Chapter 1842 Preparing a Will

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 In fact, Wan Lei’s surgery was not simple.

In the conference room, pre-surgery discussions are taking place.

Wan Lei's hemangioma has been seen in many hospitals. He has been to almost all of the top 30 hospitals in the world, and all of them were seen by big experts. After consultation, the conclusions of all hospitals are the same.

Inoperable. In other words, the risk is extremely high.

Don’t dare to do it—unless Wan Lei strongly requests it, you will bear all the consequences.

Liu Muqiao's first reply was that he made it clear on the plane that it can be done! The risk is not much greater than other surgeries.

Liu Muqiao still says this to this day, he can do it.

Wan Lei's hemangioma grows in the spinal cord and is not large. If surgery is not performed, the hemangioma will get bigger and bigger and may eventually rupture and bleed.

There are a total of 24 doctors in spinal cord surgery, including director JON and deputy director and second department director Song Baibai.

24 doctors and two head nurses participated in the discussion.

As is the old rule, the speech begins with the junior doctor.

A hundred years before the Song Dynasty, everyone was cautiously optimistic. The reason for their optimism was their trust in Liu Maqiao and JON.

They looked at the information and found that the whole world had the same conclusion, but Antai Hospital had a different conclusion. This was something they had become accustomed to.

But based on their knowledge base, this operation is unlikely to be successful.

Even at Antai Hospital, this is the first time that a hemangioma in the spinal cord is so deep, so large, and in such a dangerous location.

Song has never done this kind of surgery in a hundred years. This is the first time for spinal hemangioma surgery.

JON has done it once, and it’s not that complicated.

However, he had 8 examples of similar diseases in his mind, but all of them failed.

This is also the reason why other hospitals don’t help Wan Lei perform surgery.

In other words, there are no similar successful cases among the practical examples.

Liu Muqiao is confident, and his confidence comes from these 8 failure cases.

Failure is the mother of success.

Also, Liu Miqiao is not a master in spinal surgery. A master cannot escape the experience and lessons of his predecessors. He is a master, and a master is groundbreaking.

Liu Muqiao is full of confidence.

"JON, what's your attitude?" After listening to Song Baibai's speech, Liu Muqiao directly pinned his hopes on JON.

JON smiled slightly.

Now, he has become very confident.

Head transplants have been successful, not to mention removing a meter-sized hemangioma from the spinal cord, even taking out a bomb is not a problem.

"I feel like I can win it," JON said.

"If you were the surgeon, how would you do it?"

Liu Muqiao was a little surprised. Logically speaking, JON shouldn't be so confident. JON rarely brags. If he says he can, he can.

"You want me to be the surgeon?" JON said excitedly.

"I mean what if." Liu Maqiao smiled.

"What if? I think I can perform this surgery. If I were to perform the surgery, I would do it from the left side..." JON said in detail.

Liu Muqiao was indeed a little surprised. JON's speech actually made him make two revisions to the plan.

Liu Muqiao felt that JON's ideas were very useful for reference, so he modified the plan in two places.

"You spoke very well. If you were the surgeon, I believe you would do a good operation." Liu Maqiao was pragmatic and he thought JON's idea was very good.

"In that case, please let me be the surgeon. I really want to do this surgery. It's so tempting." JON said innocently.

Liu Muqiao smiled and said: "I can't satisfy your wish to be the chief surgeon. You can be an assistant. Because Wan Lei is a successful man and he made a request. I have already agreed to him."

JON shrugged, looking helpless, and spread his hands again, "What a pity, what a pity!"

Liu Muqiao said: "There will be many opportunities in the future. After Wan Lei's surgery is successful, there will be many similar surgeries in the future. I am worried that you will be bored."

JON quickly said, "No, no, no, it won't happen."

He is right. This kind of surgery is very challenging. He can handle diseases that cannot be treated by so many famous hospitals in the world. With this kind of surgery, he is enough to become famous.

As a professional doctor, how can you get bored with a surgery that can make you famous?

Many things may become annoying once they become work, but if the matter is impactful and stimulating, you will not feel bored.

JON really wants to have this surgery.

Of course Liu Muqiao would not agree.

The reason is very simple, Wan Lei only believes in Liu Miqiao.

Discussion ends.

JON is responsible for the conversation and signing.

With Wan Lei's words, all links became procedural, and the signing only took two minutes.

"I don't want to listen, and I don't want to hear about the possible risks. I'll sign it. The pre-operative conversation will be omitted." Wan Lei signed the signature himself, and also wrote on it: "I, Wan Lei, will be responsible for all consequences."<


It’s very straightforward, and it’s rare to see such crispness.

"No eating or drinking, I still have to explain the pre-operative preparations." JON still said 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

"Tomorrow we will have an operation at 8:30 am. Liu Miqiao will be the surgeon, and I, JON, will be the first assistant. Professor Mitri will be the anesthesiologist, an international super anesthetist. I, JON, am the director of spinal surgery. Originally, I really wanted to be your chief surgeon. I am very

I'm sure. However, Liu Muqiao has taken over the role of the surgeon, so I can only be a helper..." JON really wanted to say, I can also cure your disease.

But he didn't say that he didn't dare to say he was sure when there were outsiders present. Besides, if more people could perform this operation, the difficulty of the disease would be reduced.

Originally, Wan Lei's disease level was very high, and 30 of the most famous hospitals in the world had already sentenced Wan Lei, which shows how difficult this disease is.

Now that Antai Hospital can treat the disease, Antai Hospital’s reputation suddenly shot up to the sky, like a sun shining brightly.

Wan Lei suddenly became a little worried about the surgery tomorrow. Although Liu Miqiao was full of confidence, what if?

What if?

The more successful people are and the more experienced they are, the more they will have this kind of mentality.

If the operation fails tomorrow and I sit in a wheelchair, won’t I be laughed to death by others?

It is better to be killed than to be laughed to death.

Wan Lei regretted it again.

He didn't regret spending the money by donating the ambulance, he was worried about the failure of the operation.

Being high-profile before surgery will definitely create a sensational effect, and the effect will be much better than donating after surgery. This will give people a sense of unknown and expectation.

Whether you expect success or failure, you will track the results of the operation anyway.

This kind of effect is definitely much better than donating after successful operation.

However, benefits and risks coexist.

He started to worry.

In case of failure, I will secretly accumulate sleeping pills, and then fall asleep one day and never wake up!

He even considered making a will.

In his will, he plans to state that all his property will be donated to Antai Hospital so that they can invest more in research on this disease.

This chapter has been completed!
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