Chapter 136 Kumamotoji’s three recipes

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 The next day’s Qingdao Hairdressing Conference went smoothly and was very popular. It can treat the sequelae of stroke. This is not ordinary news.

At the press conference, Zhao Yilin excitedly hypothesized that maybe the next Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine would be ours.

The press conference was filled with joy, as if they had really won the Nobel Prize.

Dean Pi accepted a separate interview. He talked in a very organized and high-level manner. Of course, he talked very happily!

It’s so exciting that I can’t stop.

Liu Muqiao attended the press conference. He sat in the back row. There was no introduction or explanation, but he did attend.

Just participate.

Experts have already known Liu Maqiao's weight.

At the last international conference in Beijing, hundreds of experts listened to Liu Miqiao's report, one of which looked forward to the treatment of stroke sequelae.

This success is not surprising at all.

Although Liu Muqiao was sitting in the back row, they could recognize him at a glance.

The most handsome one.

Zhao Yilin is also handsome, but he is an old handsome guy and has already reached the Zen position. To say he is handsome, you have to add the word "old".

Liu Muqiao did not accept too many flashes, and he was not discouraged at all. This was just the prelude to the big drama, and the real big drama was yet to come.

Liu Muqiao wants to know how Johns Hopkins Hospital and their authorities will react.

There will definitely be reactions. This is a major scientific and technological achievement. Originally, it was a joint achievement, but now, it has become a family of Antai Hospital. This is such a slap in the face.

Maybe they will propose cooperation. Yes, technology is meant to serve mankind, but the price must be increased tenfold.

No, a hundred times.

A few hours after the press conference ended, Zhao Yilin’s cell phone, Dean Pi’s cell phone, and other people’s cell phones were all blocked.

They are asking whether strokes that have passed the acute stage can be treated.

This is a problem.

They have to ask Liu Muqiao.

Even Zhao Yilin couldn't answer this question.

They asked Liu Muqiao, but he couldn't answer.

He has to experiment.

Dean Pi readily agreed to give him 30 more beds.

Liu Muqiao also received a call from Qian Sili, Xiong Benji's apprentice.

Liu Muqiao took a taxi and arrived outside Kumamotoji's villa with three courses of Huatuo Regeneration Pills.

"Oh, I said I would send a car to pick you up, but your brother insisted on coming by himself. I thought you had some kind of high-end car? It turns out to be a taxi."

Qian Sili was full of apologies and welcomed Liu Muqiao in.

Xiong Benji lived on the second floor. He collapsed in a recliner. When he saw Liu Maqiao coming in, he struggled hard and couldn't sit up.

His complications are still quite obvious.

"Old Xiong, I'm here to see you."

Liu Muqiao still respects Xiong Benji very much. How can he not respect a doctor who can treat diseases that cannot be treated by Western medicine?

Kumamotoji is not a god, but he is an expert and a master. Take vitiligo as an example. Western medicine cannot cure it, but Kumamotoji can. Among a hundred vitiligo patients, he can treat more than a dozen.

This is achievement, this is true ability.

"Thank you for saving my life." Xiong Benji's speech was unclear and his voice was low.

"No thanks, it should be." Liu Muqiao put the Huatuo Regeneration Pill in his hand on the table, "This is a medicine I invented. It is very effective. The effective rate has reached 100%, and the effective rate has reached 89%. You can try it

, it should be helpful."

Xiong Benji muttered something, and Qian Sili hurried over and asked him: "Master, what are your orders?"

"Bring me a pen."

Qian Sili quickly took a pen and a prescription paper to him.

Kumamotoji wrote with difficulty.

Wrote three.

Qian Sili was far away. He didn't dare to read what his master wrote. This was a taboo. Disciples were not allowed to peek.

After a while, he raised his head and smiled at Liu Muqiao, "These three recipes are for you. These are my secrets that I won't pass on. From now on, if any of your descendants are incompetent, these three recipes will be given to you."

This prescription is enough for him to eat and drink for a lifetime."

Liu Muqiao hurried over, picked up the prescription, and read it.

"One is for treating pimples; one is for upset, anxiety, and insomnia; and the other is for treating bloating and belching, which is what we usually call gastric neurosis." Kumamoto said.

These three diseases are not serious diseases, but they are indeed the most annoying and tormenting, and Western medicine can't do anything about them.

With these three prescriptions, you will become a master of traditional Chinese medicine.

Liu Muqiao put it in his pocket and said, "Thank you, Mr. Xiong."

"Thank me? You saved my life. Logically, I should leave all my skills to you, but I think again, you are already a famous doctor, but you still look down on my little skills. So.

, I won’t mention this matter much. Our Chinese and Western medicine are not the same system. It is indeed more mysterious to look at Chinese medicine from the perspective of Western medicine, so some people say that Chinese medicine is pseudoscience. This is understandable. In the same way, Chinese medicine looks at Western medicine.

I feel that Western medicine treats headaches, head pain, and feet, without a holistic view. In fact, this is wrong."

"Mr. Xiong is right. I am currently studying the treatment of stroke sequelae. I use a combination of Chinese and Western medicine, and the effect is very good. Here, I have brought three courses of medicine, combined with functional training. In about two months, you should be fine.

Now that I can take care of myself, I may be able to go to the hospital to help others.”

Xiong Benji smiled, shook his head and said: "I don't want to watch anymore. I'm going to rest. Medical treatment is their business. I'm completely retired."

Liu Muqiao nodded in approval.

Xiong Benji continued: "I have seen the report. Your research is very remarkable. In the past, I also discussed this aspect for a period of time. I made additions and subtractions on the basis of Huatuo Zaizao Pills. It has a certain effect, but

It’s far different from yours.”

"Mr. Xiong, you are actually on the right track, but the dosage of the medicine is not enough. If you were more courageous, you might be able to overcome this medical problem."

Kumamotoji chuckled, "That's all my achievements. It will be difficult to go further! You are different. Your achievements will be greater in the future. The Nobel Prize may be yours."

Liu Muqiao said a few words of humility.

Xiong Benji waved his hand again, asking for money to come over.

Qian Sili turned his ear and asked: "Master, what are your orders?"

Xiong Benji said: "Go upstairs and find the notebook I had ten years ago, the one with the cowhide cover. I have something to say."

Qian Sili was stunned. He couldn't even read this notebook. Why would he find it now? Should he give it to Liu Muqiao?

However, he could not show any doubt and hurried up to the third floor.

"Liu Muqiao, I deliberately gave away Qian Sili. I want to discuss something with you. Can Qian Sili join your team?"

Liu Muqiao was shocked.

"Then he won't be able to become a master of Chinese medicine!"

"Master of Chinese medicine? Haha, haha, do you think I am a master of Chinese medicine? I am just a person who can treat some diseases that are diseases but not diseases, and diseases that are not diseases but diseases. Haha, tell me, am I deceiving the world and stealing my reputation?"

Xiong Benji said, while mocking himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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