Chapter 1432 Zou Qingxiang also won the award

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 A week later, Liu Muqiao received a notice that his achievement was nominated for the first prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award, and an expert team was about to station at Antai Hospital for data verification.

This is a must.

Sun Tao, the plenipotentiary representative of Liu Muqiao, received the expert team. They are planning to investigate here for a month. They will not only check relevant information in the hospital, but also visit the patients.

Liu Muqiao left the country.

He, Zhao Yilin, and Zou Qingxiang took a transoceanic flight.

The Lasker Award Ceremony will be held tomorrow night.

As the other two partners in the winning team, Zhao Yilin took three blood pressure-lowering drugs, enalapril, spironolactone, and nifedipine.

So excited.

Zou Qingxiang seemed to be drunk, so much so that the China Southern flight attendant suspected that he had secretly brought liquor onto the plane.

His luggage was asked to be rechecked.

"I'm just excited! Really, I didn't drink at all. If you don't believe it, just smell it!" Zou Qingxiang asked the flight attendant to smell him several times.

How did he know that the flight attendant almost vomited after hearing his words?

The 40-year-old greasy uncle is really bad.

Zou Qingxiang himself didn't realize that he was already 40 years old and had become a greasy uncle. He thought he was only 30 years old, handsome and young.

"I won the grand prize, go and receive the award. Did you know? I won the grand prize! The Lasker Award!" He repeatedly said to the flight attendant.

The flight attendants carefully checked his luggage, but they didn't pay any attention to what he said. Besides, they didn't know what the Lasker Award was.

There are many awards abroad.

They also met an award winner last time, and finally they found out that their little dog won the "Laziest Dog Award".

I’ve also heard of the “Ugliest Man Award”.

People don’t even care what awards you win.

Zou Qingxiang has been talking for more than ten minutes, trying to explain the significance of the Lasker Award.

His efforts failed.

They gave a few perfunctory congratulations, and then turned away without any expression. Especially, Zou Qingxiang noticed that these stewardesses were not interested in him at all.

Zou Qingxiang was wearing a brand name today. It was difficult even for him to pronounce the name of the brand accurately. Some of them were from China, some were from China, and they were written in different languages, so it was difficult to pronounce them accurately.

Zou Qingxiang’s English is good, but his French and Italian are not good.

He has more than 300,000 yuan in his body, and one of his watches costs more than 140,000 yuan.

When the Lasker Award was awarded to Liu Muqiao, it also awarded no more than two assistants. Liu Muqiao was awarded to Zhao Yilin and Zou Qingxiang.

The two of them never dreamed that they would be able to get involved with the Lasker Award in this life.

The two of them don't have bonuses, but they have certificates.

The bonus doesn't matter, even Zou Qingxiang doesn't care about this little money.

Zou Qingxiang can get hundreds of millions in commissions and performance in the hospital, and he can also get a lot of dividends from Liu Maqiao's pharmaceutical factory. He earns several million a year, making him a real rich man.

Just have a certificate.

Money can't buy this.

Although it is not the Lasker Award in essence, it is just a secondary award, or the winner’s assistant certificate, but it is also an honor!

Zou Qingxiang has been a deputy chief doctor for more than three years. With this certificate, he can be promoted to chief doctor as an exception.

Zou Qingxiang thinks so.

"Liu Muqiao, can you stop Zou Qingxiang? He has been nagging for half an hour."

Zhao Yilin protested. He couldn't stand it anymore and always wanted to explain to the stewardess how meaningful his award was.

Liu Muqiao smiled.

He knows Zou Qingxiang's nature. If you tell him not to speak, you will have to throw him out of the plane.

Zou Qingxiang still has an old problem. When he sees a beautiful woman, he can't control his mouth. He insists on nagging at a speed of 60 to 100 bytes per minute.

The plane flies at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Liu Muqiao watched the video with headphones.

Zhao Yilin couldn't bear it anymore, "Shut up! You don't even look in the mirror. Do you think you have won the award? It is just a proof that you helped Liu Muqiao win the Lasker Award!"

Zou Qingxiang swallowed hard.

He shut up.

In front of Zhao Yilin, he is relatively low-key. His former department director boss is still his boss now, and he dare not talk back to Zhao Yilin.

"Zou Qingxiang, you, you haven't been out with Liu Miqiao for a long time, you have to cherish it. If you continue to act like this, mother-in-law, you behave so poorly, you have no quality at all. If I don't take you with me next time I have a chance, you will just cry."
Zhao Yilin also hasn’t traveled with Liu Muqiao for a long time.

In the past, when Liu Muqiao was an intern, they were together almost every day. At that time, it was really beautiful and worth remembering.

Zou Qingxiang was quiet for 5 minutes.

It was very uncomfortable to hold it in, but he still held it in. He looked at Zhao Yilin more than a dozen times with resentful eyes, and finally looked at Liu Miqiao. Helplessly, he put on his headphones and started watching the video.

The stewardess is now liberated.

It's really annoying to have someone nagging you all the time. But there's nothing you can do about it. Customers are God. Airlines, not to mention first-class VIPs, can't afford to offend them. Even economy-class customers are unwilling to offend.
The management of the service industry is very serious. One complaint may cost you your job. Who dares to take the initiative to offend a customer?

I finally stopped nagging.


A video made Zou Qingxiang laugh out loud.

His smile was a little unrestrained, and even Liu Muqiao looked at him with disgust.

Really, I could forgive you for your lack of quality in the past. At that time, you were a junior doctor at Antai Hospital, a shabby hospital.

Now, you are the department director of the prestigious Antai Hospital, don’t you have any quality?

However, Liu Muqiao glanced at Zou Qingxiang and said nothing.

Suddenly, someone yelled in the economy class. It was an old man, and the woman in his arms was twitching.

The stewardess is pinching people.

Mr. Kong is helping her stretch her hands and feet.

The first-class stewardess had an idea and shouted loudly: "Mr. Zou, are you a doctor? Please help save the patient!"

Zou Qingxiang smiled.

The advertisement just now was effective. He stood up suddenly, but he forgot to unbuckle his safety belt. He was in a hurry before he stood up.

"Please! Mr. Zou." The flight attendant's voice is really nice.

Zou Qingxiang came to the patient.

"You all stop doing this, let me do it."

Zou Qingxiang had already prepared a small towel in his hand - he asked it from the flight attendant and stuffed it between the patient's teeth.

This is epilepsy.

It's useless to pinch people.

The key is to prevent biting your tongue and preventing suffocation.

It will stop in a few dozen seconds.

Sure enough, the patient's convulsions stopped.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you!"

In fact, Zou Qingxiang did nothing, but he received several thanks.

The patient’s family and two flight attendants.

One of them is a first-class stewardess.

Zou Qingxiang smiled brightly.

Hum hum, you finally know my worth?

"If your lover is ill, come to our Antai Hospital. We can help cure her."

This chapter has been completed!
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