Chapter 1655 Too embarrassing

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 Liu Muqiao answered without thinking.

"I just thought about it." Liu Maqiao replied.

"Just thought about it?"

Zhou Yazhuang asked angrily, "Are you kidding me? You just came up with a set of test questions, hundreds of questions, and you just thought of it on the spur of the moment?

Even if a master-level professor comes up with a set of test questions, he will not be able to produce high-quality test questions within two or three days.

It's another thing if you pull it out of the question bank.

Liu Muqiao refused to repent and said truthfully: "Yes, it was an impromptu question just now."

Okay, okay, just show off, I’m too lazy to care about you!

Zhou Yazhuang no longer wants to pay attention to Liu Miqiao.

"Let's adjourn the meeting and take a rest early. We have to be energetic for tomorrow's exam. If we don't get into 32nd place, we will be eliminated directly. Then it will be difficult to compete."

Zhou Yazhuang has an impatient temper and a bold personality. Zhang Lingzhi originally convened and presided over the meeting, but it was she who gave the orders, not Zhou Yazhuang.

Zhou Yazhuang is used to it, and she did the same in front of the leaders at Union Hospital.

Zhang Lingzhi was a little unhappy, but she didn't show it and said, "Okay, okay, let's have a good sleep tonight and hope for a good harvest tomorrow."

According to regulations, more than 90 countries are participating in the competition, and it will take two months to participate in all events. Therefore, the conference follows the old rules and only those who rank among the top 32 in the written test are eligible to participate in the next stage of the skills competition.

The written test is very important, and the results are included in the total score.

Everyone returns to their room.

Because Jiang Wei suffers from sleeping sickness and needs Liu Maqiao to take care of her, they have single rooms right next to each other.

Liu Muqiao sent Jiang Wei back to her room.

"Liu Muqiao, just don't go there, just sleep here." Jiang Wei extended an invitation to Liu Muqiao for the first time.

Liu Muqiao felt dizzy and his soul drifted into space. This feeling of floating in the clouds was so comfortable.

"Liu Muqiao, do you think the questions we asked tonight will be helpful for tomorrow's exam?"

Jiang Wei noticed that Liu Muxiao's face was filled with rainbows, and quickly changed the subject with another topic. Otherwise, who knows what Liu Muxiao would do when he got excited?

It's hard to say.

Liu Miqiao was not indifferent to her. He had tested her many times, but Jiang Wei didn't give him a chance. At least, Jiang Wei didn't cooperate with him.

She has concerns.

In terms of age, she is older than him. In terms of body, can she be someone else's wife with such a body? Besides, Su Yajuan should be Liu Miqiao's best candidate.

She has many worries.

Just now, she said that Liu Miqiao was staying. It was not a special hint, but based on the fact that she had slept in the same room with Liu Miqiao more than once.

But today, she found something was wrong with Liu Miqiao, his face was flushed, so she quickly changed the topic with another topic.


Liu Muqiao did not answer her words, but stared at Jiang Wei closely, with an eager and hungry light in his eyes.

He stretched out his hand.

"Don't... don't..." For a moment, Jiang Wei panicked. She unconsciously took a step forward and threw herself into Liu Miqiao's arms.


Thirty minutes later, Jiang Wei gently pushed Liu Miqiao away.

"No! Think carefully and don't make a decision so quickly. You still have time."

"I actually made my decision a long time ago."

"No, you didn't."

"I've made a decision."

Jiang Wei smiled slightly, shook her head and said, "You really don't. Liu Miqiao, don't lie to yourself, I know it."

"I really made a decision. From the moment you were injured, I made up my mind that I will never leave you in this life."

"I agree, that's what you think. But it's not this concept. Think about it yourself."

Jiang Wei is a reasonable woman. She knows that Liu Miqiao is not telling lies, but she also knows that Liu Miqiao still has a place for Su Yajuan in his heart, and there may even be a place for Xiyu.

Love is selfish, and so is Jiang Wei. Of course, it is true that she, Su Yajuan and Xi Yu are sisters, but she is wondering, can she share love with them?

It may be difficult.

Liu Miqiao wanted to say something else, but Jiang Wei gently covered his mouth.

Stop talking, it’s been so many years, what secrets do we still have between each other?

"Okay, I won't say anymore."

"You said, can we win the test tomorrow?"

"Who knows?"

"I don't know why today, but the test questions in my mind are rolling like ocean waves. I have a hunch that we will win the test tomorrow."

"I think so too."

The two chatted for a while, and Jiang Wei rushed to wash up before it was time to go to bed. She also washed both of their clothes, went to bed, and fell asleep quickly.

That night, Liu Muqiao didn't go into sub-hibernation and slept honestly. He couldn't help but remember everything that had just happened.

Don't dare.

If you think about it again, who can bear it?

The next day, I came to Prince University and found my seat. To my surprise, I was in the same examination room as Han and Japan.

A bit friendly.

It’s not just that they all have yellow skin and dark eyes, or they’re just Asians, they’re the same miserable people.

He never entered the top 3 or the top 6. The best time Han Guo ever took was to place 8th.

This time, they were very well prepared, and all the team members they selected were international students.

The same goes for Japan. Although they have long been a developed country, their best result of 11th place in this kind of competition is all due to cultural differences.

Say hello to each other.

"I heard that you don't have the guidance of the coaching staff?"

Japan's super libero is the captain, and she noticed that Liu Miqiao was also wearing a super libero armband. They already knew that the coaching staff of Hopkins University had temporarily canceled the trip.

This is a big deal, and almost all teams know about it.

"Yes, we don't need it." Liu Maqiao said calmly.

"Man, we are not gloating. We are all Asian teams. I hope you can win."

Japan's super free people are still relatively friendly. Maybe she really doesn't mean to take pleasure in others' misfortune.

Liu Muqiao nodded and said, thank you.

The Han people stood far away. They didn't say anything. A few of them shook their heads gently, probably feeling secretly pitiful.

"I have a suggestion. After today's exam, if some teams are going to be eliminated, you can temporarily rent a coaching staff." Japan's super libero said.

It’s an idea.

Participating in a game without the coach's off-field guidance, this situation has never been seen before.

Zhang Lingzhi, who sent the players in, continued: "Thank you for the reminder. We are already in contact with several teams to officially compete, and we will hire a coaching staff."

In Zhang Lingzhi's mind, no matter whether hiring a coaching staff is valuable or not, it can at least support the appearance.

It’s a shame to not have a coaching staff.

Those who know, know that officials intervened and suppressed deliberately, but they don’t know that they think we can’t afford to invite them, or they can’t move!

If you can't afford to ask, you are poor and embarrassed; if you don't ask, you are too poor and even more embarrassed.

This chapter has been completed!
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