a mental illness and went missing. She was never found again and has been missing for decades.

He has no maternal love, and his father is an honest farmer who cares about him. However, Jiang Jianying's life is not perfect.

In addition to his violent tendencies, he is also very emotional. Envy, jealousy, and hatred often make him lose his mind.

He hates Jiang Wei.

This time, he went to Jiang Wei's house on the 30th night, drank a few glasses of wine, and proposed to Jiang Wei that she would introduce him as Xiyu's boyfriend.

Jiang Wei's effective way to dispel people's delusions about toads wanting to eat swan meat is to refuse the first bite.

She refused.

Jiang Jianying was so angry that she picked up a steel drill from Jiang Wei's house and hit Jiang Wei hard!

Things are so bizarre, so simple, so unreasonable.

Jiang Wei, who has a high emotional intelligence, did not expect that the boat would capsize in the gutter.

I never dreamed that I would encounter such an incredible thing.

Jiang Jianying did not run away. He knew he had made a mistake and returned home, waiting for the police to catch him.

Liu Miqiao searched this case and Jiang Jianying's life in his mind.

He would not forgive the person who murdered Jiang Wei, no matter how deserving of sympathy, Liu Miqiao would not sympathize. He described to the police the details of Jiang Jianying's crime committed seven years ago, as well as the physical evidence and witness.

Of course the police were dubious.

How is this possible?

This is impossible!

How could Liu Muqiao know all the details of the case in Shixian County 7 years ago?

It is already rare to know that this case exists. Even people in Shixian County have gradually forgotten about it.

However, the details Liu Muqiao said, especially the conclusions drawn from the autopsy examination, were completely consistent, almost word-for-word.

This case has never been solved. It stands to reason that autopsy examinations are confidential and have been sealed for 6 or 7 years.

How could Liu Muqiao know so much?

Although they didn't believe it, the police still found physical evidence and indirect witnesses according to Liu Maqiao's description.

Surprise interrogation.

What is shocking is that all the details mentioned by Liu Muqiao are corroborated, and what Jiang Jianying confessed is completely consistent.


The murder case 7 years ago was solved!

Liu Muqiao suddenly became mysterious - he was already mysterious enough, but now he has become so mysterious that it is unbelievable.

There is a detective named Ye Lin in the province. Now, Liu Miqiao is even more mysterious. He can solve the case almost just by dictating. Doesn’t this mean that he is more powerful than the detective Ye Lin in the province?

Ye Lin, who was far away in Qingjiang, received a report of the case.

He was so horrified that he couldn't believe it.

Could it be that the mysterious man followed Liu Maqiao to Shi County?

He guessed quite a bit.

Of course he didn't believe that Liu Miqiao could solve the case. He speculated that the mysterious man must have received Liu Miqiao's medical help, so he followed Liu Miqiao to solve the case.

He is not prepared to give any explanation, he thinks he is the one who knows the truth.

Therefore, when people talked about him and Liu Miqiao side by side, he just smiled slightly.

Jiang Jianying's murder case 7 years ago was solved. His chance of survival was almost zero. Liu Muqiao did not ask to see him again.

Liu Miqiao had no interest in thinking about a dying person. He returned to the hospital and stayed by Jiang Wei's bed.

There were three more people guarding Jiang Wei's bedside, one was Su Yajuan, one was Xie Min, and the other was Wang Yi.

Several people originally asked for nursing care, but Xie Min refused.

Xiyu was excluded, Zhong Ling was also excluded, and Chen Ying gave up on her own.

Wang Yi is a nursing expert. With her, the nurses in Shi County are basically unemployed.

Su Yajuan was left behind by Xie Min's arrangement.

"Yajuan, you and Jiang Wei are like sisters. She is sick now. She is so ill that there is no hope of helping Mu Qiao for a while. I think Jiang Wei will be sad. Listen to me, during Jiang Wei's illness,

You should pay more attention to Liu Muqiao."

Su Yajuan nodded, shook her head, and said, "I may have to put more energy into taking care of Jiang Wei."

Xie Min said: "Of course, we will all take care of Jiang Wei. But, Liu Miqiao, you have to pay more attention to him. You should know that in Liu Muxiao's heart, there are only you and Jiang Wei."

Su Yajuan did not answer Xie Min's words, bit her lip, lowered her head, and shed two tears.

This chapter has been completed!
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