Chapter 1440 Conquered by Chinese Medicine

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Liu Muqiao just said a word and left the officials outside the ward waiting for more than an hour.

Liu Muqiao was checking very carefully.

A patient suffered from very rare lightning-like pain in both lower limbs, which came and went without a trace.

Similar to trigeminal neuralgia.


Almost all neurologists think so.

I tried carbamazepine and phenytoin, but to no avail.

Examination, CT, MRI, neuroelectromyography, electroencephalogram...

No positive results were found.

Liu Muqiao did not rush to conclusions.

He first looked at the medical records and then checked various examinations.

Not everything is normal. At least, triglycerides are high, low-density lipoprotein is elevated, red blood cells are slightly smaller, and lymphocytes are more than 1 percentage point.

Of course, these indicators are abnormal and can be ignored completely.

Liu Muqiao, like others, also ignored it.

He ignored even the weak positive rheumatoid factor.

At least, it has nothing to do with this disease.

Finally, his eyes stayed on the MRI film for a long time.

Sacrococcygeal region.

There is a mung bean-sized neurofibroma in the cauda equina.

Hum, the root of the disease is here.

"Your diagnosis was correct. Neuralgia." Liu Maqiao said to Professor Smith.

"However, we used carbamazepine and phenytoin, but they were ineffective." Smith reminded Liu Miqiao that logically, both drugs should be effective for neuralgia.

Liu Miqiao nodded slightly and said: "It is different from the general cause of nerve stimulation and discharge. This patient has a neurofibroma on the cauda equina, which compresses the nerve. It is semi-compressed but not completely compressed. Compression occurs when the nerve is stretched during activity.


This makes sense.

The lightning-like pain during compression cannot be relieved by carbamazepine.

"The diagnosis is clear, but what about treatment? Is there a better way to treat it? Besides surgery."

Smith knows that cauda equina surgery may cause cerebrospinal fluid leakage, and the risks of surgery are relatively high. It is best not to have surgery.

Liu Muqiao smiled and said, "If you don't want to do surgery, there is only one way, which is to do a small needle knife."

"Small acupuncture, does it belong to the category of traditional Chinese medicine?" Smith was a little worried. Traditional Chinese medicine is not a legal medical treatment in their country.

"Yes, it is in the category of traditional Chinese medicine. If your hospital can't perform surgery, then there is only one way, go to our Antai Hospital to have it done. If you don't need to be hospitalized, it can be solved in the outpatient department."

Liu Muqiao is a little gloating about others' misfortune, doesn't he reject Chinese medicine?

If you reject traditional Chinese medicine, you will lose one treatment method.

Who knows, Smith said: "I don't care about this anymore, you do it for me! All risks are borne by me!"

Liu Muqiao was slightly startled. Huh? This foreign devil is a responsible person. Okay, I have made you a friend!

"Okay! I've done this surgery!"

Liu Miqiao's small needle knife is actually not his strong point. However, his puncture skills are very powerful. He plans to use the small needle knife to sell sheep's head and sell dog meat to puncture.

The principle of acupuncture is very simple and simple, it is to loosen the fascial adhesions next to the nerves and muscles.

This effect can also be achieved with a puncture needle.

"When can we start?" Smith also knew that Liu Muqiao's time was very tight. When he came out, someone told him that someone at the door asked Liu Muqiao to attend the banquet, saying that the current CEO wanted to see Liu Muqiao.

It just so happens that Smith doesn't like this CEO either. The last time he voted, he voted for another candidate. He always said that the current CEO is a loser and a lunatic.

There are indeed many people who hold this view.

Chuangpu is an out-and-out mental patient. Only a country where all the people are sick would elect such a general manager.

Smith is considered a healthy person, but he dislikes Chuang Pu.

Now I heard that this guy wanted to meet Liu Miqiao, so Smith was cruel and deliberately delayed Liu Miqiao's time.

This is also the reason why Smith agrees with Liu Miqiao’s practical treatment with traditional Chinese medicine.

Liu Muqiao is ready.

The patient also entered the operating room.

He took out a puncture needle, a puncture needle used to destroy the globus pallidus. It looked like a small needle knife.

"Is this the small acupuncture knife you use in traditional Chinese medicine?"

Smith was very curious, how could such a small piece of metal cure this disease? Besides, why is it designed like this?


"I heard that it can cure many painful diseases?"

"Yes. It is very effective for waist and leg pain and shoulder joint pain."

"Oh, is it so magical?"

"Hey, you haven't seen this miracle yet! In fact, I can use another medical technique on this patient. I don't even use a small needle knife, I just use silver needles, silver needles as small as a hair, to cure him.

Liu Muqiao suddenly thought, what if he shows his hand here?

He was going to give Tianlai Needle a try.

Tianlai Acupuncture is not only effective for functional diseases, but also for organic diseases. Even this type of neurofibroma can be resolved with Tianlai Acupuncture.

In fact, Liu Miqiao has not fully understood the beauty of the six-layer Tianlai needle. Even if the tumors in the body are malignant, they can be eliminated, let alone benign ones?

In other words, his Tianlai Acupuncture can basically be used to treat cancer. It can cure tumors even without surgery.

Of course, since cancer is a genetic problem, he may not be free of recurrence after treatment with Tianlai Acupuncture. The treatment effect at the sixth level is limited. If he reaches the eighth or ninth level, treating tumors will be out of the question.

Now, six-layer Tianlai acupuncture can treat benign neurofibromas without any problems.

Liu Miqiao inserted 108 silver needles, like a hedgehog, while Smith opened his mouth, curious as if watching a magic trick.

His mind was filled with doubts.

You said that the lesion is in the spinal canal of the cauda equina, that is, the sacrococcygeal region. However, none of the needles you inserted are inserted into the sacrococcygeal region. Is there any connection with the lesion?

He was very suspicious.

Suddenly, Liu Miqiao moved his hands and his whole body was shaken - yes, Smith's body was shaking.

Obviously, Liu Muqiao was moving the silver needle on the patient's body, so how could this kind of fluctuation affect his own body?

Next, he was horrified.

His body turned into a speaker, and the deafening sound made him completely locked in the music.

He was very scared, not knowing what would happen, and he wanted to stop.

However, at this time, it was beyond his control.

All the tissue cells in the whole body were vibrating.

Enjoyed it.

He discovered a problem and felt that his aging cells were glowing with youthful charm, and the hormones in his body were secreting violently.

Endorphins, dopamine, adrenaline, androgens, insulin... are all increasing suddenly.

As someone who has been dealing with medicine all his life, he naturally understands that today, he has been conquered by the unique Eastern Chinese medicine.

His soul was deeply shocked.

This chapter has been completed!
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