Chapter 1728 Surgery Suspended 2

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 This was the first time Liu Miqiao stopped during the operation to wait for the equipment since his debut. He also regretted that he did not fully estimate the difficulty.

Of course, the key point is that no manufacturer produces such large-sized materials. Even though it is only a few square centimeters in size, the price is not cheap. It is 10 times more expensive than gold. A piece of 9 square centimeters of special material costs 8,000 yuan.

, the key is that molds are hard to find, only large-scale production can be profitable.

This kind of mold is very expensive and the production process is relatively complicated. It requires a senior technician with many years of experience.

The family members and officials outside the operating room were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. They were manic, anxious, and angry.

Liu Muqiao didn't bother to explain to them, and Du Xiaoping didn't want to, so he finally asked Sun Tao to take action.

Sun Tao invited the family members to an office and said: "I'm talking to you. There were some accidents during the operation. The abdominal aorta was infiltrated by cancer cells beyond the estimate. We need to find an alternative material. Conventional materials are not produced by manufacturers.

.The operation needs to be suspended, I hope you understand."

A tall man with yellow hair was no longer calm. He was a distant relative of the patient and an important employee of Trado Studio.

"You are irresponsible! You should have made various predictions and preparations before the operation. You are taking human life lightly!"

Sun Tao glanced at him. He was not used to rushing to speak, let alone arguing with patients' families.

Controlling emotions is an ability in itself, and Sun Tao is already quite capable.

He is not impatient and very calm.

"How do you think we should bear responsibility?" the official said.

"Yes, we want to sue!" The other woman looked very shrewd.


Faced with everyone's accusations, Sun Tao could control his emotions at first, but after hearing about it, he gradually became angry.

He still endured it and couldn't panic. To be honest, he still wasn't sure whether he could get the material. If he couldn't get it, he would have to shut himself up, which would be very troublesome at that time.

At this time, not only Liuxu was dispatched, but also people from the equipment department of the hospital and Dexin Hospital were dispatched. They all had only one wish: to find the person who took the order as quickly as possible.

It’s not easy. The people in the equipment department went to dozens of manufacturers, but they all said they couldn’t do it.

Small factories can't do it, and big factories are unwilling to accept it. Especially when they heard that the goods must be supplied within 2 or 3 hours, many people simply refused.

Liu Maqiao took off his surgical clothes and lay on the camp bed with a mobile phone in his hand. He was talking to Liu Xu on the phone.

Professor Mitri cannot rest, so he can only continue his anesthesia work, reduce the maintenance amount, and keep the patient in a semi-awake state.

"Liu Miqiao, I'm talking to the pottery master of Dongfang Factory. I said that if he can meet our requirements, from now on, we will exclusively buy goods from him. I will help you decide the price. The cost X2 is his output.

The selling price will allow him to make a small fortune, do you agree?"

Liu Xu found a master craftsman who could also make molds. Among the special silicone materials used in the past, he provided products.

To be honest, it is not profitable to make blood vessel repair materials at all. The silicone factory produces this stuff only for friendship. The key is that the amount of this stuff is too small. Antai Hospital only buys a few dozen pieces a year.

Dozens of pieces, even if all of them are profits, 10,000 yuan per piece, can only bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars in income, and the silicone factory looks down upon this little money.

There is another reason. This kind of silicone is a special material, and a variety of materials are added to it. It is usually used to make heart valves.

Different from heart valves, it must also have strong resistance to pressure and a certain degree of elasticity, so it is somewhat different from heart valves.

If you don’t do it, it’s still a matter of sales. Antai Hospital is the only one in the country that repairs abdominal aortas. This kind of business is worthless.

LiuXu talks to a master named Li.

"Master Li, let me tell you, as long as you make qualified products within one hour, I can guarantee that from now on, all the repair materials of Antai Hospital will be purchased from you. The price is easy to negotiate, just give a reasonable price."

Catkin Promise.

"Liu Catkin, it's not that I'm unwilling, it's indeed difficult. One hour is too short."

Master Li is 48 years old and works as a technician at Dongfang Silicone Factory. His son is an apprentice with him. He has been making silicone materials all his life, and heart valves are his main business.

"It's difficult, of course it's difficult. I came to you just because it's difficult. If it's not difficult, would you still be alarmed? If you succeed, I'll help you open a small factory. You will do the technology, and your son will be the factory director. I will

I will help you sell 100 sets a year. For each set, I allow you to earn 10,000 yuan, pure profit." Liuxu said loudly.

100 sets, earning 10,000 per set, net profit of 1 million, this is a good job.

Because there are 100 sets of repair materials, and there are other businesses that can be supplemented, he firmly believes that the cardiac surgery department of Antai Hospital will definitely expand, and the demand for valves will be huge in the future.

Antai Hospital's cardiac surgery business is not large, its technology is average, and it has not formed a large scale.

"I'll give it a try. But, Liuxu, let me tell you, whether I can succeed or not, I'll call you back in 15 minutes."

Master Li heard that Liu Xu was helping him open a factory, and the temptation was not small. He worked at Dongfang Silicone Factory, and his monthly salary was only 12,000 yuan, while his son's apprenticeship only earned 3,000 yuan.

Not poor, but not rich either. Especially my son, after he finishes his technical studies, his salary will only be 5,000 to 6,000.

If you want to be rich, you can't get rich by working.

Master Li thought that his products were the best and he could really try it out. Even if he failed, it would not be difficult to find a meal for himself.

He quickly went to experiment.

The silicone used in vascular repair is a special material, and the production process is very complicated. The larger the area of ​​the material, the more difficult it becomes.

Because special silicone has high requirements for hardness, elasticity, and consistent thickness, especially the smoothness needs to be at the nanometer level.

The average master can make 4 square centimeters at most, but now he wants to make 9 square centimeters. No one really has the confidence.

It was during this gap that Liu Xu and Liu Maqiao talked on the phone.

"Liuxu, I promise you this promise. In the future, the number of vascular repair surgeries will increase. Recently, I took on an apprentice. In addition, cardiac surgery will explode sooner or later. He can definitely run a small but strong business with not much money every year."

It is profitable but stable. Such a company is actually very good. If you think its technology is top-notch, just make a bold commitment."

Liu Muqiao is really not afraid of others making money, as long as he has good products.

Liu Xu was very nervous. It was so easy for her to spot a person, but she didn't know if he could succeed.

Liu Muqiao was also a little nervous. The patient was lying here. Although he was not worried about others causing trouble, it was not a very glorious thing.

There are cases where surgeries are suspended, but definitely not many. Generally, the reason for suspension is to ask for consultation or to ask a superior doctor for support; sometimes it is because the condition is unstable, shock occurs, and the pressure needs to be increased; and another is the re-sterilization of instruments.

, etc.

In a hospital, this situation rarely happens once in many years.

Liu Muqiao never dreamed that it would be his turn if the operation was suspended.

This chapter has been completed!
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