Chapter 1400 Don’t drift off

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 Liu Muqiao and Peng Shan still took their own Bentleys.

Ye Lin and the others entered a secret channel, and their destination was the capital.

Someone from the ministry wants to meet Ye Lin.

Before leaving, Liu Muqiao, as a friend, seemed to have said a few philosophical words unintentionally. He said that people should be in a good position and don't drift when they shouldn't, otherwise they may be broken into pieces.

Ye Lin understood.

Ye Lin and Lao Zhao separated.

He boarded a flight as an important official, and even the airline's computer could not find any information about him.

He took out his phone and looked at it.

It has been shut down for 21 days.


Four people, including Lao Zhao and Xie Shaojun, took the simplest form of transportation, the green train, to go home. They shared a soft bag.

They planned to stay in the green van for two days and two nights.


Flower Market Baiyun Airport.

An elderly couple came to the security checkpoint, successfully passed the inspection, and then walked towards Gate 7.

When passing the bathroom, two men in uniform came up, one from the left and one from the right.

"Mr. Ma, please."

"You... are mistaken! My surname is not Ma!"

The police officer said coldly: "It doesn't matter whether your surname is Ma or not. What's important is that you come with us."

The old man collapsed.

When he was about to stuff a pill into his mouth, the police officer stopped him in time.

"I told you, just don't give me any hardship."

The old man is not actually old, he is only 45 years old.

His surname is Ma, a famous brother Ma in the world.

He has been using the name Chang Yunbin for several years, traveling in and out of the country, and has never failed. Unexpectedly, the last time he used it, he failed.

Chang Yunbin was Uncle Zhang's son in Shencheng. He was a very shrewd man, and his predecessor was the former Shencheng real estate boss.

He rebelled.

His rebellion made Uncle Zhang successful.

Ma Ge debuted in Shencheng for just over ten years. He was his ex's personal bodyguard and secretary. Because he knew too many of his ex's secrets, he was soon bribed by Uncle Zhang.

Uncle Zhang did not treat him badly.

Uncle Zhang gave him a very lucrative position and gave him a considerable share of the stock. His status was very close to that of Uncle Zhang.

People who have experienced grudges in the arena, especially those who have created grudges, will leave a backup plan for themselves.

Brother Ma secretly bought property abroad, using the name Chang Yunbin.

He has invested billions abroad and the returns are quite generous.

Moreover, Chang Yunbin is already a foreigner and has become a Canadian citizen.

This time, he was making preparations when there was some news.

However, they overestimated themselves. He always believed that Uncle Zhang was capable of settling things.

In fact, Uncle Zhang almost settled it.

They caught Xie Shaojun and obtained Ye Lin's address from Xie Shaojun. Unfortunately, the gunman rushed there and Ye Lin just left.

They prepared another plan to lure Ye Lin to rescue Xie Shaojun. Unexpectedly, Liu Miqiao was not included in their plan, and in the end, Xie Shaojun escaped successfully.

It’s over!

It’s really over!

Brother Ma understands that the dream of being a foreigner is shattered, and even the dream of being a human being is shattered.

There is a blood debt in his hands.

He is a hound in Uncle Zhang's hands.

Just as he was caught in the net, a bigger fish was also caught.

The second-in-command of the Uncle Zhang Group was arrested in a villa in a remote small county.

He couldn't figure out how he was discovered.

He bought a house in someone else's name in a small county town. Not even his family knew about it, and no one in the company knew about it, not even his boss, Uncle Zhang.

It can be said that since he is hiding in a small county, it is impossible for him to be known.

But in fact, he was taken away and imprisoned in the police station.

He really couldn't figure out what was wrong.

There is indeed nothing wrong with him.

Is the detective really that powerful?

In the prison car, he was still looking for his own loopholes, but he couldn't find any loopholes at all.

There are many people like him who have been arrested.

Half of the management of Forest Real Estate has joined the police station.

Mr. Song listened blankly to the report.

He never believed that so many of his men would be involved in serious criminal cases.

Where is Uncle Zhang?

Whenever he encounters difficulties, Mr. Song will think of Uncle Zhang.

However, the one who got into trouble this time was Uncle Zhang himself.

Who can save him?

He must be rescued.

Uncle Zhang helped him solve many problems. Now, he has to help Uncle Zhang solve difficult problems.

Uncle Zhang's problem may be a life-threatening problem. He knows clearly that he shouldn't intervene, but he still wants to rescue.

He made a phone call and asked this person to take action.

"I don't know, I can ask." The person who answered really didn't know the case.

He made another call.

The answer is exactly the same.

Several important people don't know about this.

Hope ignited in Mr. Song’s heart.

Since they don't know, it means that this case is being carried out by low-level people.

Uncle Zhang has been missing for 3 or 4 weeks.

Mr. Song didn’t know where he went.

The last time I saw him was a month ago, at an ordinary board meeting, Uncle Zhang said, "I'm going to take some time off."

"Where?" Mr. Song asked casually.

"Hawaii Island." Uncle Zhang's answer seemed casual. Now that I think about it, this sentence was perfunctory.

Mr. Song can't figure out where he went.

Mr. Song was so worried about Uncle Zhang that he didn't even remember how many phone calls he made. Among them, there were at least five people who could have saved Uncle Zhang's life.

However, the information that came back was very bad.

These people didn't even figure out who was presiding over this matter.

Ye Lin, the so-called detective, is also missing.

At this time, Ye Lin was living in an ordinary hotel in the capital. He met the person he wanted to see, an important figure in the ministry.

"Are you sure?"


"Is all the evidence complete?"


"You have to think clearly, we can't move unless we are 100% sure."

"Leader, don't worry, I'm 100% sure."

"Oh, okay, I'll consider closing the net. I completely believe the clues you provided, so I didn't send anyone to monitor because I was worried about alerting others."

"The clues are absolutely reliable."

"Okay, I'll notify you to close the net. Ye Lin, come to the ministry and take charge of the criminal investigation."

"Thank you for your love, leadership."

"After this case is over, you will report to the ministry."

"But, leader, I still hope to train at the grassroots level for a while."


"Hope you understand."

"Understood? Are you kidding me?"

"No kidding, I really want to exercise at the grassroots level."

"Do you still need to exercise? I think I am very powerful. I have been in the ministry for 21 years, but compared with you, I am far behind. Do you still need to exercise?"

"No, you must understand me, because I know my shortcomings. Now, I sometimes have some inspiration in Qingjiang City, but when I get to the ministry, I worry that there are talents everywhere, but I can't let go.

If the inspiration doesn’t come, I will let down your love.”

This chapter has been completed!
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