Chapter 1664 Planning to give up

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 Generally speaking, based on the experience of previous years, there are still times when extra questions come back, but not many. There is only one chance in 4 or 5 games.

There are two situations for a comeback, one is to surpass the opponent with a total score of 300 points, and the other is to comeback by reaching 95 points in a certain event with a bonus of 10 times.

In other words, if the gap in previous results is small, the final 300 points can make a comeback, but if the gap is too large, for example, this time, if the total score between the first place and the second place exceeds 300 points, bonus points must be used.

Only in this way can we turn the tables.

This time, if the Meiguo team and the German and French teams want to make a comeback, they can only reach 95 points through one or more items, and then increase the score by 10 times to counterattack.

It can be said that each of the next three questions is very difficult to reach 95 points, and you must be a super nursing wizard.

Liu Muqiao has a heavy burden. He must try his best to score 95 points, because the virtues and laws are super powerful. Their super free men have not officially appeared yet, and no one knows how powerful they are.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, at this time in the past, Liu Muqiao would have imagined the scene of tomorrow's exam in his mind, but today was abnormal and there was no sign at all.

At 10 o'clock, 11 o'clock, and 12 o'clock, his mind is still clean and there is nothing about tomorrow's exam.

This is strange.

Why does this happen?

Liu Muqiao had no choice but to prepare for bed.

"Are you sure about taking the exam tomorrow?" Jiang Wei had just been out for a while, and she went out on the street with Zhou Yazhuang and Zhang Lingzhi.

They have already begun to celebrate their victory.

They have full confidence in Liu Muqiao.

He has led everyone to this point, and the results are far ahead. As long as the other teams do not get a high score of 95 or above, Liu Muqiao will win even if they don't do the questions.

Zhang Lingzhi invited Jiang Wei to go shopping for bags. I heard that bags here are more than half cheaper than in China. Although they are not short of money, who is willing to spend more to buy the same thing?

Jiang Wei was hesitant at the time, but when Liu Miqiao heard this, he firmly encouraged her to go out for a walk and gave her 3 Qi Qi Pills for a full 3 hours.

Jiang Wei came back half an hour early.

"Jiang Wei, something is a little weird today. There is no exam scene tomorrow."

"Hey, this is strange, how could it be possible? Could it be... I can't guess it. Anyway, it's not difficult for you. Whether you know it in advance or not, it's the same for you. If you know it, you know it. If you don't, no one can teach you.


Jiang Wei's words make sense. No one can teach Liu Muqiao anyway. If he can, he will naturally know it. If he can't, he still can't.

Liu Muqiao nodded, "What you said makes sense. I won't wait any longer and go to bed."

At this time, in the Meiguo team, their super free agent was looking at the question. It was a very difficult question. She was thinking hard. To answer this question, she still needed to read a lot of information.

Fortunately, the computer brought by this super free person has a super large memory, and a medium-sized library is inside her computer.

She searched a lot of information.

The answer is gradually taking shape.

She is still a little scared.

If Herman hadn't sent this question and had to improvise on the spot, it would have been amazing to score 60 points.

Herman did not give up. One million U.S. dollars was not a big sum of money to her, but the president was not that important to her. Her speeches a year amounted to almost one million dollars, and she also edited books.

Publishing papers is where the money comes from.

As the president of the Nursing Association, my salary is basically the same as buying cabbage.

However, the halo on her head can be realized.

As I said just now, speaking, writing books, and publishing papers are all paid. There is also a bigger income, which is recommending products, which is a lot of money.

Just now, when the question came out, she, as the examiner, wrote down the main points of the question, and then came to the Meiguo Team station.

However, Herman did not stop there. She thought that since she had done it, she might as well make it bigger. Half an hour later, she appeared again at the German team's station.

The team leader of Deguo has already contacted Herman, and they are going to make a comeback at the last moment.

Herman is a very courageous person. She repeated a business three times, and the third team was the French team.

She knows that with the support of these three teams, there is no suspense for her to secure the position of president.

She traveled around the station like a ghost, then returned to the hotel, took a shower, and fell asleep happily.

In virtue law, she doesn't care which team wins, as long as Zhang Lingzhi's team is squeezed out of the top three.

At dawn the next day, Liu Maqiao woke up on time. He was used to morning exercises.

It's not because of self-discipline or for physical exercise, but a habit. In the morning, the most enjoyable thing for him is to exercise for an hour.

Running, Wu Qin Xi, and physical training all take exactly 1 hour to complete.

Last night, his mind was clean.

There is nothing related to today's competition, just like a calm lake, without a sailboat or a yacht.

Occasionally, there are just a few rows of egrets.

He was not anxious, and it seemed that he would not encounter any trouble in today's exam.

I returned to the hotel, took a shower, and then woke Jiang Wei up.

"Liu Muqiao, are you sure about today's exam?"

Jiang Wei's first question when she woke up was to ask this.

"I'm not sure." Liu Maqiao said calmly.

"I had a dream last night. I dreamed that your test question today happened to be from "Nursing Part 2", which is a nursing review of late-stage care for liver cirrhosis. It is not an ordinary review, but the latest progress. I think, your

"Nursing Part 2" was given to me, don't you lack knowledge in this area?" Jiang Wei said.

Liu Muqiao felt nervous, this would be troublesome.

Specialist nursing is Jiang Wei's specialty, mainly in the second volume of nursing. The two of them combined into one are invincible. However, only one of the super free people can do it. When Liu Miqiao encounters this kind of problem, he can only

I gave up.

Liu Miqiao's nursing knowledge is mainly the owner of "Nursing Study 1", "Nursing Study 2", and "Nursing Psychology". Jiang Wei is the owner of "Nursing Study 2" and "Nursing Skills Encyclopedia".

Because Jiang Wei owns the "Nursing Skills Encyclopedia", she won 6 skill gold medals and 1 theory exam gold medal.

Now we are in trouble. One of the last three additional questions is from "Nursing Part 2". Now it is already too late even for Jiang Wei to train Liu Miqiao.

However, you have to do it temporarily.

"Quick, tell me the answer." Liu Maqiao's memory is good.

"It's too late. This question is too big. Even the explanation will take an hour. How can you remember so much?" Jiang Wei had a sad look on her face.

"You can tell me the main points." Liu Miqiao looked at his watch and saw that there were only 40 minutes left before the game, and he still had time to eat and walk.

"Forget giving up. If you don't get a score on a question, there won't be any problems." Jiang Wei really couldn't summarize the key points, because each link is the key point.

"No, even though it's 100 points, we can add it up. Once the points are added up, the score will be 950 to 1,000 points!" Liu Muqiao saw the seriousness of the problem.

"Because of the bonus, even if I tell you the answer, you can't reach 95 points. What's the point of a few more points?"

Yes, if you don’t reach 95 points, there will be no bonus for points below 95. What’s the value?

There is still hope for giving up on this question, there are two more questions next.

The possibility of a person getting 95 points on all three questions is almost zero, so giving up on one question is not a big problem.

This chapter has been completed!
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