Chapter 1522 Evil Thoughts

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 Liu Muqiao was startled.


He groaned.

It was a panic he had rarely experienced with such fear.

Liu Muqiao has always been worried about this. His surgical skills are only one step away from head transplantation. If there is a donor and a recipient, it can be carried out, and the probability of success is more than 80%.

He is afraid of being known by others.

Sometimes, having special skills is not necessarily a blessing, but it might bring you disaster?

Although this world is known as a civilized world, there are still many dark things. There are a large number of people who need to change their bodies. If there is a demand, there is a black market. As long as the technology reaches a certain level, a huge industrial chain may be formed.<


People suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure, respiratory failure, especially those suffering from cancer, are all potential users. If you change your body, all diseases will be cured.

It’s scary to think about it. A person with a great body walking somewhere in the world is suddenly caught and had his body changed. What a terrible thing it is!

This doctor must be stopped from thinking this way.

Get rid of this idea.

However, people have thinking and the ability to analyze themselves. If you say you can’t, then you can’t?

Liu Miqiao had no choice but to say: "Head transplantation is evil. Let alone doing it, experimenting, even having this idea is evil. As a chief physician, I think you are not unaware of the stakes. I hope you

Never mention this matter again in the future."

When the chief doctor of our hospital heard this, he thought, isn’t this a criticism? Isn’t it too serious to say that I am evil?

"Professor Liu, your criticism is right, but any technology has two sides. Knives can be used as tools to serve the people, but they can also kill people. Nuclear bombs are designed to kill people, but our country also

Did it, why? Isn’t it just to protect the country? As for the head transplantation I just talked about, some of our scientists have good brains, but their bodies are not working anymore. We happen to meet a brain-dead patient. We need to give this scientist a new body.

, why not? Therefore, I think that brain transplantation has positive significance and cannot be said to be evil."

The chief doctor of our hospital said a lot of truth, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

Liu Muqiao became angry and said: "I tell you, you are a childish idea, the world is not so beautiful! If you have this technology and a powerful person wants you to change your head, will you help them do it? What if?

If you don't help others change, do you still have a chance to live? If you die, others will naturally help him change. In the face of money and life, many people have only one choice."

The chief doctor was silent.

He agreed with Liu Muqiao's point of view, but he only agreed. Under the huge temptation of this technology, he would rather take risks.

Just like some countries trying to possess nuclear bombs, even if it leads to disaster during wartime.

Liu Muqiao saw his heart and said: "Don't think like this. When you have a certain technology, you will know whether it is a blessing or a curse. Why is genetic technology not allowed to be used on the human body? Even for treatment

Some kind of genetic disease! Why is human cloning not allowed? Because there are ethical issues and social security issues. Dr. Xiao, let me tell you, don’t talk about head transplantation at this point anymore. You are

Doctors who perform cervical spine surgeries are the closest people to performing head transplants. If you talk too much about it, it’s not good, and you shouldn’t even try to do it!”

Liu Muqiao said it very seriously.

However, these words did not have a strong deterrent effect. At this moment, the chief physician was having a dream. He was thinking, if I had Liu Maqiao's skills, I would try to do a head transplant——

Experiment in secret, if it succeeds, I will be rich and wealthy.

This is what he thinks, but he is duplicitous and only promises.

His eyes were fixed on Liu Miqiao's every move, and he secretly made up his mind to learn to be as skilled as Liu Miqiao.

The first step was to apply for further study at Antai Hospital.

The second step is to conduct experiments on animals.

If he succeeds, he plans to build an underground hospital to change the bodies of powerful people - of course, the powerful people he refers to are from abroad.

If you undergo 3 or 4 head transplants in your lifetime, you will have prosperity and wealth.

Hehe, hehe!

The operation went smoothly. At 12 hours, Liu Maqiao proposed to take a rest, drink milk, replenish his strength, and also reminded the chief doctor of our hospital.

"I used to see a foreign doctor for a head transplant. He was the one who was closest to success. However, I heard recently that this man is crazy. Do you know why?"

Liu Miqiao is not making up the story. Indeed, that year Liu Miqiao was making flying knives in the Middle East and met a French professor who was doing head transplants.

He invited Liu Muqiao.

Rejected by Liu Muqiao.

There was no news from him for a long time, until recently, there was news that shortly after he successfully performed a monkey brain transplant, he went crazy.

"I have also read this report. The reason is very simple. He overused his brain and went crazy." said the chief doctor.

"No, his real reason is that someone wants to change his body and he can't find a donor!"

"How come we can't find a donor? Aren't those in a vegetative state good donors?"

"Vegetative people? Vegetative people are human beings too. Isn't it because their family members did not give up treatment that they became vegetative? You discussed with others buying a vegetative body, do you think it is possible?"

"There are also car accident patients and death row prisoners, aren't they all donors? Patients with cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction!"

"Even if it's possible, is the quantity enough? Have you ever thought about how much demand there is for body replacement! Old people, people with physical diseases, people with cancer - even people with cancer, this demand is huge

There are so many! There are obviously not enough donors, so you should understand what the consequences will be."

What the chief doctor is interested in is not crime, but the market.

Oh, the market is so big!

A huge market!

He was itching, more motivated, and more determined.

Donor, hey, isn’t this easy? Provide it yourself, I won’t take the initiative to provide a donor.

I don’t want to have too many goals in my life. 3 or 4 units are enough. If there are more, 7 or 8 units, won’t they be enough for me to achieve a lifetime of prosperity and wealth?

I drank milk, went to the toilet, washed my hands again, changed clothes, and then started working.

"Dr. Xiao, I have said so much, you should understand what I mean, right?" Liu Miqiao said.

"Understand, this technology must be used with caution and cannot be carried out casually. I have no chance in this life, and I will not consider it."

"You, I know, it's difficult to reach this level. I'm telling you, I, Liu Maqiao, will never be involved in this kind of surgery in my life. Don't go out and talk nonsense."

"No, how could I talk nonsense?"

Dr. Xiao will not talk nonsense, but he will work hard in this direction. Since Liu Miqiao can achieve this level, he is also a human being, why can't I do it?

This chapter has been completed!
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