Chapter 1823 House Elf

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 The business manager started buying it directly. He felt that foreigners were generally rich and stupid, so he quickly introduced a bungalow.

"There is a house that is most suitable for you. It is 180 square meters and the unit price is 19,000. It is luxuriously furnished and you can move in with your bags. You can view the house now." The marketing manager introduced.

"Are there any smaller ones?" JON asked.

"Smaller one? Yes! 148 square meters, the unit price is a little more expensive, 22,000 yuan per square meter."

"It's smaller. I live alone." JON should actually be said to live as a rabbit.

"Oh, do you live alone? Yes, it's 90 square meters. But it's a pity that it's a rough house."

"The rough house is the best!"

JON was overjoyed. Rabbits like to dig holes. Not only do I need a rough house, but I also need to transport some soil to give it a close to natural environment.

"19,000 per square meter, but they require full payment."

"No problem, I'll take the full payment. How fast can it be?" JON was a little anxious.

"How fast do you want it to be?" the marketing manager asked.

"How about tomorrow?" JON doesn't want to wait another day.

"Tomorrow? Maybe not tomorrow. I'll contact the seller and try to finish it this week. Do you generally agree with the price?" said the marketing manager.

"Well, the price is easy to talk about. All I ask is that the sooner the better, if you can give me the key tomorrow... No rush, I want to see the house now."

JON finally calmed down, viewing the house is a must.

Come to the building.

Building 17, 31st Floor.

Overjoyed, top floor, no one to disturb.

Entering the room, it turned out to be a third room.

JON smiled.

He was thinking about two houses for rabbits to live in.

Isn’t it said that a cunning rabbit has three burrows? One house is not enough, so two houses are needed to allow it to build several more homes.

When you think about getting home, should you pair it with a female rabbit?


It is weak and is still taking anti-rejection drugs. If you give it a beautiful female rabbit, it will definitely not take good care of itself and will be greedy for women.

It is better to let it live alone and live a life of pure heart and few desires.

I can give you delicious and fun things, but I can’t give you a female rabbit.

After thinking for a while, I returned to the previous question.

What about an unattractive female rabbit?

JON shook his head.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and once you love deeply, there is no difference between beauty and ugliness, especially what if this ugly female rabbit is particularly good at flirting with male rabbits?

It’s better not to take the risk.

There are three rooms, two for rabbits to live in, and one for JON to live in. He will often come over to accompany him, and he will stay here when he is late.

The kitchen is shared by humans and rabbits. Make your own bread and prepare meals for the rabbits.

As for the bathroom, of course it is the rabbit’s exclusive bathroom.

Buy a new-style bathtub for the rabbit. This basin should be similar to a fish pond, and even have a few goldfish.


Very satisfied.

"I thought about this price, and I can only pay 16,000 per square meter at most."

JON is not a stupid person with too much money. Although he is a foreigner, who says foreigners can’t bargain?

"16,000 is definitely not enough. It's at least 18,000. I'll also ask the seller for his opinion. If you agree to 18,000, I'll talk to the owner. If it's too low, people will say you're not sincere."

JON smiled and said: "Don't lie to us foreigners, we are smart! Your price is too high."

"In this case, I will propose a relatively public price for you, 17,500 per square meter, and I will act as a peacemaker between your two families."

JON shook his head, "The fixed price is 16,000. I'll get the deposit right away. The sooner the deal is completed, the better. If it doesn't work out, I'll find a second one."

The marketing manager is a little elated.

He is an old man. He has read a lot of the words and deeds of his customers. There is a show today. Although the price of 16,000 is difficult to accept, the possibility of closing the deal is extremely high, reaching more than 80%.

"If it's 17,400, I'll bid for you. The owner's price is more than 18,000, and the 17,400-year-old family won't agree, so they still rely on me to do the work."

JON still shakes his head.

However, no matter how JON shakes his head, the marketing manager just refuses to lower the price. He is an expert in this industry, so where is JON's opponent?

Finally, Jon compromised on the price of 17,000. He was not short of money, he loved this house so much, and he was eager to find a safe home for the rabbit "Gold and Wood".

This matter went surprisingly smoothly. On the 4th day, the procedures were completed, the keys were obtained, and the real estate certificate was obtained in 10 working days.

JON hired a worker and worked for a few days, transforming two houses into the rabbit's "gold and wood" home, with mounds, rockeries, a fake sun, a fake moon, and a small lake.

The lake is installed in the toilet.

The mound is made of fine deep loess.

The fake sun and fake moon are light bulbs, a ceiling lamp, and a night light.

As for fake trees and flowers, they can almost look fake.

Rabbit "Gold and Wood" made several holes in one night, and they were all connected to each other.

JON prepared enough food: Chinese cabbage, cabbage, white radish, carrot, as well as New Zealand skim milk powder and biscuits for teething, wood, and rubber fake radish.

JON is very thoughtful.

Except for not finding a wife for "Jin and Mu", everything else is ready.

The rabbit "Golden and Wood" is living well. He quickly got used to his new home and became familiar with JON. Every time he comes in, the rabbit "Golden and Wood" will jump over and snuggle up to him.<


The wounds are hard to detect. If you are not casual, you will not know that it has been operated on.

During this period, Liu Muqiao visited JON's home twice, with no specific business, just for a walk.

JON is very lucky. Fortunately, the "gold and wood" were moved in time, otherwise Liu Muqiao would have discovered it.

JON is very afraid of being discovered. Once discovered, Liu Muqiao will be very angry. Although he is not worried about work, it is not good. Which hospital is better than Antai?

JON has fallen deeply in love with Antai Hospital. He has now obtained a new nationality. As an upright Chinese, where would he stay if not at Antai Hospital?

He will not leave Antai Hospital.

As long as he is not discovered, Jon will stay here for a long time.

After some days, JON became restless again. He wanted to continue to do head transplantation. Once it was successful, he would stop doing it.

This time, he chose a native dog.

He prepared for several days, arranged his work, took advantage of weekends, and started at midnight on Friday.

There were two dogs, one male and one female. Finally, he chose the male dog’s head and the female dog’s body for transplantation.

I started working from 11pm on Friday night until 5am the next morning. The operation was successful.

The movement is a bit loud.

He spent a lot of effort just to deal with the blood stains after the operation. It took him an hour and several tons of water to wash away the blood stains. What was left was a dog head and a dog body, which he simply sewed up.

, put into plastic bags, transported to the countryside and buried.

He came up with a name for the new dog, called House Elf.

He was busy until noon of the next day. After all the indicators of the puppy "house elf" were stable and he slept peacefully, he went to the restaurant downstairs and bought a bowl of three-fresh noodles and a piece of bread to eat.<


This chapter has been completed!
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