Chapter 1338 Serving as Chairman of a Company Again

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 Mr. Ma wisely chose health.

He deeply understood that doctors are not equal to health, but Liu Miqiao is equal to health. This is something worth exchanging with any amount of wealth.

Indeed, health is the greatest wealth.

Rich people are willing to use their huge assets to buy kidneys, hearts, and lungs, but who is willing to sell them?

Once you get to know Liu Muqiao, you will have good health. Mr. Ma decided without hesitation that he would let Liu Muqiao own 10% of the shares of Shenzhou Electronics and become the largest shareholder.

After Liu Muqiao understood what Mr. Ma meant, he did not refuse again.

Liu Muqiao no longer struggled with whether he owed favors to others. What he considered was that as the industry grew bigger, he could do it with one company or two companies, so why not just do more companies?

As the company gets bigger, the strength it possesses will also increase, and it will be in an advantageous position in the future competition. In the market environment, if you don't act like a villain, you are already a moral emperor. Who is afraid of having a big fist?

Liu Muqiao helped Mr. Ma perform the Tianlai Needle. No need to say much about Mr. Ma's feelings, he decided on the spot, "Professor Liu Miqiao, please be the chairman!"

If Mr. Ma was still a little skeptical before getting Tianlaizhen, now he has 120% trust in Liu Miqiao. He is glad that he has made the third correct choice in his life.

Mr. Ma made two correct decisions in his life. The first one was that he became a formal worker at the county electronics factory in 1977. At that time, he became the iron rice bowl of the country.

That year, when the college entrance examination was resumed, Mr. Ma asked for leave to attend a cram school for the college entrance examination. The factory did not agree, so he still resigned, left the factory and attended a cram school.

At that time, the concept of cram school had not yet been formed. Mr. Ma mobilized his teachers to set up the first cram school, and Mr. Ma was the first batch of students.

He paid 50 yuan for tuition fees - 50 yuan was a lot of money at that time, and he could not save more than 50 yuan a year. At that time, the worker's salary was 21 yuan, which was just enough to eat.

His teacher recruited 20 students, five courses, and five teachers. Each teacher earned 250 yuan, which is a lot of money.

The key is that all 20 students were admitted to college, with a 100% admission rate. Later, Mr. Ma’s head teacher specialized in this field, and later became one of the most famous college entrance examination repeat factories in the country.

Mr. Ma’s first big decision in life, he was right. He was the first batch of students after the resumption of the college entrance examination at the National Key University of Science and Technology.

After graduation, he was assigned to the China Radio Equipment Factory and worked there for several years. When the factory was about to close down, he made the second correct decision in his life.

He and eight other people partnered to contract the factory. Within three years, the factory escaped from death and gradually became a well-known audio equipment company in the country.

Gradually, the state was transformed into a private one, and after several investments, he finally became the company's largest shareholder and actual controller.

This is Mr. Ma’s second correct decision.

Now, he thinks he has made the third correct decision in his life. He donated 10% of the company's shares to Liu Miqiao, making him the largest shareholder.

"Please be the chairman."

Mr. Ma said sincerely to Liu Miqiao.

"What about you?" Liu Maqiao asked.

"I have two places to go. One is to follow Mr. Niu and his friends to a very mysterious place, and the other is to go back to my hometown, build a manor, acquire hundreds of acres of land, and go back to do ecological agriculture. This has also been my dream for many years," said Mr. Ma.


"Mr. Ma, I think you are still unfulfilled. If you are still the chairman and general manager of Shenzhou Electronics, what will you do?" Liu Muqiao asked tentatively.

"No, I can serve as vice chairman at most. General Manager Zhou Ming has done a good job, so he should be the one. As for the chairman, you, Director Liu, don't give in. I want to be a farmer." Mr. Ma said.

What Mr. Ma means is that he will be the vice chairman and his authority will still be there, leaving the matter to Liu Maqiao. He will go back to the countryside to plant hundreds of acres of land and try ecological agriculture.

There was actually a price for Mr. Ma to join the factory at the age of 18. His father and grandfather were both farmers. In order for Mr. Ma to join the factory, the two of them discussed and raised a fat pig. During the Chinese New Year, they killed the pig, from head to pig.

The tails were all given to the director of the electronics factory in the county. When the director was so excited, he regarded Mr. Ma as his godson.

If your godson wants to find a job, being the godfather of a factory director is not just a sentence?

Therefore, it was a bit risky for Mr. Ma to resign.

Although Mr. Ma has never been a farmer for a day, he has the blood of a farmer and is full of farmer genes. He is very interested in farming.

Of course, he does not want to be a traditional farmer, but a new type of ecological farmer.

Liu Miqiao thought for a moment and said: "Mr. Ma, since you have chosen health, I simply recommend you to go to a place where you can kill two birds with one stone. There, you can also be a farmer. Being a farmer there is definitely ecological agriculture."<



"Jianyang City."

"Jianyang City? Where is Jianyang City?"

"This is where Mr. Niu practices."

Are there any doubts about this? It really kills two birds with one stone.

There is farmland on the outskirts of Jianyang City, which is publicly owned. Whoever grows it will only need to apply for approval. Jianyang City purchases the rice, corn, and sorghum at a very high price.

Of course, there are very few people who farm there to make money. Most of them do it to kill time or find fun in labor.

Making money is not the correct value in Jianyang City. Even labor is despised. Life lies in stillness. What do you mean by labor?

Why did Liu Muqiao agree to send Mr. Ma to Jianyang City?

Does he have this strength?

Liu Muqiao did not dare to say that he had the ability to send someone to Jianyang City, but he felt that his weight had increased now. With three chairman of the board and his status as a famous doctor, recommending someone to Jianyang City should not be a problem.

He knows that finding No. 09 can basically be done.

Another day passed, and Liu Miqiao had not received the notice to go to Jianyang City. However, during this gap, Liu Miqiao helped Mr. Ma get two certificates to go to Jianyang City.

The couple will live permanently in Jianyang City.

Since there was such a good thing, Mr. Ma made another decision. He divided his other 8% shares into two shares, giving 4% to Liu Miqiao and keeping 4% points for himself. These 4 points were reserved for Jianyang City.

, in the future, more than one billion yuan can be provided to Jianyang City every year.

Mr. Ma took Liu Miqiao to the Shenzhou Electronics Company headquartered in Beijing to hold a board meeting. The whole meeting was surprising to other directors, but the meeting went smoothly because Mr. Ma introduced Liu Muchiao and made it clear why he left the company.


He is also the second largest shareholder.

No one from the shareholders stood up to oppose, no one wanted to offend a person who was known as a miracle doctor, and no one wanted to offend his immediate boss, not to mention a legendary boss.

When Liu Muqiao learned that there was fierce competition between Shenzhou Electronics and Oriental Electronic Technology, a subsidiary of Liu Hanmo Fuxin Weiye Group, Liu Muqiao wanted to laugh.

What, Liu Hanmo, why are we so destined?

If I take over a company, am I your enemy?

This chapter has been completed!
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