Chapter 1600 Academician Zhao’s embarrassment

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 The second paper that Academician Zhao pays attention to is obesity treatment, which is also based on traditional Chinese medicine.

Although obesity is not a disease in the ordinary sense, as a pediatrician for decades, I have a deep understanding of childhood obesity. This symptom, which does not seem to be a disease, has a great impact on children's physical and mental health!<


Academician Zhao has not done much research on childhood obesity, let alone achieved any results. During his decades of medical practice, his focus in the first few decades was on the study of malnutrition. At that time, there were so many malnutrition that it accounted for

More than one-third of pediatric diseases are eliminated.

There was a saying at that time that curing a disease like malnutrition in children would be enough to make you a god.

Among the people, there are many local doctors who are famous for using Gallus gallus gallus gallus, yam, and kudzu root powder to treat malnutrition in children.

In that era when people didn't even have enough to eat, it was really difficult for Academician Zhao to see obese children.

Academician Zhao is a great expert in treating malnutrition.

Later, as the economy developed, there were fewer malnourished patients and more obese patients.

Obesity means eating too much, right?

Academician Zhao didn't care at first, but later he discovered that obesity has serious physical and mental damage to children, so he took it seriously.

However, after treating some patients, he wanted to cry.

A great expert who can save severely malnourished children from death, but can do nothing about obesity.

He checked a lot of information and conducted many experiments, but failed.

It is indeed not easy to truly treat obesity. Drugs, diet, and exercise are not solutions to the problem.

Finally, he gave up at the age of 80.

The last straw that broke the camel's back was not someone else, but his own great-great-grandson.

His great-great-grandson is an obese child. He was 120 pounds at the age of 6, 160 pounds at the age of 10, and now he is 18 years old, and his weight has increased to 260 pounds.

This is his failed work.

He worked hard for 4 years before his great-great-grandson turned 10. The more he lost weight, the fatter he became. When he was 10 years old, it was not that he gave up on his own initiative, but that his grandson-in-law politely terminated his efforts.

"Grandpa, you are a famous doctor who treats malnutrition. You have been born for malnutrition in your life. Now, if you treat obesity, you will only get fatter and fatter. Your great-great-grandson may be the consequence of your treatment." The grandson's daughter-in-law said bluntly.


She was also very annoyed.

My self-esteem has been severely hit.

At that moment, he thought of death!

However, I soon figured out that this was the arrangement of nature. When God created humans, he never thought about how any living thing could become sick due to too much food.

In this world, there is only a time when there is a shortage of food.

God underestimated human intelligence. He never thought that human beings could solve the problem of food shortage through IQ.

The human body only has a regulatory mechanism to fight hunger, but no mechanism to fight obesity.

This is a natural phenomenon.

Academician Zhao gave up research.

He later understood that his great-great-grandson was not the result of his obesity treatment. After he stopped treatment, his great-great-grandson continued to be obese and gained another 100 pounds in 10 years.

Academician Zhao's proposal to recommend Liu Muqiao to be elected as the chairman of the new Pediatrics Professional Committee was almost unanimously approved.

By almost, I mean except for two hospitals.

Although Yang Xiaohong from the First Affiliated Hospital of Beijing University proposed to withdraw from the candidacy, in fact, she was just out of anger. As long as a few people come to persuade her at this time, she will come back to run for the election. She does not really not want to be the chairman.

No one is unwilling to do it.

She thought that others would not be so heartless. Now that they have a candidate, she will not stand up to support it. The only candidate she supports is herself.

Another hospital did not agree, Xiao Jianping from the First Affiliated Hospital of Shanghai Medical University.

Xiao Jianping has been regretting it.

He impulsively withdrew from the campaign and regretted it almost as soon as he said it.

The world has not yet invented a regret medicine.

He was counting on someone to help him get out of the way, and even a few times he was ready to go to Mr. Liang to apologize and take back what he said.

He did not dare to take action. There was no personal relationship between him and Mr. Liang, and they even had a little holiday.

Now, people have promoted Liu Miqiao as the chairman. I feel like vomiting blood just thinking about it. It should be me, but I feel uncomfortable giving it to Liu Miqiao.

It doesn't matter, 98 to 2, Liu Muqiao was elected as the chairman of the Pediatric Society with a high vote - this is still in the process of being approved, and it will be approved by a show of hands during the formal election tomorrow.

Liu Muqiao received the notice from the conference, but he refused.

If the Pediatric Society serves as the chairman, then he can serve as more than 10 chairman.

No, the chairman has to do practical things, and he cannot be distracted from doing a lot of learned things.

He didn't want to set this precedent. If the Pediatric Society could be the chairperson, then what about pancreatic surgery? What about hepatobiliary surgery? What about intestinal surgery?


He casually calculated that he was qualified to be the chairman of at least 10 disciplines.

Obviously, pediatrics is not what he is interested in, so he cannot serve in a pediatric society.

"It's embarrassing now. Liu Muqiao doesn't agree." Lao Liang, the current chairman of the society, has encountered a problem.

"Maybe, we think too simply."

Academician Zhao was also embarrassed.

"We can arrange for him to be a consultant or honorary chairman." Academician Zhao suddenly realized, yes, how can he be ranked alongside Yang Xiaohong and others?

Yang Xiaohong is just the editor-in-chief of undergraduate textbooks, and Liu Miqiao's achievements are far beyond what Yang Xiaohong can compare with.

Just by relying on Liu Muqiao's "Surgical Treatment of Primary Epilepsy", he can join the ranks of elders, far surpassing the status of chairman.

"Yes, we can only ask him to be a consultant and give him the title of honorary chairman."

The honorary chairman has no real power, but he has status and is a spiritual leader.

"I also think this is a good arrangement." Lao Liang agreed.

Lao Liang will soon join the ranks of elders. He has passed this year's academician selection and will no longer serve in the local government.

She is also very familiar with Liu Muqiao, a man who pioneered the treatment of primary epilepsy and has a very high status in this field.

Mr. Liang knows this very well.

If Liu Miqiao hadn't sorted out his achievements, and if he hadn't cared about awards and promotions, based on his achievements, there would be no suspense for Liu Miqiao to win several science and technology awards. It would be more than enough to be an academician.

He can be named an academician of pediatrics.

Both Lao Liang and Lao Zhao understand the importance of Liu Miqiao's achievements - in the field of epilepsy, he is a master.

This kind of person should be elected unanimously.

"He won't refuse, right?" Lao Zhao was hesitant. His first proposal ran into a wall, and it would be embarrassing if he ran into another wall.

"Normally not, unless he is crazy." Lao Liang said.

"The key is, as far as I know, he is proficient in too many fields. What if he disdains pediatrics?" Lao Zhao was worried.

"No, if he disdains pediatrics, how could he have such profound attainments?"

This chapter has been completed!
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