Chapter 1449 A lot of tips

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 Liu Muqiao choked to death on the air.

An hour later, the Parkinson's patient's surgery was completed.

Very good, the accuracy is close to 90%. This is Zou Qingxiang reaching his limit.

Only Liu Muqiao can achieve an accuracy of more than 90%. He can place the pacemaker in the middle. In fact, it is not necessary. An accuracy of 70% is enough.

An analogy can make it clearer. It’s like target shooting. It’s enough if the bullet hits within 7 rings. You can shoot 7 rings, 8 rings, or 9 rings. The patient’s Parkinson’s symptoms will be eliminated. There is no need to shoot 10 rings.


Liu Muqiao can be placed within the 10th ring.

In fact, it is not necessary. It is a waste. 7 rings are enough.

Zou Qingxiang's usual level is between 7 and 8 rings, and sometimes he can reach 9 rings. As for how many rings he has reached, he will have to do a CT scan afterwards to determine.

When he also did 6 rings, the problem was not big and the effect was slightly worse, which was equivalent to that of the robot.

Now, the overall international level is that if the pacemaker is placed in 6 rings, more often in 7 rings, and at worst, in 5 rings, half of the symptoms can be relieved.

Generally speaking, the skills of Zou Qingxiang and Wu Di are higher than the world average, and their surgeries have no contraindications. Therefore, strictly speaking, Antai Hospital is the best in the world and has no rivals.

Last year, the total turnover of Antai Hospital's Parkinson's disease treatment was close to 500 million. It can be said that it has successfully achieved the goal of creating a world-class department.

Zou Qingxiang pulled out the needle core.

"Not bad. Basically placed in the middle." Liu Maqiao sincerely praised him.

"Thank you."

Zou Qingxiang was a little nervous. Now that Liu Maqiao praised him, he couldn't help but feel a little carried away.

"From now on, you should never ask me for consultation again." Liu Miqiao said, "From now on, you will be the first person to perform Taoshit surgery for Parkinson's disease. If I do it, even at your level, it is impossible to have better results."

Liu Muqiao is lifting someone up and giving him confidence.

In the past, Zou Qingxiang always felt that there was a ceiling that he could not break through. No matter how hard he tried, he could not reach Liu Miqiao's level.

It’s different now, Liu Muqiao said, I will be the first person to treat Parkinson’s disease from now on.

The first person, infinite pride.

"First person".

This kind of title is very prestigious in large hospitals. For example, Zeng Xueliang, the first person to perform thyroid surgery in the affiliated hospital, has a very high reputation in the society. There are too many people in Qingjiang City who know Zeng Xueliang, tens of thousands of people.

Get to know him.

He has been a doctor for 30 years and has performed tens of thousands of thyroid operations. There are also patients who do not need surgery. In total, 200,000 people know him, which is the minimum.

Therefore, there is nothing he can't do in Qingjiang City.

For children to go to school, he can basically solve the problem with a phone call.

Who does he want to see? There are very few people he can't see in Qingjiang City, so friends around him like to come to him if they have any difficulties.

He is also willing to help.

The key is, he can help.

The status enjoyed by the "first person" is really beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

There is a story that the number one person in pediatrics at Beijing University First Hospital was a female doctor. She was a pediatrician and her surname was Song. Many people in Beijing knew her.

Professor Song’s wife is also a professor and expert, and has made certain achievements in the field of orthopedics. Her surname is Gu.

However, he is not the "first person". When the couple participates in social activities, Professor Gu is often ignored and is said to be: "This is Professor Song's lover, the expert's lover, a professor of orthopedics."

It’s been a long time and I can’t stand it anymore.

The year before last, Professor Gu retired early and went to Huacheng, where he would rather live alone than be called "Professor Song's lover".

Everyone in the hospital knows how important it is to be the "first person".

Now, it's your turn.

You say, can Zou Qingxiang be unhappy?

In particular, the starting point for the treatment of Parkinson's disease is high, the incidence rate is also high, and the causes of the disease are abundant. Being the first person in this subject has a really extraordinary status.

The treatment of Parkinson's disease is different from heart disease and lung disease. The treatment threshold for heart disease and lung disease is not high. It can be treated in big hospitals and small hospitals. As long as it is a doctor in the cardiovascular department, heart disease can be treated. The same is true in the respiratory department.

, even township health centers can treat it.

Parkinson's disease is different, especially for radical surgery. There are no more than 100 hospitals in the world that perform surgery, but only Antai Hospital performs Taoshit surgery.

This is destined to mean that as the first person to perform Parkinson's surgery, his status is not ordinary.

Doctors who can cure Parkinson's disease are very scarce. There are only three Taoshit doctors in Antai Hospital, including Liu Muqiao.

Liu Muqiao has no time to care about this disease, so the only ones who can really cure this disease are Zou Qingxiang and Wu Di.

In addition, there are 4 robots for treating Parkinson's disease in the hospital. In total, Antai Hospital can perform 30 surgeries on patients every day, which is a very scarce resource.

There are too many patients and too few surgeons.

This extreme imbalance between supply and demand gives the hospital a huge advantage.

There are so many people using the back door privately.

Therefore, even now, Zou Qingxiang and Wu Di are already celebrities, and there are many people looking for them to use the back door. Everyone understands that such back doors are related to human relationships.

Zou Qingxiang’s family can’t digest the tobacco and alcohol at all.

Wu Di is a nerd. Even for such a nerd, he smokes and drinks a lot at home. His aunt and uncle come to his house almost every week.

Every time they go home, they bring two cigarettes and two bottles of wine.

The cigarettes are good, at least the ones from "He Tianxia" and Soft Pack "Furong King", and the wine is Wuliangye Moutai, even if it is a lower grade, Guojiao, Mengzhilan, they are all good wines.

Wu Di's lover has never been stingy with his own sister. Every time they come in with a bag of fruit, they come back with two Hibiscus kings and a pair of Wuliangye.

Still can’t digest it.

Wu Di's lover's pocket money, living expenses, and children's tuition fees all come from the income she gets from selling the cigarettes and alcohol she received in the canteen.

Wu Di is very rich.

He never cares about money.

He only knows that his family situation is getting better and better, he has a villa, the furniture is all extremely high-end mahogany, and he has replaced two cars. His wife is an imported BMW, and he doesn't even have any problem with the price. He has his own E-Class Mercedes-Benz.

Changed to S-class.

He has no idea how much money his family has.

His wife had an account in her mind. Wu Di's salary performance was more than 2 million on the salary schedule, and the amount he received was only about 1.5 million. She sold cigarettes and alcohol, which was no less than 1 million a year.

This is not a problem with Wu Di's character. There is nothing he can do about it. He doesn't have the energy to refuse when people send him something. He has to spend his time on surgery.

On average, 13 surgeries are performed every day. 7 surgeries in the morning and 6 surgeries in the afternoon. The schedule is full.

Sometimes he would work overtime and make two or three extra jobs, and if someone insisted on giving him two cigarettes or two bottles of wine, he would be too embarrassed to fight for his life to refuse.

This chapter has been completed!
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