Chapter 1421 Don’t tolerate others

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 The more Liu Muqiao worked, the more determined Liu Muqiao became.

"I will only use Huatuo Regeneration Pills to apply. If it doesn't work, then I will give up your award." Liu Muqiao said.

"The Nobel Prize would also ask for this!" the other party said.

"Then I would rather not get the Nobel Prize!"

The other party was speechless.

They have never seen such a person. Not only have they not seen him, they have never heard of him.

They were wondering if there was something wrong with this young man's brain?

In their view, Liu Miqiao's insistence on using traditional Chinese medicine to apply for awards is incredible. In a world where modern medicine is so advanced, Liu Miqiao himself is a person with many advanced Western medicine skills. How can he be so persistent in traditional Chinese medicine?<


What is this kind of unreasonable persistence if not mental stubbornness?

Ideal obsessive-compulsive disorder!

This is a new medical term just invented by the Lasker Foundation staff.

They thought this was Liu Miqiao's stupid Egyptian plot.

Confined thinking is the result of constricted thinking.

It's such a pity that Liu Muqiao should have won the grand prize. As long as he disclosed the molecular structure of the active ingredient, the grand prize would be on his head.

Although it is only a mere US$250,000, who is going for this bonus?

Honor, the top academic award in the medical field, is a lifelong honor, a grand prize that establishes the reputation of the world's top medical scientists. Who doesn't cherish it?

Moreover, this is the step to the Nobel Prize. After winning the Lasker Prize, you can touch the golden edge of the Nobel Prize.

The Nobel Prize is a person’s ultimate honor.

Isn’t Liu Muqiao stupid?

So silly!

Don’t give up yet and continue doing his work.

"Mr. Liu, your research is really recognized by us. Please think again and don't let this opportunity pass rashly. You should know the weight of this award. It is usually called a Little Nobel Prize. You

There is no need to let go of this reward. I don’t think you are just trying to give Chinese medicine a chance, right?"

Why not?

Liu Muqiao just wants to fight for traditional Chinese medicine.

The treatment of sequelae of stroke is indeed treated with Huatuo Zaishei Pills, not Western medicine. Why should I wear a Western medicine hat on the head of a traditional Chinese medicine doctor?

I, a yellow man, will never undergo plastic surgery to become white!

This is Liu Muqiao’s logic.

Not just for the dispute between China and the West.

He does not reject Western medicine, and his Western medicine skills are very good, but he is a person who can distinguish right from wrong.

The credit of Western medicine is the credit of Western medicine. The credit of Chinese medicine is the credit of Chinese medicine. In Liu Miqiao's eyes, who is effective and who should be used? There is no need to distinguish who is who. Who is useful and who is better?

Each has its own merits, and it is best to use both types of medicine, and learn from each other's strengths to offset weaknesses.

"Sorry, if you don't agree to use traditional Chinese medicine to declare, then I won't declare it."

Liu Muqiao said firmly.

"Mr. Liu, why? Why? You have to understand that we do not recognize traditional Chinese medicine. Our legislation does not recognize traditional Chinese medicine as medicine. We all know that you have isolated molecules that are effective drugs for treating the sequelae of stroke.

You have already figured out its molecular formula, why are you so stubborn? Are you restricted? Or have you lost your freedom?"

Liu Muqiao smiled bitterly and said: "You think too much. Goodbye!"

Liu Muqiao hung up the phone.

Dean Peng Dehui was dumbfounded after listening to the phone call.

Professor Pan and others were also dumbfounded.

In their view, Liu Muqiao encountered an unprecedented opportunity, an opportunity that every medical worker pursues throughout his life.

Once in a lifetime is enough.

Now, Liu Muqiao actually threw away the opportunity so carelessly.

The hearts of these academicians are bleeding.



Almost everyone is criticizing Liu Miqiao.

Is it worth fighting for Chinese medicine in this way?

Nowadays, medicine has modern medical research methods. This is no longer anyone’s patent. It belongs to all mankind. People also ask you to fill in forms according to the current general research methods. This is the same requirement for everyone. Why should you care if others don’t?

What about recognition of Chinese medicine?

Besides, what can you do for Chinese medicine with such unnecessary grudges?

Liu Muqiao, you are too rash.

Indeed, on the surface, Liu Muqiao is too rash. If you miss this opportunity to win the prize, then you will fulfill another person, and this person is likely to be a foreigner.

You won't do yourself any good by doing this, why are you so stupid?

Liu Muqiao is a little stupid, but he is not rash.

He doesn’t want to spoil others!

He had already taught those arrogant Westerners a lesson about the last paper. So far, none of Liu Miqiao's articles have been published in their journals. This has helped the "China" journal, which has risen from the bottom of the rankings in one fell swoop.

Entered the top three in the world.

It is tied for second place with The Lancet.

Prize, I don’t tolerate you either!

Liu Muqiao murmured in his heart, I will win a domestic award! I won’t tolerate you if you win a foreign award!

Although many people felt sorry for Liu Muqiao, no one tried to persuade Liu Muqiao. Everyone knew that Liu Muqiao had the backbone to do what he did.

But, isn’t this so-called backbone stupid?

Only by winning more awards in the world can we feel proud!

This is what strives for success.

The idea of ​​Peng Dehui and others is also right. If we want to be proud in the world, there is only one way, and that is for us to take the lead!

And what is the sign of leading?

Winning a prize!

The party is over.

Wan Chen was responsible for sending Liu Muqiao back to the hotel. On the way, she asked: "Don't you think it's a pity that you rejected the Lasker Foundation? My teacher, Dean Peng, almost nominated him last time. He spent a lot of effort and invited many experts.

I recommended it, but in the end it fell short and I didn’t even get the chance to be nominated. It’s a pity that the teacher was depressed for a long time because of this matter.”

Liu Muqiao said: "How many awards has your teacher won in total?"

Wan Chen said: "My teacher has won many awards, including trophies, certificates and medals. He has a showroom with 78 of them."

"What kind of awards are these?"

"He has won most awards, including the domestic Wu Jieping Award, the National Second Prize, many provincial and municipal awards, and more than a dozen international awards. Unfortunately, there is no Lasker Award or Nobel Prize. This is the teacher's biggest regret.

"Wan Chen said while driving.

Liu Muqiao said: "I gave him 15 prescriptions for good clinical use. Wan Chen, I guarantee that your master will still get the Lasker Award in this life."

"Are the 15 prescriptions you gave us really magical?"

"Sure, my Antai Hospital uses these 15 prescriptions."

"Then why did you give us such good results? I still don't understand!"

Liu Muqiao smiled and said: "Wan Chen, slowly you will understand me. I sincerely let more patients get good treatment. You have more patients here. I will give you the prescription. You are the most suitable one."

As for the candidate, I really don’t care about the results.”

There are so many things that Liu Muqiao can declare results for.

This chapter has been completed!
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