Chapter 1510 Duke

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 Six rebels took action.

They took their time and stabbed the king in the heart with their swords.


Liu Muqiao originally had no intention of intervening in other people's disputes, but he was the one who saved Wang. No one can harm Wang without his consent.

Liu Muqiao pounced on them, and the six rebels instantly lost consciousness.

Nowadays, Liu Miqiao and several ordinary rebels are no match for him. Not to mention that he launched a counterattack without warning. Even if they were on guard against Liu Miqiao, they could not resist Liu Miqiao's sudden attack.

Of course, these six rebels are not ordinary people. They are first-class martial arts masters. The crown prince raised them for today. Their kung fu can definitely defeat ten of them.

However, in Liu Muqiao's eyes, they are just ordinary people.

Liu Muqiao's kung fu has reached its peak without even realizing it. With his Wu Qin Xi, his inner strength and mental skills, especially the spiritual energy in his body, no one knows how advanced Liu Miqiao's kung fu is.

He doesn't know it himself.

It only took him 2.5 seconds to knock out six rebels. He himself didn't know whether this result was good or not - the key point was that he didn't know how skilled these six rebels were.

He only had one feeling: there was not much difference between these six people and six caterpillars.

"Martial law!"

After all, the king is a man who has seen the world, and he woke up a few tenths of a second faster than the palace chief.

Five minutes later, the palace was under martial law.

After another 10 minutes, the crown prince was arrested.

After another 10 minutes, the Prime Minister and others rushed over.

The secret meeting ended after 3 hours.

Wang delivered an important speech.

The 36-year-old Chadai was established as the new crown prince, and was officially established as king half an hour later.

The 92-year-old Wang abdicated the throne to his youngest son. Chatai was the last son of the Wang. He studied at Huada University in the capital of China, studying international relations and international law.

He came back two days ago. His father was seriously ill and he had to come back.

Now, he has been appointed king.

Liu Muqiao received a notice 10 minutes before he was about to leave that the new king was going to receive them.

They include Liu Muqiao, Li Liuyi and Su Yajuan.

Li Liuyi was the one who saw Liu Maqiao knock out six rebels with his own eyes. This scene played in his mind a thousand times.

This is not a human being.

Li Liuyi likes to watch fighting, boxing, Sanda, and Muay Thai. Although he cannot say that he understands fighting, it can be said that he is not an amateur. He can at least distinguish what kind of fighting can be possessed by humans.

Liu Muqiao's 2.5 seconds was completely different from the tricks he usually saw.

Li Liuyi has never seen Wu Qin Xi at all. Liu Miqiao's tiger pounce, bear swing, deer attack, etc. are certainly not the horizontal punches, uppercuts and swing punches he is familiar with.

Liu Muqiao's magic tricks are even more amazing.

His speed, 2.5 seconds to complete all actions, including the time required for six people to faint, is lightning fast. Is this what humans can accomplish?

Li Liuyi became even more convinced that Liu Maqiao came from Gaowei.

This is a typical dimensionality reduction attack.

Li Liuyi's mood was very complicated. He was overjoyed that he had discovered a great secret, but he was also worried that one day Liu Muchiao would kill someone and silence him.

As Li Liuyi, who has a very high IQ, he certainly knows which one is the most important.

You only come into this world once, one chance in a billion, a billion, a billion, so don’t waste every minute of your life.

In the end, he concluded that he should stay away from Liu Muqiao and cherish life.

At this moment, all he has to do is pretend to be stupid and pretend not to understand anything. In front of high-dimensional people, stupidity is the best choice to save life.

He plays dumb.

The new king met with Liu Maqiao, Li Liuyi and Su Yajuan, and was deeply grateful to them. He also gave the three of them a monthly salary of 150,000, 130,000 and 100,000 US dollars until the last moment of their lives.

Moreover, they were given the titles of duke, marquis, and baron.

Liu Muqiao declined on behalf of the three of them, but it was obvious that they were sincere and they had to accept it, so Liu Muqiao and others had no choice but to accept it with a smile.

With the friendship between the two countries and personal interests established, it doesn't matter how much money you have. Li Liuyi has an income of 1.5 million U.S. dollars per year as a marquis, and Su Yajuan also has an income of 1.2 million U.S. dollars as a baron. To be honest, these dollars definitely don't bite.

Wouldn’t it be fun to keep it?

They are not short of money, but money is different from fat. If you eat too much fat, you will feel tired. Too much money will only add pleasure to you, and they accept it with joy.

They are honorary citizens of this country, as well as dukes, marquises, and barons of this country. They are people with meritorious deeds. They are nobles wherever they go. They are also people who are received by people, who take care of cars, food, and everything else.

The three of them traveled to Bali and Chiang Mai for three days.

Su Yajuan had a great time.

Because Li Liuyi had psychological concerns, he was like accompanying a tiger. He didn't feel anything when playing. His only idea was to leave Liu Miqiao as soon as possible.

He now understands why Mr. Niu, Mr. Yang, and Mr. Ma all gave their companies to Liu Miqiao. They must have discovered Liu Miqiao's secret. In front of the Gaowei people, it is impossible not to give it.

I couldn't figure it out in the past, but now I can figure it out, and it makes sense.

Another problem has also been solved.

Liu Muqiao is still a business wizard. If he is not a wizard, who is? Maybe, high-dimensional people can possess many kinds of skills at the same time.

After playing for three days, Li Liuyi took another flight and left first. Liu Maqiao took Su Yajuan and the team they brought with him.

Liu Muqiao now has the status of "Duke".

"Liu Muqiao, I think Li Liuyi has a strange feeling." Su Yajuan often met Li Liuyi in the past, but this time, it was so different.

It feels like there is a layer of tempered glass, and you can see smiles, but you can't feel any warmth.

"Well, yes, he has a bit of a weird personality." Liu Maqiao did not deny it.

"Is there any conflict between you?" Su Yajuan asked.

"No, it doesn't exist." Liu Maqiao didn't want to explain more.

"I always feel that he doesn't want to get close to you."

Su Yajuan is very sensitive, and she noticed this subtle change.

"This man's IQ is too high. Let's not think too much about what is going on in his mind. He won't be able to think clearly." Liu Muqiao said to Su Yajuan.

"Does he think that you and he are in love with each other, and he is envious and jealous of you?" Su Yajuan said.

"Do you think Li Liuyi is this kind of person? Su Yajuan, let's not discuss Li Liuyi. Let's discuss whether your and Xiyu's majors can be integrated. Xiyu often cancels outpatient clinics. This is often the case.

, will affect the patient. I hope that when she is away, you will also visit her outpatient clinic."

Su Yajuan shook her head and said: "No, patients will gradually get used to her personality. It is best for her and I not to have any business overlap, so as to avoid conflicts in the future."

Liu Muqiao actually didn't want to integrate their businesses, he just wanted to change the topic.

This chapter has been completed!
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